996 resultados para nutrient resorption rate


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The state fisheries department hatcheries are the major suppliers of seed to the farmers in Karnataka and Maharashtra. The brood stocks of these hatcheries are genetically closed units. In the present study, effective population size and cumulative inbreeding rates were estimated. The cumulative inbreeding rates ranged from 2.69 to 13.75, 8.63 to 15.21 and 3.02 to 5.88 per cent for catla, mrigal and rohu, respectively, in Karnataka state hatcheries. In Maharashtra, the cumulative inbreeding rates for catla ranged from 7.81 to 39.34 per cent and it was 5.84 to 14.09 and 2.46 to 10.20 per cent for mrigal and rohu, respectively. To estimate the inbreeding rates in future generations, predictive models were developed using linear regression, and polynomial and power equations separately for each hatchery. Their multiple correlation and standard errors suggested that simple linear regression can predict the future inbreeding rate efficiently.


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Studies on the nutrient composition of smoked-dried Clarias gariepinus were carried out, to assess the effects of pest infestation on the dried catfish from two different market (Abakpa and Kpirikpiri market) area in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Fish samples from the two markets where kept for pest to infest it and it were taken to Biochemistry Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Ebonyi State University to assess the damage of pest on dried catfish using standard methods. There was a significant different among the mean weight of fish from the two markets (Abakpa and kpirikpiri; 19.13kg and 18.98kg respectively) compared with the mean weight of the control 20.09kg. There was a variation in the proximate composition of the fishes from the two markets compared with the control, the decreases of the proximate composition are: crude protein from 60.07% to 40.27%; fat from 8.35% to 5.90%; moisture content from 11.67% to 10.67; fiber from 12.93 to 11.93; ash from 4.02% to 3.54% and carbohydrate 12.67% to 5.89%. The longer the storage periods of the infested smoked fish the more the tissue was degraded. Proper handling and storage of dried catfish are required to prolong the shelf life and nutrient content of dried catfish.


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A technique is presented for measuring the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and residual gas fraction (RGF) using a fast UEGO based O2 measurement of the manifold or in-cylinder gases, and of the exhaust gases. The technique has some advantages over the more common CO2-based method. In the case of an RGF measurement, fuel interference must be eliminated and special fuelling arrangements are is required. It is shown how a UEGO-based measurement, though sensitive to reactive species in the exhaust (such as H 2), as a system reports EGR/ RGF rates faithfully. Preliminary tests showed that EGR and RGF measurements using the O2 approach agreed well with CO2-based measurements. © 2011 SAE International.


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In the present study, Indian fisheries growth rate and fish consumption have been analyzed through GIS mapping. The analyses were based on the state-level fisheries data of India collected from the secondary sources. Accordingly, the paper contains one thematic map containing two layers. To achieve this, all the data have been brought into a tabular form through Microsoft Excel and then joined to Map Info Professional Version 8.0 GIS software with digitized map of India for further analysis to generate thematic maps. In this thematic map, the first Jayer represents the growth-rate of fish production for the period 1990-2004 and the second layer represents fish consumption for the year 2003. The thematic map represented in graphic form presents inland, marine and total growth rates, and also the rural and urban fish consumption at the state levels. This study will be useful to fish traders, planners, researchers and administrators in fisheries policy formulation for sustainable development.


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Physicochemical parameters of 31 fish pond water samples of Tripura were studied to ascertain the nutrient profile of acidic soil zone and the impact of water acidity towards aquaculture productivity. The pH was acidic (mean 6.63±0.44) with high Fe (mean1.04±0.40 mglˉ¹) and AI (mean 2.67±2.41 mglˉ¹) contents. These were mostly responsible for pond water acidity and poor productivity with low nitrogen, phosphate and total alkalinity. The study also showed strong negative relationship between water pH and redox potential (R²=0.5251). However, pH was positively significant with electrical conductivity. The roles of redox potential and electrical conductivity in water acidity were found highly important. Available calcium content was also found low (mean 2.91±2.96 mglˉ¹). Elevating level of pH of pond water could be the possible management practices in acidic water so that such unproductive water might be productive enough with higher phosphate and nitrogen levels for better biological production.


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Microalgal community structure in experimental carp-pangasiid catfish polyculture ponds under four different stocking rates (treatments) each with three replications in the Field Laboratory of the Faculty Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh was studied. A total of 38 microalgal genera were identified under four major groups: 18 genera belong to Chlorophyceae, 9 to Cyanophyceae, 8 to Bacillariophyceae and 3 to Euglenophyceae. Chlorophyceae was abundant in all treatments followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae throughout the study period. The cell densities of total microalgal population varied between 51.66x10^3 cells/L in June in T1 and 126.4x10^3 cells/L in August in T2. The appearance of Microcysris, Oscillatoria, Gomphospheria, Hildenbrandia, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia, Euglena and Phacus as dominant genera throughout the study period may related to sufficient nutrient availability, good light conditions and high growth rate of these genera. Water quality parameters of the experimental ponds were within suitable range for microalgal production and fish culture though the nutrient (nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus) concentrations were high. The factors involved in structuring a phytoplankton community arise from the relationship generated by physical, chemical and biological conditions especially the stocked planktivorous carps. Microalgal bloom formation is very common in pangasiid catfish monoculture ponds but in the present study bloom was not formed and the algal species diversity was found to be slightly increased with the study period. The introduction carps of carps in the experimental ponds might have helped in controlling the microalgal bloom formation and maintenance of the species diversity.


