992 resultados para multi-operator networking
Soil fertility constraints to crop production have been recognized widely as a major obstacle to food security and agro-ecosystem sustainability in sub-Saharan West Africa. As such, they have led to a multitude of research projects and policy debates on how best they should be overcome. Conclusions, based on long-term multi-site experiments, are lacking with respect to a regional assessment of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer effects, surface mulched crop residues, and legume rotations on total dry matter of cereals in this region. A mixed model time-trend analysis was used to investigate the effects of four nitrogen and phosphorus rates, annually applied crop residue dry matter at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, and cereal-legume rotation versus continuous cereal cropping on the total dry matter of cereals and legumes. The multi-factorial experiment was conducted over four years at eight locations, with annual rainfall ranging from 510 to 1300 mm, in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Togo. With the exception of phosphorus, treatment effects on legume growth were marginal. At most locations, except for typical Sudanian sites with very low base saturation and high rainfall, phosphorus effects on cereal total dry matter were much lower with rock phosphate than with soluble phosphorus, unless the rock phosphate was combined with an annual seed-placement of 4 kg ha^-1 phosphorus. Across all other treatments, nitrogen effects were negligible at 500 mm annual rainfall but at 900 mm, the highest nitrogen rate led to total dry matter increases of up to 77% and, at 1300 mm, to 183%. Mulch-induced increases in cereal total dry matter were larger with lower base saturation, reaching 45% on typical acid sandy Sahelian soils. Legume rotation effects tended to increase over time but were strongly species-dependent.
We investigate for very general cases the multiplet and fine structure splitting of muonelectron atoms arising from the coupling of the electron and muon angular momenta, including the effect of the Breit operator plus the electron state-dependent screening. Although many conditions have to be fulfilled simultaneously to observe these effeets, it should be possible to measure them in the 6h- 5g muonic transition in the Sn region.
The centralised control rooms of large industrial plants have separated people from the processes they should control. Perception is restricted mainly to the visual sense. Only telephone or radio links provide narrow-band voice communication with maintenance personnel down in the plant. Multimedia equipment can perceptionally bring back the operator into the plant while bodily keeping him the comfortable and safe control room. This involves video and audio transmission from process components as well as sights and sounds artificially generated from measurements. Groupware systems support inter-action between operators, engineers, and managers in different plants. With support from the German government, the state of Hessen, and industrial companies the Laboratory for Systems Engineering and Human-Machine Systems at the University of Kassel establishes an Experimental Multimedia Process Control Room. Core of this set-up are two high-performance graphics workstations linked to one of several process or vehicle simulators. Multimedia periphery includes video and teleconferencing equipment and a vibration and sound generation system.
Die thermische Verarbeitung von Lebensmitteln beeinflusst deren Qualität und ernährungsphysiologischen Eigenschaften. Im Haushalt ist die Überwachung der Temperatur innerhalb des Lebensmittels sehr schwierig. Zudem ist das Wissen über optimale Temperatur- und Zeitparameter für die verschiedenen Speisen oft unzureichend. Die optimale Steuerung der thermischen Zubereitung ist maßgeblich abhängig von der Art des Lebensmittels und der äußeren und inneren Temperatureinwirkung während des Garvorgangs. Das Ziel der Arbeiten war die Entwicklung eines automatischen Backofens, der in der Lage ist, die Art des Lebensmittels zu erkennen und die Temperatur im Inneren des Lebensmittels während des Backens zu errechnen. Die für die Temperaturberechnung benötigten Daten wurden mit mehreren Sensoren erfasst. Hierzu kam ein Infrarotthermometer, ein Infrarotabstandssensor, eine Kamera, ein Temperatursensor und ein Lambdasonde innerhalb des Ofens zum Einsatz. Ferner wurden eine Wägezelle, ein Strom- sowie Spannungs-Sensor und ein Temperatursensor außerhalb des Ofens genutzt. Die während der Aufheizphase aufgenommen Datensätze ermöglichten das Training mehrerer künstlicher neuronaler Netze, die die verschiedenen Lebensmittel in die entsprechenden Kategorien einordnen konnten, um so das optimale Backprogram auszuwählen. Zur Abschätzung der thermische Diffusivität der Nahrung, die von der Zusammensetzung (Kohlenhydrate, Fett, Protein, Wasser) abhängt, wurden mehrere künstliche neuronale Netze trainiert. Mit Ausnahme des Fettanteils der Lebensmittel konnten alle Komponenten durch verschiedene KNNs mit einem Maximum von 8 versteckten Neuronen ausreichend genau abgeschätzt werden um auf deren Grundlage die Temperatur im inneren des Lebensmittels zu berechnen. Die durchgeführte Arbeit zeigt, dass mit Hilfe verschiedenster Sensoren zur direkten beziehungsweise indirekten Messung der äußeren Eigenschaften der Lebensmittel sowie KNNs für die Kategorisierung und Abschätzung der Lebensmittelzusammensetzung die automatische Erkennung und Berechnung der inneren Temperatur von verschiedensten Lebensmitteln möglich ist.
