979 resultados para optical properties.


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In situ ellipsometry and Kerr polarimetry have been used to follow the continuous evolution of the optical and magneto- optical properties of multiple layers of Co and Pd during their growth. Films were sputter deposited onto a Pd buffer layer on glass substrates up to a maximum of N = 10 bi-layer periods according to the scheme glass/Pd(10)Ar x (0.3Co/3Pd) (nm). Magnetic hysteresis measurements taken during the deposition consistently showed strong perpendicular anisotropy at all stages of film growth following the deposition of a single monolayer of Co. Magneto-optic signals associated with the normal-incidence polar Kerr effect indicated strong polarization of Pd atoms at both Co-Pd and Pd-Co interfaces and that the magnitude of the complex magneto-optic Voigt parameter and the magnetic moment of the Pd decrease exponentially with distance from the interface with a decay constant of 1.1 nm(- 1). Theoretical simulations have provided an understanding of the observations and allow the determination of the ultrathin- film values of the elements of the skew-symmetric permittivity tensor that describe the optical and magneto-optical properties for both CO and Pd. Detailed structure in the observed Kerr ellipticity shows distinct Pd-thickness-dependent oscillations with a spatial period of about 1.6 nm that are believed to be associated with quantum well levels in the growing Pd layer.


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A new far-field optical microscopy capable of reaching nanometer-scale resolution is developed using the in-plane image magnification by surface plasmon polaritons. This approach is based on the optical properties of a metal-dielectric interface that may provide extremely large values of the effective refractive index neff up to 103 as seen by surface polaritons, and thus the diffraction limited resolution can reach nanometer-scale values of lambda/2neff. The experimental realization of the microscope has demonstrated the optical resolution better than 60 nm at 515 nm illumination wavelength.


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We analyze the optical properties of plasmonic nanorod metamaterials in the epsilon-near-zero regime and show, both theoretically and experimentally, that the performance of these composites is strongly affected by nonlocal response of the effective permittivity tensor. We provide the evidence of interference between main and additional waves propagating in the room-temperature nanorod metamaterials and develop an analytical description of this phenomenon. Additional waves are present in the majority of low-loss epsilon-near-zero structures and should be explicitly considered when designing applications of epsilon-near-zero composites, as they represent a separate communication channel.


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The enhanced optical properties of metal films periodically perforated with an array of sub-wavelength size holes have recently been widely studied in the field of surface plasmon optics. The ability to design the optical transmission of such nanostructures, which act as plasmonic crystals, by varying their geometrical parameters gives them great flexibility for numerous applications in photonics, opto-electronics, and sensing. Transforming these passive optical elements into devices that may be actively controlled has presented a new challenge. Here, we report on the realization of an electrically controlled nanostructured optical system based on the unique properties of surface plasmon polaritonic crystals in contact with a liquid crystal (LC) layer. We discuss the effect of LC layer modulation on the surface plasmon dispersion, the related optical transmission and the underlying mechanism. The reported effect may be used to achieve active spectral tuneability and switching in a wide range of applications.


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We investigate the magneto-optical properties of a nanostructured metamaterial comprised of arrays of nickel nanorods embedded in an anodized aluminum oxide template. The rods are grown using a self-assembly bottom-up technique that provides a uniform, quasi-hexagonal array over a large area, quickly and at low cost. The tuneability of the magneto-optic response of the material is investigated by varying the nanorod dimensions: diameter, length and inter-rod spacing as well as the overall thickness of the template. It is demonstrated that the system acts as a sub-wavelength light trap with enhanced magneto-optical properties occurring at reflectivity minima corresponding to photonic resonances of the metamaterial. Changes in dimensions of the nickel rods on the order of tens of nanometers cause a spectral blue-shift in the peak magneto-optical response of 270 nm in the visible range. A plasmonic enhancement is also observed at lower wavelengths, which becomes increasingly damped with larger diameters and increased volume fraction of nickel inclusions. This type of structure has potential applications in high density magneto-optical data storage (up to 1011–12 rods per square inch), ultrafast magneto-plasmonic switching and optical components for telecommunications.


