954 resultados para positional fault


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Inductive fault current limiters (FCLs) have several advantages, such as significant current limitation, immediate triggering and relatively low losses. Despite these advantages, saturated core FCLs have not been commercialized due to its large size and associated high costs. A major remaining challenge is to reduce the footprint of the device. In this paper, a solution to reduce the overall footprint is proposed and discussed. In arrangements of windings on a core in reactors such as FCLs, the core is conventionally grounded. The electrical insulation distance between high voltage winding and core can be reduced if the core is left at floating potential. This paper shows the results of the investigation carried out on the insulation of such a coil-core assembly. Two experiments were conducted. In the first, the behavior of the apparatus under high voltage conditions was assessed by performing power frequency and lightning impulse tests. In the second experiment, a low voltage test was conducted during which voltages of different frequencies and pulses with varying rise times were applied. A finite element simulation was also carried out for comparison and further investigation


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Failures on rolling element bearings usually originate from cracks that are detectable even in their early stage of propogation by properly analyzing vibration signals measured in the proximity of the bearing. Due to micro-slipping in the roller-races contact, damage-induced vibration signals belong to the family of quasi-periodic signals with a strong second order cyclostationary component. Cyclic coherence and its integrated form are widely considered as the most suitable tools for bearing fault diagnostics and their theoretical bases have been already consolidated. This paper presents how to correctly set the parameters of the cyclostationary analysis tool to be implemented in an automatable algorithm. In the first part of the paper some general guidelines are provided for the specific application. These considerations are further verified, applying cyclostationary tools to data collected in an experimental campaign on a specific test-rig.


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Fault identification in industrial machine is a topic of major importance under engineering point of view. In fact, the possibility to identify not only the type, but also the severity and the position of a fault occurred along a shaft-line allows quick maintenance and shorten the downtime. This is really important in the power generation industry where the units are often of several tenths of meters long and where the rotors are enclosed by heavy and pressure-sealed casings. In this paper, an industrial experimental case is presented related to the identification of the unbalance on a large size steam turbine of about 1.3 GW, belonging to a nuclear power plant. The case history is analyzed by considering the vibrations measured by the condition monitoring system of the unit. A model-based method in the frequency domain, developed by the authors, is introduced in detail and it is then used to identify the position of the fault and its severity along the shaft-line. The complete model of the unit (rotor – modeled by means of finite elements, bearings – modeled by linearized damping and stiffness coefficients and foundation – modeled by means of pedestals) is analyzed and discussed before being used for the fault identification. The assessment of the actual fault was done by inspection during a scheduled maintenance and excellent correspondence was found with the identified one by means of authors’ proposed method. Finally a complete discussion is presented about the effectiveness of the method, even in presence of a not fine tuned machine model and considering only few measuring planes for the machine vibration.


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A power electronics-based buffer is examined in which through control of its PWM converters, the buffer-load combination is driven to operate under either constant power or constant impedance modes. A battery, incorporated within the buffer, provides the energy storage facility to facilitate the necessary power flow control. Real power demand from upstream supply is regulated under fault condition, and the possibility of voltage or network instability is reduced. The proposed buffer is also applied to a wind farm. It is shown that the buffer stabilizes the power contribution from the farm. Based on a battery cost-benefit analysis, a method is developed to determine the optimal level of the power supplied from the wind farm and the corresponding capacity of the battery storage system.


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Trimeric autotransporter proteins (TAAs) are important virulence factors of many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. A common feature of most TAAs is the ability to mediate adherence to eukaryotic cells or extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins via a cell surface-exposed passenger domain. Here we describe the characterization of EhaG, a TAA identified from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7. EhaG is a positional orthologue of the recently characterized UpaG TAA from uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Similarly to UpaG, EhaG localized at the bacterial cell surface and promoted cell aggregation, biofilm formation, and adherence to a range of ECM proteins. However, the two orthologues display differential cellular binding: EhaG mediates specific adhesion to colorectal epithelial cells while UpaG promotes specific binding to bladder epithelial cells. The EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain extensive sequence divergence in their respective passenger domains that could account for these differences. Indeed, sequence analyses of UpaG and EhaG homologues from several E. coli genomes revealed grouping of the proteins in clades almost exclusively represented by distinct E. coli pathotypes. The expression of EhaG (in EHEC) and UpaG (in UPEC) was also investigated and shown to be significantly enhanced in an hns isogenic mutant, suggesting that H-NS acts as a negative regulator of both TAAs. Thus, while the EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain some conserved binding and regulatory features, they also possess important differences that correlate with the distinct pathogenic lifestyles of EHEC and UPEC.


