953 resultados para palliative behandling og omsorg


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Within caring science, investigations and explorations have been carried out on the ontology of caring, and many aspects of the field have been the subject of scientific research. The main subject for this study is grounded on the human need for aesthetics. The purpose is to find how the aesthetic dimension is taken into consideration and how the aesthetic surroundings are evaluated and attended to, in the general hospitals in Norway. The theoretical perspective is founded basicly on the study of litterature from caring science and philosophy. The aim is to develop a disposition for a framework on the aesthetic surroundings in the hospitals, and to develop phenomenological and ontological knowledge and understanding of the aesthetic dimension. The study aspires to attain a deeper understanding of the aesthetic acknowledgment and of the aesthetic needs. The focus is how the aesthetic dimension can promote health and wellbeing, both for patients and for the caring staff, in the general hospitals and why the aesthetic dimension should be obligatory in `evident care¿. The study concentrates on 11 selected categories in the hospital environment, where aesthetics is of importance. The research is implemented on 5 part studies: 1. part is a study of caring science and philosophical theories about aesthetics, as a framework for the investigation. 2. part is a survey of the physical environment, in Norwegian somatic hospitals, with focus on aesthetics. This by analyzing the strategy plans for the hospitals. 3. and 4. part is questionnaires to patients and nurses to get their opinion and evaluation of the aesthetic environment in the hospitals they are connected to, and their opinion on how this influences the health and wellness for both patients and caring staff. 5. part is qualitative interviews with 16 experts, to get their opinion and evaluation of the aesthetic environment in hospitals they are or have been connected to. How would the experts like the aesthetic surroundings to be, and also their opinion on what influence they think aesthetics has on health and wellness. The main literature of caring science is rooted in K. Erikssons caring theory as well as philosophic literature; mainly I. Kant, Platon and Y. Hirn's theories on aesthetics. Various scientificresearchers of aesthetics have also been referred to. The methodological approach is a triangulation with a hermeneutic exploration, where H.G. Gadamer and Ricoeur provides the inspirational foundation. The findings and conclusions result in the development of new hypothesis for the caring science foundation and suggestions, a disposition for a framework related to future planning of the aesthetic environments in general hospitals. It might be said that a common thread arises/appears in the invariance's (invariables) that are discerned from the analysis and interpretation of the interviews and also important angles shows in the variances that crystallized. Based on the conclusions the study confirms that there is a clearconnection between health, wellness and aesthetics in the environment and that it is an ethical obligationfor those in the caring professions to be aware of and attend to the aesthetic dimension.


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Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bestemme begrepet ensomhet i et vårdvitenskapelig perspektiv. Avhandlingen er en monografisk eksplorativ hermeneutisk studie og oppbygget i fire større helheter, der første hoveddel starter med en inntreden i den hermeneutiske spiral, og hvor paradigme, ontologiske, epistemologiske og metodologiske overveielser angir studiens videre retning. Andre hoveddel anses som studiens teoretiske substans og belyser ensomhetens `Hva´ gjennom ulike teoretiske perspektiv og begrepsanalyse av ensom. I belysningen framkommer ensomhet både som lidelse og som meningsfullt for eksistensen. Første hoveddel avsluttes med en bestemmelse av ensomhet som substanskunnskap innenfor vårdvitenskapens helse-og lidelsesforhold som utgjør ulike nivåer av gjørende, værende og vardende. Tredje hoveddel er en empiriskstudie med deltagende observasjon, forskersamtaler og kvalitative intervjuer i samtaleform. Informantene var åtte aleneboende personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse i en storby og foregikk over ca. ett år. I tolkningsprosessen søkes en gradvis fordypende forståelse av den enkelte informants ensomhet i relasjon til vårdvitenskapens livs-, sykdoms- og vårdlidelse. Tolkningsrammen er i det vesentligefra første teoridel, samtidig som nye tolkningsteoretikere innlemmes som opplysende "lamper". Forståelsens tolkningsresultater framkommer gjennom en sammenfattende diskusjon, der livsberettelsens felles skjebne synliggjør savn som ideografisk invarians. Fjerde hoveddel er en vårdvitenskapelig filosofisk belysning av forholdet ensomhet og savn, hvor Levinas' fundamentaletikk utgjør tolkningsrammen. Studien avsluttes med en horisontsammensmeltning av forholdet ensomhet og savngjennom fellesskap og oppfyllelse i tid og rom. Horisontsammensmeltningen viserat ensomhet og savn i sin dybdestruktur forholder seg til hverandre i en dialektikk til motsetningene: fellesskap og oppfyllelse. Det nedfelles fem teser som ansatser til vårdvitenskapelig teori. Resultatene får implikasjoner for så vel pedagogikk som vårdpraksis.


