964 resultados para luteinizing hormone receptor


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It is well established that calcitonin is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption; however, a physiological role for calcitonin acting through its cognate receptor, the calcitonin receptor (CTR), has not been identified. Data from previous genetically modified animal models have recognized a possible role for calcitonin and the CTR in controlling bone formation; however, interpretation of these data are complicated, in part because of their mixed genetic background. Therefore, to elucidate the physiological role of the CTR in calcium and bone metabolism, we generated a viable global CTR knockout (KO) mouse model using the Cre/loxP system, in which the CTR is globally deleted by >94% but <100%. Global CTRKOs displayed normal serum ultrafiltrable calcium levels and a mild increase in bone formation in males, showing that the CTR plays a modest physiological role in the regulation of bone and calcium homeostasis in the basal state in mice. Furthermore, the peak in serum total calcium after calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D3]-induced hypercalcemia was substantially greater in global CTRKOs compared with controls. These data provide strong evidence for a biological role of the CTR in regulating calcium homeostasis in states of calcium stress.


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Diseases that affect the regulation of bone turnover can lead to skeletal fragility and increased fracture risk. Members of the TGF-superfamily have been shown to be involved in the regulation of bone mass. Activin A, a TGF-� signaling ligand, is present at high levels in bone and may play a role in the regulation of bone metabolism. Here we demonstrate that pharmacological blockade of ligand signaling through the high affinity receptor for activin, type II activin receptor (ActRIIA), by administration of the soluble extracellular domain of ActRIIA fused to a murine IgG2a-Fc, increases bone formation, bone mass, and bone strength in normal mice and in ovariectomized mice with established bone loss. These observations support the development of this pharmacological strategy for the treatment of diseases with skeletal fragility.


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Human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) is currently the only treatment for osteoporosis that forms new bone. Previously we described a fish equivalent, Fugu parathyroid hormone 1 (fPth1) which has hPTH-like biological activity in vitro despite fPth1(1–34) sharing only 53% identity with hPTH(1–34). Here we demonstrate the in vivo actions of fPth1(1–34) on bone. In study 1, young male rats were injected intermittently for 30 days with fPth1 [30 μg–1000 μg/kg body weight (b.w.), (30fPth1–1000fPth1)] or hPTH [30 μg–100 μg/kg b.w. (30hPTH–100hPTH)]. In proximal tibiae at low doses, the fPth1 was positively correlated with trabecular bone volume/total volume (TbBV/TV) while hPTH increased TbBV/TV, trabecular thickness (TbTh) and trabecular number (TbN). 500fPth1 and 1000fPth1 increased TbBV/TV, TbTh, TbN, mineral apposition rate (MAR) and bone formation rate/bone surface (BFR/BS) with a concomitant decrease in osteoclast surface and number. In study 2 ovariectomized (OVX), osteopenic rats and sham operated (SHAM) rats were injected intermittently with 500 μg/kg b.w. of fPth1 (500fPth1) for 11 weeks. 500fPth1 treatment resulted in increased TbBV/TV (151%) and TbTh (96%) in the proximal tibiae due to increased bone formation as assessed by BFR/BS (490%) and MAR (131%). The effect was restoration of TbBV/TV to SHAM levels without any effect on bone resorption. 500fPth1 also increased TbBV/TV and TbTh in the vertebrae (L6) and cortical thickness in the mid-femora increasing bone strength at these sites. fPth1 was similarly effective in SHAM rats. Notwithstanding the low amino acid sequence homology with hPTH (1–34), we have clearly established the efficacy of fPth1 (1–34) as an anabolic bone agent.


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We have established and characterized a series of variant cell lines in which to identify the critical factors associated with E2-induced malignant progression, and the acquisition to tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer. Sublines of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 cell line (MCF7/MIII and MCF7/LCC1) form stable, invasive, estrogen independent tumors in the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized athymic nude mice. These cells retain expression of both estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PGR), but retain sensitivity to each of the major structural classes of antiestrogens. The tamoxifen-resistant MCF7/LCC2 cells retain sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of the steroidal antiestrogen ICI 182780. By comparing the parental hormone-dependent and variant hormone-independent cells, we have demonstrated an altered expression of some estrogen regulated genes (PGR, pS2, cathepsin D) in the hormone-independent variants. Other genes remain normally estrogen regulated (ER, laminin receptor, EGF-receptor). These data strongly implicate the altered regulation of a specific subset or network of estrogen regulated genes in the malignant progression of human breast cancer. Some of the primary response genes in this network may exhibit dose-response and induction kinetics similar to pS2, which is constitutively upregulated in the MCF7/MIII, MCF7/LCC1 and MCF7/LCC2 cells.


