918 resultados para sistema diferencial exterior


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En este artículo se obtiene un método de obtención de rectas tangentes a curvas polinómicas sin necesidad de conocer el cálculo de derivadas. Incluso no precisa conocimientos previos de trigonometría. El cálculo de máximos y mínimos es inmediato. El procedimiento que se presenta puede considerarse como una primera toma de contacto del estudiante, de manera inmediata, con los problemas con los que se va a encontrar posteriormente al estudiar el cálculo diferencial. Este método está pensado para incitar al alumno el interés por las derivadas.


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Los términos claves sobre valoración y enjuiciamiento de los niños y adolescentes del sistema escolar no son equivalentes en el sistema educativo español con los que se utilizan en la Comunidad internacional de Educadores Matemáticos. En la literatura usual en inglés hay dos términos claves: Evaluation y Assesment, evaluation significa “juzgar o determinar el valor o la calidad de algo” y “ha evolucionado de un interés inicial único sobre la medida del rendimiento para realizar juicios sobre los estudiantes al interés creciente actual en obtener información para mantener la gestión y tomar decisiones sobre programas” (Romberg, 1988).


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Anthropogenically released CO2 is dissolving in the ocean, causing a decrease in bulk-seawater pH (ocean acidification). Projections indicate that the pH will drop 0.3 units from its present value by 2100 (ref. 1). However, it is unclear how the growth of plankton is likely to respond. Using simulations we demonstrate how pH and carbonate chemistry at the exterior surface of marine organisms deviates increasingly from those of the bulk sea water as organism metabolic activity and size increases. These deviations will increase in the future as the buffering capacity of sea water decreases with decreased pH and as metabolic activity increases with raised seawater temperatures. We show that many marine plankton will experience pH conditions completely outside their recent historical range. However, ocean acidification is likely to have differing impacts on plankton physiology as taxon-specific differences in organism size, metabolic activity and growth rates during blooms result in very different microenvironments around the organism. This is an important consideration for future studies in ocean acidification as the carbonate chemistry experienced by most planktonic organisms will probably be considerably different from that measured in bulk-seawater samples. An understanding of these deviations will assist interpretation of the impacts of ocean acidification on plankton of different size and metabolic activity.


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Se ha realizado un estudio fitosociológico de la vegetación herbácea vivaz climatófila supra-oromediterránea perteneciente a la clase Koelerio-Corynephoretea en el macizo occidental de la Sierra de Gredos. Como resultado del mismo se describen las siguientes subasociaciones: Centaureo ornatae-Stipetum lagascae euphorbietosurn oxyphyllae, Arrhenathero baetici-Stipetum giganteae euphorbietosum oxyphyllae, Leucanthemopsio pallidae-Festucetum elegantis stipetosum giganteae y Thymo zygidis-Plantaginetum radicatae euphorbietosum oxyphyllae. Además se aportan datos de Leucanthemopsio pallidae-Festucetum elegantis typicum y Arenario querioidis-Festucetum summilusitanae.


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Como inicio de una serie de notas referentes a la vegetación del Sistema Central, se propone una nueva asociación, Senecio coincyi-Trollietum europaei, incluida en Filipendulion ulmariae.


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Se revisan fitosociológicamente los bosques y matorrales oromediterráneos del Sistema Central pertenecientes a la alianza Pino-Cytision oromediterranei. Un suborden, una asociación y seis subasociaciones se proponen como nuevos: Juniperenalia nanae, Echinosparto pulviniformis-Cytisetum oromediterranei, Cytiso-Echinospartetum barnadesii ericetsoum arboreae, Junipero-Cytisetum oromediterranei adenocarpetosum hispanici, arctostaphylletosum crassifoliae, ericetosum aragonensis, genistetosum cinerascentis y populetosum tremulae. Asimismo, se proponen diversas correcciones nomenclaturales y se tipifican los principales sintáxones de la clase. Por último, se presenta un esquema sintaxonómico de la misma en la Península Ibérica hasta el nivel de asociación, con la diagnosis biogeográfica, ecológica y florística de los sintáxones de rango superior.Finalmente, en el apéndice florístico se proponen tres nuevas combinaciones nomenclaturales: Echinospartum ibericum Rivas-Martínez, Sánchez-Mata & Sancho, E. ibericum subsp. pulviniformis (Rivas-Martínez) Rivas-Martínez y Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. penyalarensis (Pau) Rivas-Martínez, Fernández-González & Sánchez-Mata.


