961 resultados para network theory and analysis


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This paper presents the optimal design of a sur- face mounted permanent magnet Brushless DC mo- tor (PMBLDC) meant for spacecraft applications. The spacecraft applications requires the choice of a torques motor with high torque density, minimum cogging torque, better positional stability and high torque to inertia ratio. Performance of two types of machine con¯gurations viz Slotted PMBLDC and Slotless PMBLDC with halbach array are compared with the help of analytical and FE methods. It is found that unlike a Slotted PMBLDC motor, the Slotless type with halbach array develops zero cogging torque without reduction in the developed torque. Moreover, the machine being coreless provides high torque to inertia ratio and zero magnetic stiction


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Pedicle screw insertion technique has made revolution in the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and spinal disorders. Although X- ray fluoroscopy based navigation is popular, there is risk of prolonged exposure to X- ray radiation. Systems that have lower radiation risk are generally quite expensive. The position and orientation of the drill is clinically very important in pedicle screw fixation. In this paper, the position and orientation of the marker on the drill is determined using pattern recognition based methods, using geometric features, obtained from the input video sequence taken from CCD camera. A search is then performed on the video frames after preprocessing, to obtain the exact position and orientation of the drill. An animated graphics, showing the instantaneous position and orientation of the drill is then overlaid on the processed video for real time drill control and navigation


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One of the interesting consequences of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is the black hole solutions. Until the observation made by Hawking in 1970s, it was believed that black holes are perfectly black. The General Theory of Relativity says that black holes are objects which absorb both matter and radiation crossing the event horizon. The event horizon is a surface through which even light is not able to escape. It acts as a one sided membrane that allows the passage of particles only in one direction i.e. towards the center of black holes. All the particles that are absorbed by black hole increases the mass of the black hole and thus the size of event horizon also increases. Hawking showed in 1970s that when applying quantum mechanical laws to black holes they are not perfectly black but they can emit radiation. Thus the black hole can have temperature known as Hawking temperature. In the thesis we have studied some aspects of black holes in f(R) theory of gravity and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The scattering of scalar field in this background space time studied in the first chapter shows that the extended black hole will scatter scalar waves and have a scattering cross section and applying tunneling mechanism we have obtained the Hawking temperature of this black hole. In the following chapter we have investigated the quasinormal properties of the extended black hole. We have studied the electromagnetic and scalar perturbations in this space-time and find that the black hole frequencies are complex and show exponential damping indicating the black hole is stable against the perturbations. In the present study we show that not only the black holes exist in modified gravities but also they have similar properties of black hole space times in General Theory of Relativity. 2 + 1 black holes or three dimensional black holes are simplified examples of more complicated four dimensional black holes. Thus these models of black holes are known as toy models of black holes in four dimensional black holes in General theory of Relativity. We have studied some properties of these types of black holes in Einstein model (General Theory of Relativity). A three dimensional black hole known as MSW is taken for our study. The thermodynamics and spectroscopy of MSW black hole are studied and obtained the area spectrum which is equispaced and different thermo dynamical properties are studied. The Dirac perturbation of this three dimensional black hole is studied and the resulting quasinormal spectrum of this three dimensional black hole is obtained. The different quasinormal frequencies are tabulated in tables and these values show an exponential damping of oscillations indicating the black hole is stable against the mass less Dirac perturbation. In General Theory of Relativity almost all solutions contain singularities. The cosmological solution and different black hole solutions of Einstein's field equation contain singularities. The regular black hole solutions are those which are solutions of Einstein's equation and have no singularity at the origin. These solutions possess event horizon but have no central singularity. Such a solution was first put forward by Bardeen. Hayward proposed a similar regular black hole solution. We have studied the thermodynamics and spectroscopy of Hay-ward regular black holes. We have also obtained the different thermodynamic properties and the area spectrum. The area spectrum is a function of the horizon radius. The entropy-heat capacity curve has a discontinuity at some value of entropy showing a phase transition.