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Tailoring optical properties of artificial metamaterials, whose optical properties go beyond the limitations of conventional and naturally occurring materials, is of importance in fundamental research and has led to many important applications such as security imaging, invisible cloak, negative refraction, ultrasensitive sensing, transformable and switchable optics. Herein, by precisely controlling the size, symmetry and topology of alphabetical metamaterials with U, S, Y, H, U-bar and V shapes, we have obtained highly tunable optical response covering visible-to-infrared (Vis-NIR) optical frequency. In addition, we show a detailed study on the physical origin of resonance modes, plasmonic coupling, the dispersion of electronic and magnetic surface plasmon polaritons, and the possibility of negative refraction. We have found that all the electronic and magnetic modes follow the dispersion of surface plasmon polaritons thus essentially they are electronic- and magnetic-surface-plasmon-polaritons-like (ESPP-like and MSPP-like) modes resulted from diffraction coupling between localized surface plasmon and freely-propagating light. Based on the fill factor and formula of magnetism permeability, we predict that the alphabetical metamaterials should show the negative refraction capability in visible optical frequency. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the specific ultrasensitive surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) sensing of monolayer molecules and femtomolar food contaminants by tuning their resonance to match the laser wavelength, or by tuning the laser wavelength to match the plasmon resonance of metamaterials. Our tunable alphabetical metamaterials provide a generic platform to study the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials and explore the novel applications in optical frequency.


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One-dimensional monatomic chains are promising candidates for technical applications in the field of nanoelectronics due to their unique mechanical, electrical and optical properties. In particular, we investigate the mechanical properties including Young's modulus, ultimate strength and ultimate strain, which are necessities for the stability of the materials by the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics in this work. The comparative studies for the alternating carbon-nitrogen (C3N2) chain and carbon chains (carbyne) of different lengths show that the carbon-nitrogen (C-N) chain is obviously stronger and stiffer than carbynes. Thus the C-N chain, which has been found in decomposition products of the nitromethane explosive simulations, could be a superior nano-mechanical material than the carbyne chain. Furthermore, it is found that the bond order of weakest bond in monatomic chains is positively correlated with Young's modulus and ultimate strength of materials.


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Recent advances in the application of semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots, as biochemical sensors are reviewed. Quantum dots have unique optical properties that make them promising alternatives to traditional dyes in many luminescence based bioanalytical techniques. An overview of the more relevant progresses in the application of quantum dots as biochemical probes is addressed. Special focus will be given to configurations where the sensing dots are incorporated in solid membranes and immobilized in optical fibers or planar waveguide platforms.


