998 resultados para plant introduction


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Résumé de la thèseBien que le mutualisme puisse être considéré comme une relation harmonieuse entre différentes espèces, son étude révèle plutôt une exploitation réciproque où chaque partenaire tente de maximiser ses bénéfices tout en réduisant ses coûts. Dans ce contexte, l'identification des facteurs qui favorisent ou contrarient, au cours de l'évolution, une issue mutualiste est une étape majeure pour pouvoir reconstruire les étapes clés menant à l'apparition et au maintien des interactions mutualistes. Le but de ce doctorat était l'identification des traits phénotypiques qui permettent à la plante Silene latofolia (Caryophyllacée)et à son pollinisateur - prédateur de graines, la phalène Hadena bicruris (Noctuidé), d'augmenter les bénéfices nets que chacun retire de l'interaction. Ce système d'étude est particulièrement bien approprié à l'étude de ces traits, car on peut assez facilement estimer la qualité et la quantité des descendants (fitness) des deux partenaires. En effet, la femelle papillon pond un oeuf dans la fleur qu'elle pollinise et sa larve se développe dans le fruit, consommant les graines de la plante. Ainsi, sur une même plante, il est possible d'estimer les succès respectifs de la plante et du papillon à obtenir une descendance. De plus, le conflit d'intérêt autour des graines qui sont indispensables, à la fois à la plante et au papillon, peut stimuler l'évolution de traits qui limitent la surexploitation réciproque des partenaires. Dans une première étude, j'ai montré que le papillon mâle était un pollinisateur efficace de S. latifolia et qu'ainsi, il permettait à la plante d'augmenter le nombre de graines produites (i.e.bénéfice) sans pour autant augmenter la quantité de larves sur la plante. Dans ce système, les papillons pondent un seul oeuf par fleur, déposé soit à l'intérieur de la fleur, dans le tube de corolle, soit sur le pétale. Ma seconde étude montre que les plantes répondent différemment à la présence des oeufs suivant leur position. Aussi, quand l'oeuf est placé dans la fleur, la plante a davantage tendance à ne pas développer le fruit de la fleur infesté ou bien à produire des fruits plus petits que lorsque l'oeuf est placé sur le pétale. Enfin, j'ai montré que la femelle du papillon pond plus souvent sur le pétale lorsque elle visite des fleurs dotées d'un long tube de corolle, et que les larves issues de ces oeufs ont moins de chances de réussir à pénétrer dans le fruit que les larves issues des oeufs placés à l'intérieur de la fleur. Aussi, la variation observée du site de ponte pourrait être causé par la morphologie de la fleur qui contraint le papillon à pondre sur le pétale. Vu dans leur ensemble, les résultats obtenus pendant ce doctorat suggèrent que la participation des mâles à la pollination, l'absence de développement des fruits et la profondeur du tube de corolle pourraient réduire les coûts que S. latifolia subit dans son interaction avec H. bicruris. Par ailleurs, je n'ai pas détecté de mécanismes qui permettraient au papillon de réduire les coûts que la plante pourrait lui imposer. La prochaine étape serait de déterminer l'effet des traits identifiés dans ce doctorat sur la fitness globale de la plante et du papillon pour estimer pleinement leur efficacité à réduire les coûts et à favoriser une issue mutualiste. De même, il faudrait évaluer l'effet de ces traits en populations naturelles pour identifier le rôle des facteurs environnementaux sur leur efficacité.AbstractAlthough mutualisms can be regarded as harmonious relationships between the interacting partners, they are best conceptualized as reciprocal exploitations in which each partner attempts to increase its own benefits and decrease its costs. To date, identifying the factors which promote or discourage mutualistic outcomes remains a major goal to reconstruct the ecological conditions leading to mutualisms. The aim of this PhD thesis was to identify phenotypic traits that may increase the net benefits of each partner in the interaction between the plant Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae) and its pollinator / seed predator, the moth Hadena bicruris (Noctuidae). This study system is particularly well suited because the fitness of both interacting species can be assessed. The female moth lays its egg in the flower it pollinated, and its offspring grows in the fruit, feeding on the seeds of the plant, which allows for the follow-up of both larva and fruit fates. Furthermore, the inherent conflict of interest over the seeds as plant progeny vs. larval resource may stimulate the evolution of traits that reduce overexploitation in both the moth and plant. In a first study, I show that male moths are efficient pollinators, hence increasing seed production without increasing oviposition. The contribution of male moths to pollination might thus improve the net benefits of the interaction for the host plant. Females of the H. bicruris moth lay a single egg per flower, and place it either inside the corolla tube or on the petal. My second study shows that plants are more likely to abort the infested flower or to produce a smaller fruit when the egg was experimentally placed inside the flower compared to plants that received an egg on the petal. Finally, female moths were found to lay their eggs more frequently on the petal when visiting a flower with a deep corolla tube, and larvae hatching from these eggs less likely to successfully attack the fruit. Variation in egg position on the flower may thus be the result of a constraint imposed by floral morphology. Overall, this PhD work suggests that the pollination by male moths, flower abortion, and deep corolla tube may efficiently reduce the costs experienced by S. latifolia in its interaction with H. bicruris. Interestingly, no apparent mechanism of costs reduction was detected for the moth. Further studies should focus on the effects of these traits (i) in the long term fitness of both the plant and the insect and (ii) their interactions with environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) that may affect their efficiency in natural populations.


