964 resultados para life cycle -costing


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El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo realizar una propuesta de cultivo de manzano (Malus domestica) en la Vall d’Alinyà para el desarrollo de un producto agroalimentario que contribuya a la revitalización de esta área rural y a la mitigación del calentamiento global. Para ello, se pretende proporcionar una metodología para calcular, con mayor precisión, el comportamiento de los cultivos como sumidero de carbono a partir del balance neto de gases con efecto invernadero (GEI) del sistema. Con tal de obtener las emisiones de GEI generadas por los cultivos se desarrolla un análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV), y para obtener la fijación de los cultivos, se realiza un análisis de su capacidad de absorción de dióxido de carbono en la biomasa de la plantación. Además, mediante el uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), se determinaron los terrenos potenciales para el cultivo del manzano en la zona de estudio. Posteriormente, se verifica la certificación de créditos en el mercado de carbono voluntario y se analiza la viabilidad económica del proyecto, obteniendo así un producto (la manzana) con valor ambiental añadido. Como conclusión se obtuvo una viabilidad positiva de la verificación de créditos, puesto que el balance neto de carbono fue positivo, absorbiéndose 234,54 t CO2 en todo el territorio potencialmente cultivable (16,92 ha) y durante 15 años de actividad agrícola. Al mismo tiempo, la propuesta resultó viable económicamente, generándose unos beneficios ligados a la venta de producción frutícola y de los créditos de carbono de 79.484 € durante los 15 años de actividad productiva.


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Includes vital information on the Alfalfa Weevil including description, life cycle, damage that it does to alfalfa, how to find and identify and the recommended controls and management of the insect pest


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RÉSUMÉ: Le génome de toute cellule est susceptible d'être attaqué par des agents endogènes et exogènes. Afin de préserver l'intégrité génomique, les cellules ont développé des multitudes de mécanismes. La réplication de l'ADN, une étape importante durant le cycle cellulaire, constitue un stress et présente un danger important pour l'intégrité du génome. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie héréditaire rare dont les protéines impliquées semblent jouer un rôle crucial dans la réponse au stress réplicatif. La maladie est associée à une instabilité chromosomique ainsi qu'à une forte probabilité de développer des cancers. Les cellules des patients souffrant de l'anémie de Fanconi sont sensibles à des agents interférant avec la réplication de l'ADN, et plus particulièrement àdes agents qui fient les deux brins d'ADN d'une manière covalente. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétiquement hétérogène. Treize protéines ont pu être identifiées. Elles semblent figurer dans une même voie de signalisation qui est aussi connue sous le nom de « FA/BRCA pathway », car un des gènes est identique au gène BRCA2 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 2). Huit protéines forment un complexe nucléaire dont l'intégrité est nécessaire à la monoubiquitination de deux autres protéines, FANCD2 et FANCI, en réponse à un stress réplicatif. A ce jour, la fonction moléculaire des protéines du « FA/BRCA pathway »reste encore mal décrite. Au début de mon travail de thèse, nous avons donc décidé de purifier les protéines du complexe nucléaire et d'étudier leurs propriétés biochimiques. Nous avons tout d'abord étudié les cinq protéines connues à l'époque qui sont FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF et FANCG. Par la suite, nous avons étendu notre étude à des protéines découvertes plus récemment, FANCL, FANCM et FAAP24, en concentrant finalement notre travail sur la caractérisation de FANCM. FANCM, contrairement aux autres protéines du complexe, est constituée de deux domaines conservés suggérant un rôle important dans le métabolisme de l'ADN. Il s'agit d'un domaine « DEAH box hélicase »situé dans la partie N-terminale et d'un domaine « ERCC4 nuclease »situé dans la partie C-terminale de la protéine. Dans cette étude, nous avons purifié avec succès la protéine FANCM entière à partir d'un système hétérologue. Nous montrons que FANCM s'attache de manière spécifique à des jonctions de Holliday et des fourches de réplication. De plus, nous démontrons que FANCM peut déplacer le point de jonction de ces structures via son domaine hélicase de manière dépendante de l'ATP. FANCM est aussi capable de dissocier de grands intermédiaires de la recombinaison, via la migration de jonctions de Holliday à travers une région d'homologie de 2.6 kb. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que FANCM peut s'attacher spécifiquement à des fourches de réplication et à des jonctions de Holliday in vitro et que son domaine hélicase est associé à une activité migratoire efficace. Nous pensons que FANCM peut avoir un rôle direct sur les intermédiaires de réplication. Ceci est en accord avec l'idée que les protéines de l'anémie de Fanconi coordonnent la réparation de l'ADN au niveau des fourches de réplication arrêtées. Nos résultats donnent une première indication quant au rôle de FANCM dans la cellule et peuvent contribuer à élucider la fonction de cette voie de signalisation peu comprise jusqu'à présent. SUMMARY: The genome of every cell is subject to a constant offence by endogenous and exogenous agents. Not surprisingly; cells have evolved a multitude of mechanisms which aim at preserving genomic integrity. A key step during the life cycle of a cell, DNA replication itself, constitutes a special danger to the integrity of the genome. The proteins defective in the rare hereditary disease Fanconi anemia (FA) are suspected to play a crucial role in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. The disease is associated with chromosomal instability and pronounced cancer susceptibility. Cells from Fanconi anemia patients are sensitive to a variety of agents which interfere with DNA replication, DNA interstrand cross-linking agents being particularly threatening to their survival. Fanconi anemia is a genetically heterogeneous disease with 13 different proteins identified, which seem to work together in a common pathway. Since one of the FA genes is identical to the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2, it is also referred to as the FA/BRCA pathway. Eight proteins form a nuclear complex, whose integriry is required for the monoubiquitination of two other FA proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, in response to DNA replication stress. Despite intensive research, the function of the FA/BRCA pathway at a molecular level has remained largely elusive so far. At the beginning of my thesis, we therefore decided to purify the proteins of the FA core complex and to investigate their biochemical properties. We started with the five proteins which were known at that time, FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF, and FACG. Later on, we extended our studies to the newly discovered proteins FANCL, FANCM, and FAAP24, and eventually focused our work on the characterisation of FANCM. In contrast to the other core complex proteins, FANCM contains two conserved domains, which point to a role in DNA metabolism: an N-terminal DEAH box helicase domain and a C-terminal ERCC4 nuclease domain. In this study, we have successfully purified full-length FANCM from a recombinant source. We show that purified FANCM binds to branched DNA molecules, such as Holliday junctions and replication forks, with high specificity and affinity. In addition, we demonstrate that FANCM can translocate the junction point of branched DNA molecules due to its helicase domain in an ATPase-dependent manner. FANCM can even dissociate large recombination intermediates, via branch migration of Holliday junctions through a 2.6 kb region of homology. Taken together, our data suggest that FANCM can specifically bind to replication forks and Holliday junctions in vitro, and that its DEAH box helicase domain is associated with a potent branch migration activity. We propose that FANCM might have a direct role in the processing of DNA replication intermediates. This is consistent with the current view that FA proteins coordinate DNA repair at stalled replication forks. Our findings provide a first hint as to the context in which FANCM might play a role in the cell. We are optimistic that they might be key to further elucidate the function of a pathway which is far from being understood.