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Im Rahmen dieser interdisziplinären Doktorarbeit wird eine (Al)GaN Halbleiteroberflächenmodifikation untersucht, mit dem Ziel eine verbesserte Grenzfläche zwischen dem Material und dem Dielektrikum zu erzeugen. Aufgrund von Oberflächenzuständen zeigen GaN basierte HEMT Strukturen üblicherweise große Einsatzspannungsverschiebungen. Bisher wurden zur Grenzflächenmodifikation besonders die Entfernung von Verunreinigungen wie Sauerstoff oder Kohlenstoff analysiert. Die nasschemischen Oberflächenbehandlungen werden vor der Abscheidung des Dielektrikums durchgeführt, wobei die Kontaminationen jedoch nicht vollständig entfernt werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden Modifikationen der Oberfläche in wässrigen Lösungen, in Gasen sowie in Plasma analysiert. Detaillierte Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die inerte (0001) c-Ebene der Oberfläche kaum reagiert, sondern hauptsächlich die weniger polaren r- und m- Ebenen. Dies kann deutlich beim Defektätzen sowie bei der thermischen Oxidation beobachtet werden. Einen weiteren Ansatz zur Oberflächenmodifikation stellen Plasmabehandlungen dar. Hierbei wird die Oberflächenterminierung durch eine nukleophile Substitution mit Lewis Basen, wie Fluorid, Chlorid oder Oxid verändert, wodurch sich die Elektronegativitätsdifferenz zwischen dem Metall und dem Anion im Vergleich zur Metall-Stickstoff Bindung erhöht. Dies führt gleichzeitig zu einer Erhöhung der Potentialdifferenz des Schottky Kontakts. Sauerstoff oder Fluor besitzen die nötige thermische Stabilität um während einer Silicium-nitridabscheidung an der (Al)GaN Oberfläche zu bleiben. Sauerstoffvariationen an der Oberfläche werden in NH3 bei 700°C, welches die nötigen Bedingungen für die Abscheidung darstellen, immer zu etwa 6-8% reduziert – solche Grenzflächen zeigen deswegen auch keine veränderten Ergebnisse in Einsatzspannungsuntersuchungen. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt die fluorierte Oberfläche ein völlig neues elektrisches Verhalten: ein neuer dominanter Oberflächendonator mit einem schnellen Trapping und Detrapping Verhalten wird gefunden. Das Energieniveau dieses neuen, stabilen Donators liegt um ca. 0,5 eV tiefer in der Bandlücke als die ursprünglichen Energieniveaus der Oberflächenzustände. Physikalisch-chemische Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenuntersuchung mit XPS, AES oder SIMS erlauben keine eindeutige Schlussfolgerung, ob das Fluor nach der Si3N4 Abscheidung tatsächlich noch an der Grenzfläche vorhanden ist, oder einfach eine stabilere Oberflächenrekonstruktion induziert wurde, bei welcher es selbst nicht beteiligt ist. In beiden Fällen ist der neue Donator in einer Konzentration von 4x1013 at/cm-2 vorhanden. Diese Dichte entspricht einer Oberflächenkonzentration von etwa 1%, was genau an der Nachweisgrenze der spektroskopischen Methoden liegt. Jedoch werden die elektrischen Oberflächeneigenschaften durch die Oberflächenmodifikation deutlich verändert und ermöglichen eine potentiell weiter optimierbare Grenzfläche.


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This paper describes a trainable system capable of tracking faces and facialsfeatures like eyes and nostrils and estimating basic mouth features such as sdegrees of openness and smile in real time. In developing this system, we have addressed the twin issues of image representation and algorithms for learning. We have used the invariance properties of image representations based on Haar wavelets to robustly capture various facial features. Similarly, unlike previous approaches this system is entirely trained using examples and does not rely on a priori (hand-crafted) models of facial features based on optical flow or facial musculature. The system works in several stages that begin with face detection, followed by localization of facial features and estimation of mouth parameters. Each of these stages is formulated as a problem in supervised learning from examples. We apply the new and robust technique of support vector machines (SVM) for classification in the stage of skin segmentation, face detection and eye detection. Estimation of mouth parameters is modeled as a regression from a sparse subset of coefficients (basis functions) of an overcomplete dictionary of Haar wavelets.


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The conceptual component of this work is about "reference surfaces'' which are the dual of reference frames often used for shape representation purposes. The theoretical component of this work involves the question of whether one can find a unique (and simple) mapping that aligns two arbitrary perspective views of an opaque textured quadric surface in 3D, given (i) few corresponding points in the two views, or (ii) the outline conic of the surface in one view (only) and few corresponding points in the two views. The practical component of this work is concerned with applying the theoretical results as tools for the task of achieving full correspondence between views of arbitrary objects.


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This paper presents a model and analysis of a synchronous tandem flow line that produces different part types on unreliable machines. The machines operate according to a static priority rule, operating on the highest priority part whenever possible, and operating on lower priority parts only when unable to produce those with higher priorities. We develop a new decomposition method to analyze the behavior of the manufacturing system by decomposing the long production line into small analytically tractable components. As a first step in modeling a production line with more than one part type, we restrict ourselves to the case where there are two part types. Detailed modeling and derivations are presented with a small two-part-type production line that consists of two processing machines and two demand machines. Then, a generalized longer flow line is analyzed. Furthermore, estimates for performance measures, such as average buffer levels and production rates, are presented and compared to extensive discrete event simulation. The quantitative behavior of the two-part type processing line under different demand scenarios is also provided.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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In this class, we will discuss the nature of network evolution and some selected network processes. We will discuss graph generation algorithms that generate networks with different interesting characteristics. Optional : The Structure and Function of Complex Networks (chapter 8), M.E.J. Newman, SIAM Review 45 167--256 (2003); Optional: Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks, A.L. Barabasi and R. Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999)


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Notes, exercises, exam questions and solutions for a second year analysis course.


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A presentation on the collection and analysis of data taken from SOES 6018. This module aims to ensure that MSc Oceanography, MSc Marine Science, Policy & Law and MSc Marine Resource Management students are equipped with the skills they need to function as professional marine scientists, in addition to / in conjuction with the skills training in other MSc modules. The module covers training in fieldwork techniques, communication & research skills, IT & data analysis and professional development.


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