948 resultados para non-culturable state


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With progressive climate change, the preservation of biodiversity is becoming increasingly important. Only if the gene pool is large enough and requirements of species are diverse, there will be species that can adapt to the changing circumstances. To maintain biodiversity, we must understand the consequences of the various strategies. Mathematical models of population dynamics could provide prognoses. However, a model that would reproduce and explain the mechanisms behind the diversity of species that we observe experimentally and in nature is still needed. A combination of theoretical models with detailed experiments is needed to test biological processes in models and compare predictions with outcomes in reality. In this thesis, several food webs are modeled and analyzed. Among others, models are formulated of laboratory experiments performed in the Zoological Institute of the University of Cologne. Numerical data of the simulations is in good agreement with the real experimental results. Via numerical simulations it can be demonstrated that few assumptions are necessary to reproduce in a model the sustained oscillations of the population size that experiments show. However, analysis indicates that species "thrown together by chance" are not very likely to survive together over long periods. Even larger food nets do not show significantly different outcomes and prove how extraordinary and complicated natural diversity is. In order to produce such a coexistence of randomly selected species—as the experiment does—models require additional information about biological processes or restrictions on the assumptions. Another explanation for the observed coexistence is a slow extinction that takes longer than the observation time. Simulated species survive a comparable period of time before they die out eventually. Interestingly, it can be stated that the same models allow the survival of several species in equilibrium and thus do not follow the so-called competitive exclusion principle. This state of equilibrium is more fragile, however, to changes in nutrient supply than the oscillating coexistence. Overall, the studies show, that having a diverse system means that population numbers are probably oscillating, and on the other hand oscillating population numbers stabilize a food web both against demographic noise as well as against changes of the habitat. Model predictions can certainly not be converted at their face value into policies for real ecosystems. But the stabilizing character of fluctuations should be considered in the regulations of animal populations.


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This gives the rules and guidelines for investigators that agree to adhere to investigator policies and rates established by SCCID. In order to receive payment from SCCID an investigator must be on the list of approved investigators maintained by SCCID and adhere to certain policies and regulations.


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Juvenile delinquency proceedings in the South Carolina Family Court are fundamentally different than adult criminal cases. Judges are charged by the South Carolina Code of Laws with acting in the “best interests of the child,” this emphasis on the rehabilitation of the child contrasts with the more punitive model used by the adult criminal justice system. The standards listed in the document aim to provide guidance to appointed counsel in juvenile matters with particular emphasis on the distinctive requirements of the South Carolina juvenile justice system.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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This lists the number of correctional officers and non-security positions at correctional facilities in South Carolina as well as the number of inmates and gives an inmate to correctional officer ratio for each institution.


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This chart gives the long term effects of radon on smokers and non-smokers.


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This thesis examines the development of state-narco networks in post-transition Bolivia. Mainstream discourses of drugs tend to undertheorise such relationships, holding illicit economies, weak states and violence as synergistic phenomena. Such assumptions fail to capture the nuanced relations that emerge between the state and the drug trade in different contexts, their underlying logics and diverse effects. As an understudied case, Bolivia offers novel insights into these dynamics. Bolivian military authoritarian governments (1964-1982), for example, integrated drug rents into clientelistic systems of governance, helping to establish factional coalitions and reinforce regime authority. Following democratic transition in 1982 and the escalation of US counterdrug efforts, these stable modes of exchange between the state and the coca-cocaine economy fragmented. Bolivia, though, continued to experience lower levels of drug-related violence than its Andean neighbours, and sustained democratisation despite being a major drug producer. Focusing on the introduction of the Andean Initiative (1989-1993), I explore state-narco interactions during this period of flux: from authoritarianism to (formal) democracy, and from Cold War to Drug War. As such, the thesis transcends the conventional analyses of the drugs literature and orthodox readings of Latin American narco-violence, providing insights into the relationship between illicit economies and democratic transition, the regional role of the US, and the (unintended) consequences of drug policy interventions. I utilise a mixed methods approach to offer discrete perspectives on the object of study. Drawing on documentary and secondary sources, I argue that state-narco networks were interwoven with Bolivia’s post-transition political settlement. Uneven democratisation ensured pockets of informalism, as clientelistic and authoritarian practices continued. This included police and military autonomy, and tolerance of drug corruption within both institutions. Non-enforcement of democratic norms of accountability and transparency was linked to the maintenance of fragile political equilibrium. Interviews with key US and Bolivian elite actors also revealed differing interpretations of state-narco interactions. These exposed competing agendas, and were folded into alternative paradigms and narratives of the ‘war on drugs’. The extension of US Drug War goals and the targeting of ‘corrupt’ local power structures, clashed with local ambivalence towards the drug trade, opposition to destabilising, ‘Colombianised’ policies and the claimed ‘democratising mission’ of the Bolivian government. In contrasting these US and Bolivian accounts, the thesis shows how real and perceived state-narco webs were understood and navigated by different actors in distinct ways. ‘Drug corruption’ held significance beyond simple economic transaction or institutional failure. Contestation around state-narco interactions was enmeshed in US-Bolivian relations of power and control.


