923 resultados para semi-structured interview
Introduzione:l’interferone (IFN) usato per l’eradicazione del virus dell’Epatite C, induce effetti collaterali anche riferibili alla sfera psichica. I dati sugli eventi avversi di tipo psichiatrico dei nuovi farmaci antivirali (DAA) sono limitati. Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare lo sviluppo di effetti collaterali di tipo psichiatrico in corso di due distinti schemi di trattamento: IFN-peghilato e ribavirina [terapia duplice (standard o SOC)]; DAA in associazione a IFN-peghilato e ribavirina (terapia triplice). Metodi: pazienti HCV+ consecutivi seguiti presso l’Ambulatorio delle Epatiti Croniche della Semeiotica Medica del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche dell’Università di Bologna in procinto di intraprendere un trattamento antivirale a base di IFN, sottoposti ad esame psicodiagnostico composto da intervista clinica semistrutturata e test autosomministrati: BDI, STAXI-2, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, MMPI – 2. Risultati: Sono stati arruolati 84 pazienti, 57/84 (67.9%) nel gruppo in triplice e 27/84 nel gruppo SOC. Quasi tutti i pazienti arruolati hanno eseguito l’intervista clinica iniziale (82/84; 97.6%), mentre scarsa è stata l’aderenza ai test (valori missing>50%). Ad eccezione dell’ansia, la prevalenza di tutti gli altri disturbi (irritabilità, astenia, disfunzioni neurocognitive, dissonnia) aumentava in corso di trattamento. In corso di terapia antivirale 43/84 (51.2%) hanno avuto bisogno di usufruire del servizio di consulenza psichiatrica e 48/84 (57.1%) hanno ricevuto una psicofarmacoterapia di supporto, senza differenze significative fra i due gruppi di trattamento. Conclusioni : uno degli elementi più salienti dello studio è stata la scarsa aderenza ai test psicodiagnostici, nonostante l’elevata prevalenza di sintomi psichiatrici. I risultati di questo studio oltre ad evidenziare l’importanza dei sintomi psichiatrici in corso di trattamento e la rilevanza della consulenza psicologica e psichiatrica per consentire di portare a termine il ciclo terapeutico previsto (migliorandone l’efficacia), ha anche dimostrato che occorre ripensare gli strumenti diagnostici adattandoli probabilmente a questo specifico target.
Background A key aim of England's National Strategy for Sexual Health is to extend high-quality sexual health services in primary care. Objectives To explore the expectations and experiences of men and women who initially presented at their general practice with a suspected sexually transmitted infection in order to identify areas where change could improve service delivery. Methods Semi-structured interviews were carried out in six general practices and two genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in Brent primary care trust (London) and Bristol (southwest England). Patients within general practice, and GUM patients who had initially attended general practice were eligible to participate. Interview transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results 49 patients (29 women, 20 men) were interviewed. Patients approaching their GP practice typically expected written referral or in-house care, but this expectation was often not met. Absence of formal referral, lack of information and perceived avoidance of sexual health matters by practitioners were commonly cited as reasons for disappointment. However, a dedicated service within general practice met expectations well. Conclusion Purchasers and providers of all general practice services should ensure that any patient consulting in primary care with a suspected sexually transmitted infection can either receive appropriate care there, or a formal and supported referral to a specialised GUM clinic or primary care service.
OBJECTIVE: Many patients use the Internet to obtain health-related information. It is assumed that health-related Internet information (HRII) will change the consultation practice of physicians. This article explores the strategies, benefits and difficulties from the patients' and physicians' perspective. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted independently with 32 patients and 20 physicians. Data collection, processing and analysis followed the core principles of Grounded Theory. RESULTS: Patients experienced difficulties in the interpretation of the personal relevance and the meaning of HRII. Therefore they relied on their physicians' interpretation and contextualisation of this information. Discussing patients' concerns and answering patients' questions were important elements of successful consultations with Internet-informed patients to achieve clarity, orientation and certainty. Discussing HRII with patients was appreciated by most of the physicians but misleading interpretations by patients and contrary views compared to physicians caused conflicts during consultations. CONCLUSION: HRII is a valuable source of knowledge for an increasing number of patients. Patients use the consultation to increase their understanding of health and illness. Determinants such as a patient-centred consultation and timely resources are decisive for a successful, empowering consultation with Internet-informed patients. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: If HRII is routinely integrated in the anamnestic interview as a new source of knowledge, the Internet can be used as a link between physicians' expertise and patient knowledge. The critical appraisal of HRII during the consultation is becoming a new field of work for physicians.