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Esta tese descreve diversas estratégias preparativas assim como estudos de caracterização de nanocompósitos e outras nanoestruturas, para a análise em espectroscopia de Raman com intensificação por superfície (SERS). Em particular foi estudada a incorporação de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas de Ag e Au em matrizes poliméricas visando avaliar o potencial destes materiais como novos substratos para SERS na deteção de moléculas. O primeiro capítulo consiste numa revisão bibliográfica, onde é destacado o desenvolvimento de novos substratos para SERS utilizando nomeadamente nanopartículas de Ag, Au e Cu. Numa primeira fase, esta secção apresenta uma breve descrição sobre as propriedades plasmónicas dos metais utilizados e alguns conceitos básicos de espectroscopia de difusão de Raman. Posteriormente, descreve-se em mais detalhe o efeito de SERS, revendo-se sobretudo a química de materiais descrita em trabalhos recentes tendo em conta a sua utilização como novas plataformas para análise química por SERS. O capítulo 2 descreve a síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de poli(acrilato de butilo) obtidos através de polimerização in situ por miniemulsão na presença de nanopartículas de Ag. Os nanocompósitos Ag/PtBA foram investigados como novos substratos de SERS visando o desenvolvimento de novas plataformas versáteis para deteção molecular. Estudos como o efeito da temperatura, pH e pressão foram investigados, visando a compreensão do efeito da matriz polimérica na difusão/adsorção do analito (ácido tiossalicílico) na superfície metálica. No capítulo 3, os nanocompósitos de Ag/PtBA descritos anteriormente foram investigados detalhadamente como substratos para bio-deteção em SERS, usando a adenina como analito modelo. Os nanocompósitos foram submetidos a vários tratamentos pré-analíticos para a bio-deteção da adenina. Foram realizadas experiências nos sistemas Ag/PtBA de modo a obter informação sobre o efeito do pH na deteção deste analito em soluções aquosas diluídas. Os nanocompósitos poliméricos obtidos apresentam a vantagem de poderem ser processados utilizando tecnologia disponível. Pelo que o estudo das suas propriedades térmicas é especialmente relevante. Assim, a influência da incorporação de NPs inorgânicas na temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) do polímero PtBA foi investigada por meio de calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC) e os resultados são apresentados no capítulo 4. Estes estudos descrevem efeitos na Tg do PtBA quando analisado em nanocompósitos obtidos por diferentes métodos (métodos ex situ e in situ), contendo nanopartículas metálicas com diferentes distribuições de tamanho e presentes em quantidade variável na matriz polimérica. Estes estudos possibilitaram relacionar a influência das NPs metálicas na mobilidade das cadeias poliméricas com as propriedades térmicas observadas. O capítulo 5 descreve a preparação e caracterização de materiais compósitos de base polimérica (PtBA) e NPs de Au com morfologia de bastonetes (NRs). Estes materiais foram investigados como substratos para SERS tendo originado um bom sinal de SERS na análise de 2-2’-ditiodipiridina. Investigouse igualmente o efeito da variação da morfologia das NPs metálicas (esferas e bastonetes), a razão de aspecto (R.A.) dos bastonetes e o tipo de matriz polimérica (PtBA e PnBA) no sinal de SERS. No capítulo 6 é descrita a utilização da técnica de SERS como método alternativo para a monitorização de alterações morfológicas de coloides de NRs de Au. Os NRs de Au foram recolhidos em diferentes fases de oxidação promovida pela presença de K2S2O8 e a sua sensibilidade como substratos de SERS foi avaliada utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato (DTC) como analito modelo. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando as linhas de excitação a 1064 nm e 633 nm. Este estudo demonstrou que a sensibilidade dos NRs de Au como substratos de SERS diminui à medida que a sua R.A. diminui devido à competitividade do CTAB (estabilizante) e o DTC pela superfície dos NRs. É de salientar que este processo é acompanhado por um diferente comportamento em termos de adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. O capítulo 7 introduz um novo tipo de compósitos para SERS, utilizando matrizes biopoliméricas. Assim, descreve-se a preparação e caracterização de nanocompósitos de carragenano e NPs de Ag. Nesta secção é avaliada a utilização destes materiais como novos substratos para a análise em SERS, utilizando a 2-2’-ditiodipiridina como molécula modelo. Descrevem-se estudos pioneiros que procuram relacionar a dependência do sinal de SERS com a força do gel. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo sistemático aos nanobiocompósitos usados como substratos de SERS em diferentes condições analíticas e investigaram-se as suas propriedades reológicas. No capitulo 8 é descrita a investigação de nanocompósitos de Ag/Gelatina como substratos para SERS, utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato como analito modelo. Realizaram-se várias experiências para correlacionar a variação da força do gel com o aumento do sinal de SERS bem como a diferente adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. Ao longo desta dissertação são apresentados metodologias distintas para a preparação e obtenção de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros (sintéticos ou naturais) e NPs metálicas (Ag e Au). Esta investigação não só permitiu a síntese e estudo de novos substratos para SERS mas também a compreensão do efeito matriz/NPs metálicas no sinal de SERS e na formação de “hot spots”. Este trabalho contribui para o enriquecimento na área da Nanociência e Nanotecnologia demonstrando a eficácia e reprodutibilidade de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros como novos substratos para SERS. Embora as propriedades óticas apresentadas por estes materiais serem aqui direcionadas para a deteção molecular pela técnica de SERS, estes materiais podem ser investigados em outras área tecnológicas.


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Niobium oxides have been pointed as an alternative to tantalum in the production of solid electrolytic capacitors, with advantages regarding the dielectric constant, density and price. In this work, it is intended to create a new family of niobium oxides based capacitors, adapting the technology and production line currently used with tantalum. Despite the known potentialities of niobium oxides, and many types of niobates, in several technological applications, the understanding of these oxide systems is still noticeably insufficient. Hence, a careful bibliographic review is shown, which evidences the complexity of these materials, the difficulty in identifying of their different phases and polymorphs, as well as in the interpretation of their properties. In this context, several fundamental studies on niobium oxides are presented, namely structural, microstructural, optical and electrical characterizations, which allow not only to contribute in an important way for the general knowledge of the physical properties of these materials, but also to advance to a sustained development of the niobium oxides based solid electrolytic capacitors. Several processing parameters were studied, clearing the way towards the creation of a prototype. It was also decided to perform a preliminary study on the synthesis and characterization of other oxide systems based in niobium, namely rare-earth orthoniobates (RENbO4), which interest has been related to their optical properties and protonic conductivity. Hence, single and polycrystalline samples of RENbO4 were synthesized and characterized structural, optical and electrically, leaving open an interesting future work.


