916 resultados para prostate biopsy
In normal rats and mice, immunostaining with specific antibodies revealed that nuclei of most prostatic epithelial cells harbor estrogen receptor β (ERβ). In rat ventral prostate, 530- and 549-aa isoforms of the receptor were identified. These sediment in the 4S region of low-salt sucrose gradients, indicating that prostatic ERβ does not contain the same protein chaperones that are associated with ERα. Estradiol (E2) binding and ERβ immunoreactivity coincide on the gradient, with no indication of ERα. In prostates from mice in which the ERβ gene has been inactivated (BERKO), androgen receptor (AR) levels are elevated, and the tissue contains multiple hyperplastic foci. Most epithelial cells express the proliferation antigen Ki-67. In contrast, prostatic epithelium from wild-type littermates is single layered with no hyperplasia, and very few cells express Ki-67. Rat ventral prostate contains an estrogenic component, which comigrates on HPLC with the testosterone metabolite 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3βAdiol). This compound, which competes with E2 for binding to ERβ and elicits an estrogenic response in the aorta but not in the pituitary, decreases the AR content in prostates of wild-type mice but does not affect the elevated levels seen in ERβ knockout (BERKO) mice. Thus ERβ, probably as a complex with 3βAdiol, is involved in regulating the AR content of the rodent prostate and in restraining epithelial growth. These findings suggest that ligands specific for ERβ may be useful in the prevention and/or clinical management of prostatic hyperplasia and neoplasia.
Human prostate tumor growth in athymic mice: inhibition by androgens and stimulation by finasteride.
When the human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP 104-S, the growth of which is stimulated by physiological levels of androgen, is cultured in androgen-depleted medium for > 100 passages, the cells, now called LNCaP 104-R2, are proliferatively repressed by low concentrations of androgens. LNCaP 104-R2 cells formed tumors in castrated male athymic nude mice. Testosterone propionate (TP) treatment prevented LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth and caused regression of established tumors in these mice. Such a tumor-suppressive effect was not observed with tumors derived from LNCaP 104-S cells or androgen receptor-negative human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. 5 alpha-Dihydrotestosterone, but not 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone, 17 beta-estradiol, or medroxyprogesterone acetate, also inhibited LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth. Removal of TP or implantation of finasteride, a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, in nude mice bearing TP implants resulted in the regrowth of LNCaP 104-R2 tumors. Within 1 week after TP implantation, LNCaP 104-R2 tumors exhibited massive necrosis with severe hemorrhage. Three weeks later, these tumors showed fibrosis with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells and scattered carcinoma cells exhibiting degeneration. TP treatment of mice with LNCaP 104-R2 tumors reduced tumor androgen receptor and c-myc mRNA levels but increased prostate-specific antigen in serum- and prostate-specific antigen mRNA in tumors. Although androgen ablation has been the standard treatment for metastatic prostate cancer for > 50 years, our study shows that androgen supplementation therapy may be beneficial for treatment of certain types of human prostate cancer and that the use of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride or anti-androgens, in the general treatment of metastatic prostate cancer may require careful assessment.
The selective production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reacting with defined cell surface-expressed molecules is now readily accomplished with an immunological subtraction approach, surface-epitope masking (SEM). Using SEM, prostate carcinoma (Pro 1.5) mAbs have been developed that react with tumor-associated antigens expressed on human prostate cancer cell lines and patient-derived carcinomas. Screening a human LNCaP prostate cancer cDNA expression library with the Pro 1.5 mAb identifies a gene, prostate carcinoma tumor antigen-1 (PCTA-1). PCTA-1 encodes a secreted protein of approximately 35 kDa that shares approximately 40% sequence homology with the N-amino terminal region of members of the S-type galactose-binding lectin (galectin) gene family. Specific galectins are found on the surface of human and marine neoplastic cells and have been implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Primer pairs within the 3' untranslated region of PCTA-1 and reverse transcription-PCR demonstrate selective expression of PCTA-1 by prostate carcinomas versus normal prostate and benign prostatic hypertrophy. These findings document the use of the SEM procedure for generating mAbs reacting with tumor-associated antigens expressed on human prostate cancers. The SEM-derived mAbs have been used for expression cloning the gene encoding this human tumor antigen. The approaches described in this paper, SEM combined with expression cloning, should prove of wide utility for developing immunological reagents specific for and identifying genes relevant to human cancer.