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Relative Einkommensunterschiede lösen innerhalb einer Referenzgruppe oftmals Neid aus und beeinflussen damit die individuelle Leistungsbereitschaft. In der ökonomischen Forschung ist bislang dieser Zusammenhang wenig untersucht worden. Unser Beitrag analysiert den Einfluss von relativen Einkommensunterschieden auf die Leistung von Fußballprofis der deutschen Bundesliga. Insgesamt werden 1040 Spieler über einen Zeitraum von 8 Spielzeiten zwischen 1995 und 2004 untersucht. Relative Einkommensunterschiede zwischen Mannschaftskollegen erweisen sich als entscheidender Einfluss auf die individuelle Leistung der Spieler. Eine Verschlechterung in der relativen Einkommensposition vermindert ceteris paribus die individuelle Leistungsbereitschaft. Eine höhere Einkommensungleichheit verstärkt solche positionsbedingten Externalitäten. Relative income differences are likely to lead to envy within a reference group. Envy in turn influences social behavior and individual performance. While positional concerns are apparent in daily life, empirical evidence is rare in the economic literature. This paper investigates the impact of the relative income position on individuals’ performance or productivity. As „performance“ is difficult to measure we turn to soccer players whose performance has been well documented. The broad sample covers eight seasons of the German premier soccer league (Bundesliga) between 1995 and 2004, and includes 1040 players, a salary proxy and several performance variables. The results show that player performance is strongly affected by relative income position. A disadvantage in the relative income position reduces productivity. The larger the income differences within a team, the stronger are the effects of positional concern. Team composition also significantly affects behaviour.


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Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems (SCADA) are widely used to control critical infrastructure automatically. Capturing and analyzing packet-level traffic flowing through such a network is an essential requirement for problems such as legacy network mapping and fault detection. Within the framework of captured network traffic, we present a simple modeling technique, which supports the mapping of the SCADA network topology via traffic monitoring. By characterizing atomic network components in terms of their input-output topology and the relationship between their data traffic logs, we show that these modeling primitives have good compositional behaviour, which allows complex networks to be modeled. Finally, the predictions generated by our model are found to be in good agreement with experimentally obtained traffic.


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The decision of Evans v Robcorp Pty Ltd[2014] QSC 26 is of interest as being an instance where the defence of hardship, in this case, financial hardship, was successfully pleaded in defence to a summary application for specific performance of a contract for the sale of land. Equity has always recognised the defence of hardship in response to an action for specific performance which, as an equitable remedy, might be refused in the discretion of the Court (Hewett v Court (1983) 149 CLR 639 at 664). However, whilst the remedy is discretionary, there are certain accepted principles which have guided the courts in their application of this defence to particular facts. It is not a blanket defence to a claim for specific performance where the buyer simply does not have the funds to complete the contract at the time when settlement is called for. Occasionally, a radical change in, say for instance, the health of the defendant between contract and completion, perhaps coupled with a long delay by a seller in calling for completion not being the fault of the buyer might enliven the defence (Patel v Ali [1984]1 Ch 283)


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This paper presents a low-bandwidth multi-robot communication system designed to serve as a backup communication channel in the event a robot suffers a network device fault. While much research has been performed in the area of distributing network communication across multiple robots within a system, individual robots are still susceptible to hardware failure. In the past, such robots would simply be removed from service, and their tasks re-allocated to other members. However, there are times when a faulty robot might be crucial to a mission, or be able to contribute in a less communication intensive area. By allowing robots to encode and decode messages into unique sequences of DTMF symbols, called words, our system is able to facilitate continued low-bandwidth communication between robots without access to network communication. Our results have shown that the system is capable of permitting robots to negotiate task initiation and termination, and is flexible enough to permit a pair of robots to perform a simple turn taking task.