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Critical phenotypic changes that occur during the progression of breast cancer include the loss of hormone-dependence, acquired resistance to systemic therapies, and increased metastatic potential. We have isolated a series of MCF-7 human breast cancer variants which exhibit hormone-independent growth, antiestrogen resistance, and increased metastatic potential. Analysis of the phenotypes of these variants strongly suggests that changes in the expression of specific genes may be critical to the generation of phenotypic diversity in the process of malignant progression in breast cancer. Epigenetic changes may contribute significantly to the generation of these phenotypic changes observed during breast cancer progression. Many of the characteristics of the progressed phenotypes appear to have arisen in response to appropriate selective pressures (growth in ovariectomized nude mice; growth in the presence of antiestrogens). These observations are consistent with the concept of clonal selection and expansion in the process of malignant progression.


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The development of resistance to the antiestrogen tamoxifen occurs in a high percentage of initially responsive patients. We have developed a new model in which to investigate acquired resistance to triphenylethylenes. A stepwise in vitro selection of the hormone-independent human breast cancer variant MCF-7/LCC1 against 4-hydroxytamoxifen produced a stable resistant population designated MCF7/LCC2. MCF7/LCC2 cells retain levels of estrogen receptor expression comparable to the parental MCF7/LCC1 and MCF-7 cells. Progesterone receptor expression remains estrogen inducible in MCF7/LCC2 cells, although to levels significantly lower than observed in MCF-7 and MCF7/LCC1 cells. MCF7/ LCC2 cells form tumors in ovariectomized nude mice without estrogen supplementation, and these tumors are tamoxifen resistant but can be tstrogen stimulated. Significantly, MCF7/LCC2 cells have retained sensitivity to the steroidal antiestrogen ICI 182,780. These data suggest that some breast cancer patients who acquire resistance to tamoxifen may not develop cross-resistance to treatment with steroidal antiestrogens.


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Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) increases cell migration and invasion, and facilitates metastasis in multiple carcinoma types, but belies epithelial similarities between primary and secondary tumors. This study addresses the importance of mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) in the formation of clinically significant metastasis. The previously described bladder carcinoma TSU-Pr1 (T24) progression series of cell lines selected in vivo for increasing metastatic ability following systemic seeding was used in this study. It was found that the more metastatic sublines had acquired epithelial characteristics. Epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypes were confirmed in the TSU-Pr1 series by cytoskeletal and morphologic analysis, and by performance in a panel of in vitro assays. Metastatic ability was examined following inoculation at various sites. Epithelial characteristics associated with dramatically increased bone and soft tissue colonization after intracardiac or intratibial injection. In contrast, the more epithelial sublines showed decreased lung metastases following orthotopic inoculation, supporting the concept that EMT is important for the escape of tumor cells from the primary tumor. We confirmed the overexpression of the IIIc subtype of multiple fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) through the TSU-Pr1 series, and targeted abrogation of FGFR2IIIc reversed the MET and associated functionality in this system and increased survival following in vivo inoculation in severe combined immunodeficient mice. This model is the first to specifically model steps of the latter part of the metastatic cascade in isogenic cell lines, and confirms the suspected role of MET in secondary tumor growth.


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The suggested model for pro-matrix metalloproteinase-2 (proMMP-2) activation by membrane type 1 MMP (MT1-MMP) implicates the complex between MT1-MMP and tissue inhibitor of MMP-2 (TIMP-2) as a receptor for proMMP-2. To dissect this model and assess the pathologic significance of MMP-2 activation, an artificial receptor for proMMP-2 was created by replacing the signal sequence of TIMP-2 with cytoplasmic/transmembrane domain of type II transmembrane mosaic serine protease (MSP-T2). Unlike TIMP-2, MSP-T2 served as a receptor for proMMP-2 without inhibiting MT1-MMP, and generated TIMP-2-free active MMP-2 even at a low level of MT1-MMP. Thus, MSP-T2 did not affect direct cleavage of the substrate testican-1 by MT1-MMP, whereas TIMP-2 inhibited it even at the level that stimulates proMMP-2 processing. Expression of MSP-T2 in HT1080 cells enhanced MMP-2 activation by endogenous MT1-MMP and caused intensive hydrolysis of collagen gel. Expression of MSP-T2 in U87 glioma cells, which express a trace level of endogenous MT1-MMP, induced MMP-2 activation and enhanced cell-associated protease activity, activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and metastatic ability into chick embryonic liver and lung. MT1-MMP can exert both maximum MMP-2 activation and direct cleavage of substrates with MSP-T2, which cannot be achieved with TIMP-2. These results suggest that MMP-2 activation by MT1-MMP potentially amplifies protease activity, and combination with direct cleavage of substrate causes effective tissue degradation and enhances tumor invasion and metastasis, which highlights the complex role of TIMP-2. MSP-T2 is a unique tool to analyze physiologic and pathologic roles of MMP-2 and MT1-MMP in comparison with TIMP-2.


