939 resultados para short-term exposure


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Awareness of antibiotics in wastewaters and aquatic ecosystems is growing as investigations into alternate pollutants increase and analytical techniques for detecting these chemicals improve. The presence of three antibiotics (ciproffoxacin, norfloxacin and cephalexin) was evaluated in both sewage effluent and environmental waters downstream from a sewage discharge. Bacteria cultured from the sewage bioreactor and receiving waters were tested for resistance against six antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, tetracycline, ampicillin, trimethoprim, erythromycin and trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole) and effects of short term exposure (24h) to antibiotics on bacterial denitrification rates were examined. Antibiotics were detected entering the sewage treatment plant with varying levels of removal during the treatment process. Antibiotics were also detected in effluent entering receiving waters and detectable 500m from the source. Among the bacteria cultured from the sewage bioreactor, resistance was displayed against all six antibiotics tested and bacteria cultured from receiving waters were resistant against two of the antibiotics tested. Rates of denitrification were observed to decrease in response to some antibiotics and not to others, though this was only observed at concentrations exceeding those likely to be found in the environment. Findings from this preliminary research have indicated that antibiotics are entering our aquatic systems and pose a potential threat to ecosystem function and potentially human health. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Disturbances in electrolyte homeostasis are a frequent adverse side-effect of the administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, and the antineoplastic agent cis-platinum. The aims of this work were to further elucidate the site(s) and mechanism(s) by which these drugs may produce disturbances in the renal reabsorption of calcium and magnesium. These investigations were undertaken using a range of in vivo and in vitro techniques and models. Initially, a series of in vivo studies was conducted to delineate aspects of the acute and chronic effects of both drugs on renal electrolyte handling and to select and evaluate an appropriate animal model: subsequent investigations were focused on gentamicin. In a study of the acute and chronic effects of cis-platinum administration, there were pronounced acute changes in a variety of indices of nephrotoxic injury, including electrolyte excretion. Most effects resolved but there were chronic increases in the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. The renal response of three strains of rat (Fischer 344, Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar) to a ranges of doses of gentamicin was also investigated. Drug administration produced substantially different responses between strains, in particular marked differences in calcium and magnesium excretion. The results suggested that the SD rat was an appropriately sensitive strain for use in further investigations. Acute infusion of gentamicin in the anaesthetised SD rat produced rapid, substantial increases in the fractional excretion of calcium and magnesium, while sodium and potassium output were unaffected, confirming previous results of similar experiments using F344 rats. Studies using lithium clearance measurements in the anaesthetised SD rat were undertaken to investigate the effects of gentamicin on proximal tubular calcium reabsorption. Lithium clearance was unaffected by acute gentamicin infusion, suggesting that the site of acute gentamicin-induced hypercalciuria may not be located in the proximal tubule. Inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity was investigated as a potential mechanism by which calcium reabsorption could be affected after aminoglycoside administration. In vitro, both Ca2+ ATPase and Na+/K+ ATPase activity could be similarly inhibited by the presence of aminoglycosides, in a dose-related manner. Whilst inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase could be demonstrated biochemically after in vivo administration of gentamicin, there were no concurrent effects on Ca2+ ATPase activity, suggesting that inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity is unlikely to be a primary mechanism of aminoglycoside-induced reductions of calcium reabsorption. Histochemical studies could not discern inhibition of either Na+/K+ ATPase or Ca2+ ATPase activity after in vivo administration of gentamicin. Selection of renal cell lines for further investigative in vitro studies on the mechanisms of altered cation reabsorption was considered using MTT (3-(4,5,-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and Neutral Red cytotoxicity assays. The ability of LLC-PK1 and LLC-RK1 cell lines to correctly rank a series of nephrotoxic compounds with their known nephrotoxic potency in vivo was studied. Using these cell lines grown on semi-permeable inserts, alterations in the paracellular transport of 45Ca was investigated as a possible mechanism by which gentamicin could alter calcium reabsorption in vivo. Short term exposure (I h) of LLC-RK1 cells to gentamicin, via both cell surfaces, resulted in a reduction in paracellular permeability to both transepithelial 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. When LLC-RK1 cells were exposed via the apical surface only, similar dose-related reductions were seen to those observed when cells were exposed to the drug from both sides. Short-term basal exposure to gentamicin appeared to contribute less to the observed reductions in 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. Experiments investigating transepithelial movement of 45Ca and 3H-mannitol on LLC-PK1 cells after acute gentamicin exposure were inconclusive. Longer exposure (48 h) to gentamicin caused an increase in the permeability of the monolayer and a consequent increase in transepithelial 45Ca flux in the LLC-RK1 cell line; increases in permeability of LLC-PK1 cells to 45Ca and 3H-mannitol were not apparent under the same conditions. The site and mechanism at which gentamicin, in particular, alters calcium reabsorption cannot be definitively described from these studies. However, indirect evidence from lithium clearance studies suggests that the site of the lesion is unlikely to be located in the proximal tubule. The mechanism by which gentamicin exposure alters calcium reabsorption may be by reducing paracellular permeability to calcium rather than by altering active calcium transport processes.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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There are serious concerns that ocean acidification will combine with the effects of global warming to cause major shifts in marine ecosystems, but there is a lack of field data on the combined ecological effects of these changes due to the difficulty of creating large-scale, long-term exposures to elevated CO2 and temperature. Here we report the first coastal transplant experiment designed to investigate the effects of naturally acidified seawater on the rates of net calcification and dissolution of the branched calcitic bryozoan Myriapora truncata (Pallas, 1766). Colonies were transplanted to normal (pH 8.1), high (mean pH 7.66, minimum value 7.33) and extremely high CO2 conditions (mean pH 7.43, minimum value 6.83) at gas vents off Ischia Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). The net calcification rates of live colonies and the dissolution rates of dead colonies were estimated by weighing after 45 days (May-June 2008) and after 128 days (July-October) to examine the hypothesis that high CO2 levels affect bryozoan growth and survival differently during moderate and warm water conditions. In the first observation period, seawater temperatures ranged from 19 to 24 °C; dead M. truncata colonies dissolved at high CO2 levels (pH 7.66), whereas live specimens maintained the same net calcification rate as those growing at normal pH. In extremely high CO2 conditions (mean pH 7.43), the live bryozoans calcified significantly less than those at normal pH. Therefore, established colonies of M. truncata seem well able to withstand the levels of ocean acidification predicted in the next 200 years, possibly because the soft tissues protect the skeleton from an external decrease in pH. However, during the second period of observation a prolonged period of high seawater temperatures (25-28 °C) halted calcification both in controls and at high CO2, and all transplants died when high temperatures were combined with extremely high CO2 levels. Clearly, attempts to predict the future response of organisms to ocean acidification need to consider the effects of concurrent changes such as the Mediterranean trend for increased summer temperatures in surface waters. Although M. truncata was resilient to short-term exposure to high levels of ocean acidification at normal temperatures, our field transplants showed that its ability to calcify at higher temperatures was compromised, adding it to the growing list of species now potentially threatened by global warming.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is predicted to play a major role in shaping species biogeography and marine biodiversity over the next century. We tested the effect of medium-term exposure to OA (pH 8.00, 7.30 and 6.70 for 30 d) on acid-base balance in the decapod crab Necora puber-a species that is known to possess good extracellular buffering ability during short-term exposure to hypercapnic conditions. To determine if crabs undergo physiological trade-offs in order to buffer their haemolymph, we characterised a number of fundamental physiological functions, i.e. metabolic rate, tolerance to heat, carapace and chelae [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+], and immune response in terms of lipid peroxidation. Necora puber was able to buffer changes to extracellular pH over 30 d exposure to hypercapnic water, with no evidence of net shell dissolution, thus demonstrating that HCO3- is actively taken up from the surrounding water. In addition, tolerance to heat, carapace mineralization, and aspects of immune response were not affected by hypercapnic conditions. In contrast, whole-animal O2uptake significantly decreased with hypercapnia, while significant increases in haemolymph [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] and chelae [Mg2+] were observed with hypercapnia. Our results confirm that most physiological functions in N. puber are resistant to low pH/hypercapnia over a longer period than previously investigated, although such resistance comes at the expenses of metabolic rates, haemolymph chemistry and chelae mineralization.


