998 resultados para silicate rock analysis


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The diagenesis and geochemical evolution of deep-sea sediments are controlled by the interaction between sediments and their associated pore waters. With increasing depth, the pore water of Hole 149 (DSDP) exhibits a strong depletion in Mg and a corresponding enrichment in Ca, while the alkalinity remains relatively constant. Dissolved SiO2 is nearly constant in the upper 100 m of sediment, but is highly enriched in the deepest pore waters. The pore waters exhibit a depletion in K with increasing depth, and O18/O16 pore water ratios also decrease. The sediment section has three zones of sedimentary regimes with increasing depth in the drill hole: an upper 100 m section of detrital clays, a middle section enriched in calc-akalic volcanics which have undergone submarine weathering to a smectite phase, and a lower section of siliceous ooze which still has a diagenetic smectite phase. The quartz-feldspar ratios and O18/O16 composition of the silicate phases are in agreement with these interpretations. The submarine weathering of volcanics to a smectite can account for the observed pore water gradients. Volcanics release Ca and Mg to the pore waters causing the alkalinity values to increase. Smectite is formed, depletes the pore waters in Mg and O18 and causes the alkalinity to decrease. The net reaction allows for the observed relationship between pore water Ca and Mg gradients with little net change in alkalinity. Given the abundance of volcanics in many deep-sea sediments, especially in lower sections which often form near ridge crests, the submarine formation of smectite may be an additional oceanic Mg sink which has not yet been fully considered.


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Grain-size records of the terrigenous and calcareous silt fraction, preservation of planktic foraminifera, and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope data (delta13C, delta18O values of C. wuellerstorfi) at ODP Site 927 on the Ceará Rise (5°27.7'N, 44°28.8'W), are used to reconstruct variations in the history of bottom current strength, ventilation, and carbonate corrosiveness of deep waters during the time interval from 0.8 to 0.3 Ma. Glacial periods are characterized by generally smaller mean sizes of the terrigenous sortable silt fraction (mean(SS)), lower delta13C values, and poorer preservation of planktic foraminifera compared to interglacials. This indicates lower bottom current speeds, larger nutrient contents and more corrosive deep water. By contrast, larger mean(SS) sizes, higher delta13C values, and well preserved planktic foraminifera indicate strong circulation and a well ventilated deep-water mass during interglacials. The observed changes are most likely related to the weakening and strengthening of circulation of Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW). Cross-spectral analysis between the mean(SS) and benthic delta18O records reveals that minima in mean(SS) occur about 7.6 k.y. after the maximum in ice volume. This indicates a considerable lag time between ice-shield induced changes in LNADW production and subsequent changes in the velocity of LNADW flow in the western equatorial Atlantic. Striking changes in bottom current speed occur regularly during glacial to interglacial transitions. Extremely fine mean(SS) minima point to an almost complete shutdown of bottom current vigor in response to a cessation of LNADW production caused by an enhanced melt water release during the initial phases of deglaciation. However, each of the fine minima extremes is followed by a rapid shift to very high mean(SS) values that indicate strong bottom currents, and hence, vigorous LNADW flow during the early interglacials. After the onset of glacial Stage 12, generally poorer carbonate preservation and higher variability is registered. This coincides with a global decrease in carbonate preservation during the mid-Brunhes (mid-Brunhes dissolution event). Detailed grain-size analysis of the calcareous fine fraction (<63 µm) revealed a considerable reduction of particles in the fraction from 7 to 63 µm during periods of enhanced dissolution. This indicates a preferential dissolution of larger planktic foraminiferal fragments which leads to an enrichment of coccoliths in the calcareous fine fraction.


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We investigated the magnetic and paleomagnetic properties of 77 basalt samples from Holes 482, 482C, 482D, 483, 483B, 485, and 485A in order to study the structure and development of the ocean's crust. During the course of this study, we measured the natural remanent magnetization, Jn, and its stability in an alternating magnetic field; the magnetic susceptibility, x; the saturation magnetization, Js; the saturation remanent magnetization, Jrs; the coercivity of maximum remanence, HCR; and the median destructive fields MDFn (for Jn) and MDFs for Jrs. A thermomagnetic analysis for Js and Jrs was also performed; these latter measurements were made on the same samples.


