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Contient : « Maximes et brief advis pour le maniment de la guerre, par messire Armand Gontaud DE BIROND (sic), mareschal de France » ; « Traitté des duels » ; « Extrait des actes de la déclaration de la guerre faits par François Ier et Henry VIII, roy d'Angleterre, à l'empereur Charles V, ensemble du défy dudit François Ier audit Charles V, en 1527, 1528, recueillis par P[ierre] DU PUY, en 1638 » ; « Duels assignez », défis et cartels, — notamment, f. 122 v, « Cartel de monsieur d'Ornano, mareschal de France, à monsieur d'Espernon » ; « De la forme et manière que on tenoit à faire les tournois et assemblées, au temps du roy Uterpandragon et du noble et puissant roy Artus, roy de la grand Bretagne » ; Traités concernant l' « office d'armes » et cérémoniaux, « comment on doit faire empereur », etc ; « Les droicts de la jurisdiction appartenant à l'office de connestable de France, déclarés par maistre Guillaume LE TUR, président en Parlement » ; « S'ensuivent aucuns blasons et armes pour advertir les clercs et serviteurs d'armes de la maison de Noblesse et de Gentillesse » ; « S'ensuit l'augmentation des couleurs en pierreries » ; « L'obsèque de monsieur Bertrand du Guesclin, connestable de France »
Comprend : Décret portant règlement d'administration publique (article 34 du décret du 22 août 1912)
Individuals with disabiliiies are increasingly accessing post secondary education opportunities to further develop their educational and career goals. This study examines the current facilitative practices of Canadian university activity-based physical education degree programs on the participation of individuals with disabilities. A critical orientation and descriptive/interpretative approach allows insight into unique stories and experiences of physical education practitioners and special needs professionals as they attempt to provide equitable educational experiences within a least restrictive environment. Leading practitioners are used to triangulate and strengthen the validity of the data while providing direction and advocacy for future development and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. The study concludes with seven recommendations, each providing university activity-based physical education degree programs with viable opportunities for helping create equitable opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Parenting goals are the behavioral, cognitive, and affective outcomes that parents implicitly or explicitly strive to achieve during specific interactions with their children. In the present study, intergenerational parenting practices and goals in Italian-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian families were examined. The association between parenting goals, parents' socialization practices, and the quality of relationship between parent and child were investigated. Participants included individuals ranging in age from 1 8-26 years and their mothers from Anglo-Canadian (n= 31) and Italian-Canadian families (n= 50). The young adults and their mothers were asked to imagine how their respective parents would have reacted to five hypothetical vignettes depicting difficult parent-child interactions. Young adults and their mothers were also asked to rate the importance of parenting goals within these parent-child situations. In addition, young adults assessed the perceived quality of their present relationships with each parent. Cultural differences were revealed such that Italian-Canadian parents endorsed more authoritarian parenting strategies and relationship-centered goals than Anglo-Canadian parents. However, Italian-Canadian and Anglo-Canadian parents were not found to differ on their endorsement of parent-centered goals. Italian-Canadian parents' who did use authoritarian strategies were found to have young-adult children who perceived their relationship with their parents as less satisfying, intimate, affectionate and having relatively high levels of conflict than parents who did not use authoritarian strategies. Anglo-Canadian parents' authoritative strategies were correlated with a better perceived relationship quality by young-adult children.