995 resultados para off-bottom swimming


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A high attention has been paid for constant research on the preservation of materials in the marine environment. This includes all phases of design, development, applied engineering and economics which may influence the construction and operation of ships and underwater installations.


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The design, construction and operational details of the purse-seines operated from Goa, for sardines and mackerel are reported briefly. The deck equipment and details of vessel along with the fishing season, fishing grounds and catches are briefly accounted. The design has been compared with Japanese purse-seines operated for the same species of fishes. Based on the findings an improved design of purse-seine has been presented.


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A comparative study on the effect of A.C. field on Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapta mossambica was carried out using a slowly rising field intensity. Well defined reactions appeared in the species of fish with slight specific variations, depending on their orientation in the electrical field, on reaching the field intensity to specific value. These reactions can be distinguished as first reaction, when the fish perceive the surrounding field, jerky swimming when parallel to the current lines (longitudinal oscillotaxis), the static position finally adopted by the fish sooner or latter depending on the potential gradient (transverse oscillotaxis), and a state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). After switching off the current, a hypnotic condition prevailed in the treated fishes before returning to their normal swimming condition. The orientation of fish body in the field had an important bearing on the behaviour reactions and current thresholds necessary for those reactions. Initial reaction, jerky swimming between electrodes and hypnosis after stoppage of current appeared in fishes earlier when the fish body was in parallel to the current lines, whereas fishes responded to transverse oscillotaxis quickly when perpendicular to current lines.


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Comparative fishing operations with the conventional two seams net and a 29.26 m. long wing shrimp trawl of four seam type were undertaken. The result showed that the four seams net gave nearly twice prawn catch than that of the conventional type. It was also found that the four seams net can be developed into a combination trawl for the effective exploitation of both prawns and fish along the coasts off Kakinada.


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Results obtained with three trawl nets namely, 13.7m four seam, 15.8m six seam and 18.3m four seam operated from a 15.4m wooden trawler, are presented. Among the three nets operated, 15.8m six seam trawl and 18.3 four seam trawl were found to be equally effective for the capture of shrimp and during the lean season 15.8m six seam trawl can be successfully operated to exploit demersal as well as semi-pelagic fish resources. The catch data were analysed using analysis of variance and Gulland's method.


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The total aerobic viable plate counts (TPCs) of skin, gills and intestine of newly caught oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) and Indian mackerel ( Rastrelliger kanagurta) at four different temperatures, namely 36 ± 1°C, 28 ± 2°C (RT), 8 ± 1°C and 1 ±1°C, are reported. The total plate count at RT of the skin of oil sardine and Indian mackerel were in the range of l0 super(3) to 10 super(7) and 10 super(4) to 10 super(6) per cm², that of gills in the range of 10 super(5) to 10 super(9) and 10 super(4) to 10 super(8) per g and that intestine in the range of 10 super(5) to 10 sueper(9) and 10 super(5) to 10 super(8) per g respectively. The TPCs were markedly affected by the incubation temperature. Incubation at 28 ± 2°C gave the highest count; at 36 ± 1°C and 8 ± 1°C, the counts decreased by nearly 1-2 log cycles from that at RT. Incubation at 1 ± 1°C registered the lowest count. The peak values for bacterial counts of these fishes occurred at different periods of the year.


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80% of the flora of skin, gills and intestines of oil sardine and mackerel at isolation temperature 28 ± 2°C consisted of Gram negative asporogenous rods or cocci, belonging to the genera Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga. Nearly 10% of the flora was constituted by Gram positives, Micrococcus and Arthrobacter. Incubation temperature of 36 ± 1°C recovered more Vibrio spp. and Gram positives, while at lower temperatures of 8 ± 1°C and 1 ± 1°C, more Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Moraxella spp. were recovered. Significant changes with respect to season were observed in the relative distribution of different genera.


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Influence of colour of webbing on the catch of gill nets for commercially important hilsa (Hilsa toli and Hilsa ilisha) and pomfret (Pampus argenteus and Parastromateus niger) has been studied in the coastal waters off Veraval. Among the colours tested yellow and white are recommended for hilsa and pomfret gear. Influence of fishing depth, surface water temperature and turbidity on catch are also discussed.


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Apart from increasing the swept area of the trawls, the importance of bridles as a herding device based on fish behaviour is discussed. The results of 10, 20 and 30m bridles when rigged with a 15m bulged belly trawl in combination with 114x57cm flat rectangular otter boards are presented. The net with 20m bridle landed better catches.


