911 resultados para physical characteristics


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Study Aims. The neighborhood environment has been shown to influence physical activity levels, but little is known about how far-reaching these effects are. This study sought to determine whether or not the development of a New Urbanist community in Austin, Texas affected the physical activity levels of residents in surrounding neighborhoods. The results were stratified by demographic characteristics, residential distance from the New Urbanist community, and type of physical activity to determine if any observed changes varied by these factors.^ Methods. Self-report questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of households located within one mile of the New Urbanist development. The questionnaire included questions about physical activity behaviors before and after the community was constructed in 2006. Changes in reported levels of physical activity between the two time points were examined.^ Results. The prevalence and average minutes per week of total physical activity did not change. Significant increases in the frequency and quantity of moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity were observed. The amount of time spent walking and biking for recreation outside of the neighborhood increased significantly among those living close to Mueller. The weekly time spent in vigorous-intensity activity increased significantly, especially among those living closer to Mueller. There were significant decreases in the prevalence of and time spent walking for transport. The use of Mueller parks and trails was highest among participants living close to Mueller.^ Conclusions. The nearby Mueller development does not appear to have encouraged sedentary members of the surrounding population to become physically active, but might be associated with increased weekly physical activity among those who were already active. The increase in vigorous-intensity physical activity and recreational walking/biking outside of the neighborhood among those subjects living closer to Mueller may be attributed to the use of Mueller parks and trails, which was also considerably higher among this group. People may be substituting the time they spent walking for transport before the Mueller development with moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity. Future research should seek to identify barriers that may be preventing more nearby residents from using Mueller facilities for physical activity. ^


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HANES 1 detailed sample data were used to operationalize a definition of health in the absence of disease and to describe and compare the characteristics of the normal (healthy) group versus an abnormal (unhealthy) group.^ Parallel screening gave a 3.8 percent prevalence proportion of physical health, with a female:male ratio of 2:1 and younger ages in the healthy group. Statistically significant Mantel-Haenszel gender-age-adjusted odds ratios (MHOR) were estimated among abnormal non-migrants (1.53), skilled workers/unemployed (1.76), annual family incomes of less than $10,000 (1.56), having ever smoked (1.58), and started smoking before 18 years of age (1.58). Significant MHOR were also found for abnormals for health promoting measures: non-iodized salt use (1.94), needed dental care (1.91); and for fair to poor perceived health (4.28), perceiving health problems (2.52), and low energy level (1.68). Significant protective effects for much to moderate recreational exercise (MHOR 0.42) and very active to moderate non-recreational activity (MHOR 0.49) were also obtained. Covariance analysis additive models detected statistically significant higher mean values for abnormals than normals for serum magnesium, hemoglobin, hematocrit, urinary creatinine, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and lower values for abnormals than normals for serum iron. No difference was detected for serum cholesterol. Significant non-additive joint effects were found for body mass index.^ The results suggest positive physical health can be measured with cross-sectional survey data. Gender differentials, and associations between ecologic, socioeconomic, hazardous risk factors, health promoting activities and physical health are in general agreement with published findings on studies of morbidity. Longitudinal prospective studies are suggested to establish the direction of the associations and to enhance present knowledge of health and its promoting factors. ^


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Volunteering is intricately woven into the fabric of our society. In 2009 alone, approximately 63.4 million Americans participated in volunteer activities, collectively donating over 8.1 billion service-hours (Corporation for National and Community Service [CNCS], 2010). Each service-hour is determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010) to be valued at $20.85/hr which translates to a national savings of $169 billion. Thus, we can clearly observe the significance of volunteer contribution to the overall benefit of society. In addition, there is now evidence that voluntary service may also benefit the actual volunteer, especially individuals who are 65+ years. As we reach 2020 this elderly class, composed of nearly 13 million (CNCS, 2010) Americans, will be of much consequence. Their potential to contribute in community-related efforts may save the U.S. billions in labor costs, and may also help reduce healthcare-related expenditures if volunteering proves to be a protective factor. In this literature review, we set out to explore the potential relationship between volunteer participation and increased mental and physical wellness. We also examined volunteer demographic characteristics and common motives for engaging in service-related activities. Analysis showed that volunteer work often combined low-impact physical activity and mental satisfaction from serving others, resulting in overall health benefit. Demographic characteristics displayed were consistent with previous studies and found that a majority of volunteers were female, White, married status, having received college degree or higher, employed, middle-high SES. In addition, age was seen to be a key characteristic in forecasting volunteer motivation and self-reported perceived health benefits.^