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The effect of short-term (5 days) exposure to CO2-acidified seawater (year 2100 predicted values, ocean pH = 7.6) on key aspects of the function of the intertidal common limpet Patella vulgata (Gastropoda: Patellidae) was investigated. Changes in extracellular acid-base balance were almost completely compensated by an increase in bicarbonate ions. A concomitant increase in haemolymph Ca2+ and visible shell dissolution implicated passive shell dissolution as the bicarbonate source. Analysis of the radula using SEM revealed that individuals from the hypercapnic treatment showed an increase in the number of damaged teeth and the extent to which such teeth were damaged compared with controls. As radula teeth are composed mainly of chitin, acid dissolution seems unlikely, and so the proximate cause of damage is unknown. There was no hypercapnia-related change in metabolism (O2 uptake) or feeding rate, also discounting the possibility that teeth damage was a result of a CO2-related increase in grazing. We conclude that although the limpet appears to have the physiological capacity to maintain its extracellular acid-base balance, metabolism and feeding rate over a 5 days exposure to acidified seawater, radular damage somehow incurred during this time could still compromise feeding in the longer term, in turn decreasing the top-down ecosystem control that P. vulgata exerts over rocky shore environments.


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The walls of blood vessels are lined with a single-cell layer of endothelial cells. As blood flows through the arteries, a frictional force known as shear stress is sensed by mechanosensitive structures on the endothelium. Short and long term changes in shear stress can have a significant influence on the regulation of endothelial function. Acutely, shear stress triggers a pathway that culminates in the release of vasodilatory molecules from the endothelium and subsequent vasodilation of the artery. This endothelial response is known as flow mediated dilation (FMD). FMD is used as an index of endothelial function and is commonly assessed using reactive hyperemia (RH)-FMD, a method which elicits a large, short lived increase in shear stress following the release of a brief (5 min) forearm occlusion. A recent study found that a short term exposure (30 min) to a sustained elevation in shear stress potentiates subsequent RH-FMD. FMD can also result from a more prolonged, sustained increase in shear stress elicited by handgrip exercise (HGEX-FMD). There is evidence to suggest that interventions and conditions impact FMD resulting from sustained and transient shear stress stimuli differently, indicating that HGEX-FMD and RH-FMD provide different information about endothelial function. It is unknown whether HGEX-FMD is improved by short term exposure to shear stress. Understanding how exercise induced FMD is regulated is important because it contributes to blood flow responses during exercise. The study purpose was therefore to assess the impact of a handgrip exercise (intervention) induced sustained elevation in shear stress on subsequent brachial artery (BA) HGEX-FMD. Twenty healthy male participants (22±3yrs) preformed a 30-minute HGEX intervention on two experimental days. BA-FMD was assessed using either an RH or HGEX shear stress stimulus at 3 time points: pre-intervention, 10 min post and 60 min post. FMD and shear stress magnitude were determined via ultrasound. Both HGEX and RH-FMD increased significantly from pre-intervention to 10 min-post (p<0.01). These findings indicate that FMD stimulated by exercise induced increases in shear stress is potentiated by short term shear stress exposure. These findings advance our understanding regarding the regulation of endothelial function by shear stress.


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There is increasing evidence of a causal link between airborne particles and ill health and this study monitored the exposure to both airborne particles and the gas phase contaminants of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a nightclub. The present study followed a number of pilot studies in which the human exposure to airborne particles in a nightclub was assessed and the spatio-temporal distribution of gas phase pollutants was evaluated in restaurants and pubs. The work reported here re-examined the nightclub environment and utilized concurrent and continuous monitoring using optical scattering samplers to measure particulates (PM10) together with multi-gas analysers. The analysis illustrated the highly episodic nature of both gaseous and particulate concentrations in both the dance floor and in the bar area but levels were well below the maximum recommended exposure levels. Short-term exposure to high concentrations may however be relevant when considering the possible toxic effects on biological systems. The results give an indication of the problems associated with achieving acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) in a complex space and identified some of the problems inherent in the design and operation of ventilation systems for such spaces.


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Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata is a unicellular green algae widely distributed in freshwater and soils. Due to its cosmopolitan characteristic, its use is recommended by national and international protocols in ecotoxicity studies. The alteration of phosphatase activities by agriculture pollutants like heavy metals has been extensively used as a biomarker in risk assessment and biomonitoring. In this study, we compared the extraction of acid phosphatase from P. subcapitata by different procedures and we studied the stability, substrates specificity, kinetics and the effect of Hg2+ in the crude extract. The freezing and thawing technique associated with probe sonication was the most suitable method of extraction. The enzyme was stable when frozen at -20ºC for at least six months, showed an optimum pH of 5 and a Km value of 0.27 mM for p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP) as substrate. Some natural organic substrates were cleaved by a similar extent as the synthetic substrate pNPP. Short term exposure (24 hours) to Hg2+ had little effect but inhibition of the specific activity was observed after 7 days with EC50 (concentration of Hg2+ that promotes 50% decrease of specific activity) value of 12.63 μM Hg2+ .