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Extimated catch of 6,484.9; 3,505.6 and 4,797.7 t of fishes were landed at Nawabunder in 'dol.' net during 1976-77, 1977-78 and 1978-1979 respectively. There has been an increasing trend in effort and decline in catch and catch rate. The catch rate came down from 174.8 kg in 1976-77 to 84 kg in 1978-79. The detailed studies on the catch composition revealed that the Bombay duck formed about 68.6-77% of the total catch. The other important constituents being Coilia dussumieri 1.5-9.2%, ribbon fish 3.0-6.5%, non-penaeid prawn, namely, Acetus indicus, Nematopalaemon tenuipes and Hippolysmata ensirostris together formed about 6.1-13.7% and penaied prawns 1.5-3.1% of the total dol net landings. In addition, quality fishes such as ghol, warn, pomfret and catfishes were also landed in considerable quantities. The landings of ghol are on the increase from 4.9 t in 1976-77 to 59 t in 1978-79. Large number of juveniles of economically important fishes namely, Harpodon nehereus, Pampus argenteus, Trichiurus lepturus and Ilisha filigera have been observed in the catch particularly during February-May. The destructive nature of the gear has been commented along with the suggestions for regulation of the fishery.


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Copper is used to deter the growth of bacterial, fungal and protozoan disease organism in fishes. Zoeae (Z SUB-1 ), myses (M SUB-1 ) and postlarvae (P SUB-1 ) were exposed to copper sulfate at concentrations of 0 . 025, 0 . 05, 0 . 75, 0 . 1 and 0 . 2 ppm from 24 to 96 hours. The number of surviving larvae were counted at the end of each 24-hour period and the percentage of survival is determined for each dose level. The LC SUB-50 for each of the larval stages was interpolated from the data whenever possible. Three trials with 2 replicates per trial were conducted. The physico-chemical characteristics of the bath taken before and at the end of the experimental period show insignificant differences between initial and final values in each trial. Results indicate that mortality rates of all larval stages increased with exposure time and that mortality rates of the experimental group is higher than the control. Interpolation of the LC SUB-50 is possible only for the 48-h and 72-h exposure times for both zoeae and myses and for the 48-h exposure time for the postlarvae. This is due to the high survival percentage of the 24-h group and the low survival percentage (below 50%) of the larvae exposed for 96 hours. The 48-hour LC SUB-50 for Z SUB-1 , M SUB-1 and P SUB-1 are 0 . 225, 0 . 350 and 0 . 125 ppm respectively. Postlarvae seem to be more sensitive than either of the 2 larval stages having a lower 48-h LC SUB-50 and a low survival rate after 72 hours. The larvae were observed to lose their balance and were lethargic, producing few swimming movements so that they were mostly confined to the bottom of the aquaria. Moribund larvae observed under the microscope had a faster but weak heartbeat compared to healthy larvae. Slight or complete loss of feeding ability indicated by empty guts and delayed molting of Z SUB-1 to Z SUB-2 were also noted.


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The first spawnings were obtained 12 days after ablation with 4 spawners yielding 784,000 eggs and a harvest of 250,000 P SUB-10 fry. Survival of females after 1 month was approximately 30%. Mortalities were mostly due to handling stress during the regular ovarian samplings as well as disease frm the accumulated excess feeds on the bottom of the tank. Male survival could not be recorded because of transfers to other tanks and addition of new stocks. Development seemed to peak 3 weeks after ablation. The average number of eggs per ablated spawner was 120,000. However, many of the partially spawned females were removed from the spawning tanks the following day so that remaining eggs released in the next 2 to 3 days could not be recorded. Estimate of the average number of eggs per ablated spawner is 120,000-150,000 in contrast to 500,000 per wild spawner. However, the low production cost more than compensates for the difference. Fry reared in the Wet Laboratory were used for experiments, mostly on feeding. Therefore, survival at harvest is not to be taken as a reflection of stock quality. Although fewer in number, larvae from ablated prawns are as healthy in terms of vigor in swimming and feeding as those from wild females. Most mortalities are due to inability to molt caused by lower water temperatures and inadequate feeding.


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The total biomass of the demersal stocks in the depth range of 30-200m between 12°401 and 15°N latitudes in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone is estimated to be a:round 1,23,000 metric tons (t). There is scope for doubling the present catch of about 40,000 t from demersal resources by extending exploitation to 50-200m depth zone. About 78% of this increase is expected to come from four species, namely, Nemipterus japonicus, Priacanthus macracanthus, Saurida tumbil and Arius spp.


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An illustrated description is given of the courtship and mating behaviour of P. monodon . Courtship and mating follow three distinct phases: (1) parallel swimming of male and female from the bottom to a height of 20-40 cm over distances of 50 to 80 cm; (2) male turns ventral side up to female; and (3) male turns perpendicular to female, arches body around the female and lifts head and tail. Mating is believed to take place generally at night, following moulting of the female. On the basis of thelycum structure and mating pattern, Penaeus may be divided into two groups: (1) those with a close thelycum in which mating follows moulting, such as P. merguiensis and P. monodon ; and (2) those with open thelycum where mating takes place immediately preceding spawning, as in P. stylirostris and P. vannamei .