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Los sabinares albares, debido a su carácter abierto y a la gran amplitud ecológica de Juniperus thurifera L. presentan problemas para un encuadre fitogeográfico preciso. En este trabajo se pretende un enfoque sintético del estudio de la vegetación y el medio basado en un proceso de inventariación extendido a los sabinares de la porción meridional del Sistema Ibérico (Albarracin, Gúdar. Javalambre) y apoyado en técnicas de análisis fitoecológico. Se trata esencialmente de mostrar que el reparto de los grupos ecológicos, definidos previamente por comparación de inventarios fitosociológicos y ecológicos, puede explicarse por las variaciones dle los factores medioambientales. incluyendo la intervención humana. Como resultado final se ha establecido una tipificación de estos sabinares fundamentada en análisis dc componentes principales y análisis factorial de correspondencias.


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Se da a conocer la presencia del taxon Poa feratiana Boiss. &  Reuter en el Sistema Central, Se comenta la corologia del taxon en la Península Ibérica.


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Actualmente las empresas requieren estrategias innovadoras, que permitan gestionar de forma integral, optimizando los recursos y maximizando los resultados. Siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, diseñar un instrumento de gestión integral (gestión de la calidad, ambiental, seguridad y salud ocupacional) para el sector construcción en Cusco. Se realizó un análisis actual de la actividad de construcción, se planteó a diferencia de otras propuestas, el diseño que inicia con el diagnóstico, planificación, organización, ejecución, supervisión y optimización del sistema integral. Los resultados están expresados en el diagnóstico de los 3 sistemas, información clave, para el planteamiento y propuesta de las etapas posteriores; estructurando el planteamiento de los subprogramas basados en el diagnóstico integral, para finalmente determinar los lineamientos estratégicos, de implementación, evaluación y verificación del sistema, teniendo en cuenta la norma ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001:2004 y OSHAS 18001:2007; así como la legislación vigente para el Perú.


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Hyperadrenocorticism is a rare endocrine disease in the cat; it is characterized by elevated blood cortisol level that generates numerous clinical signs including hyperglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and skin diseases. The average age of onset is around 10 years. This disease usually occurs link with other endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus.The disease can be produced by functional alteration of the pituitary gland or the adrenal. A case report, with differential diagnosis and review of the literature, is presented.


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Chronic pain, without any organic or physical cause (DC), which in psycho-medical terminology is known as fi bromyalgia, (FM), is diagnosed each year to a considerable number of women in capitalistic societies. Our main interest in the following paper is to go in depth in the elaboration of this symptom, its treatment and the psychosocial effects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it. Our main goal in the following paper is to look deeper in the elaboration (conceptualization) of this symptom, its treatment and psychological affects, both in the social order as well as in the lives of the people who suffer from it, we are using linked speeches in Spanish magazines publications. The result has been the emergence of three hegemonic discourse positions: One position “scientist”, one “therapeutic of the conformity” position and one “economic and legalistic” position. Each of these has a specifi c feature, but on the whole, is enhanced, producing effects such as the absence of social context to explain the disease; disregard of gender differences in the management and treatment; the instrumentalization of pain to legitimize their practices and the subjection of women to the “psycho-biomedical” paradigm. In that way, a new signifi cance and politicization of the concept of pain is proposed.


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The Chilean Cooperative Sector (SCCh) can be explained as a human activity system of high complexity, which seeks to maintain an independent existence, in example, be viable. From this perspective, the Viable System Model (MSV) as conceptual reference presents a real opportunity to study the organization of the cooperative sector in Chile.The central objective of the work refers to study the feasibility of SCCh in a context of sectorial organization, considering the social, legal and economic fabric of the country today.To do this, supported by a systemic methodology were performed: a characterization of the problem situation of the sector -identifying some relevant factors in the areas of market structure, legal regulations and inter cooperation-an organizational diagnosis and proposed a set guidelines for its development.From the above it is concluded that there is relevance between the characteristics of the case study theoretical and methodological approach. The methodology takes tested in other organizational practices such as VIPLAN tools, and applies the SCCh. Its contribution in the field of study is oriented around a holistic view of the organization and promotion of their viability, thereby generating an approach that delivers specific sectorial development strategies, surpassing the approximation of descriptive characterization. Thus, we provide a diagnostic model of the Chilean Cooperative Sector and propose guidelines to support their organizational development.


