977 resultados para rural China
Broadband access is a key factor for economic and social development. However, providing broadband to rural areas is not attractive to private telecommunications operators due its low or zero investment return. To deal with broadband provision in rural areas, different governance systems based on private and public cooperation have appeared. This paper not only identifies and defines public and private cooperation models but also assesses their impact on overcoming the digital divide in rural areas. The results show that public ownership infrastructure under private management policy has had positive effects on reducing the broadband digital divide and being applied to areas with higher digital divide; subsides to private operators providers only positive effects on reducing broadband digital divide; but public infrastructure with public management programs did not. The results, obtained using quasi-experimental methods, suggest the importance of incentives and control mechanisms in broadband universal service provision plans.
Being highly discussed the problem of climate change and global warming has been keeping importance for several of decades. As a response to the world’s need in solution for climate change disasters, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992 and supplemented with the Kyoto protocol in 1997. This work is aimed to give better understanding of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol with its mechanisms and their function, related to energy projects in such case countries, as Russia and China, in order to assist evaluation of projects cost-effectiveness. It provides basic information about the Convention and the Protocol with their regulations, overview of present situation and future post-Kyoto forecasts, while the most attention is concentrated on the clean development mechanism and joint implementation step-by-step project cycles and specific regulations in given countries. The current study disclosed that CDM and JI project cycles are resulting in a complicated process. By the moment it requires step-by-step following of a number of methodologies, spending time and finance to particular project development. Uncertainties about post-Kyoto period bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any business decision concerning Kyoto Protocol.
Peatlands play a crucial role in Indonesia's economic development, and in its stated goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Improved peatland management - including a national moratorium on the granting of any new conversion licenses - forms a cornerstone of Indonesia's climate change mitigation commitment. At the same time, rapid expansion of the plantation sector is driving wide-scale drainage and conversion of peat swamp ecosystems. The province of Riau, in central Sumatra, finds itself at the crossroads of these conflicting agendas. This essay presents a case study of three islands on Riau's east coast affected by industrial timber plantation concessions. It examines the divergent experiences, perceptions and responses of communities on the islands. A mix of dramatic protests, localised everyday actions and constructive dialogue has succeeded in delaying or perhaps halting one of the concessions, while negotiations and contestation with the other two continue. With the support of regional and national non-governmental organisations and local government, communities are pursuing alternative development strategies, including the cultivation of sago, which requires no peat drainage. While a powerful political economy of state and corporate actors shapes the contours of socio-environmental change, local social movements can alter trajectories of change, promoting incremental improvements and alternative pathways.
Introducción: Conocer las vivencias y la percepción de los mayores contribuye a mejorar su calidad de vida. Nos interesa determinar la calidad de vida y la percepción de felicidad de los mayores de 65 y más años de una zona rural. Material y método: Se ha estudiado el caso de personas mayores en la población de La Llacuna, comarca de Anoia, provincia de Barcelona (España). Diseño descriptivo y transversal. La muestra fue de n=31. Las variables utilizadas fueron: a) cómo conciben la calidad de vida (CV); b) cuál es su percepción de la CV; c) los motivos relacionados con la CV; d) la satisfacción con la vida; e) la percepción de felicidad; f) la necesidad de relacionarse con personas de su grupo de edad, y g) la valoración de su estado actual según la edad. Resultados: Los elementos que determinan una buena calidad de vida para el grupo de personas mayores es tener un buen estado de salud, poder moverse con autonomía, adaptarse a las situaciones de día a día, disponer de recursos y sentirse queridos por los familiares. Más de la mitad de los mayores se muestran felices y satisfechos con su vida y aceptan la situación de su edad. Conclusiones: Los resultados se acercan a las teorías sociológicas de roles descrita por Parsons (1951) y a la teoría de la desvinculación de Cummings y Henry (1961). Los espacios dedicados al divertimento y al esparcimiento, como son los casales (centros de reunión y de actividades), contribuyen a la satisfacción con la vida de los mayores. Los profesionales de enfermería pueden incidir en la promoción de un estilo de vida saludable y mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores.