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Because it increases relatedness between interacting individuals, population viscosity has been proposed to favour the evolution of altruistic helping. However, because it increases local competition between relatives, population viscosity may also act as a brake for the evolution of helping behaviours. In simple models, the kin selected fecundity benefits of helping are exactly cancelled out by the cost of increased competition between relatives when helping occurs after dispersal. This result has lead to the widespread view, especially among people working with social organisms, that special conditions are required for the evolution of altruism. Here, we re-examine this result by constructing a simple population genetic model where we analyse whether the evolution of a sterile worker caste (i.e. an extreme case of altruism) can be selected for by limited dispersal. We show that a sterile worker caste can be selected for even under the simplest life-cycle assumptions. This has relevant consequences for our understanding of the evolution of altruism in social organisms, as many social insects are characterized by limited dispersal and significant genetic population structure.


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Recent clinical research suggests a role for vitamin D in the response to IFN-α-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. Therefore, we aimed to explore the underlying mechanisms in vitro. Huh-7.5 cells harboring subgenomic hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicons or infected with cell culture-derived HCV were exposed to bioactive 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol) with or without IFN-α. In these experiments, calcitriol alone had no effect on the HCV life cycle. However, calcitriol enhanced the inhibitory effect of IFN-α on HCV replication. This effect was based on a calcitriol-mediated increase of IFN-α-induced gene expression. Further mechanistic studies revealed a constitutive inhibitory interaction between the inactive vitamin D receptor (VDR) and Stat1, which was released upon stimulation with calcitriol and IFN-α. As a consequence, IFN-α-induced binding of phosphorylated Stat1 to its DNA target sequences was enhanced by calcitriol. Importantly, and in line with these observations, silencing of the VDR resulted in an enhanced hepatocellular response to IFN-α. Our findings identify the VDR as a novel suppressor of IFN-α-induced signaling through the Jak-STAT pathway.