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Ao receber o diagnóstico de uma doença cuja cura não é possível e vivenciar a ameaça ou a concretude de perdas inerentes a essa nova condição, o paciente e seus familiares vivenciam um momento de crise, percorrendo algumas fases ou estados psicológicos aos quais o profissional de saúde deve estar atento para que consiga orientá-los, suprindo suas necessidades. Com o aumento da demanda e dos serviços em cuidados paliativos no contexto atual, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma breve revisão da literatura nacional e internacional sobre a comunicação na transição do cuidado curativo para o cuidado paliativo em oncologia. Para sua realização, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico, sendo analisados artigos das bases de dados SciELO e Medline no período de 2006 a 2013, a partir dos descritores palliative care e breaking bad news. Os artigos localizados nas bases de dados e considerados relevantes ao tema foram incluídos, totalizando 32 estudos. Destes, 24 foram utilizados e subdividos nas seguintes categorias: treinamento de habilidades de comunicação; workshops; estudos sobre a qualidade da comunicação; e protocolos para comunicação em cuidados paliativos.


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Artikel i festskrift.


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Alzheimer`s disease (AD) is characterised neuropathologically by the presence of extracellular amyloid plaques, intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles, and cerebral neuronal loss. The pathological changes in AD are believed to start even decades before clinical symptoms are detectable. AD gradually affects episodic memory, cognition, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) represents a transitional state between normal aging and dementia disorders, especially AD. The predictive accuracy of the current and commonly used MCI criteria devide this disorder into amnestic (aMCI) and non-amnestic (naMCI) MCI. It seems that many individuals with aMCI tend to convert to AD. However many MCI individuals will remain stable and some may even recover. At present, the principal drugs for the treatment of AD provide only symptomatic and palliative benefits. Safe and effective mechanism-based therapies are needed for this devastating neurodegenerative disease of later life. In conjunction with the development of new therapeutic drugs, tools for early detection of AD would be important. In future one of the challenges will be to detect at an early stage these MCI individuals who will convert to AD. Methods which can predict which MCI subjects will convert to AD will be much more important if the new drug candidates prove to have disease-arresting or even disease–slowing effects. These types of drugs are likely to have the best efficacy if administered in the early or even in the presymptomatic phase of the disease when the synaptic and neuronal loss has not become too widespread. There is no clinical method to determine with certainly which MCI individuals will progress to AD. However there are several methods which have been suggested as predictors of conversion to AD, e.g. increased [11C] PIB uptake, hippocampal atrophy in MRI, low CSF A beta 42 level, high CSF tau-protein level, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele and impairment in episodic memory and executive functions. In the present study subjects with MCI appear to have significantly higher [11C] PIB uptake vs healthy elderly in several brain areas including frontal cortex, the posterior cingulate, the parietal and lateral temporal cortices, putamen and caudate. Also results from this PET study indicate that over time, MCI subjects who display increased [11C] PIB uptake appear to be significantly more likely to convert to AD than MCI subjects with negative [11C] PIB retention. Also hippocampal atrophy seems to increase in MCI individuals clearly during the conversion to AD. In this study [11C] PIB uptake increases early and changes relatively little during the AD process whereas there is progressive hippocampal atrophy during the disease. In addition to increased [11C] PIB retention and hippocampal atrophy, the status of APOE ε4 allele might contribute to the conversion from MCI to AD.


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Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.


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Adenocarcinomas of the cardia and gastroesophageal junction are peculiar entities with three different origins, which differ somewhat from other adenocarcinomas of the stomach in their clinical presentation and pathogenesis, and have a poorer prognosis. In this article the authors reviewed definitions, incidence and epidemiology, etiologic factors, genetic implications, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging and treatment, with emphasis on the surgical approach, discussing the current management of these cancers. The prognostic factors related specifically to the cardia cancers are: esophageal invasion greater than 3cm, microscopic residual tumor and wall penetration (>T2). Preoperative workup should include computed tomography, and endoscopic ultrasonography and laparoscopy when available. Preoperative recognition of T3/ T4/N2 lesions should indicate inclusion in neo-adjuvant protocols whenever possible. The authors present the results of 46 resected cases of adenocarcinomas of the cardia and GE junction of the Instituto Nacional do Câncer- Brazil (1981-1995). Cure was intended in 29 and palliation in 17 patients. The most common type of resection was total gastrectomy with abdominal esophagectomy (28 cases). Morbidity (major and minor) occurred in 50% of the patients. The main causes were of respiratory origin and fistulas (19.6% each). Death occurred in 44% of the patients with fistula. Postoperative death until the 30th day occurred in 17.24% of the curative cases and in 23.52% of the palliative ones. The median survival time was 68.5 months for stage I, 25 months for stage II, 31 months for stage III and 12.5 months for stage IV diseases. The median survival time was 8 months for palliation and 28.5 months for cure. No long-term survival was obtained with the palliative group, whereas 25% survived five years of more in the curative group. The authors conclude that the surgical approach should be the one the surgeon feels more comfortable with. Complete removal of the disease proved by frozen section, splenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy should be the standard therapy with curative intent.


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The Nd:YAG laser is used as the palliative treatment of obstructive and/or hemorrhagic intestinal lesions with an effective but temporary symptomatic relief, with symptoms and signs recurrence after six to eight weeks. This report describes the treatment of a patient bearing a low rectal adenocarcinoma through diode laser ablation and the result after 17 months.