Declining agricultural productivity, land clearance and climate change are compounding the vulnerability of already marginal rural populations in West Africa. 'Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration' (FMNR) is an approach to arable land restoration and reforestation that seeks to reconcile sustained food production, conservation of soils and protection of biodiversity. It involves selecting and protecting the most vigorous stems regrowing from live stumps of felled trees, pruning off all other stems, and pollarding the chosen stems to grow into straight trunks. Despite widespread enthusiasm and application of FMNR by environmental management and development projects, to date, no research has provided a measure of the aggregate livelihood impact of community adoption of FMNR. This paper places FMNR in the context of other agroforestry initiatives, then seeks to quantify the value of livelihood outcomes of FMNR. We review published and unpublished evidence about the impacts of FMNR, and present a new case study that addresses gaps in the evidence base. The case study focuses on a FMNR project in the district of Talensi in the semi-arid Upper East Region in Ghana. The case study employs a Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis, which identifies proxy financial values for non-economic as well as economic benefits. The results demonstrate income and agricultural benefits, but also show that asset creation, increased consumption of wild resources, health improvements and psycho-social benefits created more value in FMNR-adopting households during the period of the study than increases in income and agricultural yields.
Introducción: Conocer las vivencias y la percepción de los mayores contribuye a mejorar su calidad de vida. Nos interesa determinar la calidad de vida y la percepción de felicidad de los mayores de 65 y más años de una zona rural. Material y método: Se ha estudiado el caso de personas mayores en la población de La Llacuna, comarca de Anoia, provincia de Barcelona (España). Diseño descriptivo y transversal. La muestra fue de n=31. Las variables utilizadas fueron: a) cómo conciben la calidad de vida (CV); b) cuál es su percepción de la CV; c) los motivos relacionados con la CV; d) la satisfacción con la vida; e) la percepción de felicidad; f) la necesidad de relacionarse con personas de su grupo de edad, y g) la valoración de su estado actual según la edad. Resultados: Los elementos que determinan una buena calidad de vida para el grupo de personas mayores es tener un buen estado de salud, poder moverse con autonomía, adaptarse a las situaciones de día a día, disponer de recursos y sentirse queridos por los familiares. Más de la mitad de los mayores se muestran felices y satisfechos con su vida y aceptan la situación de su edad. Conclusiones: Los resultados se acercan a las teorías sociológicas de roles descrita por Parsons (1951) y a la teoría de la desvinculación de Cummings y Henry (1961). Los espacios dedicados al divertimento y al esparcimiento, como son los casales (centros de reunión y de actividades), contribuyen a la satisfacción con la vida de los mayores. Los profesionales de enfermería pueden incidir en la promoción de un estilo de vida saludable y mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores.
OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of ragweed allergy is increasing worldwide. Ragweed distribution and abundance is spreading in Europe in a wide area ranging from the Rhone valley in France to Hungary and Ukraine, where the rate of the prevalence can peak at as high as 12%. Low-grade ragweed colonisation was seen in Geneva and Ticino, less than two decades ago. There were fears that allergies to ragweed would increase Switzerland. The intent of this study was to assess the rate of prevalence of sensitisation and allergy to ragweed in the population living in the first rural Swiss setting where ragweed had been identified in 1996, and to evaluate indirectly the efficacy of elimination and containment strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2009, 35 adults in a rural village in the Canton of Geneva were recruited. Data were collected by means of questionnaires and skin-prick tests were done on each participant. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee. RESULTS: Based on questionnaires, 48.6% had rhinitis (95% confidence interval [CI] 32.9-64.4; n = 17/35) and 17.1% asthma (95% CI 8.1-32.6; n = 6/35). Atopy was diagnosed in 26.4% (95% CI 12.9-44.4) of the sample (n = 9/34). Ragweed sensitisation was found in 2.9% (95% CI 0.7-19.7; n = 1/34), mugwort sensitisation in 2.9% (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35), alder sensitisation in 17.1% (95% CI 6.6-33.6; n = 6/35), ash sensitisation in 12.5% (95% CI 3.5-29.0; n = 4/32) and grass sensitisation in 22.9% (95% CI 10.4-40.1; n = 8/35). Ragweed (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/34) and mugwort allergies (95% CI 0.1-14.9; n = 1/35) were both found in 2.9% of the population. CONCLUSION: This study showed a surprisingly low incidence of ragweed sensitisation and allergy, of 2.9% and 2.9%, respectively, 20 years after the first ragweed detection in Geneva. The feared rise in ragweed allergy seems not to have happened in Switzerland, compared with other ragweed colonised countries. These results strongly support early field strategies against ragweed.