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With an annual pavement marking program of approximately $2 million and another $750 thousand invested in maintenance of durable markings each year, the Iowa DOT is seeking every opportunity to provide all-year markings staying in acceptable condition under all weather conditions. The goal of this study is to analyze existing pavement marking practices and to develop a prototype Pavement Marking Management System (PMMS). This report documents the first two phases of a three-phase research project. Phase I includes an overview of the Iowa DOT’s existing practices and a literature review regarding pavement marking practices in other states. Based on this information, a work plan was developed for Phases II and III of this study. Phase II organized the key components necessary to develop a prototype PMMS for the Iowa DOT. The two primary components are (1) performance/life cycle curves for pavement marking products, and (2) an application matrix tailored to the pavement marking products and roadway and environmental conditions faced by the Iowa DOT. Both components will continue to be refined and tailored to Iowa materials and conditions as more performance data becomes available.


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The corrosion of steel reinforcement in an aging highway infrastructure is a major problem currently facing the transportation engineering community. In the United States alone, maintenance and replacement costs for deficient bridges are measured in billions of dollars. The application of corrosion-resistant steel reinforcement as an alternative reinforcement to existing mild steel reinforced concrete bridge decks has potential to mitigate corrosion problems, due to the fundamental properties associated with the materials. To investigate corrosion prevention through the use of corrosion-resistant alloys, the performance of corrosion resistance of MMFX microcomposite steel reinforcement, a high-strength, high-chromium steel reinforcement, was evaluated. The study consisted of both field and laboratory components conducted at the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center to determine whether MMFX reinforcement provides superior corrosion resistance to epoxy-coated mild steel reinforcement in bridge decks. Because definitive field evidence of the corrosion resistance of MMFX reinforcement may require several years of monitoring, strict attention was given to investigating reinforcement under accelerated conditions in the laboratory, based on typical ASTM and Rapid Macrocell accelerated corrosion tests. After 40 weeks of laboratory testing, the ASTM ACT corrosion potentials indicate that corrosion had not initiated for either MMFX or the as-delivered epoxy-coated reinforcement. Conversely, uncoated mild steel specimens underwent corrosion within the fifth week, while epoxy-coated reinforcement specimens with induced holidays underwent corrosion between 15 and 30 weeks. Within the fifth week of testing, the Rapid Macrocell ACT produced corrosion risk potentials that indicate active corrosion for all reinforcement types tested. While the limited results from the 40 weeks of laboratory testing may not constitute a prediction of life expectancy and life-cycle cost, a procedure is presented herein to determine life expectancy and associated life-cycle costs.


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A crucial step in the life cycle of arenaviruses is the biosynthesis of the mature fusion-active viral envelope glycoprotein (GP) that is essential for virus-host cell attachment and entry. The maturation of the arenavirus GP precursor (GPC) critically depends on proteolytic processing by the cellular proprotein convertase (PC) subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P). Here we undertook a molecular characterization of the SKI-1/S1P processing of the GPCs of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the pathogenic Lassa virus (LASV). Previous studies showed that the GPC of LASV undergoes processing in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/cis-Golgi compartment, whereas the LCMV GPC is cleaved in a late Golgi compartment. Herein we confirm these findings and provide evidence that the SKI-1/S1P recognition site RRLL, present in the SKI-1/S1P prodomain and LASV GPC, but not in the LCMV GPC, is crucial for the processing of the LASV GPC in the ER/cis-Golgi compartment. Our structure-function analysis revealed that the cleavage of arenavirus GPCs, but not cellular substrates, critically depends on the autoprocessing of SKI-1/S1P, suggesting differences in the processing of cellular and viral substrates. Deletion mutagenesis showed that the transmembrane and intracellular domains of SKI-1/S1P are dispensable for arenavirus GPC processing. The expression of a soluble form of the protease in SKI-I/S1P-deficient cells resulted in the efficient processing of arenavirus GPCs and rescued productive virus infection. However, exogenous soluble SKI-1/S1P was unable to process LCMV and LASV GPCs displayed at the surface of SKI-I/S1P-deficient cells, indicating that GPC processing occurs in an intracellular compartment. In sum, our study reveals important differences in the SKI-1/S1P processing of viral and cellular substrates.