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This review continues a general presentation of the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics begun in five recent issues of Chemistry & Biodiversity. The present Part is dedicated to the pharmacological and toxicological consequences of drug and xenobiotic metabolism. In other words, the key concepts here are activation vs. deactivation, toxification vs. detoxification, and their interplay. These concepts are illustrated with a number of medicinally, toxicologically, and environmentally relevant examples. But, far from being concerned only with individual cases, the review is based on broad classifications, global rationalizations, and synthetic hypotheses.


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The presence of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) biosynthetic genes srfAA (surfactin), bacA (bacylisin), fenD (fengycin), bmyB (bacyllomicin), spaS (subtilin), and ituC (iturin) was examined in 184 isolates of Bacillus spp. obtained from plant environments (aerial, rhizosphere, soil) in the Mediterranean land area of Spain. Most strains had between two and four AMP genes whereas strains with five genes were seldom detected and none of the strains had six genes. The most frequent AMP gene markers were srfAA, bacA, bmyB, and fenD, and the most frequent genotypes srfAA-bacA-bmyB and srfAAbacA-bmyB-fenD. The dominance of these particular genes in Bacillus strains associated with plants reinforces the competitive role of surfactin, bacyllomicin, fengycin, and bacilysin in the fitness of strains in natural environments. The use of these AMP gene markers may assist in the selection of putative biological control agents of plant pathogens


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Four methods were tested to assess the fire-blight disease response on grafted pear plants. The leaves of the plants were inoculated with Erwinia amylovora suspensions by pricking with clamps, cutting with scissors, local infiltration, and painting a bacterial suspension onto the leaves with a paintbrush. The effects of the inoculation methods were studied in dose-time-response experiments carried out in climate chambers under quarantine conditions. A modified Gompertz model was used to analyze the disease-time relatiobbnships and provided information on the rate of infection progression (rg) and time delay to the start of symptoms (t0). The disease-pathogen-dose relationships were analyzed according to a hyperbolic saturation model in which the median effective dose (ED50) of the pathogen and maximum disease level (ymax) were determined. Localized infiltration into the leaf mesophile resulted in the early (short t0) but slow (low rg) development of infection whereas in leaves pricked with clamps disease symptoms developed late (long t0) but rapidly (high rg). Paintbrush inoculation of the plants resulted in an incubation period of medium length, a moderate rate of infection progression, and low ymax values. In leaves inoculated with scissors, fire-blight symptoms developed early (short t0) and rapidly (high rg), and with the lowest ED50 and the highest ymax


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The importance of competition between similar species in driving community assembly is much debated. Recently, phylogenetic patterns in species composition have been investigated to help resolve this question: phylogenetic clustering is taken to imply environmental filtering, and phylogenetic overdispersion to indicate limiting similarity between species. We used experimental plant communities with random species compositions and initially even abundance distributions to examine the development of phylogenetic pattern in species abundance distributions. Where composition was held constant by weeding, abundance distributions became overdispersed through time, but only in communities that contained distantly related clades, some with several species (i.e., a mix of closely and distantly related species). Phylogenetic pattern in composition therefore constrained the development of overdispersed abundance distributions, and this might indicate limiting similarity between close relatives and facilitation/complementarity between distant relatives. Comparing the phylogenetic patterns in these communities with those expected from the monoculture abundances of the constituent species revealed that interspecific competition caused the phylogenetic patterns. Opening experimental communities to colonization by all species in the species pool led to convergence in phylogenetic diversity. At convergence, communities were composed of several distantly related but species-rich clades and had overdispersed abundance distributions. This suggests that limiting similarity processes determine which species dominate a community but not which species occur in a community. Crucially, as our study was carried out in experimental communities, we could rule out local evolutionary or dispersal explanations for the patterns and identify ecological processes as the driving force, underlining the advantages of studying these processes in experimental communities. Our results show that phylogenetic relations between species provide a good guide to understanding community structure and add a new perspective to the evidence that niche complementarity is critical in driving community assembly.


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Biological traits that are advantageous under specific ecological conditions should be present in a large proportion of the species within an ecosystem, where those specific conditions prevail. As climatic conditions change, the frequency of certain traits in plant communities is expected to change with increasing altitude. We examined patterns of change for 13 traits in 120 exhaustive inventories of plants along five altitudinal transects (520-3100 m a.s.l.) in grasslands and in forests in western Switzerland. The traits selected for study represented the occupation of space, photosynthesis, reproduction and dispersal. For each plot, the mean trait values or the proportions of the trait states were weighted by species cover and examined in relation to the first axis of a PCA based on local climatic conditions. With increasing altitude in grasslands, we observed a decrease in anemophily and an increase in entomophily complemented by possible selfing; a decrease in diaspores with appendages adapted to ectozoochory, linked to a decrease in achenes and an increase in capsules. In lowlands, pollination and dispersal are ensured by wind and animals. However, with increasing altitude, insects are mostly responsible for pollination, and wind becomes the main natural dispersal vector. Some traits showed a particularly marked change in the alpine belt (e.g., the increase of capsules and the decrease of achenes), confirming that this belt concentrates particularly stressful conditions to plant growth and reproduction (e.g. cold, short growing season) that constrain plants to a limited number of strategies. One adaptation to this stress is to limit investment in dispersal by producing capsules with numerous, tiny seeds that have appendages limited to narrow wings. Forests displayed many of the trends observed in grasslands but with a reduced variability that is likely due to a shorter altitudinal gradient.