Background Patients' health related quality of life (HRQoL) has rarely been systematically monitored in general practice. Electronic tools and practice training might facilitate the routine application of HRQoL questionnaires. Thorough piloting of innovative procedures is strongly recommended before the conduction of large-scale studies. Therefore, we aimed to assess i) the feasibility and acceptance of HRQoL assessment using tablet computers in general practice, ii) the perceived practical utility of HRQoL results and iii) to identify possible barriers hindering wider application of this approach. Methods Two HRQoL questionnaires (St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire SGRQ and EORTC QLQ-C30) were electronically presented on portable tablet computers. Wireless network (WLAN) integration into practice computer systems of 14 German general practices with varying infrastructure allowed automatic data exchange and the generation of a printout or a PDF file. General practitioners (GPs) and practice assistants were trained in a 1-hour course, after which they could invite patients with chronic diseases to fill in the electronic questionnaire during their waiting time. We surveyed patients, practice assistants and GPs regarding their acceptance of this tool in semi-structured telephone interviews. The number of assessments, HRQoL results and interview responses were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results Over the course of 1 year, 523 patients filled in the electronic questionnaires (1–5 times; 664 total assessments). On average, results showed specific HRQoL impairments, e.g. with respect to fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances. The number of electronic assessments varied substantially between practices. A total of 280 patients, 27 practice assistants and 17 GPs participated in the telephone interviews. Almost all GPs (16/17 = 94%; 95% CI = 73–99%), most practice assistants (19/27 = 70%; 95% CI = 50–86%) and the majority of patients (240/280 = 86%; 95% CI = 82–91%) indicated that they would welcome the use of electronic HRQoL questionnaires in the future. GPs mentioned availability of local health services (e.g. supportive, physiotherapy) (mean: 9.4 ± 1.0 SD; scale: 1 – 10), sufficient extra time (8.9 ± 1.5) and easy interpretation of HRQoL results (8.6 ± 1.6) as the most important prerequisites for their use. They believed HRQoL assessment facilitated both communication and follow up of patients' conditions. Practice assistants emphasised that this process demonstrated an extra commitment to patient centred care; patients viewed it as a tool, which contributed to the physicians' understanding of their personal condition and circumstances. Conclusion This pilot study indicates that electronic HRQoL assessment is technically feasible in general practices. It can provide clinically significant information, which can either be used in the consultation for routine care, or for research purposes. While GPs, practice assistants and patients were generally positive about the electronic procedure, several barriers (e.g. practices' lack of time and routine in HRQoL assessment) need to be overcome to enable broader application of electronic questionnaires in every day medical practice.
Introduction: In professional soccer, talent selection relies on the subjective judgment of scouts and coaches. To date, little is known about coaches´ “eye for talent” (Christensen, 2009, p. 379) and the nature of the subjective criteria they use to identify those players with the greatest potential to achieve peak performance in adulthood (Williams & Reilly, 2000). Drawing on a constructivist approach (Kelly, 1991), this study explores coaches´ subjective talent criteria. It is assumed that coaches are able to verbalise and specify their talent criteria, and that these are related to their talent selection decisions based on instinct. Methods: Participants and generation of data. Five national youth soccer coaches (Mage = 55.6; SD = 5.03) were investigated at three appointments: (1) talent selection decision based on instinct, (2) semi-structured inductive interview to elicit each coaches´ talent criteria in detail, (3) communicative validation and evaluation of the players by each coach using the repertory grid technique (Fromm, 2004). Data Analysis: Interviews were transcribed and summarized with regard to each specified talent criterion. Each talent criterion was categorized using a bottom-up-approach (meaning categorization, Kvale, 1996). The repertory grid data was analysed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. Results and Discussion: For each coach, six to nine talent criteria were elicited and specified. The subjective talent criteria include aspects of personality, cognitive perceptual skills, motor abilities, development, technique, social environment and physical constitution, which shows that the coaches use a multi-dimensional concept of talent. However, more than half of all criteria describe personality characteristics, in particular achievement motivation, volition and self-confidence. In contrast to Morris (2000), this result shows that coaches have a differentiated view of the personality characteristics required to achieve peak performance. As an indication of criterion validity, moderate to high correlations (.57 ≤ r ≤ .81) are found between the evaluations of the players according to the coaches´ talent criteria and their talent selection decision. The study shows that coaches are able to specify their subject talent criteria and that those criteria are strongly related to their instinctive selection decisions. References: Christensen, M. K. (2009). "An Eye for Talent": Talent Identification and the "Practical Sense" of Top-Level Soccer Coaches. Sociology of Sport Journal, 26, 365–382. Fromm, M. (2004). Introduction to the Repertory Grid Interview. Münster: Waxmann. Kelly, G. A. (1991). The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Volume One: Theory and personality. London: Routledge. Kvale, S. (1996). InterViews: An introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Morris, T. (2000). Psychological characteristics and talent identification in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 715–726. Williams, A. M., & Reilly, T. (2000). Talent identification and development in soccer. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18, 657–667.
BACKGROUND Anxiety disorders have been linked to an increased risk of incident coronary heart disease in which inflammation plays a key pathogenic role. To date, no studies have looked at the association between proinflammatory markers and agoraphobia. METHODS In a random Swiss population sample of 2890 persons (35-67 years, 53% women), we diagnosed a total of 124 individuals (4.3%) with agoraphobia using a validated semi-structured psychiatric interview. We also assessed socioeconomic status, traditional cardiovascular risk factors (i.e., body mass index, hypertension, blood glucose levels, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio), and health behaviors (i.e., smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity), and other major psychiatric diseases (other anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder, drug dependence) which were treated as covariates in linear regression models. Circulating levels of inflammatory markers, statistically controlled for the baseline demographic and health-related measures, were determined at a mean follow-up of 5.5 ± 0.4 years (range 4.7 - 8.5). RESULTS Individuals with agoraphobia had significantly higher follow-up levels of C-reactive protein (p = 0.007) and tumor-necrosis-factor-α (p = 0.042) as well as lower levels of the cardioprotective marker adiponectin (p = 0.032) than their non-agoraphobic counterparts. Follow-up levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 did not significantly differ between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest an increase in chronic low-grade inflammation in agoraphobia over time. Such a mechanism might link agoraphobia with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and needs to be tested in longitudinal studies.
Background. Healthcare providers in pediatrics are faced with parents making medical decisions for their children. Refusal to consent to interventions can have life threatening sequelae, yet healthcare workers are provided little training in handling refusals. The healthcare provider's experience in parental refusal has not been well described, yet is an important first step in addressing this problem. ^ Specific aims. Describe: (1) the decision-making processes made by healthcare providers when parents refuse medical interventions for their children, (2) the source of healthcare workers' skills in handling situations of refusal, and (3) the perspectives of healthcare workers on parental refusals in the inpatient setting. ^ Methods. Nurses, physicians and respiratory therapists (RT) were recruited via e-mail at Texas Children's Hospital (TCH). Interview questions were developed using Social Cognitive Theory constructs and validated. One-on-one in-depth, one hour semi-structured interviews were held at TCH, audio recorded and transcribed. Coding and analysis were done using ATLAS ti. The constant comparative method was applied to describe emergent themes that were reviewed by an independent expert. ^ Results. Interviews have been conducted with nurses (n=6), physicians and practitioners (n=6), social workers (n=3) and RT (n=3) comprising 13 females and 5 males with 3–25 years of experience. Decision-making processes relate to the experience of the caregiver, familiarity with the family, and the acuity of the patient. Healthcare workers' skills were obtained through orientation processes or by trial-and-error. Themes emerged that related to the importance of: (1) Communication, where the initial discussion about a medical procedure should be done with clarity and an understanding of the parents' views; (2) Perceived loss of control by parents, a key factor in their refusal of interventions; and (3) Training, the need for skill development to handle refusals. ^ Conclusions. Effective training involving clarity in communication and a preservation of perceived control by parents is needed to avoid the current trial-and-error experience of healthcare workers in negotiating refusal situations. Such training could lessen the more serious outcomes of parental refusal. ^
Purpose. The focus of maternal role development, historically, has been on the tasks and processes during pregnancy as they relate to postpartum role transition. The purpose of this study was to investigate how women hospitalized with high-risk pregnancy cognitively construct pregnancy and impending motherhood. ^ Design. The study employed a triangulation design using a convergence model with a dominant focused ethnographic approach. ^ Setting. The antepartum units of two tertiary care centers in a large metropolitan city in southeast Texas. ^ Sample. Data saturation was determined with thirteen (13) primigravid women who had been hospitalized more than 72 hours with preterm labor (PTL) or preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) who subsequently delivered seventeen (17) infants which included 4 sets of twins. ^ Methods. Open-ended, semi-structured interviews and field work were used to explore the development of maternal role in this population. After collecting descriptive data, long individual interviews were conducted and the Prenatal Self Evaluation Questionnaire (PSEQ), an instrument to measure prenatal adaptation to pregnancy, was administered. The interview focused on exploring the woman's experiences of pregnancy and impending motherhood while hospitalized. Interview data and field notes were coded and analyzed using qualitative thematic analytic techniques. The PSEQ was scored and the findings of the qualitative data and PSEQ data were compared. ^ Findings. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data provided an understanding of the cognitive process that occurs as the pregnant woman builds a relationship with the fetus. Thematic analysis resulted in a conceptual model with two complementary components that occur throughout the pregnancy: Establishing a Relationship and Dynamic Equilibrium. Establishing a Relationship includes subthemes of: Courting, Building a Connection, and Engagement. Dynamic equilibrium is the balance between expectations and reality and exists regardless of pregnancy complications. The negotiation of this potential imbalance is triggered by uncertainty, loss of autonomy and control, and isolation and is exacerbated by the high-risk pregnancy and subsequent hospitalization. These triggers can serve as obstacles to maternal role development, but may be mediated by external support from friends and family or health care providers. Support from others may come in the form of anticipatory guidance, presence, or activities that promote self-agency. PSEQ scores were similar to previous reports, but due to the small sample, scores were used primarily for comparison to qualitative data. The qualitative findings were congruent with the PSEQ findings in all of the subscales except in the concern for the well-being of the baby. Interview reports included comments demonstrating significant concern for the well-being of the infant, yet the related subscale did not demonstrate such concern. ^ Conclusions. An understanding of the cognitive process involved in establishing a relationship with the developing fetus related to impending motherhood and the importance of dynamic equilibrium can allow healthcare providers and those who interact with pregnant women to support development of the maternal role and anticipate those barriers that may impede that process. Findings from this study identify those triggers and mediators that influence development of the maternal role and suggest potential intervening strategies for those involved in the care of childbearing families. ^
