986 resultados para solid-state


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Transition-metal oxides at the metal-insulator boundary, especially those belonging to the perovskite family, exhibit fascinating phenomena such as insulator-metal transitions controlled by composition, high-temperature superconductivity and giant magnetoresistance (GMR), Interestingly, many of these marginally metallic oxides obey the established criteria for metallicity and have a finite density of states at the Fermi;level. The perovskite manganates exhibiting GMR, on the other hand, are unusual in that they possess very high resistivities in the 'metallic' state and show no significant density of states at the Fermi level, Marginal metallicity in oxide systems is a problem of great complexity and contemporary interest and its understanding is of crucial significance to the diverse phenomena exhibited by these materials.


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LaCrO3 is a wide-band-gap insulator which does not evolve to a metallic state even after hole doping. We report electronic structure of this compound and its Sr substituents investigated by photoemission and inverse photoemission spectroscopies in conjunction with various calculations. The results show that LaCrO 3 is close to the Mott-Hubbard insulating regime with a gap of about 2.8 eV. Analysis of Cr 2p core-level spectrum suggests that the intra-atomic Coulomb interaction strength and the charge-transfer energy to be 5.0 and 5.5 eV, respectively, We also estimate the intra-atomic exchange interaction strength and a crystal-field splitting of about 0.7 and 2.0 eV, respectively. Sr substitution leading to hole doping in this system decreases the charge-excitation gap, but never collapses it to give a metallic behavior. The changes in the occupied as well as unoccupied spectral features are discussed in terms of the formation of local Cr4+ configurations arising from strong electron-phonon interactions.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out to investigate the emergence of criticality in the single-particle orientational relaxation near the isotropic-nematic (IN) phase transition. The simulations show a sudden appearance of a power-law behavior in the decay of the second-rank orientational relaxation as the IN transition is approached. The simulated value of the power-law exponent is 0.56, which is larger than the mean-field value (0.5) but less than the observed value (0.63) and may be due to the finite size of the simulated system. The decay of the first-rank orientational time correlation function, on the other hand, is nearly exponential but its decay becomes very slow near the isotropic-nematic transition, The zero-frequency rotational friction, calculated from the simulated angular Velocity correlation function, shows a marked increase near the IN transition.


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We investigate the evolution of the electronic structure across the insulator-metal transition in NiS2-xSex with changing composition, but in the absence of any structural or magnetic changes. A comparison of the inverse photoemission spectra with band-structure calculations establishes the importance of correlation effects in these systems. Systematic changes in the spectral distribution establish the persistence of the upper Hubbard band well into the metallic regime, with the insulator-to-metal transition being driven by a transfer of spectral weight from the Hubbard band to states close to the Fermi energy.


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The cobalt(II) tris(bipyridyl) complex ion encapsulated in zeolite-Y supercages exhibits a thermally driven interconversion between a low-spin and a high-spin state-a phenomenon not observed for this ion either in solid state or in solution. From a comparative study of the magnetism and optical spectroscopy of the encapsulated and unencapsulated complex ion, supported by molecular modeling, such spin behavior is shown to be intramolecular in origin. In the unencapsulated or free state, the [Co(bipy)(3)](2+) ion exhibits a marked trigonal prismatic distortion, but on encapsulation, the topology of the supercage forces it to adopt a near-octahedral geometry. An analysis using the angular overlap ligand field model with spectroscopically derived parameters shows that the geometry does indeed give rise to a low-spin ground state, and suggests a possible scenario for the spin state interconversion.


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Silver/metal hydride (Ag/MH) cells of about 1 Ah capacity have been fabricated and their discharge characteristics at different rates of discharge, faradaic efficiency, cycle life and a.c. impedance have been evaluated. These cells comprise metal-hydride electrodes prepared by employing similar to 60 mu m powder of an AB(2)-Laves phase alloy of nominal composition Zr0.5Ti0.5V0.6Cr0.2Ni1.2 with PTFE binder on a nickel-mesh substrate as the negative plates and commercial-grade silver electrodes as the positive plates. The cells are positive limited and exhibit two distinct voltage plateaus characteristic of two-step reduction of AgO to Ag during their low rates of discharge between C/20 and C/10. This feature is, however, absent when the cells are discharged at C/5 rate. On charging the cells to 100% of their capacity, the faradaic efficiency is found to be 100%. The impedance of the Ag/MH cell is essentially due to the impedance of the silver electrodes, since MH electrodes offer negligible impedance. The cells may be subjected to a large number of charge-discharge cycles with little deterioration.


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Interaction of methanol, ethanol, and 2-propanol with polycrystalline as well as (0001) surfaces of Zn has been investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy and vibrational energy loss spectroscopy. All the alcohols show evidence for the condensed species along with the chemisorbed species at 80 K. With increase in temperature to similar to 120 K, the condensed species desorbs, leaving the chemisorbed species which decomposes to give the alkoxy species. The alkoxy species is produced increasingly at lower temperatures as we go from methanol to 2-propanol, the 2-propoxy species occurring even at 80 K. The alkoxy species undergo C-O bond scission giving rise to a hydrocarbon species and oxygen. The C-O bond cleavage occurs at a relatively low temperature of similar to 150 K. The effect of preadsorbed oxygen is to stabilize the methoxy species and prevent C-O bond scission. On the other hand, coadsorption of oxygen with methanol favors the formation of the methoxy species and gives rise to hydrocarbon species arising from the C-O bond scission even at 80 K.