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Shape memory alloys (SMAs) have the ability to undergo large deformations with minimum residual strain and also the extraordinary ability to undergo reversible hysteretic shape change known as the shape memory effect. The shape memory effect of these alloys can be utilised to develop a convenient way of actively confine concrete sections to improve their shear strength, flexural ductility and ultimate strain. Most of the previous work on active confinement of concrete using SMA has been carried out on circular sections. In this study retrofitting strategies for active confinement of non-circular sections have been proposed. The proposed schemes presented in this paper are conceived with an aim to seismically retrofit beam-column joints in non-seismically designed reinforced concrete buildings. SMAs are complex materials and their material behaviour depends on number of parameters. Depending upon the alloying elements, SMAs exhibit different behaviour in different conditions and are highly sensitive to variation in temperature, phase in which it is used, loading pattern, strain rate and pre-strain conditions. Therefore, a detailed discussion on the behaviour of SMAs under different thermo-mechanical conditions is presented first.


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Dissertação, Mestrado, Sistemas de Informação de Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, 2013


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo o processo de construção e validação de um instrumento de observação. Neste contexto, centrámos a análise num requisito fundamental – a validade e fiabilidade do instrumento, instrumento este que servirá de base ao registo dos comportamentos observados durante a execução de vinte ciclos gestuais na técnica de bruços. O instrumento foi composto por um sistema de Formatos de Campo (Oliveira, Campaniço & Anguera, 2001), com base em referências da metodologia observacional e modelos biomecânicos da Natação (Colman & Persyn, 1993; Silva & Alves, 2000; Louro, Garrido, Ferraz, Marinho, Conceição, Tolentino, Barbosa & Silva, 2009), dando especial evidência a cinco critérios taxionómicos que agregam, na forma de códigos alfa-numéricos, a informação decisiva para descrever comportamentos que definem a técnica de bruços. Para garantir o rigor e objectividade do instrumento, foi efectuada a análise à qualidade e validade do instrumento recorrendo ao Índice de Kappa (Anguera, 1993; Blanco 1993, 1997), com base nos registos de cinco observadores treinados (inter-observadores, 96.9%) e, para efeitos de precisão, de mais um perito (intra-observador, 97.8%). Como conclusão, é possível apurar que a valência deste instrumento qualitativo é bem evidente pelos elevados valores de concordância, tornando-se um instrumento adequado para observar os comportamentos técnicos dos nadadores em bruços. - The aim of this study was the process of construction and validation of an observation instrument. In this context, we focused the analysis on a fundamental requirement - the validity and reliability of the instrument. This instrument will serve as basis for the registration of behaviors observed during the execution of twenty gestural cycles of the breaststroke technique. The instrument consisted of a Field Formats system (Oliveira, Campaniço & Anguera, 2001), based on references of the observational methodology and Swimming biomechanical models (Persyn & Colman, 1993; Silva & Alves, 2000; Louro, Garrido, Ferraz, Marinho, Conceição, Tolentino, Barbosa & Silva, 2009), giving special emphasis to five taxonomic criteria that aggregate, in the form of alpha-numeric codes, crucial information to describe behaviors that define the breaststroke technique. To ensure the instrument’s accuracy and objectivity, an analysis of the instrument’s quality and validity was made, using the Kappa Index (Anguera, 1993; Blanco 1993, 1997). This analysis was based on records of five trained observers (inter-observer, 96.9%) and, for accuracy purposes, another expert (intraobserver, 97.8%). In conclusion, it is possible to determine that, given the high reliability values, the validity of this qualitative instrument is evident, making it a suitable instrument to observe the technical behavior in breaststroke swimmers.