Prostate carcinoma is the second leading cause of death from malignancy in men in the United States. Prostate cancer cells express type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) and prostate cancer selectively metastazises to bone, which is an environment rich in insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), thereby supporting a paracrine action for cancer cell proliferation. We asked whether the IGF-IR is coupled to tumorigenicity and invasion of prostate cancer. When rat prostate adenocarcinoma cells (PA-III) were stably transfected with an antisense IGF-IR expression construct containing the ZnSO4-inducible metallothionein-1 transcriptional promoter, the transfectants expressed high levels of IGF-IR antisense RNA after induction with ZnSO4, which resulted in dramatically reduced levels of endogenous IGF-IR mRNA. A significant reduction in expression both of tissue-type plasminogen activator and of urokinase-type plasminogen activator occurred in PA-III cells accompanying inhibition of IGF-IR. Subcutaneous injection of either nontransfected PA-III or PA-III cells transfected with vector minus the IGF-IR insert into nude mice resulted in large tumors after 4 weeks. However, mice injected with IGF-IR antisense-transfected PA-III cells either developed tumors 90% smaller than controls or remained tumor-free after 60 days of observation. When control-transfected PA-III cells were inoculated over the abraded calvaria of nude mice, large tumors formed with invasion of tumor cells into the brain parenchyma. In contrast, IGF-IR antisense transfectants formed significantly smaller tumors with no infiltration into brain. These results indicate an important role for the IGF/IGF-IR pathway in metastasis and provide a basis for targeting IGF-IR as a potential treatment for prostate cancer.
We have cloned a novel member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. The cDNA of clone 29 was isolated from a rat prostate cDNA library and it encodes a protein of 485 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 54.2 kDa. Clone 29 protein is unique in that it is highly homologous to the rat estrogen receptor (ER) protein, particularly in the DNA-binding domain (95%) and in the C-terminal ligand-binding domain (55%). Expression of clone 29 in rat tissues was investigated by in situ hybridization and prominent expression was found in prostate and ovary. In the prostate clone 29 is expressed in the epithelial cells of the secretory alveoli, whereas in the ovary the granuloma cells in primary, secondary, and mature follicles showed expression of clone 29. Saturation ligand-binding analysis of in vitro synthesized clone 29 protein revealed a single binding component for 17beta-estradiol (E2) with high affinity (Kd= 0.6 nM). In ligand-competition experiments the binding affinity decreased in the order E2 > diethylstilbestrol > estriol > estrone > 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol >> testosterone = progesterone = corticosterone = 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol. In cotransfection experiments of Chinese hamster ovary cells with a clone 29 expression vector and an estrogen-regulated reporter gene, maximal stimulation (about 3-fold) of reporter gene activity was found during incubation with 10 nM of E2. Neither progesterone, testosterone, dexamethasone, thyroid hormone, all-trans-retinoic acid, nor 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,I7beta-diol could stimulate reporter gene activity, whereas estrone and 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol did. We conclude that clone 29 cDNA encodes a novel rat ER, which we suggest be named rat ERbeta to distinguish it from the previously cloned ER (ERalpha) from rat uterus.
