980 resultados para quantity surveying


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[ES] El Castillo se encuentra coronando, junto a la iglesia de San Pedro, el cerro sobre el que se asienta el caserío de Cornago. Actualmente está formado por un patio interior de forma rectangular y rematado por cuatro torres en las esquinas, de las cuales tres son circulares de diferentes radios y una cuarta (NE) cuadrada, la superficie total ocupada es de unos 50 x 30 metros al exterior.


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[ES] Los restos del alcázar se encuentran situados en una ladera ocupando una superficie de unos 40 x 25 metros. Se trata de una serie de terrazas que escalonan la pendiente. Las campañas arqueológicas realizadas muestran una secuencia de cinco muros paralelos, escalonados en altura, dispuestos para reforzar y defender el desnivel de 12 m existente entre el exterior y el interior del recinto. Los muros parten por el oeste de otro gran muro perpendicular, orientado de norte a sur, para morir en el precipicio natural situado al este. Entre ellos se disponen diversas dependencias y una amplia escalinata de acceso trazada en la última época.


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[ES] La Portada de los Hierros tiene una configuración de retablo en piedra con una variada iconografía: cornisas, estatuas, escudos… Está formado por tres cuerpos, el central de 35 metros de altura y los dos laterales de 24, la anchura de cada uno es de unos 9 metros. Los cuerpos laterales se distribuyen en altura mediante tres niveles, teniendo el central un cuarto nivel superior que remata en una cruz flanqueada por dos figuras.


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[ES] Se trata de una cueva de gran belleza e interés geológico, se desarrolla sinuosamente a lo largo de algo más de 350 metros alternando grandes salas y estrechos corredores. Cuenta con un conjunto de pinturas rupestres catalogadas en el Paleolítico Superior y está incluida en la lista de Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en «Cueva de Altamira y arte rupestre paleolítico del Norte de España».


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[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.


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[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.


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[ES] Este proyecto tiene una continuación en el siguiente registro:


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[ES] En lo alto del cerro se encuentra un sistema de cuatro recintos amurallados de piedra en seco que se disponen sobre un espolón rocoso de forma triangular de unos 150 metros de longitud y 100 metros de base.


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[EN] This academic activity has been the origin of other work that are also located in this repository. The first one is the dataset of information about the geometry of the Monastery recorded during the two years of fieldwork, then some bachelor thesis and papers are listed:


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IN this paper, the engraving process with Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser is investigated. High power density is the pre- requisition to vapor materials, and high repetition rate makes the engraving process highly efficient. An acousto- optic Q-Switch is applied in the cavity of CW 200 W Nd:YAG laser to achieve the high peak power density and the high pulse repetition rate. Different shape craters are formed in a patterned structure on the material surface when the laser beam irradiates on it by controlling power density, pulse repetition rate, pulse quantity and pulse interval. In addition, assisting oxygen gas is used for not only improving combustion to deepen the craters but also removing the plasma that generated on the top of craters. Off-focus length classified as negative and positive has a substantial effect on crater diameters. According to the message of rotating angle positions from material to be engraved and the information of graph pixels from computer, a special graph is imparted to the material by integrating the Q- Switched Nd:YAG laser with the computer graph manipulation and the numerically controlled worktable. The crater diameter depends on laser beam divergence and laser focal length. The crater diameter changes from 50 micrometers to 300 micrometers , and the maximum of crater depth reaches one millimeter.


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Although blogs exist from the beginning of the Internet, their use has considerablybeen increased in the last decade. Nowadays, they are ready for being used bya broad range of people. From teenagers to multinationals, everyone can have aglobal communication space.Companies know blogs are a valuable publicity tool to share information withthe participants, and the importance of creating consumer communities aroundthem: participants come together to exchange ideas, review and recommend newproducts, and even support each other. Also, companies can use blogs for differentpurposes, such as a content management system to manage the content of websites,a bulletin board to support communication and document sharing in teams,an instrument in marketing to communicate with Internet users, or a KnowledgeManagement Tool. However, an increasing number of blog content do not findtheir source in the personal experiences of the writer. Thus, the information cancurrently be kept in the user¿s desktop documents, in the companies¿ catalogues,or in another blogs. Although the gap between blog and data source can be manuallytraversed in a manual coding, this is a cumbersome task that defeats the blog¿seasiness principle. Moreover, depending on the quantity of information and itscharacterisation (i.e., structured content, unstructured content, etc.), an automaticapproach can be more effective.Based on these observations, the aim of this dissertation is to assist blog publicationthrough annotation, model transformation and crossblogging techniques.These techniques have been implemented to give rise to Blogouse, Catablog, andBlogUnion. These tools strive to improve the publication process considering theaforementioned data sources.


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[ES] El área de trabajo ocupa unos 60 x 60 metros y está situada en la cima del monte Aitz Txiki (Astxiki) en la que se aprecian algunos restos de muros y un aljibe, pertenecientes a una construcción defensiva.


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[ES] Edificio situado en el casco histórico de Durango, en estado de ruina previo a su rehabilitación. La documentación se realiza mediante técnicas topográficas con estación total y se complementa con fotografías para conseguir un modelo virtual y la ortoimagen de la fachada principal.


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[ES] El conjunto está formado por la torre de Martiartu (de unas 16 x 16 metros de planta), la pequeña ermita de la San Antonio y el área circundante.


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Habitat mapping and characterization has been defined as a high-priority management issue for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS), especially for poorly known deep-sea habitats that may be sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. As a result, a team of scientists from OCNMS, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), and other partnering institutions initiated a series of surveys to assess the distribution of deep-sea coral/sponge assemblages within the sanctuary and to look for evidence of potential anthropogenic impacts in these critical habitats. Initial results indicated that remotely delineating areas of hard bottom substrate through acoustic sensing could be a useful tool to increase the efficiency and success of subsequent ROV-based surveys of the associated deep-sea fauna. Accordingly, side scan sonar surveys were conducted in May 2004, June 2005, and April 2006 aboard the NOAA Ship McArthur II to: (1) obtain additional imagery of the seafloor for broader habitat-mapping coverage of sanctuary waters, and (2) help delineate suitable deep-sea coral/sponge habitat, in areas of both high and low commercial-fishing activities, to serve as sites for surveying-in more detail using an ROV on subsequent cruises. Several regions of the sea floor throughout the OCNMS were surveyed and mosaicked at 1-meter pixel resolution. Imagery from the side scan sonar mapping efforts was integrated with other complementary data from a towed camera sled, ROVs, sedimentary samples, and bathymetry records to describe geological and biological (where possible) aspects of habitat. Using a hierarchical deep-water marine benthic classification scheme (Greene et al. 1999), we created a preliminary map of various habitat polygon features for use in a geographical information system (GIS). This report provides a description of the mapping and groundtruthing efforts as well as results of the image classification procedure for each of the areas surveyed. (PDF contains 60 pages.)