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The main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of structure and physical properties of tantalum oxynitride (TaNxOy) thin films, produced by dc reactive magnetron sputtering, by varying the processing parameters. A set of TaNxOy films was prepared by varying the reactive gases flow rate, using a N2/O2 gas mixture with a concentration ratio of 17:3. The different films, obtained by this process, exhibited significant differences. The obtained composition and the interpretation of X-ray diffraction results, shows that, depending on the partial pressure of the reactive gases, the films are: essentially dark grey metallic, when the atomic ratio (N + O)/Ta < 0.1, evidencing a tetragonal β-Ta structure; grey-brownish, when 0.1 < (N + O)/Ta < 1, exhibiting a face-centred cubic (fcc) TaN-like structure; and transparent oxide-type, when (N + O)/Ta > 1, evidencing the existence of Ta2O5, but with an amorphous structure. These transparent films exhibit refractive indexes, in the visible region, always higher than 2.0. The wear resistance of the films is relatively good. The best behaviour was obtained for the films with (N + O)/Ta ≈ 0.5 and (N + O)/Ta ≈ 1.3.


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The study of agent diffusion in biological tissues is very important to understand and characterize the optical clearing effects and mechanisms involved: tissue dehydration and refractive index matching. From measurements made to study the optical clearing, it is obvious that light scattering is reduced and that the optical properties of the tissue are controlled in the process. On the other hand, optical measurements do not allow direct determination of the diffusion properties of the agent in the tissue and some calculations are necessary to estimate those properties. This fact is imposed by the occurrence of two fluxes at optical clearing: water typically directed out of and agent directed into the tissue. When the water content in the immersion solution is approximately the same as the free water content of the tissue, a balance is established for water and the agent flux dominates. To prove this concept experimentally, we have measured the collimated transmittance of skeletal muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of glucose. After estimating the mean diffusion time values for each of the treatments we have represented those values as a function of glucose concentration in solution. Such a representation presents a maximum diffusion time for a water content in solution equal to the tissue free water content. Such a maximum represents the real diffusion time of glucose in the muscle and with this value we could calculate the corresponding diffusion coefficient.


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The spectral and nonlinear optical characteristics of nano ZnO and its composites are investigated. The fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength and there is a red shift in emission peak with excitation wavelength. Apart from the observation of the reported ultra violet and green emissions, our results reveal that additional blue emissions at 420 nm and 490 nm are developed with increasing particle size. Systematic studies on nano ZnO have indicated the presence of luminescence due to excitonic emissions when excited with 255 nm as well as significant contribution from surface defect states when excited with 325 nm. In the weak confinement regime, the third-order optical susceptibility χ(3) increases with increasing particle size (R) and annealing temperature (T) and a R2 and T2.5 dependence of χ(3) is obtained for nano ZnO. ZnO nanocolloids exhibit induced absorption whereas the self assembled films of ZnO exhibit saturable absorption due to saturation of linear absorption of ZnO defect states and electronic effects. ZnO nanocomposites exhibit negative nonlinear index of refraction which can be attributed to two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absorption. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. The nonlinear response of ZnO nanocomposites is wavelength dependent and switching from induced absorption to saturable absorption has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an optical limiter. ZnO based nanocomposites are potential materials for enhanced and tunable light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small optical limiting threshold.


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The spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO based nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis are investigated. Very strong UV emissions are observed from ZnO–Ag, ZnO– Cu and ZnO–SiO2 nanocomposites. The strongest visible emission of a typical ZnO–Cu nanocomposite is over ten times stronger than that of pure Cu due to transition from deep donor level to the copper induced level. The optical band gap of ZnO–CdS and ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposites is tunable and emission peaks changes almost in proportion to changes in band gap. Nonlinear optical response of these nanocomposites is studied using nanosecond laser pulses from a tunable laser in the wavelength range of 450–650 nm at resonance and off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absoption, interband absorption and nonlinear scattering mechanisms. The nonlinearity of the silica colloid is low and its nonlinear response can be improved by making composites with ZnO and ZnO–TiO2. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an RSA based optical limiter. These nanocomposites can be used as optical limiters and are potential materials for the light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.