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és redissenyar la plataforma de la màquina elevadora DamconCMBB per tal que, el mateix operari pugui anivellar-la en funció del desnivell del terreny. Almateix temps i a conseqüència d’això, es busca que l’usuari millori en comoditat i enidoneïtat de l’entorn de treball. És a dir que, el fet de poder anivellar la plataforma puguievitar treballar en posicions forçades i prevenir d’aquesta manera riscos innecessaris ipossibles lesions dels operaris.En primer lloc, es vol conservar tota l’estructura que sigui possible i fabricar una novaplataforma que es pugui anivellar en sentit longitudinal i transversal.En segon lloc, l’acció d’anivellació l’haurà de practicar manualment l’operari a través d’undistribuïdor hidràulic. En tercer lloc, l’alçada que assolirà la plataforma de la màquina autoportant i autopropulsada serà de 2 metres respecte el terra. Per acabar, l’anivellació només la podrà efectuar l’operari tot utilitzant un comandamentmanual. Així és que, la modificació a practicar a la màquina no inclou un sistemad’autoanivellació, així com, també queda obert l’apartat de disseny industrial, ja que tampocés una de les prioritats d’aquest projecte
La discriminación de las mujeres rurales y la falta de una aplicación efectiva de la legislación sobre la igualdad de género es un fenómeno extendido alrededor del mundo. Las mujeres han sido tradicionalmente las responsables del cuidado y alimentación familiar, en consecuencia han desarrollado tareas productivas que facilitan la combinación de actividades productivas y reproductivas en la explotación agraria. La transformación alimentaria es una de esas actividades que permite a las mujeres tener un trabajo remunerado o complementar la renta agraria en un contexto dónde la mayoría de los trabajos agrícolas están vetados para ellas. Sin embargo, las mujeres suelen estar vinculadas a proyectos que priorizan la producción local y de calidad, y la expansión de la producción industrial de alimentos ha empeorado la situación de las mujeres artesanas alimentarias. En el presente estudio se pretende, mediante el uso de metodologías cualitativas, abordar un diagnóstico de la situación de las mujeres que llevan a cabo proyectos de transformación alimentaria a pequeña escala en España mostrando sus principales dificultades, necesidades y propuestas.
El fenomen del progressiu envelliment de la població, a causa sobretot de l’allargament de l'esperança de vida i la baixa natalitat, fa que algunes de les principals preocupacions de les famílies, de les entitats cíviques i de les autoritats públiques estiguin relacionades amb les condicions de vida de la gent gran. Aquesta preocupació es justifica, a més, per la necessitat de reconèixer la molta i bona feina feta per una generació que ha viscut temps difícils i ha lluitat per salvaguardar la nostra cultura i per millorar les condicions econòmiques i socials del país. La investigació que presentem s'adreça a fer front als aspectes esmentats en una zona rural de l’AIt Empordà amb pocs recursos propers, on el model urbá d'atenció no encaixa i on no hi ha Instruments de coordinació. El projecte va néixer de la mateixa comunitat, a través del Consell Pastoral Interparroquial de les parròquies de Garriguella, Rabós d'Empordà i Vilamaniscle i deis ajuntaments dels esmentats municipis
This research focuses on the career experiences of women managers in the IT industry in China and Finland, two countries with different cultures, policies, size of population, and social and economic structures regarding work-life support and equal opportunities. The object of this research is to present a cross-cultural comparison of women’s career experiences and how women themselves understand and account for their careers. The study explores how the macro and the micro levels of cultural and social processes become manifested in the lives of individual women. The main argument in this thesis is that culture plays a crucial role in making sense of women’s career experiences, although its role should be understood through its interrelationship with other social processes, e.g., institutional relations, social policies, industrial structures and organizations, as well as globalization. The interrelationship of a series of cultural and social processes affects individuals’ attitudes to, and arrangement and organization of, their work and family lives. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises five research papers. The main research question of the study is: How do cultural and social processes affect the experiences of women managers? Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which include in-depth interviews, Q-methodology, interpretive analysis, and questionnaires, are used in the study. The main theoretical background is culturally sensitive career theory and the theory of individual differences. The results of this study are viewed through a feminist lens. The research methodology applied allows new explorations on how demographic factors, work experiences, lifestyle issues, and organizational cultures can jointly affect women’s managerial careers. The sample group used in the research is 42 women managers working in IT companies in China (21) and Finland (21). The results of the study illustrate the impact of history, tradition, culture, institutional relations, social politics, industry and organizations, and globalization on the careers of women managers. It is claimed that the role of culture – cultural norms within nations and organizations – is of great