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The level of 67 kDa laminin receptor (67LR) expression on breast and colon tumor cell surfaces was previously shown to be correlated with the capacity of tumor cells to metastasize. In the present work we investigate the effects of progestins and estrogen on the expression of 67LR in two sublines of the T47D human breast cancer cells: weakly tumorigenic, poorly invasive parental T47D cells and a highly tumorigenic, more invasive T47Dco subclone. Inmmunoblotting with an affinity purified antibody directed against a synthetic peptide recognizes the 67LR in these cells. 67LR expression in the T47Dco subclone is 5,5-fold higher than in their parental T47D cells. Treatment of T47D cells with 1 nM of the synthetic progestin R5020 results in a 4-fold increase in 67LR protein expression. Estrogen also induced 67LR expression, but only by 1.5-fold. The progestin-stimulated expression of the 67LR correlates with a 4.3-fold increase in attachment of T47D cells to laminin. A monoclonal antibody, mAb 13, directed against β1 integrin, completely blocks the attachment of T47D cells to fibronectin, only partially inhibits the attachment of T47D cells to laminin, and appears not to affect the progestin-stimulated laminin attachment of T47D cells. A new antiprogestin, ZK 112.993, significantly inhibits both progestin-stimulated 67LR expression and the increased attachment to laminin. These results suggest a possible role for progestin in mediating one of the multiple events thought to be important in metastasis of steroid receptor positive human breast cancer cells.


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Background The microenvironment plays a pivotal role in tumor cell proliferation, survival and migration. Invasive cancer cells face a new set of environmental challenges as they breach the basement membrane and colonize distant organs during the process of metastasis. Phenotypic switching, such as that which occurs during epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), may be associated with a remodeling of cell surface receptors and thus altered responses to signals from the tumor microenvironment. Methodology/Principal Findings We assessed changes in intracellular Ca 2+ in cells loaded with Fluo-4 AM using a fluorometric imaging plate reader (FLIPR TETRA) and observed significant changes in the potency of ATP (EC 50 0.175 μM (-EGF) versus 1.731 μM (+EGF), P<0.05), and the nature of the ATP-induced Ca 2+ transient, corresponding with a 10-fold increase in the mesenchymal marker vimentin (P<0.05). We observed no change in the sensitivity to PAR2-mediated Ca 2+ signaling, indicating that these alterations are not simply a consequence of changes in global Ca 2+ homeostasis. To determine whether changes in ATP-mediated Ca 2+ signaling are preceded by alterations in the transcriptional profile of purinergic receptors, we analyzed the expression of a panel of P2X ionotropic and P2Y metabotropic purinergic receptors using real-time RT-PCR and found significant and specific alterations in the suite of ATP-activated purinergic receptors during EGF-induced EMT in breast cancer cells. Our studies are the first to show that P2X 5 ionotropic receptors are enriched in the mesenchymal phenotype and that silencing of P2X 5 leads to a significant reduction (25%, P<0.05) in EGF-induced vimentin protein expression. Conclusions The acquisition of a new suite of cell surface purinergic receptors is a feature of EGF-mediated EMT in MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. Such changes may impart advantageous phenotypic traits and represent a novel mechanism for the targeting of cancer metastasis.


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Lack of estrogen receptor (ER) and presence of vimentin (VIM) associate with poor prognosis in human breast cancer. We have explored the relationships between ER, VIM, and invasiveness in human breast cancer cell lines. In the matrigel outgrowth assay, ER+/VIM- (MCF-7, T47D, ZR-75-1), and ER-/VIM- (MDA-MB-468, SK-Br-3) cell lines were uninvasive, while ER-/VIM+ (BT549, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, MDA-MB-436, Hs578T) lines formed invasive, penetrating colonies. Similarly, ER-/VIM+ cell lines were significantly more invasive than either the ER+/VIM- or ER-/VIM- cell lines in the Boyden chamber chemoinvasion assay. Invasive activity in nude mice was only seen with ER-/ VIM+ cell lines MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-436. Hs578T cells (ER-/VIM+) showed hematogenous dissemination to the lungs in one of five mice, but lacked local invasion. The ER-/VIM+ MCF-7ADR subline was significantly more active than the MCF-7 cells in vitro, but resembled the wild-type MCF-7 parent in in vivo activity. Data from these cell lines suggest that human breast cancer progression results first in the loss of ER, and subsequently in VIM acquisition, the latter being associated with increased metastatic potential through enhanced invasiveness. The MCF-7ADR data provide evidence that this transition can occur in human breast cancer cells. Vimentin expression may provide useful insights into mechanisms of invasion and/or breast cancer cell progression.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are potent mitogens, morphogens, and inducers of angiogenesis, and FGF signaling governs the genesis of diverse tissues and organs from the earliest stages. With such fundamental embryonic and homeostatic roles, it follows that aberrant FGF signaling underlies a variety of diseases. Pathological modifications to FGF expression are known to cause salivary gland aplasia and autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets, while mutations in FGF receptors (FGFRs) result in a range of skeletal dysplasias. Anomalous FGF signaling is also associated with cancer development and progression. Examples include the overexpression of FGF2 and FGF6 in prostate cancer, and FGF8 overexpression in breast and prostate cancers. Alterations in FGF signaling regulators also impact tumorigenesis, which is exemplified by the down-regulation of Sprouty 1, a negative regulator of FGF signaling, in prostate cancer. In addition, several FGFRs are mutated in human cancers (including FGFR2 in gastric cancer and FGFR3 in bladder cancer). We recently identified intriguing alterations in the FGF pathway in a novel model of bladder carcinoma that consists of a parental cell line (TSU-Pr1/T24) and two sublines with increasing metastatic potential (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2), which were derived successively through in vivo cycling. It was found that the increasingly metastatic sublines (TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2) had undergone a mesenchymal to epithelial transition. FGFR2IIIc expression, which is normally expressed in mesenchymal cells, was increased in the epithelial-like TSU-Pr1-B1 and TSU-Pr1-B2 sublines and FGFR2 knock-down was associated with the reversion of cells from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype. These observations suggest that modified FGF pathway signaling should be considered when studying other cancer types.