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Purpose We designed a visual field test focused on the field utilized while driving to examine associations between field impairment and motor vehicle collision involvement in 2,000 drivers ≥70 years old. Methods The "driving visual field test" involved measuring light sensitivity for 20 targets in each eye, extending 15° superiorly, 30° inferiorly, 60° temporally and 30° nasally. The target locations were selected on the basis that they fell within the field region utilized when viewing through the windshield of a vehicle or viewing the dashboard while driving. Monocular fields were combined into a binocular field based on the more sensitive point from each eye. Severe impairment in the overall field or a region was defined as average sensitivity in the lowest quartile of sensitivity. At-fault collision involvement for five years prior to enrollment was obtained from state records. Poisson regression was used to calculate crude and adjusted rate ratios examining the association between field impairment and at-fault collision involvement. Results Drivers with severe binocular field impairment in the overall driving visual field had a 40% increased rate of at-fault collision involvement (RR 1.40, 95%CI 1.07-1.83). Impairment in the lower and left fields was associated with elevated collision rates (RR 1.40 95%CI 1.07-1.82 and RR 1.49, 95%CI 1.15-1.92, respectively), whereas impairment in the upper and right field regions was not. Conclusions Results suggest that older drivers with severe impairment in the lower or left region of the driving visual field are more likely to have a history of at-fault collision involvement.


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Glycerophospholipids (GPs) that differ in the relative position of the two fatty acyl chains on the glycerol backbone (i.e., sn-positional isomers) can have distinct physicochemical properties. The unambiguous assignment of acyl chain position to an individual GP represents a significant analytical challenge. Here we describe a workflow where phosphatidylcholines (PCs) are subjected to ESI for characterization by a combination of differential mobility spectrometry and MS (DMS-MS). When infused as a mixture, ions formed from silver adduction of each phospholipid isomer {e.g., [PC (16:0/18:1) + Ag]+ and [PC (18:1/16:0) + Ag]+} are transmitted through the DMS device at discrete compensation voltages. Varying their relative amounts allows facile and unambiguous assignment of the sn-positions of the fatty acyl chains for each isomer. Integration of the well-resolved ion populations provides a rapid method (< 3 min) for relative quantification of these lipid isomers. The DMS-MS results show excellent agreement with established, but time-consuming, enzymatic approaches and also provide superior accuracy to methods that rely on MS alone. The advantages of this DMS-MS method in identification and quantification of GP isomer populations is demonstrated by direct analysis of complex biological extracts without any prior fractionation.


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Study region The Galilee and Eromanga basins are located in central Queensland, Australia. Both basins are components of the Great Artesian Basin which host some of the most significant groundwater resources in Australia. Study focus This study evaluates the influence of regional faults on groundwater flow in an aquifer/aquitard interbedded succession that form one of the largest Artesian Basins in the world. In order to assess the significance of regional faults as potential barriers or conduits to groundwater flow, vertical displacements of the major aquifers and aquitards were studied at each major fault and the general hydraulic relationship of units that are juxtaposed by the faults were considered. A three-dimensional (3D) geological model of the Galilee and Eromanga basins was developed based on integration of well log data, seismic surfaces, surface geology and elevation data. Geological structures were mapped in detail and major faults were characterised. New hydrological insights for the region Major faults that have been described in previous studies have been confirmed within the 3D geological model domain and a preliminary assessment of their hydraulic significance has been conducted. Previously unknown faults such as the Thomson River Fault (herein named) have also been identified in this study.


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BIM as a suite of technologies has been enabled by the significant improvements in IT infrastructure, the capabilities of computer hardware and software, the increasing adoption of BIM, and the development of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which facilitate the sharing of information between firms. The report highlights the advantages of BIM, particularly the increased utility and speed, better data quality and enhanced fault finding in all construction phases. Additionally BIM promotes enhanced collaborations and visualisation of data mainly in the design and construction phase. There are a number of barriers to the effective implementation of BIM. These include, somewhat paradoxically, a single detailed model (which precludes scenarios and development of detailed alternative designs); the need for three different interoperability standards for effective implementation; added work for the designer which needs to be recognised and remunerated; the size and complexity of BIM, which requires significant investment in human capital to enable the realisation of its full potential. There are also a number of challenges to implementing BIM. The report has identified these as a range of issues concerning: IP, liability, risks and contracts, and the authenticity of users. Additionally, implementing BIM requires investment in new technology, skills training and development of news ways of collaboration. Finally, there are likely to be Trade Practices concerns as requiring certain technology owned by relatively few firms may limit