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Zinc microtower and platestacks were synthesized by thermal evaporation of zinc. This synthesis was carried out under high vacuum conditions in the absence of catalyst and carrier gas. The morphology, composition and microstructural properties of the Zn nanostructures were studied by XRD, SEM and TEM. The synthesized microtowers and platestacks were single crystalline in nature. These microtowers and platestacks showed a layered structures consisting of several hexagonal nanoplates. Based on the morphological and composition analysis, we have proposed a vapor-solid mechanism to explain the growth of these nanostructures.


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Magnetic atoms at surfaces are a rich model system for solid-state magnetic bits exhibiting either classical(1,2) or quantum(3,4) behaviour. Individual atoms, however, are difficult to arrange in regular patterns(1-5). Moreover, their magnetic properties are dominated by interaction with the substrate, which, as in the case of Kondo systems, often leads to a decrease or quench of their local magnetic moment(6,7). Here, we show that the supramolecular assembly of Fe and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid molecules on a Cu surface results in ordered arrays of high-spin mononuclear Fe centres on a 1.5nm square grid. Lateral coordination with the molecular ligands yields unsaturated yet stable coordination bonds, which enable chemical modification of the electronic and magnetic properties of the Fe atoms independently from the substrate. The easy magnetization direction of the Fe centres can be switched by oxygen adsorption, thus opening a way to control the magnetic anisotropy in supramolecular layers akin to that used in metallic thin films.


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Here we find through computer simulations and theoretical analysis that the low temperature thermodynamic anomalies of liquid water arises from the intermittent fluctuation between its high density and low density forms, consisting largely of 5-coordinated and 4-coordinated water molecules, respectively. The fluctuations exhibit strong dynamic heterogeneity (defined by the four point time correlation function), accompanied by a divergence like growth of the dynamic correlation length, of the type encountered in fragile supercooled liquids. The intermittency has been explained by invoking a two state model often employed to understand stochastic resonance, with the relevant periodic perturbation provided here by the fluctuation of the total volume of the system.


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In this study, we report an approach for the adsorption and desorption of anionic (sulfonated) dyes from aqueous solution by doped polyaniline. In this study, we have synthesized PANI with two dopants, namely, p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) and camphorsulfonic acid (CSA), and used these to adsorb various dyes. It was found that the doped PANI selectively adsorbs anionic dyes and does not adsorb cationic dyes. The adsorption of anionic dyes causes the variation in electrical conductivity of PANI, indicating its potential as a conductometric sensor for these dyes at very low concentration. The adsorbed dyes were desorbed from the polymer by using a basic aqueous solution. The adsorption and desorption kinetics of the dye in the presence of doped PANI were also determined.


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Temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopic studies were carried out on Na2Cd(SO4)(2) from room temperature to 600 degrees C. We observe two transitions at around 280 and 565 degrees C. These transitions are driven by the change in the SO4 ion. On the basis of these studies, one can explain the changes in the conductivity data observed around 280 and 565 degrees C. At 280 degrees C, spontaneous tilting of the SO4 ion leads to restriction of Na+ mobility. Above 565 degrees C, the SO4 ion starts to rotate freely, leading to increased mobility of Na+ ion in the channel.


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Manganitelike double perovskite Sr2TiMnO6 (STMO) ceramics fabricated from the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route, exhibited dielectric constants as high as similar to 10(5) in the low frequency range (100 Hz-10 kHz) at room temperature. The Maxwell-Wagner type of relaxation mechanism was found to be more appropriate to rationalize such high dielectric constant values akin to that observed in materials such as KxTiyNi(1-x-y)O and CaCu3Ti4O12. The dielectric measurements carried out on the samples with different thicknesses and electrode materials reflected the influence of extrinsic effects. The impedance studies (100 Hz-10 MHz) in the 180-300 K temperature range revealed the presence of two dielectric relaxations corresponding to the grain boundary and the electrode. The dielectric response of the grain boundary was found to be weakly dependent on the dc bias field (up to 11 V/cm). However, owing to the electrode polarization, the applied ac/dc field had significant effect on the low frequency dielectric response. At low temperatures (100-180 K), the dc conductivity of STMO followed a variable range hopping behavior. Above 180 K, it followed the Arrhenius behavior because of the thermally activated conduction process. The bulk conductivity relaxation owing to the localized hopping of charge carriers obeyed the typical universal dielectric response.


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The photocatalytic ability of cubic Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 (BZN) pyrochlore for the decolorization of an acid orange 7 (AO7) azo dye in aqueous solution under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been investigated for the first time. BZN catalyst powders prepared using low temperature sol-gel and higher temperature solid-state methods have been evaluated and their reaction rates have been compared.The experimental band gap energy has been estimated from the optical absorption edge and has been used as reference for theoretical calculations. The electronic band structure of BZN has been investigated using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations for random, completely and partially ordered solid solutions of Zn cations in both the A and B sites of the pyrochlore structure.The nature of the orbitals in the valence band (VB) and the conduction band (CB) has been identified and the theoretical band gap energy has been discussed in terms of the DFT model approximations.


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An understanding of the effect of specific solute-solvent interactions on the diffusion of a solute probe is a long standing problem of physical chemistry. In this paper a microscopic treatment of this effect is presented. The theory takes into account the modification of the solvent structure around the solute due to this specific interaction between them. It is found that for strong, attractive interaction, there is an enhanced coupling between the solute and the solvent dynamic modes (in particular, the density mode), which leads to a significant increase in the friction on the solute. The diffusion coefficient of the solute is found to depend strongly and nonlinearly on the magnitude of the attractive interaction. An interesting observation is that specific solute-solvent interaction can induce a crossover from a sliplike to a sticklike diffusion. In the limit of strong attractive interaction, we recover a dynamic version of the solvent-berg picture. On the other hand, for repulsive interaction, the diffusion coefficient of the solute increases. These results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations.