943 resultados para know-how
The industrial PhD project presented here is part of the R&D strategies of the Lipinutragen company. The innovation brought by the company concerns nutrilipidomics, i.e. the correlation between the lipid composition (in fatty acids) of the cell membrane and lipid-based nutraceuticals, especially starting from the well-known dependence of the lipid composition on the intake of essential fats, omega- 6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among the results obtained from the membrane lipidomic profiles, the case of autistic subjects is here highlighted, showing the significant deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The activity during the PhD was devoted to the nutrilipidomic approach. Part of the activities were devoted to scientific research in lipidomics: a) the study of lipidomic profiles in the frame of two collaboration projects: one with the group of Dr. I. Tueros at AZTI, Bilbao, regading obese population, and the other one regarding seed germination with the changes of the fatty acid profiles with the group of prof. A. Balestrazzi of the University of Parma; b) the liposome preparation for protection and lifetime prolongation of the peptide somatostatin, which was an important premise to the formulation of the DHA-containing microemulsion. The activities was also focused on the development of DHA-containing nutraceutical formulations in the form of emulsion, overcoming the difficulty of the capsule ingestion, to be administered orally. The work pointed to study the combination of active ingredients, based on the previous know-how regarding the bioavailability for the cell membrane incorporation. The ingredients of the formulation were studied and tested in vitro for the bioavailability of DHA to be incorporated in the cell membranes of different types of cultured cells. Part of this study is covered by non-disclosure agreement since it belongs to the know-how of Lipinutragen.
The current environmental and socio-economic situation promotes the development of carbon-neutral and sustainable solutions for energy supply. In this framework, the use of hydrogen has been largely indicated as a promising alternative. However, safety aspects are of concern for storage and transportation technologies. Indeed, the current know-how promotes its transportation via pipeline as compressed gas. However, the peculiar properties of hydrogen make the selection of suitable materials challenging. For these reasons, dilution with less reactive species has been considered a short and medium solution. As a way of example, methane-hydrogen mixtures are currently transported via pipelines. In this case, the hydrogen content is limited to 20% in volume, thus keeping the dependence on natural gas sources. On the contrary, hydrogen can be conveniently transported by mixing it with carbon dioxide deriving from carbon capture and storage technologies. In this sense, the interactions between hydrogen and carbon dioxide have been poorly studied. In particular, the effects of composition and operative conditions in the case of accidental release or for direct use in the energy supply chain are unknown. For these reasons, the present work was devoted to the characterization of the chemical phenomena ruling the system. To this aim, laminar flames containing hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the air were investigated experimentally and numerically. Different detailed kinetic mechanisms largely validated were considered at this stage. Significant discrepancies were observed among numerical and experimental data, especially once a fuel consisting of 40%v of hydrogen was studied. This deviation was attributed to the formation of a cellular flame increasing the overall reactivity. Hence, this observation suggests the need for combined models accounting for peculiar physical phenomena and detailed kinetic mechanisms characterizing the hydrogen-containing flames.
La tesi nasce dalla collaborazione con GOLDèlite, una recente startup di Bologna specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di prodotti di design impiegando un materiale antibatterico brevettato. Un approccio multidisciplinare e la contaminazione di più e diverse competenze ha dato vita all’intero progetto che ha portato alla risposta ad una complessità contemporanea con la creazione di un prodotto adattato ad un ambiente innovativo. Il progetto prevede la realizzazione della lampada SYN feel light capace di incrementare esperienze sensoriali, trasformando i suoni in colori abbinati ad aromi, regalando così un’atmosfera suggestiva ideale pensata per ristoranti ricercati. Il concept riprende le linee eleganti e raffinate di un ristorante stellato, legando il know-how aziendale e la tecnologia di Area3 e Indico Technologies, aziende che operano in diversi campi scientifici volti al benessere fisico e mentale. Alla base di tale progettazione, vi è una panoramica su un particolare e poco noto fenomeno percettivo capace di unire più sfere sensoriali: la sinestesia. Analizzando teorie neuroscientifiche e studi sul fenomeno, si è poi ricercato il suo impiego in ambienti della quotidianità ed è stata realizzata una collezione di casi studio che sfruttano la multisensorialità delle sinestesie per incrementare le esperienze sensoriali e il benessere. L’obiettivo della tesi è mostrare lo sviluppo di un artefatto capace di stimolare i 5 sensi durante esperienze gastronomiche, dimostrando come esso migliori tali esperienze e porti allo sviluppo di nuove sinestesie. Inoltre, l’allenamento di tali fenomeni può portare a diversi benefici per la salute delle persone. Il progetto è arrivato alla fase di prototipazione e la successiva prova sul campo seguendo quelli che sono gli stadi precedenti all’entrata sul mercato, obiettivo prefissato dell’azienda con il quale la lampada SYN feel light si evolverà.