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Introducción El material particulado son partículas sólidas y líquidas emitidas al aire, las cuales pueden generar diferentes alteraciones en la salud, variando desde cuadros respiratorios alérgicos, a episodios asmáticos, dermatitis o inclusive llegar a facilitar la génesis de enfermedades de tipo neoplásico. Estos pueden tener origen natural e industrial, encontrandose en diferentes actividades económicas. Objetivo Evaluar la exposición laboral a material particulado en empresas pertenecientes a diferentes sectores económicos afiliadas a una ARL en Colombia, en el periodo comprendido entre 2011 al 2014 Metodología Es un estudio de corte transversal, analizando una base de datos de 257 empresas con 1108 mediciones de material particulado, recolectados entre 2011 – 2014. Las variables usadas fueron: región, actividad económica, área, oficio, tiempo de exposición y concentración de material particulado. Se realizó distribuciones de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. Se evaluaron las diferencias de las distribuciones de los tiempos de exposición y el porcentaje de exposición entre los grupos con y sin riesgo (los que sobrepasaban o no los límites permisibles), con la prueba asintótica no paramétrica de Mann Whitney. Resultados Las principales mediciones ambientales en las empresas fueron en la industria química con un 31%, siendo 2 de cada 3 datos pertenecientes a la región andina, las cuales tienen como principales contaminantes químicos las partículas no fraccionadas con el 70,9%. Respecto a las concentraciones ambientales de material particulado en las empresas participantes, se encontró un promedio de 1,72 mg/m3 ± 3,613, con una mediana de 0,480 mg/m3 y un coeficiente de variación de 210,05%. El 2,9% sobrepasaron los valores límites establecidos por la ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) y el 92,5% según los límites de la EPA (Agencia de Protección del Ambiente), presentando mayor riesgo en el personal operativo con 93,3% (p= 0,002). Conclusión El riesgo según los límites establecidos por la ACGIH para las mediciones realizadas en Colombia fue bajo, aunque al utilizar los parámetros de la EPA, el riesgo fue alto, por lo cual se requiere hacer un seguimiento específico a estas empresas y fomentar la implementación del sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud en el trabajo.


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We assessed long-term trends in ethylene oxide (EtO) worker exposures for the purposes of exposure surveillance and evaluation of the impacts of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1984 and 1988 EtO standards. We obtained exposure data from a large commercial vendor and processor of EtO passive dosimeters. Personal samples (87 582 workshift [8-hr] and 46 097 short-term [15-min] samples) from 2265 US hospitals were analyzed for time trends from 1984 through 2001 and compared with OSHA enforcement data. Exposures declined steadily for the first several years after the OSHA standards were set. Workshift exposures continued to taper off and have remained low and constant through 2001. However, since 1996, the probability of exceeding the short-term excursion limit has increased. This trend coincides with a decline in enforcement of the EtO standard. Results indicate the need for renewed intervention efforts to preserve gains made following the passage and implementation of the 1984 and 1988 EtO standards.


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To investigate the proposed molecular characteristics of sugar-mediated repression of photosynthetic genes during plant acclimation to elevated CO2, we examined the relationship between the accumulation and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates and changes in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) gene expression in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to elevated CO2. Long-term growth of Arabidopsis at high CO2 (1000 μL L−1) resulted in a 2-fold increase in nonstructural carbohydrates, a large decrease in the expression of Rubisco protein and in the transcript of rbcL, the gene encoding the large subunit of Rubisco (approximately 35–40%), and an even greater decline in mRNA of rbcS, the gene encoding the small subunit (approximately 60%). This differential response of protein and mRNAs suggests that transcriptional/posttranscriptional processes and protein turnover may determine the final amount of leaf Rubisco protein at high CO2. Analysis of mRNA levels of individual rbcS genes indicated that reduction in total rbcS transcripts was caused by decreased expression of all four rbcS genes. Short-term transfer of Arabidopsis plants grown at ambient CO2 to high CO2 resulted in a decrease in total rbcS mRNA by d 6, whereas Rubisco content and rbcL mRNA decreased by d 9. Transfer to high CO2 reduced the maximum expression level of the primary rbcS genes (1A and, particularly, 3B) by limiting their normal pattern of accumulation through the night period. The decreased nighttime levels of rbcS mRNA were associated with a nocturnal increase in leaf hexoses. We suggest that prolonged nighttime hexose metabolism resulting from exposure to elevated CO2 affects rbcS transcript accumulation and, ultimately, the level of Rubisco protein.