Tyrosine kinases play central roles in the growth and differentiation of normal and tumor cells. In this study, we have analyzed the general tyrosine kinase expression profile of a prostate carcinoma (PCA) xenograft, CWR22. We describe here an improved reverse transcriptase-PCR approach that permits identification of nearly 40 different kinases in a single screening; several of these kinases are newly cloned kinases and some are novel. According to this, there are 11 receptor kinases, 9 nonreceptor kinases, and at least 7 dual kinases expressed in the xenograft tissue. The receptor kinases include erbB2, erbB3, Ret, platelet-derived growth factor receptor, sky, nyk, eph, htk, sek (eph), ddr, and tkt. The nonreceptor kinases are lck, yes, abl, arg, JakI, tyk2, and etk/bmx. Most of the dual kinases are in the mitogen-activating protein (MAP) kinase-kinase (MKK) family, which includes MKK3, MKK4, MEK5, and a novel one. As a complementary approach, we also analyzed by specific reverse transcriptase-PCR primers the expression profile of erbB/epidermal growth factor receptor family receptors in a variety of PCA specimens, cell lines, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. We found that erbB1, -2, and -3 are often coexpressed in prostate tissues, but not in erbB4. The information established here should provide a base line to study the possible growth and oncogenic signals of PCA.
The androgen receptor (AR) is a member of the steroid receptor superfamily that plays an important role in male sexual differentiation and prostate cell proliferation. Mutations or abnormal expression of AR in prostate cancer can play a key role in the process that changes prostate cancer from androgen-dependent to an androgen-independent stage. Using a yeast two-hybrid system, we were able to isolate a ligand-dependent AR-associated protein (ARA70), which functions as an activator to enhance AR transcriptional activity 10-fold in the presence of 10(-10) M dihydrotestosterone or 10(-9) M testosterone, but not 10(-6) M hydroxyflutamide in human prostate cancer DU145 cells. Our data further indicated that ARA70 Will only slightly induce the transcriptional activity of other steroid receptors such as estrogen receptor, glucocorticoid receptor, and progesterone receptor in DU145 cells. Together, these data suggest that AR may need a specific coactivator(s) such as ARA70 for optimal androgen activity.
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths in the United States. Yet, despite a large international effort, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie this devastating disease. Prostate secretory epithelial cells and androgen-dependent prostate carcinomas undergo apoptosis in response to androgen deprivation and, furthermore, most prostate carcinomas become androgen independent and refractory to further therapeutic manipulations during disease progression. Definition of the genetic events that trigger apoptosis in the prostate could provide important insights into critical pathways in normal development as well as elucidate the perturbations of those key pathways in neoplastic transformation. We report the functional definition of a novel genetic locus within human chromosome 10pter-q11 that mediates both in vivo tumor suppression and in vitro apoptosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma cells. A defined fragment of human chromosome 10 was transferred via microcell fusion into a prostate adenocarcinoma cell line. Microcell hybrids containing only the region 10pter-q11 were suppressed for tumorigenicity following injection of microcell hybrids into nude mice. Furthermore, the complemented hybrids undergo programmed cell death in vitro via a mechanism that does not require nuclear localization of p53. These data functionally define a novel genetic locus, designated PAC1, for prostate adenocarcinoma 1, involved in tumor suppression of human prostate carcinoma and furthermore strongly suggest that the cell death pathway can be functionally restored in prostatic adenocarcinoma.
This report demonstrates that the investigational prostatic carcinoma marker known as the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSM) possesses hydrolytic activity with the substrate and pharmacologic properties of the N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase (NAALADase). NAALADase is a membrane hydrolase that has been characterized in the mammalian nervous system on the basis of its catabolism of the neuropeptide N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) to yield glutamate and N-acetylaspartate and that has been hypothesized to influence glutamatergic signaling processes. The immunoscreening of a rat brain cDNA expression library with anti-NAALADase antisera identified a 1428-base partial cDNA that shares 86% sequence identity with 1428 bases of the human PSM cDNA [Israeli, R. S., Powell, C. T., Fair, W. R. & Heston, W.D.W. (1993) Cancer Res. 53, 227-230]. A cDNA containing the entire PSM open reading frame was subsequently isolated by reverse transcription-PCR from the PSM-positive prostate carcinoma cell line LNCaP. Transient transfection of this cDNA into two NAALADase-negative cell lines conferred NAAG-hydrolyzing activity that was inhibited by the NAALADase inhibitors quisqualic acid and beta-NAAG. Thus we demonstrate a PSM-encoded function and identify a NAALADase-encoding cDNA. Northern analyses identify at least six transcripts that are variably expressed in NAALADase-positive but not in NAALADase-negative rat tissues and human cell lines; therefore, PSM and/or related molecular species appear to account for NAAG hydrolysis in the nervous system. These results also raise questions about the role of PSM in both normal and pathologic prostate epithelial-cell function.