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Gli oli microbici stanno ricevendo sempre più attenzioni come possibile alternativa agli oli vegetali, nel processo di sostituzione dei combustibili fossili. Tuttavia, diversi aspetti necessitano di essere ottimizzati al fine di ottenere oli economicamente competitivi e con caratteristiche chimico-fisiche desiderate. In questa ricerca, sono stati utilizzati due differenti approcci per poter realizzare l’obiettivo preposto. Il primo, si è basato sull’ingegnerizzazione genetica del lievito C. oleaginous, al fine di incrementare la produttività di lipidi e modificare la composizione dei trigliceridi (TAG) sintetizzati. Un protocollo basato su una trasformazione genetica mediata da Agrobacterium è stato utilizzato per sovraesprimere la diacilglicerol trasnferasi (DGA1), l’enzima responsabile dell’ultimo step della sintesi dei TAG, e la Δ9-desaturasi, l’enzima che catalizza la conversione dell’acido stearico (C18:0) in acido oleico (C18:1). La selezione di colonie positive e l’analisi dei mutanti ottenuti ha confermato la buona riuscita della trasformazione. Il secondo approccio ha mirato a studiare l’influenza sulla crescita e sul profilo di lipidi accumulati da C. oleaginous da parte di diversi acidi grassi volatili (VFAs), una materia prima ottenibile da trattamenti di scarti industriali. A questo proposito, sono state utilizzate fermentazioni fed-batch su scala da 1-L basate su glucosio e miscele sintetiche di acido acetico e di VFAs come fonte di carbonio. L’utilizzo simultaneo di acido acetico e acidi secondari ha mostrato come sia possibile stimolare il metabolismo microbico al fine di incrementare l'accumulo di oli e ottenere una composizione chimica lipidica desiderata.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi si focalizza sullo studio, sia dal punto di vista analitico che da quello numerico, della conduzione del calore non stazionaria di un mezzo poroso rettangolare saturo di fluido. Per descrivere tale fenomeno sono state adoperate le equazioni di bilancio dell’energia modellate tramite la teoria del non-equilibrio termico locale, cioè una coppia di equazioni di bilancio dell’energia sia per la fase solida sia per la fase fluida, dipendenti l’una dall’altra in quanto legate dal termine generativo di interfase. La necessità di avere due equazioni di bilancio dell’energia è dovuta a una caratteristica importante dei processi di trasferimento del calore in una schiuma metallica. In questo elaborato verranno risolte numericamente le equazioni di biliancio dell’energia del non-equilibrio termico locale, tramite l’ausilio del programma di calcolo MATLAB e il suo solutore “pdepe”, indagando e proponendo una soluzione al “paradosso” introdotto da Vadazs* nel suo articolo. Tale paradosso si presenta quando si risolvono analiticamente le equazioni di bilancio dell’energia del non-equilibrio termico locale applicando due metodi differenti: il metodo di sostituzione delle variabili e il metodo di separazione delle variabili dipendenti. Dai risultati ottenuti da Vadasz emerge una discrepanza tra i due metodi in quanto uno dei due porta a predire un comportamento di equilibrio termico tra le due fasi a ogni istante di tempo, mentre l’altro predirebbe un comportamento di non-equilibrio termico locale tra le due fasi, particolarmente evidente nei primi istanti di tempo. Successivamente si è analizzato il problema di conduzione studiandone la variazione dei transitori termici del campo di temperatura della fase solida e dalla fase fluida al mutare dei parametri adimensionali che caratterizzano le equazioni di bilancio dell’energia nella sue forme adimensionalizzate.