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Background: As obesity increases among U.S. workers, employers are implementing programs to increase physical activity and improve diets. Although programs to address individual determinants of obesity have been evaluated, less is known about the effects of workplace programs that change environmental factors, because most reviews have not isolated environmental programs; the one that did was published in 2005. ^ Objective: To update the 2005 review to determine the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions. ^ Methods: The Medline database was searched for published English language reports (2003-2011) of randomized controlled (RCTs) or quasi-experimental trials (NRCTs) that evaluated strategies to modify physical activity opportunities or food services, targeting employees at least 18 years, not including retirees and that provided data for at least one physical activity, dietary, or health risk indicator. Three coders independently extracted study characteristics and scored the quality of study methods. Program effectiveness was determined using the 2005 review's best evidence approach. ^ Results: Seven studies represented in nine reports met eligibility criteria; three focused on diet and the remainder targeted diet and physical activity interventions. All but one study received a high quality score for internal validity. The evidence for the effectiveness of workplace environmental interventions was at best, inconclusive for diet and physical activity and limited for health risk indicators. The outcome constructs were inconsistent across the studies. ^ Conclusions: Limitations in the methods of the 2005 review made it challenging to draw conclusions about findings for this review that include: variation in outcome measures, reliance on distal measures without proximal behavior change measures, no distinction between changes at the workplace versus outside the workplace, and inappropriate analyses of cluster designs that biased findings toward statistical significance. The best evidence approach relied on vote-counting, using statistical significance alone rather than effect size and confidence intervals. Future research should address these limitations and use more rigorous methods; systematic reviews should use methods of meta-analysis to summarize study findings. These recommendations will help employers to better understand how environmental modifications in the workplace can support their efforts to combat the effects of obesity among employees.^


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Primary Objectives - Describe and quantify the present strength and variability of the circulation and oceanic processes of the Nordic Seas regions using primarily observations of the long term spread of a tracer purposefully released into the Greenland Sea Gyre in 1996. - Improve our understanding of ocean processes critical to the thermaholine circulation in the Nordic Seas regions so as to be able to predict how this region may respond to climate change. - Assess the role of mixing and ageing of water masses on the carbon transport and the role of the thermohaline circulation in carbon storage using water transports and mixing coefficients derived from the tracer distribution. Specific Objectives Perform annual hydrographic, chemical and SF6 tracer surveys into the Nordic regions in order to: - Measure lateral and diapycnal mixing rates in the Greenland Sea Gyre and in the surrounding regions. - Document the depth and rates of convective mixing in the Greenland Sea using the SF6 and the water masses characteristics. - Measure the transit time and transport of water from the Greenland Sea to surrounding seas and outflows. Document processes of water mass transformation and entrainment occurring to water emanating from the central Greenland Sea. - Measure diapycnal mixing rates in the bottom and margins of the Greenland Sea basin using the SF6 signal observed there. Quantify the potential role of bottom boundary-layer mixing in the ventilation of the Greenland Sea Deep Water in absence of deep convection. Monitor the variability of the entrainment of water from the Greenland Sea using time series auto-sampler moorings at strategic positions i.e., sill of the Denmark Strait, Labrador Sea, Jan Mayen fracture zone and Fram Strait. Relate the observed variability of the tracer signal in the outflows to convection events in the Greenland Sea and local wind stress events. Obtain a better description of deepwater overflow and entrainment processes in the Denmark Strait and Faeroe Bank Channel overflows and use these to improve modelling of deepwater overflows. Monitor the tracer invasion into the North Atlantic using opportunistic SF6 measurements from other cruises: we anticipate that a number of oceanographic cruises will take place in the north-east Atlantic and the Labrador Sea. It should be possible to get samples from some cruises for SF6 measurements. Use process models to describe the spread of the tracer to achieve better parameterisation for three-dimensional models. One reason that these are so resistant to prediction is that our best ocean models are as yet some distance from being good enough, to predict climate and climate change.


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n the framework of the FRUELA project, two oceanographic surveys were conducted by R/V Hespérides in the eastern Bellingshausen Sea, western basin of the Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait area during December 1995 and January 1996. The main hydrographic structures of the study domain were the Southern Boundary of the ACC and the Bransfield Front. The characteristics and zonation of local water masses are discussed in terms of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrient and inorganic carbon concentrations. Concentration intervals for water mass labelling, on the basis of chemical parameters in addition to the common theta/S-based classification, are defined. Silicate seems to be a very good discriminator for local water masses.


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The chemical and biochemical processes associated with the filtration of rainwater through soils, a step in groundwater recharge, were investigated. Under simulated climatic conditions in the laboratory, undisturbed soil columns of partly loamy sands, sandy soils and loess were run as lysimeters. A series of extraction procedures was carried out to determine solid matter in unaltered rock materials and in soil horizons. Drainage water and moisture movement in the columns were analysed and traced respectively. The behaviour of soluble humic substance was investigated by percolation and suspension experiments. The development of seepage-water in the unsaturated zone is closely associated with the soil genetic processes. Determining autonomous chemical and physical parameters are mineral composition and grain size distribution in the original unconsolidated host rock and prevailing climatic conditions. They influence biological activity and transport of solids, dissolved matter and gases in the unsaturated zone. Humic substances, either as amorphous solid matter or as soluble humic acids play a part in diverse sorption, solution and precipitation processes.