Progress toward understanding the biology of prostate cancer has been slow due to the few animal research models available to study the spectrum of this uniquely human disease. To develop an animal model for prostate cancer, several lines of transgenic mice were generated by using the prostate-specific rat probasin promoter to derive expression of the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen-coding region. Mice expressing high levels of the transgene display progressive forms of prostatic disease that histologically resemble human prostate cancer, ranging from mild intraepithelial hyperplasia to large multinodular malignant neoplasia. Prostate tumors have been detected specifically in the prostate as early as 10 weeks of age. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor tissue has demonstrated that dorsolateral prostate-specific secretory proteins were confined to well-differentiated ductal epithelial cells adjacent to, or within, the poorly differentiated tumor mass. Prostate tumors in the mice also display elevated levels of nuclear p53 and a decreased heterogeneous pattern of androgen-receptor expression, as observed in advanced human prostate cancer. The establishment of breeding lines of transgenic mice that reproducibly develop prostate cancer provides an animal model system to study the molecular basis of transformation of normal prostatic cells and the factors influencing the progression to metastatic prostate cancer.
Le cancer de la prostate (CP) est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué en Amérique du Nord et est au troisième rang en termes de létalité chez les hommes. Suite aux traitements de première ligne, 20 à 30% des patients diagnostiqués avec un cancer localisé auront une récidive biochimique de la maladie. La déplétion androgénique mène fréquemment au développement du stade de résistance à la castration (RC). Ce dernier est associé avec une augmentation de la morbidité (métastases osseuses) et de la mortalité avec une survie moyenne inférieure à deux ans. L’évolution du CP est très hétérogène dans la population et il n’existe actuellement aucun biomarqueur pronostique permettant d’identifier les patients à risque de récurrence biochimique, de métastases osseuses et de développement d’une résistance à la castration. De nombreuses études ont démontré que les cytokines inflammatoires IL-6 et IL-8 jouent un rôle dans la pathogénèse du CP, notamment dans le développement de la résistance à la castration. Par ailleurs, les niveaux sériques élevés de ces cytokines ont été associés à un mauvais pronostic. Précédemment, notre laboratoire a démontré in vitro que la protéine IKKε entraîne une augmentation de la sécrétion de ces cytokines dans les cellules du CP et qu’elle est exprimée davantage dans les tissus de cancers plus avancés. Le premier objectif du présent mémoire fut d’évaluer dans des tissus humains la corrélation d’IKKε, IL-6 et IL-8 avec des paramètres cliniques. Nos résultats soulignent le potentiel d’IKKε comme biomarqueur tissulaire pronostique de récurrence biochimique et de métastases osseuses. Nous n’avons trouvé aucune association entre IL-6/IL-8 et les paramètres cliniques inclus dans l’étude. Le second objectif de ce projet fut d’évaluer la coexpression de ces trois molécules dans l’épithélium du CP. Nos résultats confirment les observations in vitro en mettant en évidence une forte association entre l’expression d’IKKε, IL-6 et IL-8. Le troisième objectif fut d’évaluer la relation entre les niveaux sériques et tissulaires d’IL-6 et d’IL-8. Aucune relation significative n’a été établie, suggérant que les cytokines sériques ne sont pas uniquement d’origine prostatique. En conclusion, mon projet de maîtrise aura permis de préciser le potentiel d’IKKε comme biomarqueur tissulaire pronostique et de valider pour la première fois dans des tissus humains sa co-expression avec les cytokines IL-6 et IL-8, dont le rôle dans la pathogénèse de la maladie est bien établi. Une étude plus exhaustive des voies de signalisation d’IKKε reste d’intérêt pour élucider notamment les mécanismes par lesquels IKKε stimule la production de cytokines et par quels moyens cette protéine pourrait être impliquée dans le développement d’un état résistant à la castration.
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