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In this thesis, a tube-based Distributed Economic Predictive Control (DEPC) scheme is presented for a group of dynamically coupled linear subsystems. These subsystems are components of a large scale system and control inputs are computed based on optimizing a local economic objective. Each subsystem is interacting with its neighbors by sending its future reference trajectory, at each sampling time. It solves a local optimization problem in parallel, based on the received future reference trajectories of the other subsystems. To ensure recursive feasibility and a performance bound, each subsystem is constrained to not deviate too much from its communicated reference trajectory. This difference between the plan trajectory and the communicated one is interpreted as a disturbance on the local level. Then, to ensure the satisfaction of both state and input constraints, they are tightened by considering explicitly the effect of these local disturbances. The proposed approach averages over all possible disturbances, handles tightened state and input constraints, while satisfies the compatibility constraints to guarantee that the actual trajectory lies within a certain bound in the neighborhood of the reference one. Each subsystem is optimizing a local arbitrary economic objective function in parallel while considering a local terminal constraint to guarantee recursive feasibility. In this framework, economic performance guarantees for a tube-based distributed predictive control (DPC) scheme are developed rigorously. It is presented that the closed-loop nominal subsystem has a robust average performance bound locally which is no worse than that of a local robust steady state. Since a robust algorithm is applying on the states of the real (with disturbances) subsystems, this bound can be interpreted as an average performance result for the real closed-loop system. To this end, we present our outcomes on local and global performance, illustrated by a numerical example.


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The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics predicts the existence of a Higgs field responsible for the generation of particles' mass. However, some aspects of this theory remain unsolved, supposing the presence of new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) with the production of new particles at a higher energy scale compared to the current experimental limits. The search for additional Higgs bosons is, in fact, predicted by theoretical extensions of the SM including the Minimal Supersymmetry Standard Model (MSSM). In the MSSM, the Higgs sector consists of two Higgs doublets, resulting in five physical Higgs particles: two charged bosons $H^{\pm}$, two neutral scalars $h$ and $H$, and one pseudoscalar $A$. The work presented in this thesis is dedicated to the search of neutral non-Standard Model Higgs bosons decaying to two muons in the model independent MSSM scenario. Proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $35.9\ \text{fb}^{-1}$. Such search is sensitive to neutral Higgs bosons produced either via gluon fusion process or in association with a $\text{b}\bar{\text{b}}$ quark pair. The extensive usage of Machine and Deep Learning techniques is a fundamental element in the discrimination between signal and background simulated events. A new network structure called parameterised Neural Network (pNN) has been implemented, replacing a whole set of single neural networks trained at a specific mass hypothesis value with a single neural network able to generalise well and interpolate in the entire mass range considered. The results of the pNN signal/background discrimination are used to set a model independent 95\% confidence level expected upper limit on the production cross section times branching ratio, for a generic $\phi$ boson decaying into a muon pair in the 130 to 1000 GeV range.