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Objetivos: este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de actividad fisicas en estudiantes de escuelas secundarias y estudiantes universitarios; estimar su percepción del entorno contruído en relación con la actividad física, y evaluar la relación entre la educación física y el entorno contruído. Metodología: Se aplicó un estudio sociológico trasversal con diseño no experimental. Se completaron el cuestionario internacional de actividad física y el cuestionario de caraterísticas de entorno contruído con una muestra de 1.862 alumnos de escuelas secundarias y universidad en Granada, España. Resultados: los alumnos de la escuela secundaria fueron significativamente más activos que los estudiantes universitarios, quienes alcanzaron niveles insuficientes de actividad física. Sin embargo, consideraron Granada un buen contexto para hacer ejercicio al aire libre. No se encontraron relaciones entre los niveles de actividad física y el entorno contruído. Conclusión: la discrepancia de resultados entre los niveles de actividad física y la percepción del entorno contruído sugieren la necesidad de intervenciones focalizadas en hacer que los jóvenes se den cuenta de las posibilidades que el medio les ofrece para ejercitarse. En consecuencia, el medio puede tener un impacto en la salud al mismo tiempo que los jóvenes aprenden a respetarlo


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Objetivos: este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de actividad fisicas en estudiantes de escuelas secundarias y estudiantes universitarios; estimar su percepción del entorno contruído en relación con la actividad física, y evaluar la relación entre la educación física y el entorno contruído. Metodología: Se aplicó un estudio sociológico trasversal con diseño no experimental. Se completaron el cuestionario internacional de actividad física y el cuestionario de caraterísticas de entorno contruído con una muestra de 1.862 alumnos de escuelas secundarias y universidad en Granada, España. Resultados: los alumnos de la escuela secundaria fueron significativamente más activos que los estudiantes universitarios, quienes alcanzaron niveles insuficientes de actividad física. Sin embargo, consideraron Granada un buen contexto para hacer ejercicio al aire libre. No se encontraron relaciones entre los niveles de actividad física y el entorno contruído. Conclusión: la discrepancia de resultados entre los niveles de actividad física y la percepción del entorno contruído sugieren la necesidad de intervenciones focalizadas en hacer que los jóvenes se den cuenta de las posibilidades que el medio les ofrece para ejercitarse. En consecuencia, el medio puede tener un impacto en la salud al mismo tiempo que los jóvenes aprenden a respetarlo


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Objetivos: este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de actividad fisicas en estudiantes de escuelas secundarias y estudiantes universitarios; estimar su percepción del entorno contruído en relación con la actividad física, y evaluar la relación entre la educación física y el entorno contruído. Metodología: Se aplicó un estudio sociológico trasversal con diseño no experimental. Se completaron el cuestionario internacional de actividad física y el cuestionario de caraterísticas de entorno contruído con una muestra de 1.862 alumnos de escuelas secundarias y universidad en Granada, España. Resultados: los alumnos de la escuela secundaria fueron significativamente más activos que los estudiantes universitarios, quienes alcanzaron niveles insuficientes de actividad física. Sin embargo, consideraron Granada un buen contexto para hacer ejercicio al aire libre. No se encontraron relaciones entre los niveles de actividad física y el entorno contruído. Conclusión: la discrepancia de resultados entre los niveles de actividad física y la percepción del entorno contruído sugieren la necesidad de intervenciones focalizadas en hacer que los jóvenes se den cuenta de las posibilidades que el medio les ofrece para ejercitarse. En consecuencia, el medio puede tener un impacto en la salud al mismo tiempo que los jóvenes aprenden a respetarlo


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Since the early 1990s, phytoplankton has been studied and monitored in Potter Cove (PC) and Admiralty Bay (AB), King George/25 de Mayo Island (KGI), South Shetlands. Phytoplankton biomass is typically low compared to other Antarctic shelf environments, with average spring - summer values below 1 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a)/m**3. The physical conditions in the area (reduced irradiance induced by particles originated from the land, intense winds) limit the coastal productivity at KGI, as a result of shallow Sverdrup's critical depths (Zc) and large turbulent mixing depths (Zt). In January 2010 a large phytoplankton bloom with a maximum of around 20 mg Chl a/m**3, and monthly averages of 4 (PC) and 6 (AB) mg Chl a/m**3, was observed in the area, making it by far the largest recorded bloom over the last 20 yr. Dominant phytoplankton species were the typical bloom-forming diatoms that are usually found in the western Antarctic Peninsula area. Anomalously cold air temperature and dominant winds from the eastern sector seem to explain adequate light : mixing environment. Local physical conditions were analyzed by means of the relationship between Zc and Zt, and conditions were found adequate for allowing phytoplankton development. However, a multiyear analysis indicates that these conditions may be necessary but not sufficient to guarantee phytoplankton accumulation. The relation between maximum Chl a values and air temperature suggests that bottom-up control would render such large blooms even less frequent in KGI under the warmer climate expected in the area during the second half of the present century.