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Motor learning has been extensively studied using dynamic (force-field) perturbations. These induce movement errors that result in adaptive changes to the motor commands. Several state-space models have been developed to explain how trial-by-trial errors drive the progressive adaptation observed in such studies. These models have been applied to adaptation involving novel dynamics, which typically occurs over tens to hundreds of trials, and which appears to be mediated by a dual-rate adaptation process. In contrast, when manipulating objects with familiar dynamics, subjects adapt rapidly within a few trials. Here, we apply state-space models to familiar dynamics, asking whether adaptation is mediated by a single-rate or dual-rate process. Previously, we reported a task in which subjects rotate an object with known dynamics. By presenting the object at different visual orientations, adaptation was shown to be context-specific, with limited generalization to novel orientations. Here we show that a multiple-context state-space model, with a generalization function tuned to visual object orientation, can reproduce the time-course of adaptation and de-adaptation as well as the observed context-dependent behavior. In contrast to the dual-rate process associated with novel dynamics, we show that a single-rate process mediates adaptation to familiar object dynamics. The model predicts that during exposure to the object across multiple orientations, there will be a degree of independence for adaptation and de-adaptation within each context, and that the states associated with all contexts will slowly de-adapt during exposure in one particular context. We confirm these predictions in two new experiments. Results of the current study thus highlight similarities and differences in the processes engaged during exposure to novel versus familiar dynamics. In both cases, adaptation is mediated by multiple context-specific representations. In the case of familiar object dynamics, however, the representations can be engaged based on visual context, and are updated by a single-rate process.


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Four experiments each with three replications were conducted in 12 experimental ponds to control the euglenophytes bloom viz. treatment 1 (T1, covering of one third of the water surface by duckweed (Lemna minor); treatment 2 (T2), application of 123.5 kg lime/ha/month; treatment 3 (T3), use of both duckweed as in T1 and lime as in T2; treatment 4 (T4) was considered as control where neither duckweed nor lime was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the rate of 1080 fishes/ha with the species ratio of 8:4:6:9:13, respectively. The lowest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T3 followed by T2, and T1. In the ponds of T3, euglenophytes bloom did not occur possibly due to alkaline pH, shade and nutrient absorption by duckweed. Thin bloom was observed in the ponds of T1 where pH was neutral or slightly alkaline. The grazing on euglenophytes by the silver carp and silver barb also had some contribution in controlling the bloom. Growth of fishes was comparatively higher in the ponds of T3 and T1, which might be due to better water quality and availability of adequate food while the lower fish growth as recorded from the ponds of T4 might be due to euglenophytes bloom. Thick bloom inhibited light penetration which hampered photosynthesis and growth of other phytoplankton that are the preferred food of planktivorous fishes. Mortality of fishes in ponds having euglenophytes bloom was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation in the early morning or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolites secretion by the euglenophytes.


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A wooden fishing float under immersion in water for long periods is liable to absorb water, the quantity of water absorbed possibly being dependent upon the physical factors like the specific gravity and the inherent property of the material, the time of soaking and the pressure acting on it. Consequently a wooden float is likely to become heavy and loss its original buoyancy. However, when the float is removed from water and dried, the lost buoyancy is regained on complete drying. The present paper is an attempt to elucidate these two important characteristics of some of the chief wooden floating materials used on the West Coast of India.


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The amino acid, mineral and proximate composition of mullet (Mugil oeur), mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), crab (Scylla serrata) and prawn (Penaeus indicus) are reported. The data are used for comparing the nutritional quality of the fish and shell fish. Further, the amino acid composition is screened for their adequacy to meet the FAO/WHO recommended pattern of essential amino acids.


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Background: The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused a severe global epidemic in 2003 which led to hundreds of deaths and many thousands of hospitalizations. The virus causing SARS was identified as a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV) an


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Perna viridis exposed to different concentrations of copper and zinc for varying periods and then the rate of filtration estimated under metal free culture conditions. The concentrations under which the animals were maintained before the experiments were 0.025 to 0.150 p.p.m. of zinc and 0.005 to 0.08 p.p.m. of copper.


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Diets containing Chaetoceros gracilis plus Artemia nauplii artificially prepared diet, Diet-B, and two commercial feeds Tapes and mysid meals, were fed to larvae of P. japonicus. Highest survival rate was obtained when larvae were fed with Diet-B. The results show that the early larval stages of P. japonicus can be reared on artificially prepared diets. Since the chemical composition of the diet is known, it can be used as supplemental data for larval feeding development and nutritional requirement studies for the early larval stages of Penaeus japonicus and/or other penaeids. Information is tabulated on feeds and feeding rates used, composition of the artificial diet, fatty acid composition of lipids of the different diets, and of the sterols of the different diets.