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Of the approximately 25,000 bridges in Iowa, 28% are classified as structurally deficient, functionally obsolete, or both. The state of Iowa thus follows the national trend of an aging infrastructure in dire need of repair or replacement with a relatively limited funding base. Therefore, there is a need to develop new materials with properties that may lead to longer life spans and reduced life-cycle costs. In addition, new methods for determining the condition of structures are needed to monitor the structures effectively and identify when the useful life of the structure has expired or other maintenance is needed. High-performance steel (HPS) has emerged as a material with enhanced weldability, weathering capabilities, and fracture toughness compared to conventional structural steels. In 2004, the Iowa Department of Transportation opened Iowa's first HPS girder bridge, the East 12th Street Bridge over I-235 in Des Moines, Iowa. The objective of this project was to evaluate HPS as a viable option for use in Iowa bridges with a continuous structural health monitoring (SHM) system. The scope of the project included documenting the construction of the East 12th Street Bridge and concurrently developing a remote, continuous SHM system using fiber-optic sensing technology to evaluate the structural performance of the bridge. The SHM system included bridge evaluation parameters, similar to design parameters used by bridge engineers, for evaluating the structure. Through the successful completion of this project, a baseline of bridge performance was established that can be used for continued long-term monitoring of the structure. In general, the structural performance of the HPS bridge exceeded the design parameters and is performing well. Although some problems were encountered with the SHM system, the system functions well and recommendations for improving the system have been made.


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El objetivo de la investigación fue la adaptación al español de las escalas de interés y comportamientos generativos de McAdams, así co-mo el estudio de la generatividad en la vejez y su relación con el bienestar. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 165 voluntarios mayores de 65 años que, además de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad, completa-ron instrumentos para evaluar satisfacción con la vida y orientación al futu-ro. Los resultados indicaron que la fiabilidad de las versiones españolas de las escalas de generatividad fue aceptable y similar a las originales en inglés. Mientras el interés generativo se relacionó con la satisfacción con la vida, los comportamientos generativos no lo hicieron. Sin embargo, ambas esca-las sí se relacionaron con la orientación al futuro, aunque esta relación no se confirmó en un análisis multivariable. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de la generatividad en la vejez y de distinguir entre interés y acción generati-va, ya que sus beneficios podrían ser muy diferentes.


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Malaria, a disease of worldwide significance, is responsible for over one million deaths annually. The liver-stage of Plasmodium's life cycle is the first, obligatory, but clinically silent step in malaria infection. The P. falciparum type II fatty acid biosynthesis pathway (PfFAS-II) has been found to be essential for complete liver-stage development and has been regarded as a potential antimalarial target for the development of drugs for malaria prophylaxis and liver-stage eradication. In this paper, new coumarin-based triclosan analogues are reported and their biological profile is explored in terms of inhibitory potency against enzymes of the PfFAS-II pathway. Among the tested compounds, 7 and 8 showed the highest inhibitory potency against Pf enoyl-ACP-reductase (PfFabI), followed by 15 and 3. Finally, we determined the crystal structures of compounds 7 and 11 in complex with PfFabI to identify their mode of binding and to confirm outcomes of docking simulations.


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Natural selection may favor two very different types of social behaviors that have costs in vital rates (fecundity and/or survival) to the actor: helping behaviors, which increase the vital rates of recipients, and harming behaviors, which reduce the vital rates of recipients. Although social evolutionary theory has mainly dealt with helping behaviors, competition for limited resources creates ecological conditions in which an actor may benefit from expressing behaviors that reduce the vital rates of neighbors. This may occur if the reduction in vital rates decreases the intensity of competition experienced by the actor or that experienced by its offspring. Here, we explore the joint evolution of neutral recognition markers and marker-based costly conditional harming whereby actors express harming, conditional on actor and recipient bearing different conspicuous markers. We do so for two complementary demographic scenarios: finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. We find that marker-based conditional harming can evolve under a large range of recombination rates and group sizes under both finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. A direct comparison with results for the evolution of marker-based conditional helping reveals that, if everything else is equal, marker-based conditional harming is often more likely to evolve than marker-based conditional helping.


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Biochar has the potential to make a major contribution to the mitigation of climate change, and enhancement of plant production. However, in order for biochar to fulfill this promise, the industry and regulating bodies must take steps to manage potential environmental threats and address negative perceptions. The potential threats to the sustainability of biochar systems, at each stage of the biochar life cycle, were reviewed. We propose that a sustainability framework for biochar could be adapted from existing frameworks developed for bioenergy. Sustainable land use policies, combined with effective regulation of biochar production facilities and incentives for efficient utilization of energy, and improved knowledge of biochar impacts on ecosystem health and productivity could provide a strong framework for the development of a robust sustainable biochar industry. Sustainability certification could be introduced to provide confidence to consumers that sustainable practices have been employed along the production chain, particularly where biochar is traded internationally.