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Sulla spinta dell’approvazione della legge italiana 47/2017 “Disposizioni in materia di misure di protezione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati”, questo lavoro è teso ad affrontare le complesse aspettative genitoriali e parentali sviluppatesi intorno al processo di categorizzazione MSNA di cui questa legge è diventata approdo giuridico. Le controverse aspettative di accompagnamento legatesi alla denominazione di “non accompagnato”, prese come aspetto scontato e assiomatico in molta parte della letteratura scientifica che utilizza l’acronimo, sono state qui intese come un nodo ambiguo e questionabile. Attraverso una ricerca e una metodologia antropologico-etnografica queste rappresentazioni contradditorie sono esplorate a partire da un “crocevia di campi” da queste interessati in un territorio amministrativo dell’Italia Settentrionale variamente frequentato tra 2018 e 2021. Insieme ad ambienti, metodi e sfide della ricerca locale, una prima sezione situa storicamente e contestualmente la categoria MSNA come fenomeno in sé piuttosto che come efficace espressione descrittiva di soggetti. Le due sezioni successive, dedicate rispettivamente alla neo-realtà di tutela volontaria e a quella di una comunità socio-educativa/di tipo familiare rivolta a persone di minore età, interrogano invece questi ambienti come spazi e tempi di elaborazione prima e negoziazione poi di rappresentazioni e pratiche relazionali e parentali molteplici.


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Understanding the natural and forced variability of the atmospheric general circulation and its drivers is one of the grand challenges in climate science. It is of paramount importance to understand to what extent the systematic error of climate models affects the processes driving such variability. This is done by performing a set of simulations (ROCK experiments) with an intermediate complexity atmospheric model (SPEEDY), in which the Rocky Mountains orography is increased or decreased to influence the structure of the North Pacific jet stream. For each of these modified-orography experiments, the climatic response to idealized sea surface temperature anomalies of varying intensity in the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) region is studied. ROCK experiments are characterized by variations in the Pacific jet stream intensity whose extension encompasses the spread of the systematic error found in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) models. When forced with ENSO-like idealised anomalies, they exhibit a non-negligible sensitivity in the response pattern over the Pacific North American region, indicating that the model mean state can affect the model response to ENSO. It is found that the classical Rossby wave train response to ENSO is more meridionally oriented when the Pacific jet stream is weaker and more zonally oriented with a stronger jet. Rossby wave linear theory suggests that a stronger jet implies a stronger waveguide, which traps Rossby waves at a lower latitude, favouring a zonal propagation of Rossby waves. The shape of the dynamical response to ENSO affects the ENSO impacts on surface temperature and precipitation over Central and North America. A comparison of the SPEEDY results with CMIP6 models suggests a wider applicability of the results to more resources-demanding climate general circulation models (GCMs), opening up to future works focusing on the relationship between Pacific jet misrepresentation and response to external forcing in fully-fledged GCMs.


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This thesis work has been motivated by an internal benchmark dealing with the output regulation problem of a nonlinear non-minimum phase system in the case of full-state feedback. The system under consideration structurally suffers from finite escape time, and this condition makes the output regulation problem very hard even for very simple steady-state evolution or exosystem dynamics, such as a simple integrator. This situation leads to studying the approaches developed for controlling Non-minimum phase systems and how they affect feedback performances. Despite a lot of frequency domain results, only a few works have been proposed for describing the performance limitations in a state space system representation. In particular, in our opinion, the most relevant research thread exploits the so-called Inner-Outer Decomposition. Such decomposition allows splitting the Non-minimum phase system under consideration into a cascade of two subsystems: a minimum phase system (the outer) that contains all poles of the original system and an all-pass Non-minimum phase system (the inner) that contains all the unavoidable pathologies of the unstable zero dynamics. Such a cascade decomposition was inspiring to start working on functional observers for linear and nonlinear systems. In particular, the idea of a functional observer is to exploit only the measured signals from the system to asymptotically reconstruct a certain function of the system states, without necessarily reconstructing the whole state vector. The feature of asymptotically reconstructing a certain state functional plays an important role in the design of a feedback controller able to stabilize the Non-minimum phase system.