A large class of special functions are solutions of systems of linear difference and differential equations with polynomial coefficients. For a given function, these equations considered as operator polynomials generate a left ideal in a noncommutative algebra called Ore algebra. This ideal with finitely many conditions characterizes the function uniquely so that Gröbner basis techniques can be applied. Many problems related to special functions which can be described by such ideals can be solved by performing elimination of appropriate noncommutative variables in these ideals. In this work, we mainly achieve the following: 1. We give an overview of the theoretical algebraic background as well as the algorithmic aspects of different methods using noncommutative Gröbner elimination techniques in Ore algebras in order to solve problems related to special functions. 2. We describe in detail algorithms which are based on Gröbner elimination techniques and perform the creative telescoping method for sums and integrals of special functions. 3. We investigate and compare these algorithms by illustrative examples which are performed by the computer algebra system Maple. This investigation has the objective to test how far noncommutative Gröbner elimination techniques may be efficiently applied to perform creative telescoping.
In dieser Dissertation werden Methoden zur optimalen Aufgabenverteilung in Multirobotersystemen (engl. Multi-Robot Task Allocation – MRTA) zur Inspektion von Industrieanlagen untersucht. MRTA umfasst die Verteilung und Ablaufplanung von Aufgaben für eine Gruppe von Robotern unter Berücksichtigung von operativen Randbedingungen mit dem Ziel, die Gesamteinsatzkosten zu minimieren. Dank zunehmendem technischen Fortschritt und sinkenden Technologiekosten ist das Interesse an mobilen Robotern für den Industrieeinsatz in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen. Viele Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf Probleme der Mobilität wie Selbstlokalisierung und Kartierung, aber nur wenige Arbeiten untersuchen die optimale Aufgabenverteilung. Da sich mit einer guten Aufgabenverteilung eine effizientere Planung erreichen lässt (z. B. niedrigere Kosten, kürzere Ausführungszeit), ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung von Lösungsmethoden für das aus Inspektionsaufgaben mit Einzel- und Zweiroboteraufgaben folgende Such-/Optimierungsproblem. Ein neuartiger hybrider Genetischer Algorithmus wird vorgestellt, der einen teilbevölkerungbasierten Genetischen Algorithmus zur globalen Optimierung mit lokalen Suchheuristiken kombiniert. Zur Beschleunigung dieses Algorithmus werden auf die fittesten Individuen einer Generation lokale Suchoperatoren angewendet. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus verteilt die Aufgaben nicht nur einfach und legt den Ablauf fest, sondern er bildet auch temporäre Roboterverbünde für Zweiroboteraufgaben, wodurch räumliche und zeitliche Randbedingungen entstehen. Vier alternative Kodierungsstrategien werden für den vorgestellten Algorithmus entworfen: Teilaufgabenbasierte Kodierung: Hierdurch werden alle möglichen Lösungen abgedeckt, allerdings ist der Suchraum sehr groß. Aufgabenbasierte Kodierung: Zwei Möglichkeiten zur Zuweisung von Zweiroboteraufgaben wurden implementiert, um die Effizienz des Algorithmus zu steigern. Gruppierungsbasierte Kodierung: Zeitliche Randbedingungen zur Gruppierung von Aufgaben werden vorgestellt, um gute Lösungen innerhalb einer kleinen Anzahl von Generationen zu erhalten. Zwei Umsetzungsvarianten werden vorgestellt. Dekompositionsbasierte Kodierung: Drei geometrische Zerlegungen wurden entworfen, die Informationen über die räumliche Anordnung ausnutzen, um Probleme zu lösen, die Inspektionsgebiete mit rechteckigen Geometrien aufweisen. In Simulationsstudien wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der verschiedenen hybriden Genetischen Algorithmen untersucht. Dazu wurde die Inspektion von Tanklagern einer Erdölraffinerie mit einer Gruppe homogener Inspektionsroboter als Anwendungsfall gewählt. Die Simulationen zeigen, dass Kodierungsstrategien, die auf der geometrischen Zerlegung basieren, bei einer kleinen Anzahl an Generationen eine bessere Lösung finden können als die anderen untersuchten Strategien. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Einzel- und Zweiroboteraufgaben, die entweder von einem einzelnen mobilen Roboter erledigt werden können oder die Zusammenarbeit von zwei Robotern erfordern. Eine Erweiterung des entwickelten Algorithmus zur Behandlung von Aufgaben, die mehr als zwei Roboter erfordern, ist möglich, würde aber die Komplexität der Optimierungsaufgabe deutlich vergrößern.