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Airborne particles can come from a variety of sources and contain variable chemical constituents. Some particles are formed by natural processes, such as volcanoes, erosion, sea spray, and forest fires, while other are formed by anthropogenic processes, such as industrial- and motor vehicle-related combustion, road-related wear, and mining. In general, larger particles (those greater than 2.5 μm) are formed by mechanical processes, while those less than 2.5 μm are formed by combustion processes. The chemical composition of particles is highly influenced by the source: for combustion-related particles, factors such as temperature of combustion, fuel type, and presence of oxygen or other gases can also have a large impact on PM composition. These differences can often be observed at a regional level, such as the greater sulphate-composition of PM in regions that burn coal for electricity production (which contains sulphur) versus regions that do not. Most countries maintain air monitoring networks, and studies based on the resulting data are the most common basis for epidemiology studies on the health effects of PM. Data from these monitoring stations can be used to evaluate the relationship between community-level exposure to ambient particles and health outcomes (i.e., morbidity or mortality from various causes). Respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes are the most commonly assessed, although studies have also considered other related specific outcomes such as diabetes and congenital heart disease. The data on particle characteristics is usually not very detailed and most often includes some combination of PM2.5, PM10, sulphate, and NO2. Other descriptors that are less commonly found include particle number (ultrafine particles), metal components of PM, local traffic intensity, and EC/OC. Measures of association are usually reported per 10 μg/m3 or interquartile range increase in pollutant concentration. As the exposure data are taken from regional monitoring stations, the measurements are not representative of an individual's exposure. Particle size is an important descriptor for understanding where in the human respiratory system the particles will deposit: as a general rule, smaller particles penetrate to deeper regions of the lungs. Initial studies on the health effects of particulate matter focused on mass of the particles, including either all particles (often termed total suspended particulate or TSP) or PM10 (all particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm). More recently, studies have considered both PM10 and PM2.5, with the latter corresponding more directly to combustion-related processes. UFPs are a dominant source of particles in terms of PNC, yet are negligible in terms of mass. Very few epidemiology studies have measured the effect of UFPs on health; however, the numbers of studies on this topic are increasing. In addition to size, chemical composition is of importance when understanding the toxicity of particles. Some studies consider the composition of particles in addition to mass; however this is not common, in part due the cost and labour involved in such analyses.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena on kehittää LM-vesiturbiini tuotantoon soveltuvaksi, käytöltään pitkäikäiseksi ja helposti huollettavaksi tuotesarjaksi. Työn ohjaavana runkona on käytetty VDI-Richtlinie 2221: 'Kehitystyön ja konstruoinnin yleinen kulku', mukaista järjestelmää. Lisäksi on käytetty valmistuksellista modulointia tuotteen osien suunnittelussa. Erityisesti on huomioitu tuotteen koko elinkaaren aikaiset kustannukset (LCC) ja sen vaatimukset mitoitukseen. LM-vesiturbiinistaon kehitetty kolmen erikokoisen laitteiston tuotesarja. Tuoteperheen yksittäisistä sylinteriryhmistä voidaan koota joustavasti erikokoisia ja -tehoisia energiantuotantoyksiköitä, jotka soveltuvat käyttöön hyvin pieniinkin virtauksiin ja putouskorkeuksiin. Piensarjatuotantoon hyvin soveltuvat materiaalit on valittu silmälläpitäen mahdollisimman edullista kokonaiskustannusta. Kiertomäntä laitteiston toiminnan kannalta tärkeimpänä ja siten vaativimpana osana on edellyttänyt laserhitsausta ja -leikkausta sekä koekappaleiden valmistusta, joiden perusteellalopulliseen rakenteeseen on päädytty. Mitoitus perustuu perinteisiin lujuuslaskentamenetelmiin, joiden avulla eri osien kestävyys käyttöolosuhteissa on pyrittysaamaan luotettavaksi vähintään 20 vuoden kestoiälle ja väsymiskestävyyteen käytön aikaisissa vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. Kiertomäntä on ns. kevytrakenne koostuen ohutlevykennorakenteesta ja täytteenä olevasta kompound-materiaalista.