944 resultados para mud eel


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Sea floor morphology plays an important role in many scientific disciplines such as ecology, hydrology and sedimentology since geomorphic features can act as physical controls for e.g. species distribution, oceanographically flow-path estimations or sedimentation processes. In this study, we provide a terrain analysis of the Weddell Sea based on the 500 m × 500 m resolution bathymetry data provided by the mapping project IBCSO. Seventeen seabed classes are recognized at the sea floor based on a fine and broad scale Benthic Positioning Index calculation highlighting the diversity of the glacially carved shelf. Beside the morphology, slope, aspect, terrain rugosity and hillshade were calculated. Applying zonal statistics to the geomorphic features identified unambiguously the shelf edge of the Weddell Sea with a width of 45-70 km and a mean depth of about 1200 m ranging from 270 m to 4300 m. A complex morphology of troughs, flat ridges, pinnacles, steep slopes, seamounts, outcrops, and narrow ridges, structures with approx. 5-7 km width, build an approx. 40-70 km long swath along the shelf edge. The study shows where scarps and depressions control the connection between shelf and abyssal and where high and low declination within the scarps e.g. occur. For evaluation purpose, 428 grain size samples were added to the seabed class map. The mean values of mud, sand and gravel of those samples falling into a single seabed class was calculated, respectively, and assigned to a sediment texture class according to a common sediment classification scheme.


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In recent years, metalliferous sediments have been discovered overlying newly generated oceanic crust in the East Pacific, North Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and elsewhere (e.g., Boström, 1973; Lalou et al., 1977; Bischoff, 1969; Boström and Fisher, 1971; Cann et al., 1977, respectively). Such material has also been recovered by drilling from sediments lying upon older oceanic crust (Boström et al., 1972, 1976; Horowitz and Cronan, 1976). Hydrothermal circulation of seawater at a spreading ridge results in the leaching of Fe, Mn, and possibly other elements from the basaltic volcanic layer and their transport and discharge into ocean bottom waters, whereupon fine-grained Fe-Mn-rich precipitates form and settle into the ambient sediment (cf. Corliss, 1971; Dasch et al., 1971; Spooner and Fyfe, 1973; Bischoff and Dickson, 1975; Heath and Dymond, 1977; Corliss et al., 1979, Edmond et al., 1979). Mn-rich crusts have also been recovered from active ridges and are inferred to have formed in the vicinity of hydrothermal discharge areas (Scott et al., 1974; Moore and Vogt, 1976; Corliss et al., 1978; Hoffert et al., 1978). The source of the trace elements in the metalliferous deposits is generally not clear. They may be derived from seawater by adsorption onto the precipitates or crusts, or from hydrothermal solutions which have leached them from the basalts. Pb, however, can be used as a geochemical tracer because of the known isotopic compositional differences between oceanic basalts and seawater. Isotopic investigations of Pb in ferruginous sediments from the East Pacific have shown that it has been derived partly or mostly from a basaltic source (Bender et al., 1971; Dasch et al., 1971; Dymond et al., 1973). In the present study, Pb isotopic analyses have been made of a suite of metalliferous sediments (nontronite, Mn-oxide crust, Mn-Fe-oxide mud), pelagic sediments, and basalts from the Galapagos mounds area. The main purposes of the Pb study were to determine the source or sources of Pb in the metalliferous sediments, and whether or not stratigraphic variations exist in the isòtopic composition of Pb in the sediments.