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Manganese nodules from Stations 252 and 281 of the Challenger Expedition, collected in 1875, have recently been discovered in the Redpath Museum. The nodules have been found to be quite typical specimens of two areas in the Central Pacific Ocean except for dehydration and other changes that have taken place during storage. The principal resolvable manganese mineral in nodules from Station 252 proved to be 10 A manganite; there was a very thin surface coating of birnessite. Delta manganite was the only manganese mineral found in nodules from Station 281. Through electron microprobe studies, findings from chemical, optical and x-ray crystallographic work were correlated with the detailed picture of the occurrence and quantities of the different elements within the nodules. In all cases it was found that the iron and manganese had an antithetical relationship, and that nickel and copper were associated with the manganese. Special study was given to a 300-micron-square area in a nodule from Station 252 which included a segregation of 49.39% Mn, 5.31 % Ni, and 1.64% Cu. Crystallization of the manganese phases is thought to have provided a mech¨anism for formation of segregations which were further enriched through chemical scavenger action as long as ocean floor conditions permitted.


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Three sediment cores from the Bragança Peninsula located in the coastal region in the north-eastern portion of Pará State have been studied by pollen analysis to reconstruct Holocene environmental changes and dynamics of the mangrove ecosystem. The cores were taken from an Avicennia forest (Bosque de Avicennia (BDA)), a salt marsh area (Campo Salgado (CS)) and a Rhizophora dominated area (Furo do Chato). Pollen traps were installed in five different areas of the peninsula to study modern pollen deposition. Nine accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates provide time control and show that sediment deposits accumulated relatively undisturbed. Mangrove vegetation started to develop at different times at the three sites: at 5120 14C yr BP at the CS site, at 2170 14C yr BP at the BDA site and at 1440 14C yr BP at the FDC site. Since mid Holocene times, the mangroves covered even the most elevated area on the peninsula, which is today a salt marsh, suggesting somewhat higher relative sea-levels. The pollen concentration in relatively undisturbed deposits seems to be an indicator for the frequency of inundation. The tidal inundation frequency decreased, probably related to lower sea-levels, during the late Holocene around 1770 14C yr BP at BDA, around 910 14C yr BP at FDC and around 750 14C yr BP at CS. The change from a mangrove ecosystem to a salt marsh on the higher elevation, around 420 14C yr BP is probably natural and not due to an anthropogenic impact. Modern pollen rain from different mangrove types show different ratios between Rhizophora and Avicennia pollen, which can be used to reconstruct past composition of the mangrove. In spite of bioturbation and especially tidal inundation, which change the local pollen deposition within the mangrove zone, past mangrove dynamics can be reconstructed. The pollen record for BDA indicates a mixed Rhizophora/Avicennia mangrove vegetation between 2170 and 1770 14C yr BP. Later Rhizophora trees became more frequent and since ca. 200 14C yr BP Avicennia dominated in the forest.


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Coring during Ocean Drilling Program and Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 163, 152, 104, 81, and 38 recovered sequences of altered basalt from North Atlantic seaward-dipping reflector sequences (SDRS) erupted during the initial rifting of Greenland from northern Europe and likely associated with excessive mantle temperatures caused by an impacting mantle plume head. Cr-rich spinel is found abundantly as inclusions and groundmass crystals within the olivine-rich lavas of Hole 917A (Leg 152) cored into the Southeast Greenland SDRS, but only rarely as inclusions within plagioclase in the lavas of the Vøring Plateau SDRS, and it is absent from other cored SDRS lavas from the Rockall Plateau and Southeast Greenland. Eruptive melt compositions determined from inferred, thermodynamically-defined, spinel-melt exchange equilibria indicate that the most primitive melts represented by Hole 917A basalts have Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) at least as high as 0.70 and approach near-primary mantle melt compositions. In contrast, Cr-rich spinels from Hole 338 (Leg 38) lavas on the Vøring Plateau SDRS give evidence for melt with Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) only as high as 0.64. This study underlines that primitive melts similar to those from Hole 917A comprise only a small fraction of the eruptive North Atlantic SDRS melts, and that most SDRS basalts were, in fact, too evolved to have precipitated Cr-rich spinel, with true melt Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) likely below 0.60. The evolved nature of the SDRS basalts implies large amounts of fractionation at the base of the crust or deep within it, consistent with seismic results that indicate an abnormally thick Layer 3 underlying the SDRS.


