908 resultados para misfolding and disease


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Conservation of biodiversity can generate considerable indirect economic value and this is being increasingly recognized in China. For a forest ecosystem type of a nature reserve, the most important of its values are its ecological functions which provide human beings and other living things with beneficial environmental services. These services include water conservancy, soil protection, CO2 fixation and O-2 release, nutrient cycling, pollutant decomposition, and disease and pest control. Based on a case study in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China, this paper provides a monetary valuation of these services by using opportunity cost and alternative cost methods. Using such an approach, this reserve is valued at 510.11 million yuan (USD 61.68 mill.) per year, 10 times higher than the opportunity cost (51.78 mill. yuan/ha.a) for regular timber production. While China has heeded United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)'s call for economic evaluation of ecological functions, the assessment techniques used need to be improved in China and in the West for reasons mentioned.


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The effects of conditioning and hot water treatments on immature and mature 'Kensington' mangoes were examined. A hot water treatment of 47 degreesC fruit core temperature held for 15 min increased weight loss (50%), fruit softness (15%), disrupted starch hydrolysis and interacted with maturity to reduce the skin yellowness (40-51%) of early harvested fruit. Immature fruit were more susceptible to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding, starch layer and starch spot injuries and disease. Conditioning fruit at 40 degreesC for up to 16 h before hot water treatment accelerated fruit ripening, as reflected in higher total soluble solids and lower titratable acidity levels. As fruit maturity increased, the tolerance to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding and the retention of starch layers and starch spots increased and susceptibility to lenticel spotting decreased. A conditioning treatment of either 22 degrees or 40 degreesC before hot water treatment could prevent the appearance of cavities at all maturity levels. The 40 degreesC conditioning temperature was found to be more effective in increasing fruit heat tolerance than the 22 degreesC treatment; the longer the time of conditioning at 40 degreesC, the more effective the treatment (16 v. 4 h). For maximum fruit quality, particularly for export markets, it is recommended that mature fruit are selected and conditioned before hot water treatment to reduce the risk of heat damage.


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Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), the most abundant protein of central nervous system (CNS) myelin, is a hydrophobic integral membrane protein. Because of its physical properties, which make it difficult to work with, progress towards determining the exact function(s) and disease associations of myelin PLP has been slow. However, recent molecular biology advances have given new life to investigations of PLP, and suggest that it has multiple functions within myelin and is of importance in several neurological disorders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Development of a self-report measure of stress specific to HIV/AIDS is needed to advance our understanding of the role of stress in adaptation to HIV/AIDS: hence, the aim of this study was the development of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale. A total of 132 homosexual/bisexual men with HIV/AIDS v ere interviewed and completed the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale and measures of coping strategies, appraisal, social support and adjustment (global distress, depression, social adjustment, number of HIV symptoms, and subjective health status) at three time points. Thirty-nine primary caregivers were interviewed and completed measures of stress and adjustment. Exploratory factor analyses of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale items revealed three factors: Social, Instrumental and Emotional/Existential Stress. Factors had adequate internal reliabilities and were stable over 12 months. Construct validation data are consistent with recent stress/coping research that links higher levels of stress with more HIV symptoms. reliance on emotion-focused coping, lower social support, poorer levels of adjustment and higher levels of caregiver stress. Results extend this research by revealing new differential relations between various stress dimensions and stress/coping variables. Convergent validation data suggest that the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale shares conceptual similarity with threat appraisal. and differs from control liability and challenge appraisals. The HIV/AIDS Stress Scale shows potential for the elucidation of the role of stress in coping and adaptation to HIV/AIDS and disease progression in both research and clinical applications.


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Although T cells have been implicated in the pathogenesis and are considered to be central both in progression and control of the chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases, the precise contribution of T cells to the regulation of tissue destruction has not been fully elucidated. Current dogma suggests that immunity to infection is controlled by distinct T helper 1 (Th1) and T helper 2 (Th2) subsets of T cells classified on the basis of their cytokine profile. Further, a subset of T cells with immunosuppressive function and cytokine profile distinct from Th1 or Th2 has been described and designated as regulatory T cells. Although these regulatory T cells have been considered to maintain self-tolerance resulting in the suppression of auto-immune responses, recent data suggest that these cells may also play a role in preventing infection-induced immunopathology. In this review, the role of functional and regulatory T cells in chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases will be summarized. This should not only provide an insight into the relationship between the immune response to periodontopathic bacteria and disease but should also highlight areas of development for potentially new therapeutic modalities.


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Using a subtractive hybridisation approach, we enriched for genes likely to play a role in embryonic development of the mammalian face and other structures. This was achieved by subtracting cDNA derived from adult mouse liver from that derived from 10.5 dpc mouse embryonic branchial arches 1 and 2. Random sequencing of clones from the resultant library revealed that a high percentage correspond to genes with a previously established role in embryonic development and disease, while 15% represent novel or uncharacterised genes. Whole mount in situ hybridisation analysis of novel genes revealed that approximately 50% have restricted expression during embryonic development. In addition to expression in branchial arches, these genes showed a range of expression domains commonly including neural tube and somites. Notably, all genes analysed were found to be expressed not only in the branchial arches but also in the developing limb buds, providing support for the hypothesis that development of the limbs and face is likely to involve analogous molecular processes. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A N-acetiltransferase 2 é a principal enzima responsável pelo metabolismo e inativação da isoniazida no organismo humano. Mutações no gene NAT2 levam a 3 perfis genotípicos de acetilação que alteram os níveis séricos do fármaco: acetiladores lentos, intermediários e rápidos, o que pode alterar o desfecho terapêutico. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar se os diferentes perfis podem influenciar no tempo de negativação da cultura de escarro, e se existe correlação entre carga bacilar e gravidade da doença com tempo de conversão da cultura. A população de estudo foi composta por 62 pacientes, que tiveram seus DNAs sequenciados para identificação de mutações no gene NAT2 e seus perfis de acetilação determinados. A análise genotípica detectou 10 SNPs, sendo as mutações 341 T>C (39,65%) e 481 C>T (38,71%) as mais frequentes. A determinação das variantes alélicas identificou NAT2*5B (29,03%), NAT2*6A (23,39%) e NAT2*4 (24,19%) como os alelos mais frequentes e NAT2*5B/*5B como o genótipo mais frequente (20,4%). Dentre os 62 pacientes, foi possível correlacionar tempo de negativação da cultura e perfil de acetilação entre 43 deles, os quais 58,3% e 55,6% tiveram o genótipo lento com maior frequência no mês 1 e mês 3, respectivamente. Por meio de dados microbiológicos, a carga bacilar e a gravidade da doença também foram comparadas com o tempo de negativação, indicando que os pacientes com doença moderada ou avançada (76,7%) e aqueles com carga bacilar alta (60,4%), não tiveram associação estatística com o tempo de conversão da cultura. Por último, curvas de crescimento de isolados de M. tuberculosis de pacientes foram construídas para verificar possíveis diferenças na duração da fase lag entre os isolados, porém não foi observada diferença estatística entre elas. Com base nos resultados encontrados, verifica-se que não existe associação entre o perfil de acetilação do paciente, a carga bacilar, a gravidade da doença e o tempo de negativação da cultura de escarro


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde. Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão dos Serviços de Saúde.