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An extensive, high-resolution, sedimentological-geochemical survey was done using geo-acoustics, XRF-core scans, ICP-AES, AMS 14C-dating and grain size analyses of sediments in 11 cores from the Gulf of Taranto, the southern Adriatic Sea, and the central Ionian Sea spanning the last 16 cal. ka BP. Comparable results were obtained for cores from the Gallipoli Shelf (eastern Gulf of Taranto), and the southern Adriatic Sea suggesting that the dominant provenance of Gallipoli Shelf sediments is from the western Adriatic mud belt. The 210Pb and 14C-dated high-accumulation-rate sediments permit a detailed reconstruction of climate variability over the last 16 cal. ka BP. Although, the Glacial-Interglacial transition is generally dry and stable these conditions are interrupted by two phases of increased detrital input during the Bølling-Allerød and the late Younger Dryas. The event during the Younger Dryas period is characterized by increased sediment inputs from southern Italian sources. This suggests that run-off was higher in southern- compared to northern Italy. At approximately ~ 7 cal. ka BP, increased detrital input from the Adriatic mud belt, related to sea level rise and the onset of deep water formation in the Adriatic Sea, is observed and is coincident with the end of sapropel S1 formation in the southern Adriatic Sea. During the mid-to-late Holocene we observed millennial-scale events of increased detrital input, e.g. during the Roman Humid Period, and of decreased detrital input, e.g., Medieval Warm Period. These dry/wet spells are consistent with variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). A negative state of the NAO and thus a more advanced penetration of the westerlies into the central Mediterranean, that result in wet conditions in the research area concord with events of high detrital input e.g., during the Roman Humid Period. In contrast, a positive state of the NAO, resulting in dry conditions in the Mediterranean, dominated during events of rapid climate change such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Bronze Age.


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Detailed analyses of well-preserved carbonate samples from across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Hole 577 have revealed a significant decline in the d13C values of calcareous nannoplankton from the Maestrichtian to the Danian Age accompanied by a substantial reduction in carbonate accumulation rates. Benthic foraminifers, however, do not exhibit a shift in carbon composition similar to that recorded by the calcareous nannoplankton, but actually increase slightly over the same time interval. These results are similar to the earlier findings at two North Pacific Deep Sea Drilling Project locations, Sites 47.2 and 465, and are considered to represent a dramatic decrease in oceanic phytoplankton production associated with the catastrophic Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary extinctions. In addition, the change in carbon composition of calcareous nannoplankton across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary at Hole 577 is accompanied by only minor changes in the oxygen isotope trends of both calcareous nannoplankton and benthic foraminifers, suggesting that temperature variations in the North Pacific from the late Maestrichtian to the early Danian Age were insignificant.


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Continental rise Site 905 yielded upper Miocene and Pliocene uniform hemipelagic mud (a contourite) from approximately 215 to 540 meters below seafloor. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of this interval was reexamined using closely spaced samples from core interiors. Additionally, total nannofossil abundances and dominant species and species group abundances were determined to evaluate the potential of this section for extracting sequence stratigraphic information. The data indicate that the putative hiatuses at the end of the late Pliocene (Zones NN17 and NN18) and in the early Pliocene (Zones NN13 and NN14) probably are condensed intervals, but the base of the late Miocene is almost certainly marked by an unconformity. Judging from carbonate content and sedimentation rate both, nannofossil abundance may be governed by carbonate dissolution or by siliciclastic dilution. Consequently, condensed sections cannot be identified by the abundance of pelagic component in the sediment alone, as is possible in equivalent age Gulf of Mexico sediments. Where nannofossil preservation is adequate in consecutive samples, as in the early Pliocene and latest late Miocene, total nannofossil abundance fluctuates regularly and with a periodicity of less than 105 yr, which suggests that dilution of the pelagic component occurred with a frequency probably related to astronomical forcing.