Background: The failure rate of health information systems is high, partially due to fragmented, incomplete, or incorrect identification and description of specific and critical domain requirements. In order to systematically transform the requirements of work into real information system, an explicit conceptual framework is essential to summarize the work requirements and guide system design. Recently, Butler, Zhang, and colleagues proposed a conceptual framework called Work Domain Ontology (WDO) to formally represent users’ work. This WDO approach has been successfully demonstrated in a real world design project on aircraft scheduling. However, as a top level conceptual framework, this WDO has not defined an explicit and well specified schema (WDOS) , and it does not have a generalizable and operationalized procedure that can be easily applied to develop WDO. Moreover, WDO has not been developed for any concrete healthcare domain. These limitations hinder the utility of WDO in real world information system in general and in health information system in particular. Objective: The objective of this research is to formalize the WDOS, operationalize a procedure to develop WDO, and evaluate WDO approach using Self-Nutrition Management (SNM) work domain. Method: Concept analysis was implemented to formalize WDOS. Focus group interview was conducted to capture concepts in SNM work domain. Ontology engineering methods were adopted to model SNM WDO. Part of the concepts under the primary goal “staying healthy” for SNM were selected and transformed into a semi-structured survey to evaluate the acceptance, explicitness, completeness, consistency, experience dependency of SNM WDO. Result: Four concepts, “goal, operation, object and constraint”, were identified and formally modeled in WDOS with definitions and attributes. 72 SNM WDO concepts under primary goal were selected and transformed into semi-structured survey questions. The evaluation indicated that the major concepts of SNM WDO were accepted by 41 overweight subjects. SNM WDO is generally independent of user domain experience but partially dependent on SNM application experience. 23 of 41 paired concepts had significant correlations. Two concepts were identified as ambiguous concepts. 8 extra concepts were recommended towards the completeness of SNM WDO. Conclusion: The preliminary WDOS is ready with an operationalized procedure. SNM WDO has been developed to guide future SNM application design. This research is an essential step towards Work-Centered Design (WCD).
A tese aborda como a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU) utilizam o esporte de alto rendimento como meio de divulgação estratégica. O estudo mostra qual é a relação existente entre a comunicação institucional e mercadológica das referidas IES e o handebol de alto rendimento. A tese objetiva também, apresentar as ferramentas de comunicação utilizadas por UMESP e UNITAU para divulgar suas ações de patrocínio e, por fim, avaliar o grau do fluxo de comunicação dos profissionais de comunicação e marketing das IES com gestores esportivos do handebol. A comparação entre as IES analisadas deu-se pelo uso do método de pesquisa de ‘estudos de casos múltiplos’, já a pesquisa documental e a bibliográfica foram utilizadas para a construção teórica do trabalho. Os dados dos objetos de estudo foram coletados através do uso da técnica de entrevista, estas que, adotaram a característica ‘semiestruturada’ com perguntas abertas e uso de roteiro. Concluiu-se que as universidades UMESP e UNITAU pouco exploram a imagem vitoriosa do handebol de alto rendimento que investem como meio estratégico de divulgação
O trabalho em equipe representa estratégia para superação da frágil articulação entre profissionais, sendo potencializado pela prática colaborativa entre agentes e gestão participativa. Entretanto, os arranjos organizacionais não favorecem a interação entre os profissionais e dificultam o trabalho em equipe. A magnitude dos agravos cardiovasculares por serviços regulados e estruturados, pautados num enfoque multiprofissional em saúde, a carência de publicações científicas sobre trabalho em equipe na atenção hospitalar, a potência do trabalho em equipe para responder às demandas reais de saúde justificam investigações a respeito do trabalho em equipe de saúde em Unidade Coronariana, particularizando a compreensão de aspectos que dificultam e facilitam esse trabalho. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho em equipe, desenvolvido em unidade hospitalar de alta densidade tecnológica, segundo a perspectiva da equipe de saúde. É um estudo descritivo, utilizando dados qualitativos e quantitativos, realizado em Unidade Coronariana de um Hospital público, de ensino, de nível terciário, referência para atendimento de alta densidade tecnológica. A população constituiu-se de profissionais da equipe multiprofissional que atuavam na referida unidade há, pelo menos, um ano, sendo excluídos aqueles que se encontravam afastados do trabalho à época da coleta dos dados e os não localizados após três tentativas para agendamento da entrevista. Utilizou-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico, e os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se em análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 45 profissionais da equipe de saúde, sendo 20 técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem; 11 médicos; nove enfermeiros; quatro fisioterapeutas e um psicólogo. Das entrevistas, emergiram 49 situações, das quais 38 (77,6%) receberam referências negativas e 11 (22,4%), positivas; 385 comportamentos, sendo 209 (54,2%) positivos e 176 (45,8%) negativos; além de 182 consequências que receberam 131 (71,9%) referências negativas e 51 (28,1%) positivas. As referências positivas indicam aspectos que facilitam o trabalho em equipe e as negativas, aqueles que dificultam. Foram considerados facilitadores do trabalho em equipe colaborar/relacionar-se com os outros profissionais, desenvolver assistência ao paciente conforme a competência profissional, relacionamento entre agentes pautado na prática colaborativa e comunicação. Aspectos como baixa colaboração entre profissionais, gerenciamento inadequado de agentes, despreparo profissional no atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória/emergência, divergências nas condutas terapêuticas, limitação de recursos materiais e agir de maneira descomprometida com o trabalho dificultam o trabalho em equipe. Conclui-se que, apesar do predomínio de situações e consequências negativas relativas à dinâmica do trabalho em equipe nessa Unidade Coronariana, a ênfase em comportamentos positivos, favoráveis ao trabalho em equipe, evidencia investimento e esforço para superar dificuldades, na perspectiva da potência do trabalho em equipe para atingir a finalidade do trabalho em saúde. A partir dos resultados, acredita-se que aspectos relativos à formação/capacitação profissional e à organização do serviço precisam favorecer o trabalho em equipe, estando a centralidade do processo de trabalho dessa equipe nas relações entre agentes
O diagnóstico de câncer infantojuvenil e as demandas do seu tratamento transforma a vida da família, particularmente das mães que acompanham seus filhos de perto e não medem esforços para oferecer-lhes o melhor. O cuidado prestado pelas mães é permeado de influências culturais que podem favorecer a introdução de terapias complementares no cuidado dos seus filhos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os sentidos das experiências de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer com a terapia complementar. Para alcançar este objetivo, realizou-se estudo com abordagem metodológica qualitativa, adotando o referencial teórico da Antropologia Médica e a narrativa como método. Após aprovação ética da pesquisa, foram convidadas a participar do estudo quinze mães de crianças e adolescentes com câncer, em acompanhamento terapêutico em serviço de saúde localizado no interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de duas entrevistas semiestruturadas com cada participante, realizadas nas dependências do complexo hospitalar e nos domicílios, no período de julho de 2014 a julho de 2015. A partir das entrevistas foram construídas as narrativas individuais das participantes e utilizamos os pressupostos dos modelos explicativos para organizar os dados relativos à reconstrução das experiências das mães acerca da causa, tratamento e o prognóstico da doença. Para a análise dos dados provenientes das narrativas, utilizou-se a análise temática indutiva. Relacionaram-se os aspectos semelhantes e os particulares das narrativas sobre as experiências das mães com os tratamentos complementares e eles foram integrados em dois temas representativos, apresentados sob a forma de sínteses narrativas ou unidades de sentidos. Os resultados foram analisados e apresentados a partir das narrativas temáticas: Quando um filho tem câncer, não se imagina a força de uma mãe, em que se apresenta a persistência, energia, entusiasmo e motivação das mães para lidar com as demandas do diagnóstico oncológico e tratamento do câncer, bem como a sua influência nas decisões que garantem a qualidade do tratamento dos filhos, incluindo ou não a incorporação de práticas alternativas; e A utilização da terapia complementar motivada pela esperança, em que o sentido atribuído pelas mães à incorporação de terapias complementares no cuidado do filho é o de renovação da esperança, com o propósito de promoção do bem-estar da criança ou adolescente e cura da doença. Os sentidos dessas experiências foram explicados por meio de conceitos derivados da antropologia. A interpretação das narrativas centradas na experiência de um grupo de mães de crianças e adolescentes oncológicos com a terapia complementar, a partir do sistema cultural, permitiu-nos explicar compreensivamente como a cultura influencia o cuidado prestado pelas mães aos seus filhos, por meio dos sentidos. Os sentidos das experiências desse grupo de mães constituem-se em conhecimento que pode ser aplicado na prática clínica e em pesquisas futuras
This qualitative investigation primarily employing a phenomenological perspective and psychoanalytic interview approach intends to provide contextual understanding of group dynamics in sex offender treatment involving individuals with strong features of personality disorders or Axis II psychopathology according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (4 ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Of note, this study particularly focuses on the cluster B type (Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic, and Antisocial Personality Disorders), based on the assumption that this type is more interpersonally operational in its nature. The present study is based on semi-structured interviews of three clinicians who arecurrently providing group treatment for sex offenders. The interview was designed to elicit the participants' clinical observations of group dynamics involving group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type. In this study, 11 therapeutic factors postulated by Yalom (2005) were utilized to qualitatively investigate group dynamics. Analyses of qualitative data highlighted how group members with features of the Axis II, Cluster B type may distinctively affect group dynamics. Based on the results, group members with Axis II diagnoses, as reported bythe therapists who responded to this study, were observed to present with altruistic behaviors in group. In addition, motivation appeared to be one of the most influential factors in promoting and maintaining therapeutic group behaviors. Group members with antisocial features appeared to present with low motivation for treatment, and individualswith a pervasive history of criminal institutionalization seemed more prone to disengagement in group. Individuals with borderline and histrionic traits seemed to be interpersonally oriented and affectively engaged in group process. Persons with a narcissistic tendency also appeared to be interpersonally invested and showed altruistic behaviors, yet the importance of confirming their superiority seemed to outweigh the need for acceptance or approval from other group members. As briefly discussed above, the qualitative analyses of the current data showed that individuals with Axis II disorders, Cluster B type uniquely affect group dynamics, which suggest clinical considerations foreffective treatment planning, maintenance, and outcomes.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of training patterns and roles of significant others (i.e. coaches, parents, peers, and siblings) in adolescent swimmers’ sport participation patterns. Design: The developmental model of sport participation [Côté, J., Baker, J., & Abernethy, B. (2003). From play to practice: A developmental framework for the acquisition of expertise in team sport. In J. Starkes, & K. A. Ericsson (Eds.), Recent advances in research on sport expertise (pp. 89–114). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; Côté, J., & Fraser-Thomas, J. (2007). Youth involvement in sport. In P. R. E. Crocker (Ed.), Introduction to sport psychology: A Canadian perspective (pp. 266–294). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall] was used as a framework. Method: Ten dropout and 10 engaged swimmers, matched on key demographic variables participated in a semi-structured qualitative interview. Results: Groups had many similar experiences (e.g. early training, supportive and unsupportive coaches, involved parents). However, only dropouts spoke of early peak performances, limited one-on-one coaching, pressuring parents during adolescence, lack of swimming peers during adolescence, and sibling rivalries. In contrast, only engaged athletes spoke of clubs’ developmental philosophies, coaches’ and parents’ open communication, school friends’ support, and siblings’ general positive influences. Conclusions: Findings highlight the importance of appropriately structured programs and the fragility of athletes’ relationships with significant others during the adolescent years. Implications for sport programmers, coaches, and parents are discussed.
The developmental histories of 32 players in the Australian Football League (AFL), independently classified as either expert or less skilled in their perceptual and decision- making skills, were collected through a structured interview process and their year-on-year involvement in structured and deliberate play activities retrospectively determined. Despite being drawn from the same elite level of competition, the expert decision-makers differed from the less skilled in having accrued, during their developing years, more hours of experience in structured activities of all types, in structured activities in invasion-type sports, in invasion-type deliberate play, and in invasion activities from sports other than Australian football. Accumulated hours invested in invasion-type activities differentiated between the groups, suggesting that it is the amount of invasion-type activity that is experienced and not necessarily intent (skill development or fun) or specificity that facilitates the development of perceptual and decision-making expertise in this team sport.