992 resultados para more doctors


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This Project began as a Higher Education Equity Program Funding Application in March 1999, titled 'Electronic Provision of Information Resources to Students who have a Print Disability.'
Since 1999, mainstreaming of the project objectives has enhanced the access to higher education at Deakin University by students who have a print disability. Our objectives were and are:
• to integrate the provision of information resources to students who have a print disability with procedures already in place for providing information resources to other students
• to provide teaching materials electronically to empower independent learning
• to make information resources on reading lists more accessible to university students who have a print disability
• to establish a mechanism to obtain materials electronically from publishers
A growing number of people who have a print disability use computer technology to access electronic information. This paper will describe the policies, workflows, and procedures that have been implemented at Deakin University, specifically within the Learning Services area, to shape a more inclusive learning environment.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : To document the practice of initial cohorts receiving the Graduate Diploma in Rural General Practice
Methods : With the co-operation of the National Rural Faculty (NRF) of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), a census by questionnaire was conducted on 279 graduates. The response rate was 70%.
Principal findings : The target doctors are young (65% < 40 years old). Under half (42.3%) have completed Advanced Rural Skills terms in >1 discipline. Of the total 272 posts recorded from 174 respondents, the most popular advanced skill is anaesthetics, followed by obstetrics. The ARSP increased confidence in 96.3% of respondents. Two thirds of doctors trained in a procedural skill remain practicing procedural General Practice.
Discussion : The GDRGP was the qualification developed to recognise competency gained as a result of a series of rural training initiatives begun within the RACGP Training Program in 1992. Its delivery has continued under the new GPET Training Program. Outcomes from the range of initiatives leading to the GDRGP are currently emerging in an environment which has seen significant changes within vocational training, and within the context of a rising focus on indemnity. Doctors who undertook this training have mostly retained procedural practice. In addition, RACGP rural initiatives successfully achieved increase confidence prior to rural work in advanced areas of practice, with >95% reporting an increase.
Implications : Changes within vocational training were accelerated without analysis of existing initiatives such as the GDRGP. Funding for the GDRGP was, as a result, withdrawn prematurely. These changes also saw the entrant of a second College with an interest in rural procedural practice. This research show that the GDRGP offers, and offered, a clear vocational pathway that will guide a doctor to a career as a rural doctor, and provide them with the advanced skills they need to practice confidently in the bush. It is important to capitalise on past success before deconstructing professional concepts of practice further.
Presentation type : Paper


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Are you feeling happier, safer and are more connected to your community? You should be, if you're living in rural and regional Australia, according to the latest research from Deakin University. Nine of the top ten happiest electorates are in rural Australia, and all of them report feeling safer and having a stronger sense of belonging to their communities, compared to their city counterparts. Rural Social researcher from Charles Sturt University in Wagga, Margaret Alston, says even bad events like drought and bushfires tend to bring people together. "I'd have to agree that there are certain factors that actually lead to people in the country being on average happier than those in cities. The community where I live, we're just recovering from quite a significant bushfire. People have come forward and offered adjistment for stock for the affected farmers, there's been community drives to support the people who've lost their houses, some real moves from the community to make sure the incident didn't scar people unnecessarily." Deakin University researcher, Liz Eckerman, says when it comes to feeling connected to your community, rural and regional people come out on top. She also agrees difficult circumstances like drought often bring out the best sense of community.


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The medical interpreter's performance can be enhanced if the physician is trained to work effectively with the interpreter. This paper reports on the training of first year medical interns at Southernhealth, a regional network of hospitals in Victoria, Australia. This Commonwealth funded programme was compulsory for all first year doctors. Workshops occurred in the simulator training unit using accident and emergency scenarios. Core teaching material comprised the video and book, Medical Interpreting. Participants were medical interns, qualified telephone medical interpreters, the chief hospital interpreter and the main instructor. Each intern engaged in a simulated role play; observational notes and feedback were recorded. The teaching methodology has demonstrated it to be a programme that skills the physician to work effectively with the medical interpreter. The material and the methodology can be used by interpreters and medical communication specialists to train medical practitioners.


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This paper reports on the shifts in literacy teaching and learning that occurred at a Melbourne primary school, one of twelve schools that took part in a large research project undertaken by staff at Deakin University funded by the Victorian Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs: Middle Years Literacy Research Project. The project focused on literacy teaching, learning, and assessment of students in the middle years of schooling. Through close collaboration between the researcher and teachers at the school, significant changes were made to the language and literacy program. These changes reflected current language theory and extended the school's focus on independent learning to the area of literacy. The development of more authentic ways of assessing student learning grew out of the work in the project as teachers sought assessment practices that were consistent with their philosophy of teaching and learning. With a focus on developing authentic literacy practices, teachers developed new ways of tracking and reporting student achievement.


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Deus caritas est: et qui manet in caritate, in Deo manet, et Deus in eo.

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1John 4:16b).

Many believe in or claim that they believe and hold fast to Catholic doctrine on such questions as social authority... on the relations between Church and State, religion and country ... on the rights of the Holy See and the prerogatives of the Roman Pontiff and the Episcopate, on the social rights of Jesus Christ, Who is the Creator, Redeemer, and Lord not only of individuals but of nations. In spite of these protestations, they speak, write, and, what is more, act as if it were not necessary any longer to follow, or that they did not remain still in full force, the teachings and solemn pronouncements which may be found in so many documents of the Holy See ... (Pope Pius XI, 1922). It is a mistake to state that political, economic, and social liberation coincide with salvation in Jesus Christ; that the regnum Dei is identified with the regnum hominis (Pope John Paul I, 1978).


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