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Dark gray and black mud turbidites cored on ODP Leg 116 commonly yielded large magnetic susceptibility peaks. What is more, these peaks displayed different shapes suggesting variations in sedimentological processes. Consequently, a detailed study of the magnetic properties of two of these turbidites was undertaken to better understand the source of their unusual magnetism. Physical properties were measured as was the demagnetization behavior of sample natural remanent magnetizations (NRMs). Subsequently, an anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) were imparted to the samples, demagnetized, and various grain size tests based on the behavior of these remanences were applied. Finally, magnetic concentrates from two samples were examined with a scanning electron microscope with the capability to do energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The turbidites stand out from surrounding layers because of their high susceptibilities, NRMs, ARMs, SIRMs, and ratios of ARM and SIRM to susceptibility. Their alternating field and thermal demagnetization properties and IRM acquisition curves are consistent with titanomagnetite grains as the primary magnetic mineral with some amount of hematite present. These properties are very similar to those published for samples from the Deccan flood basalts and suggest this formation as a possible source of the magnetic grains. Magnetic granulometry tests implied that the magnetic particles behave dominantly as single-domain and pseudo-single-domain grains. Moreover, they also implied that the large variation in susceptibility observed in the black mud turbidites results from a tenfold increase in the concentration of titanomagnetite grains. Electron microscope, EDX, and SIRM analyses revealed detrital titanomagnetites with typical sizes around 8-10 µm, but as large as 20-25 µm. These are probably the dominant magnetic grains in the black mud turbidites; however, ARM and susceptibility frequency-dependence suggested that there may also be a submicrometer fraction present. Most of the observed titanomagnetite grains are tabular and some display exsolution lamellae, accounting for the pseudo-single-domain behavior despite their moderate sizes. We hypothesize that the magnetic mineral concentration variations are brought about by sedimentological factors. The heavier magnetic minerals may tend to sink to the bottom of a turbidite; however, sometimes turbidite turbulence may act to keep these tabular, medium-size grains in suspension longer than some other larger or more equidimensional grains. Consequently, the susceptibility peak shape may reflect the turbidite current velocities as well as other sedimentological factors.


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Lake Blankensee is filled with 14 m of late- and postglacial deposits, Lake Siethener See with 22,5 m. The lacustrine sedimentation begins in Lake Siethener See in the middle of the Alleröd with annual lamination which partly continues in the Younger Dryas. A 2 cm thick layer of the Laacher See tephra was found in both lakes, the Saksunarvatn tephra only in Lake Siethener See where the cool Rammelbeek-phase (Preboreal) could be shown. The youngest part of the sediment profiles is suspended drifting mud. Masses of Pediastrum (algae) indicate an increasing shoaling of Lake Blankensee after the Subboreal.


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Die Bodentiergemeinschaft des Wattenmeeres ist von Frühjahr bis Herbst eines jeden Jahres durch extrem hohe Dichten von Jungtieren charakterisiert. Die Kenntnisse über die Ansiedlung von fplanktischen Larven im Wattenmeer, sowie die Dynamik postlarvaler Stadien sind aufgrund der üblicherweise verwendeten, großen Siebmaschenweiten gering. Gerade aber diesen Altersstadien kommt möglicherweise eine besondere Stellung im Energiefluß des Wattenmeeres zu. An 5 Stationen (von NWL bis HWL, B1-B5) im Rückseitenwatt der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum wurden 1986 Ansiedlung, räumliche Verteilung, Wachstum, Mortalität und Produktion der Altersklasse 0 von Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria und Cerastoderma edule untersucht. Um die Ansiedlung der planktotrophen Larven dieser Arten zu beschreiben, wurden ihre Dichten in Plankton und Bodenproben miteinander verglichen. Die Untersuchungen zur Dynamik der benthischen Stadien wurden mit zwei in der Probenfläche und der Siebmaschenweite unterschiedlichen Probenserien durchgeführt. Die Drift postlarvaler Stadien wurde durch bodennahe Planktonfänge innerhalb des Eulitorals nachgewiesen. Parallel zu den Untersuchungen an der Endofauna wurden das Vorkommen und die Größe epibenthischer Räuber im Untersuchungsgebiet erfaßt. Die Hauptansiedlung von M. balthica- und M. arenaria-Larven erfolgte nahezu gleichzeitig Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Die meisten Larven beider Arten gingen an der prielnächsten (tiefsten) Station (B1) zum Bodenleben über, gefolgt von der nächst höher gelegenen Station B2. Während frühe Bodenstadien von M. arenaria nicht im oberen Bereich des Watts (B3,B4) gefunden wurden, ist eine geringfügige Erstansiedlung von M. balthica in diesem Gebiet nicht auszuschließen. Ein die Ansiedlung limitierender Einfluß der relativ dichten Mya arenaria-Siedlung an den Stationen B1 und B2 sowie der Alttiere von M. balthica konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Die Ähnlichkeit des Ansiedlungsprozesses bei beiden Arten, die sich im Zahlenverhältnis Larvenangebot zu Anzahl der ersten Bodenstadien widerspiegelt, kann ein Hinweis auf eine überwiegend passive Ansiedlung der Larven am Boden sein. Der Ort der Hauptansiedlung von C. edule wurde durch den Transekt nicht erfaßt. Die Station B2 war zwar durch ein Herzmuschelfeld charakterisiert, dieses war aber nach zwei Eiswintern nahezu vollständig eliminiert. Der Abundanz der planktischen Larven zufolge war der Hauptansiedlungszeitraum ebenfalls Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Zu dieser Zeit wurden nur vereinzelt frühe Bodenstadien an den Stationen B1 und B2 gefunden, keine an den Stationen B3 und B4. Während die frühen postlarvalen Stadien von M. arenaria überwiegend am Ort der Ansiedlung blieben, verbreiteten sich die von M. balthica bis in den oberen Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes (B3-B5). Analog zu der Besiedlung dieser Gebiete durch postlarvale M. balthica wurde die im Verlauf des Untersuchungsjahres stattfindende Kolonisierung der Station B1 durch C. edule ebenfalls postlarvalem Transport zugeschrieben. Demzufolge spielt bei beiden Muschelarten postlarvaler Transport eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung von Habitaten. Planktonfänge innerhalb der bodennahen Wasserschicht bestätigten, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet M. balthica die am stärksten verdriftende Muschelart war, gefolgt von C. edule. Mortalität, Wachstum, mittlere Biomasse, Produktion und P/B-Verhältnis wurden für M. balthica an den Stationen B1, B3 und B4 sowie für M. arenaria an der Station B1 bestimmt. Wachstum und damit auch Produktion beider Arten erwiesen sich hier - wie an den höher gelegen Stationen (nur M. balthica) - als durch größenselektiven Feinddruck beeinflußt. Der Effekt postlarvalen Transports auf Wachstum wird diskutiert. Übergreifend über die auf Artebene diskutierten Ergebnisse wird die Bedeutung der Dispersion postlarvaler Stadien und die Wirkung epibenthischen Feinddrucks im Wattenmeer erörtert. Der Vergleich postlarvalen Transportes mit der Dispersion planktischer Larvenstadien, der Dispersion von Meiofauna und der Mobilität adulter Stadien der Makrofauna verdeutlicht, daß es sich hierbei um eine Strategie handeln kann, innerhalb eines unvorhersagbaren Biotops freiwerdende Ressourcen zu nutzen und dadurch Konkurrenz zu vermeiden. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß Initialansiedlung und Immigration einerseits sowie Feinddruck und Emigration andererseits einen Regelkreis darstellen, der in verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Watts mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit abläuft.


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More than 2000 turbidite, debris-flow, and slump deposits recovered at Site 823 record the history of the Queensland Trough since the middle Miocene and provide new insights about turbidites, debris flow, and slump deposits (herein termed gravity deposits). Changes in the composition and nature of gravity deposits through time can be related to tectonic movements, fluctuations in eustatic sea level, and sedimentological factors. The Queensland Trough is a long, relatively narrow, structural depression that formed as a result of Cretaceous to Tertiary rifting of the northeastern Australia continental margin. Thus, tectonics established the geometry of this marginal basin, and its steep slopes set the stage for repeated slope failures. Seismic data indicate that renewed faulting, subsidence, and associated tectonic tilting occurred during the early late Miocene (continuing into the early Pliocene), resulting in unstable slopes that were prone to slope failures and to generation of gravity deposits. Tectonic subsidence, together with a second-order eustatic highstand, resulted in platform drowning during the late Miocene. The composition of turbidites reflects their origin and provides insights about the nature of sedimentation on adjacent shelf areas. During relative highstands and times of platform drowning, planktonic foraminifers were reworked from slopes and/or drowned shelves and were redeposited in turbidites. During relative lowstands, quartz and other terrigenous sediment was shed into the basin. Quartzose turbidites and clay-rich hemipelagic muds also can record increased supply of terrigenous sediment from mainland Australia. Limestone fragments were eroded from carbonate platforms until the drowned platforms were buried under hemipelagic sediments following the late Miocene drowning event. Bioclastic grains and neritic foraminifers were reworked from neritic shelves during relative lowstands. During the late Pliocene (2.6 Ma), the increased abundance of bioclasts and quartz in turbidites signaled the shallowing and rejuvenation of the northeastern Australia continental shelf. However, a one-for-one relationship cannot be recognized between eustatic sea-level fluctuations and any single sedimentologic parameter. Perhaps, tectonism and sedimentological factors along the Queensland Trough played an equally important role in generating gravity deposits. Turbidites and other gravity deposits (such as those at Site 823) do not necessarily represent submarine fan deposits, particularly if they are composed of hemipelagic sediments reworked from drowned platforms and slopes. When shelves are drowned and terrigenous sediment is not directly supplied by nearby rivers/point sources, muddy terrigenous sediments blanket the entire slope and basin, rather than forming localized fans. Slope failures affect the entire slope, rather than localized submarine canyons. Slopes may become destabilized as a result of tectonic activity, inherent sediment weaknesses, and/or during relative sea-level lowstands. For this reason, sediment deposits in this setting reflect tectonic and eustatic events that caused slope instabilities, rather than migration of different submarine fan facies.


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Paleobathymetric assessments of fossil foraminiferal faunas play a significant role in the analysis of the paleogeographic, sedimentary, and tectonic histories of New Zealand's Neogene marine sedimentary basins. At depths >100 m, these assessments often have large uncertainties. This study, aimed at improving the precision of paleodepth assessments, documents the present-day distribution of deep-sea foraminifera (>63 µm) in 66 samples of seafloor sediment at 90-700 m water depth (outer shelf to mid-abyssal), east of New Zealand. One hundred and thirty-nine of the 465 recorded species of benthic foraminifera are new records for the New Zealand region. Characters of the foraminiferal faunas which appear to provide the most useful information for estimating paleobathymetry are, in decreasing order of reliability: relative abundance of common benthic species; benthic species associations; upper depth limits of key benthic species; and relative abundance of planktic foraminifera. R mode cluster analysis on the quantitative census data of the 58 most abundant species of benthic foraminifera produced six species associations within three higher level clusters: (1) calcareous species most abundant at mid-bathyal to outer shelf depths (<1000 m); (2) calcareous species most abundant at mid-bathyal and greater depths (>600 m); (3) agglutinated species mostly occurring at deep abyssal depths (>3000 m). A detrended correspondence analysis ordination plot exhibits a strong relationship between these species associations and bathymetry. This is manifest in the bathymetric ranges of the relative abundance peaks of many of the common benthic species (e.g., Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni 500-2800 m, Bolivina robusta 200-650 m, Bulimina marginata f. marginata 20-600 m, B. marginata f. aculeata 400-3000 m, Cassidulina norvangi 1000-4500 m, Epistominella exigua 1000-4700 m, and Trifarina angulosa 10-650 m), which should prove useful in paleobathymetric estimates. The upper depth limits of 28 benthic foraminiferal species (e.g., Fursenkoina complanata 200 m, Bulimina truncana 450 m, Melonis affinis 550 m, Eggerella bradyi 750 m, and Cassidulina norvangi 1000 m) have potential to improve the precision of paleobathymetric estimates based initially on the total faunal composition. The planktic percentage of foraminiferal tests increases from outer shelf to upper abyssal depths followed by a rapid decline within the foraminiferal lysocline (below c. 3600 m). A planktic percentage <50% is suggestive of shelf depths, and >50% is suggestive of bathyal or abyssal depths above the CCD. In the abyssal zone there is dramatic taphonomic loss of most agglutinated tests (except some textulariids) at burial depths of 0.1-0.2 m, which negates the potential usefulness of these taxa in paleobathymetric assessments.