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Background A complete explanation of the mechanisms by which Pb2+ exerts toxic effects on developmental central nervous system remains unknown. Glutamate is critical to the developing brain through various subtypes of ionotropic or metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors have been considered as a principal target in lead-induced neurotoxicity. The relationship between mGluR3/mGluR7 and synaptic plasticity had been verified by many recent studies. The present study aimed to examine the role of mGluR3/mGluR7 in lead-induced neurotoxicity. Methods Twenty-four adult and female rats were randomly selected and placed on control or 0.2% lead acetate during gestation and lactation. Blood lead and hippocampal lead levels of pups were analyzed at weaning to evaluate the actual lead content at the end of the exposure. Impairments of short -term memory and long-term memory of pups were assessed by tests using Morris water maze and by detection of hippocampal ultrastructural alterations on electron microscopy. The impact of lead exposure on mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA expression in hippocampal tissue of pups were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and its potential role in lead neurotoxicity were discussed. Results Lead levels of blood and hippocampi in the lead-exposed rats were significantly higher than those in the controls (P < 0.001). In tests using Morris Water Maze, the overall decrease in goal latency and swimming distance was taken to indicate that controls had shorter latencies and distance than lead-exposed rats (P = 0.001 and P < 0.001 by repeated-measures analysis of variance). On transmission electron microscopy neuronal ultrastructural alterations were observed and the results of real-time polymerase chain reaction showed that exposure to 0.2% lead acetate did not substantially change gene expression of mGluR3 and mGluR7 mRNA compared with controls. Conclusion Exposure to lead before and after birth can damage short-term and long-term memory ability of young rats and hippocampal ultrastructure. However, the current study does not provide evidence that the expression of rat hippocampal mGluR3 and mGluR7 can be altered by systemic administration of lead during gestation and lactation, which are informative for the field of lead-induced developmental neurotoxicity noting that it seems not to be worthwhile to include mGluR3 and mGluR7 in future studies. Background


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The overall aim of our research was to characterize airborne particles from selected nanotechnology processes and to utilize the data to develop and test quantitative particle concentration-based criteria that can be used to trigger an assessment of particle emission controls. We investigated particle number concentration (PNC), particle mass (PM) concentration, count median diameter (CMD), alveolar deposited surface area, elemental composition, and morphology from sampling of aerosols arising from six nanotechnology processes. These included fibrous and non-fibrous particles, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We adopted standard occupational hygiene principles in relation to controlling peak emission and exposures, as outlined by both Safe Work Australia, (1) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®). (2) The results from the study were used to analyses peak and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values measured during the operation of the nanotechnology processes. Analysis of peak (highest value recorded) and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values revealed: Peak PNC20–1000 nm emitted from the nanotechnology processes were up to three orders of magnitude greater than the local background particle concentration (LBPC). Peak PNC300–3000 nm was up to an order of magnitude greater, and PM2.5 concentrations up to four orders of magnitude greater. For three of these nanotechnology processes, the 30-minute average particle number and mass concentrations were also significantly different from the LBPC (p-value < 0.001). We propose emission or exposure controls may need to be implemented or modified, or further assessment of the controls be undertaken, if concentrations exceed three times the LBPC, which is also used as the local particle reference value, for more than a total of 30 minutes during a workday, and/or if a single short-term measurement exceeds five times the local particle reference value. The use of these quantitative criteria, which we are terming the universal excursion guidance criteria, will account for the typical variation in LBPC and inaccuracy of instruments, while precautionary enough to highlight peaks in particle concentration likely to be associated with particle emission from the nanotechnology process. Recommendations on when to utilize local excursion guidance criteria are also provided.


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Objective To quantify the short-term effects of maternal exposure to heatwave on preterm birth. Design An ecological study. Setting: A population-based study in Brisbane, Australia. Population All pregnant women who had a spontaneous singleton live birth in Brisbane between November and March in 2000–2010 were studied. Methods Daily data on pregnancy outcomes, meteorological factors, and ambient air pollutants were obtained. The Cox proportional hazards regression model with time-dependent variables was used to examine the short-term impact of heatwave on preterm birth. A series of cut-off temperatures and durations were used to define heatwave. Multivariable analyses were also performed to adjust for socio-economic factors, demographic factors, meteorological factors, and ambient air pollutants. Main outcome measure Spontaneous preterm births. Results The adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) ranged from 1.13 (95% CI 1.03–1.24) to 2.00 (95% CI 1.37–2.91) by using different heatwave definitions, after controlling for demographic, socio-economic, and meteorological factors, and air pollutants. Conclusions Heatwave was significantly associated with preterm birth: the associations were robust to the definitions of heatwave. The threshold temperatures, instead of duration, could be more likely to influence the evaluation of birth-related heatwaves. The findings of this study may have significant public health implications as climate change progresses.