importance in the relationship of gender and work. Women’s managerial careers are affected by multiple factors (personal, social and cultural) reflecting national and inter-individual differences. The results of the study contribute to research on careers, adding particularly to the literature on gender, work and culture, and offering a complex and holistic perspective for a richer understanding of pluralism and global diversity. The results of the study indicate how old and new career perspectives are evidenced in women managers in the IT industry. The research further contributes to an understanding of women’s managerial careers from a cross-culture perspective. In addition, the study contributes to the literature on culture and extends understanding of Hofstede’s work. Further, most traditional career theories do not perceive the importance of culture in determining an individual’s career experience and this study richens understanding of women managers’ careers and has considerable implications for international human resource management. The results of this study emphasize the need, when discussing women managers’ careers, to understand the ways by which gendering is produced rather than merely examining gender differences. It is argued that the meaning of self-knowledge is critical. Further, the environment where the careers under study develop differs greatly; China and Finland are very different – culturally, historically and socially. The findings of this study should, therefore, be understood as a holistic, specific, and contextually-bound.
In the mid-20th century, the southern parts of the Madres and Mont Coronat massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) were characterized by a Mediterranean landscape shaped by human activity. Long-term use of these mountains for crops, livestock, and forestry led to an increase in grassland areas at the expense of forest. However, socioeconomic transformation (abandonment of agriculture and a decrease in the rural population) in recent decades has caused profound changes in this massif. Interpretation of aerial photographs (1953, 1969, 1988, and 2000) made it possible to detect and analyze the changes produced in the study area (6787 ha) during this period. In 1953 most of the massif landscape consisted of grasslands (38%) and open forests (18%), with some areas of dense forest (15%). By 2000, dense forest cover had doubled in size (31%), and grassland had decreased considerably (by 73% of the initial area). Since 1953, the study area has become more homogeneous, with a few local exceptions. The results of this study suggest that socioeconomic factors might be the main cause of landscape transformations in this period of approximately 50 years.
Soil properties on the Cap de Creus Peninsula, NE Spain depend primarily on scarce agricultural practices and early abandonment. In the study area, 90% of which is mainly covered by Cistus shrubs, 8 environments representing variations in land use/land cover and soil properties at different depths were identified. In each environment variously vegetated areas were selected and sampled. The soils, collected at different depths, were classified as Lithic Xerorthents according to the United States Department of Agriculture system of soil classification (USDA-NRCS 1975). Differences in soil properties were largely found according to the evolution of the plant canopy and the land use history. To identify underlying patterns in soil properties related to environmental evolution, factor analysis was performed and factor scores were used to determine how the factor patterns varied between soil variables, soil depths and selected environments. The three-factor model always accounted for 80% of the total variation in the data at the different soil depths. Organic matter was the more relevant soil property at 0–2 cm depth, whereas active minerals (silt and clay) were found to be the most relevant soil parameters controlling soil dynamics at the other depths investigated. Results showed that vineyards and olive tree soils are poorly developed and present worse conditions for mineral and organic compounds. Analysis of factor scores allowed independent assessment of soils, depth and plant cover and demonstrated that soils present the best physico-chemical characteristics under Erica arborea and meadows. In contrast, soils under Cistus monspeliensis were less nutrient rich and less well structured
Estat de la qüestió de les investigacions que s'han portat a terme sobre la continuïtat d'ocupació en els poblats talaiòtics durant l'època romana a Menorca. S'estudia la continuïtat en relació al procés de romanització que va patir l'illa
In this work the exposure of wells and surface water to pesticides, commonly used for tobacco cropping, was assessed. Water consumption wells and surface water flows were sampled at different times. After a preconcentration step with solid phase extraction (SPE), the selected pesticides were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) or high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). No pesticides were detected in the well water samples and surface water flow in the winter season. However, in the spring and summer higher concentrations of chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid were found in the water source samples. Atrazine, simazine and clomazone were also found. The occurrence of pesticides in collected water samples was related with the application to tobacco.