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Analyses of the palynofacies and sporomorph thermal alteration indices (TAI) of sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 959 to 962 in the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin, West Africa were undertaken to (1) determine the source and depositional conditions of the organic matter in the sediments, (2) refine a paleobathymetric curve derived from other data for Site 959, which drilled the most continuous sedimentary sequence from Pleistocene to Albian and (3) interpret the paleothermal history of the area. Twelve types of dispersed organic matter were identified: amorphous organic matter (AOM), marine palynomorphs, algae, resins, black debris, yellow-brown fragments, black-brown fragments, cuticles, plant tissue, wood, sporomorphs and fungi, The relative abundances of these organic matter components at each site were analyzed using cluster analysis, resulting in the identification of seven palynofacies assemblages at Site 959, five each at sites 960 and 961, and four at Site 962. Amorphous organic matter (which is chiefly marine derived), black debris and wood have played the most significant role in defining palynofacies assemblages. The palynofacies assemblages show some correlation with lithologic units, sediment sources and depositional environments. Previous palynofacies studies in passive margins have demonstrated that changes in the ratio of AOM to terrestrial organic matter are related primarily to proximal-distal positions of depositional environments relative to the shoreline. However, this assumption does not always hold true for a transform margin where tectonic factors play an important role in the organic matter distribution, at least in the early stages of evolution. Lithofacies, CCD paleodepths for the North Atlantic, trace fossil association, benthic foraminifera and palynofacies data were the criteria used for reconstructing a paleobathymetric curve for Site 959. A cyclicity in the organic matter distribution of the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene pelagic sediments could be related to fluctuations in productivity of biosiliceous and calcareous organisms, and sedimentation rates. A drastic increase in the amount of AOM and a decrease in black debris and wood in the carbonate and clastic rocks (Lithologic Unit IV) overlying the tectonized Albian sediments (Lithologic Unit V) at Sites 959 and 960 coincide with the presence of an unconformity. Qualitative color analysis of palynomorphs was undertaken for all sites, although the main focus was on Site 959 where detailed organic geochemical data were available. At Site 959, TAI values indicate an immature stage of organic maturation (<2) down to the black claystones of Lithologic Unit III at about 918.47 mbsf. Below this, samples show an increase with depth to a moderately mature stage (>2 except for the claystone samples between 1012.52 and 1036.5 mbsf, and one limestone sample at 1043.4 mbsf), reaching peak levels of 2.58 to 3.0 in the tectonized Albian sediments below the unconformity. These TAI values show a positive correlation with the Tma x values derived from Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. The highest values recorded in the basal tectonized units at all the sites (Sites 960-962 have mean values between 2.25 and 3.13) may be related to high heat flow during the intracontinental to syntransform basin stage in the region.


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The magnetic stability and mean intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of Leg 73 sediments (Holes 519 to 523) decreases with the age of the sediment. We demonstrate that these variations are linked with physical and chemical changes in the magnetic grains themselves. Alteration of the magnetic component occurs most rapidly shortly after deposition. A significant magnetic alteration over the topmost few meters of the sediments is thought to be the result of oxidation. The modification of the NRM characteristics through the partial dissolution of the carbonate is largely accounted for by the effects of concentraion of the magnetic minerals. We apply the techniques of rock-magnetism and X-ray fluorescence analysis to clarify the physical and chemical mechanisms that affect the magnetic character of the sediment.