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Hemipelagic muds deposited during the past 5.3 cal kyr in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Orca Basin) contain seven intervals punctuated by relatively coarse siliciclastic grain-size peaks, planktonic faunal turnovers, and negative d13C excursions. We believe these episodes represent megaflood deposits reflecting historically unprecedented outfall of North American floodwater and terrigenous mud plumes into the gulf, resulting in collapse of the open-ocean pelagic ecosystem. The deposits record multidecadal episodes of high continental precipitation and large Mississippi River floods at ~4.7, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.2, and 0.3 cal ka (500-1200-year recurrence interval). Variations in tropical plankton frequencies define submillenial warming intervals that culminate in these fluvial episodes. Strengthened tropical currents in the gulf at these times appear to have increased sea surface temperatures and associated flow of moist gulf air to the midwest. Terrestrial paleohydrologic records support the marine evidence for millennial-scale changes in recurrence of large midwest flood episodes.


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Abyssal mud waves (or fine-grained sediment waves) are often cited as evidence for deep current activity because subbottom profiles show that the wave form has migrated with time. The migration history of a fine-grained sediment wave on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (ODP Site 1062) has been studied through the analysis of multiple ODP holes spaced across the wave. Additional information about wave migration patterns comes from 3.5-kHz records and watergun seismic profiles. These data suggest that wave migration has varied during the last not, vert, similar ~10 Myr, although the only sediments sampled are younger than 4.8 Ma. Seismic profiles suggest wave migration was initiated about 8-10 Ma, and wave migration was pronounced from about 5 Ma to about 1 Ma (with an episode of wave reorganization about 4.5 Ma). Analysis of ODP cores suggests that migration rates have been somewhat lower and more variable during the last 1 Myr. Intervals of no wave migration are observed for several time intervals and appear to characterize deglaciations, especially during the last 500 kyr. Comparisons between seismic profiles and the core record show that most of the seismic horizons correlate closely with time horizons, and thus that the seismic profiles give a reasonable representation of sediment wave migration. Models suggest that wave migration is more pronounced during periods of higher bottom current flow and less pronounced during periods of lower current flow. Thus the migration record is consistent with generally higher bottom flow speeds at this site prior to 1 Ma and lower bottom flow speeds after 1 Ma. The Mid-Pleistocene Transition from a dominant climatic periodicity of 40 kyr to a dominant climatic periodicity of 100 kyr starts at about this time, suggesting an overall reduction in bottom flow speed at this site coincident with changing climate patterns. These changes in flow speed could be related to changes in the depth of the Western Boundary Undercurrent as well as to changes in the speed of thermohaline circulation.


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Two foraminiferal assemblages are observed in surface sediments of the Elbe estuarv. an Elphidium excavatum assemblaae and an Ahmonia/Protelphidium assemblage. They are the result of test-size sorting in accordance to the grain size of the sediments. These assemblages of mainly empty tests differ basically from the living population, which is dominated exclusively by E. excavatum. The average test size is decreasing when advancing from the Open sea into the estuary and the living fauna disappears near the entrance of the Kiel Canal. In the dead assemblage the diversity is distinctively higher and the average test size varies with the grain size of the sediment. The assemblages found in plankton tows are nearly identical with those in corresponding bottom samples. This indicates the distribution pattern to be caused by transport in currents (mainly in suspension). This type of foraminiferal assemblages characterize macro- and mesotidal estuaries and might indicate a high tidal range when observed in sediments of fossil estuaries.