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Frizzled (FZD) receptors have a conserved N-terminal extracellular cysteine-rich domain that interacts with Wnts and co-expression of the receptor ectodomain can antagonize FZD-mediated signalling. Using the ectodomain as an antagonist we have modulated endogenous FZD7 signalling in the moderately differentiated colon adenocarcinoma cell line, SK-CO-1. Unlike the parental cell line, which grows as tightly associated adherent cell clusters, the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells display a spread out morphology and grow as a monolayer in tissue culture. This transition in morphology was associated with decreased levels of plasma membrane-associated E-cadherin and β-catenin, localized increased levels of vimentin and redistribution of α6 integrin to cellular processes in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. The morphological and phenotype changes induced by FZD7 ectodomain expression in SK-CO-1 cells is thus consistent with the cells undergoing an epithelial-to-mesenchymal-like transition. Furthermore, initiation of tumor formation in a xenograft tumor growth assay was attenuated in the FZD7 ectodomain expressing cells. Our results indicate a pivotal role for endogenous FZD7 in morphology transitions that are associated with colon tumor initiation and progression.


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The orphan nuclear receptor liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1) has roles in the development, cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis, and steroidogenesis. It also enhances proliferation and cell cycle progression of cancer cells. In breast cancer, LRH-1 expression is associated with invasive breast cancer; positively correlates with ERα status and aromatase activity; and promotes oestrogen-dependent cell proliferation. However, the mechanism of action of LRH-1 in breast cancer epithelial cells is still not clear. By silencing or over-expressing LRH-1 in ER-positive MCF-7 and ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells, we have demonstrated that LRH-1 promotes motility and cell invasiveness. Similar effects were observed in the non-tumourigenic mammary epithelial cell line, MCF-10A. Remodelling of the actin cytoskeleton and E-cadherin cleavage was observed with LRH-1 over-expression, contributing to increased migratory and invasive properties. Additionally, in LRH-1 over-expressing cells, the truncation of the 120 kDa E-cadherin to the inactive 97 kDa form was observed. These post-translational modifications in E-cadherin may be associated with LRH-1-dependent changes to matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression. These findings suggest a new role of LRH-1 in promoting migration and invasion in breast cancer, independent of oestrogen sensitivity. Therefore, LRH-1 may represent a new target for breast cancer therapeutics.


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Aim To establish the suitability of multiplex tandem polymerase chain reaction (MT-PCR) for rapid identification of oestrogen receptor (ER) and Her-2 status using a single, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) breast tumour section. Methods Tissue sections from 29 breast tumours were analysed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). RNA extracted from 10μm FFPE breast tumour sections from 24 of 29 tumours (14 ER positive and 5 Her-2 positive) was analysed by MT-PCR. After establishing a correlation between IHC and/or FISH and MT-PCR results, the ER/Her-2 status of a further 32 randomly selected, archival breast tumour specimens was established by MT-PCR in a blinded fashion, and compared to IHC/FISH results. Results MT-PCR levels of ER and Her-2 showed good concordance with IHC and FISH results. Furthermore, among the ER positive tumours, MT-PCR provided a quantitative score with a high dynamic range. Threshold values obtained from this data set applied to 32 archival tumour specimens showed that tumours strongly positive for ER and/or Her-2 expression were easily identified by MT-PCR. Conclusion MT-PCR can provide rapid, sensitive and cost-effective analysis of FFPE material and may prove useful as triage to identify patients suited to endocrine or trastuzumab (Herceptin) treatment.