In a context of urgent global socio-ecological challenges, the aim of this paper has been to explore the potential of localised and socially connected food systems. More specifically, through a multi-case study of two alternative food networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, their contribution to a sustainable food paradigm has been explored. An important synergy within the networks is how good food is equated with peasant produce, but issues regarding quantity, delivery arrangement, power relations and inclusiveness constitute potential conflicts. Although challenged by unfavourable trends on national and EU levels, the networks are becoming more embedded horizontally, through an intrinsic focus on community in one case and through quality food stimulating good relations in the other case. The networks contribute to a sustainable food paradigm by promoting agroecology, by reclaiming socio-cultural factors of food provisioning and by being part of a (re)-peasantisation process. Exploring how these kinds of initiatives can emerge, be sustained and be developed is of relevance, especially considering their potential for improving the prospects of environmentally sustainable and socially just futures in Romania and beyond.
This thesis defines Pi, a parallel architecture interface that separates model and machine issues, allowing them to be addressed independently. This provides greater flexibility for both the model and machine builder. Pi addresses a set of common parallel model requirements including low latency communication, fast task switching, low cost synchronization, efficient storage management, the ability to exploit locality, and efficient support for sequential code. Since Pi provides generic parallel operations, it can efficiently support many parallel programming models including hybrids of existing models. Pi also forms a basis of comparison for architectural components.
This report addresses the problem of achieving cooperation within small- to medium- sized teams of heterogeneous mobile robots. I describe a software architecture I have developed, called ALLIANCE, that facilitates robust, fault tolerant, reliable, and adaptive cooperative control. In addition, an extended version of ALLIANCE, called L-ALLIANCE, is described, which incorporates a dynamic parameter update mechanism that allows teams of mobile robots to improve the efficiency of their mission performance through learning. A number of experimental results of implementing these architectures on both physical and simulated mobile robot teams are described. In addition, this report presents the results of studies of a number of issues in mobile robot cooperation, including fault tolerant cooperative control, adaptive action selection, distributed control, robot awareness of team member actions, improving efficiency through learning, inter-robot communication, action recognition, and local versus global control.
The goal of this research is to develop the prototype of a tactile sensing platform for anthropomorphic manipulation research. We investigate this problem through the fabrication and simple control of a planar 2-DOF robotic finger inspired by anatomic consistency, self-containment, and adaptability. The robot is equipped with a tactile sensor array based on optical transducer technology whereby localized changes in light intensity within an illuminated foam substrate correspond to the distribution and magnitude of forces applied to the sensor surface plane. The integration of tactile perception is a key component in realizing robotic systems which organically interact with the world. Such natural behavior is characterized by compliant performance that can initiate internal, and respond to external, force application in a dynamic environment. However, most of the current manipulators that support some form of haptic feedback either solely derive proprioceptive sensation or only limit tactile sensors to the mechanical fingertips. These constraints are due to the technological challenges involved in high resolution, multi-point tactile perception. In this work, however, we take the opposite approach, emphasizing the role of full-finger tactile feedback in the refinement of manual capabilities. To this end, we propose and implement a control framework for sensorimotor coordination analogous to infant-level grasping and fixturing reflexes. This thesis details the mechanisms used to achieve these sensory, actuation, and control objectives, along with the design philosophies and biological influences behind them. The results of behavioral experiments with a simple tactilely-modulated control scheme are also described. The hope is to integrate the modular finger into an %engineered analog of the human hand with a complete haptic system.
There are numerous text documents available in electronic form. More and more are becoming available every day. Such documents represent a massive amount of information that is easily accessible. Seeking value in this huge collection requires organization; much of the work of organizing documents can be automated through text classification. The accuracy and our understanding of such systems greatly influences their usefulness. In this paper, we seek 1) to advance the understanding of commonly used text classification techniques, and 2) through that understanding, improve the tools that are available for text classification. We begin by clarifying the assumptions made in the derivation of Naive Bayes, noting basic properties and proposing ways for its extension and improvement. Next, we investigate the quality of Naive Bayes parameter estimates and their impact on classification. Our analysis leads to a theorem which gives an explanation for the improvements that can be found in multiclass classification with Naive Bayes using Error-Correcting Output Codes. We use experimental evidence on two commonly-used data sets to exhibit an application of the theorem. Finally, we show fundamental flaws in a commonly-used feature selection algorithm and develop a statistics-based framework for text feature selection. Greater understanding of Naive Bayes and the properties of text allows us to make better use of it in text classification.
The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.
The present success in the manufacture of multi-layer interconnects in ultra-large-scale integration is largely due to the acceptable planarization capabilities of the chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) process. In the past decade, copper has emerged as the preferred interconnect material. The greatest challenge in Cu CMP at present is the control of wafer surface non-uniformity at various scales. As the size of a wafer has increased to 300 mm, the wafer-level non-uniformity has assumed critical importance. Moreover, the pattern geometry in each die has become quite complex due to a wide range of feature sizes and multi-level structures. Therefore, it is important to develop a non-uniformity model that integrates wafer-, die- and feature-level variations into a unified, multi-scale dielectric erosion and Cu dishing model. In this paper, a systematic way of characterizing and modeling dishing in the single-step Cu CMP process is presented. The possible causes of dishing at each scale are identified in terms of several geometric and process parameters. The feature-scale pressure calculation based on the step-height at each polishing stage is introduced. The dishing model is based on pad elastic deformation and the evolving pattern geometry, and is integrated with the wafer- and die-level variations. Experimental and analytical means of determining the model parameters are outlined and the model is validated by polishing experiments on patterned wafers. Finally, practical approaches for minimizing Cu dishing are suggested.
In Catalonia, according to the nitrate directive (91/676/EU), nine areas have been declared as vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources (Decret 283/1998 and Decret 479/2004). Five of these areas have been studied coupling hydro chemical data with a multi-isotopic approach (Vitòria et al. 2005, Otero et al. 2007, Puig et al. 2007), in an ongoing research project looking for an integrated application of classical hydrochemistry data, with a comprehensive isotopic characterisation (δ15N and δ18O of dissolved nitrate, δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulphate, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and δD and δ18O of water). Within this general frame, the contribution presented explores compositional ways of: (i) distinguish agrochemicals and manure N pollution, (ii) quantify natural attenuation of nitrate (denitrification), and identify possible controlling factors. To achieve this two-fold goal, the following techniques have been used. Separate biplots of each suite of data show that each studied region has a distinct δ34S and pH signatures, but they are homogeneous with regard to NO3- related variables. Also, the geochemical variables were projected onto the compositional directions associated with the possible denitrification reactions in each region. The resulting balances can be plot together with some isotopes, to assess their likelihood of occurrence
Blogging has become one of the key ingredients of the so-called socials networks. This phenomenon has indeed invaded the world of education. Connections between people, comments on each other posts, and assessment of innovation are usually interesting characteristics of blogs related to students and scholars. Blogs have become a kind of new form of authority, bringing about (divergent) discussions which lead to creation of knowledge. The use of blogs as an innovative, educational tool is not at all new. However, their use in universities is not very widespread yet. Blogging for personal affairs is rather commonplace, but blogging for professional affairs – teaching, research and service, is scarce, despite the availability of ready-to-use, free tools. Unfortunately, Information Society has not reached yet enough some universities: not only are (student) blogs scarcely used as an educational tool, but it is quite rare to find a blog written by University professors. The Institute of Computational Chemistry of the University of Girona and the Department of Chemistry of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has joined forces to create “InnoCiència”, a new Group on Digital Science Communitation. This group, formed by ca. ten researchers, has promoted the use of blogs, twitters. wikis and other tools of Web 2.0 in activities in Catalonia concerning the dissemination of Science, like Science Week, Open Day or Researchers’ Night. Likewise, its members promote use of social networking tools in chemistry- and communication-related courses. This communication explains the outcome of social-network experiences with teaching undergraduate students and organizing research communication events. We provide live, hands-on examples and interactive ground to show how blogs and twitters can be used to enhance the yield of teaching and research. Impact of blogging and other social networking tools on the outcome of the learning process is very depending on the target audience and the environmental conditions. A few examples are provided and some proposals to use these techniques efficiently to help students are hinted