The transport system is one of the most important components to be chosen in the design of an automatic machine. There is a wide variety of different choices that can be made in picking this element, each one having its own strengths and its own drawbacks. If it is desired to obtain some elaborate behaviour from the transport system, it is a good idea to think about some flexible and advanced solutions. Among these transport systems, the newest is the Beckhoff XPlanar. This transport system exploits magnetic levitation to move some passive magnetic movers on a completely customizable plane, in an entirely contact-free way. This provides a fast, clean, and noiseless motion, which is extremely desirable in a modern automatic machine. The purpose of this Thesis is to analyse the potentialities and the problems of this new device, starting from the basics. After having presented in detail the topic, an analysis on the hardware components needed to build this system is performed. Then, it is conducted a study on the concepts needed to know how to build a controller having the purpose of dealing with this system. After that, the various types of motion are studied and executed and, later on, some experiments on the real kit are carried out. These studies start from the diagnostic and involve other analyses that are used to test the limits of this transport system. In performing these analyses, it is noticed how the kit presents some problems in reaching the limits of the dynamics. Finally, two different types of station cycle are implemented, which are useful to get a rough idea on the potentialities of this new advanced transport system.
In the framework of the energy transition, the acquisition of proper knowledge of fundamental aspects characterizing the use of alternative fuels is paramount as well as the development of optimized know-how and technologies. In this sense, the use of hydrogen has been indicated as a promising route for decarbonization at the end-users stage in the energy supply chain. However, the elevated reactivity and the low-density at atmospheric conditions of hydrogen pose new challenges. Among the others, the dilution of hydrogen with carbon dioxide from carbon capture and storage systems represents a possible route. However, the interactions between these species have been poorly studied so far. For these reasons, this thesis, in collaboration between the University of Bologna and Technische Universität Bergakademie of Freiberg in Saxony (Germany), investigates the laminar flame of hydrogen-based premixed gas with the dilution of carbon dioxide. An experimental system, called a heat flux burner, was adopted ad different operating conditions. The presence of the cellularity phenomenon, forming the so-called cellular flame, was observed and analysed. Theoretical and visual methods have allowed for the characterization of the investigated flames, opening new alternatives for sustainable energy production via hydrogen transformation.
Plants, like humans and other animals, also get sick, exhibit disease symptoms, and die. Plant diseases are caused by environmental stress, genetic or physiological disorders and infectious agents including viroids, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Plant pathology originated from the convergence of microbiology, botany and agronomy; its ultimate goal is the control of plant disease. Microbiologists have been attracted to this field of research because of the need for identification of the agents causing infectious diseases in economically important crops. In 1878—only two years after Pasteur and Koch had shown for the first time that anthrax in animals was caused by a bacteria—Burril, in the USA, discovered that the fire blight disease of apple and pear was also caused by a bacterium (nowadays known as Erwinia amylovora). In 1898, Beijerinck concluded that tobacco mosaic was caused by a “contagium vivum fluidum” which he called a virus. In 1971, Diener proved that a potato disease named potato spindle tuber was caused by infectious RNA which he called viroid
The skill of a forecast can be assessed by comparing the relative proximity of both the forecast and a benchmark to the observations. Example benchmarks include climatology or a naïve forecast. Hydrological ensemble prediction systems (HEPS) are currently transforming the hydrological forecasting environment but in this new field there is little information to guide researchers and operational forecasters on how benchmarks can be best used to evaluate their probabilistic forecasts. In this study, it is identified that the forecast skill calculated can vary depending on the benchmark selected and that the selection of a benchmark for determining forecasting system skill is sensitive to a number of hydrological and system factors. A benchmark intercomparison experiment is then undertaken using the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), a reference forecasting system and a suite of 23 different methods to derive benchmarks. The benchmarks are assessed within the operational set-up of the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) to determine those that are ‘toughest to beat’ and so give the most robust discrimination of forecast skill, particularly for the spatial average fields that EFAS relies upon. Evaluating against an observed discharge proxy the benchmark that has most utility for EFAS and avoids the most naïve skill across different hydrological situations is found to be meteorological persistency. This benchmark uses the latest meteorological observations of precipitation and temperature to drive the hydrological model. Hydrological long term average benchmarks, which are currently used in EFAS, are very easily beaten by the forecasting system and the use of these produces much naïve skill. When decomposed into seasons, the advanced meteorological benchmarks, which make use of meteorological observations from the past 20 years at the same calendar date, have the most skill discrimination. They are also good at discriminating skill in low flows and for all catchment sizes. Simpler meteorological benchmarks are particularly useful for high flows. Recommendations for EFAS are to move to routine use of meteorological persistency, an advanced meteorological benchmark and a simple meteorological benchmark in order to provide a robust evaluation of forecast skill. This work provides the first comprehensive evidence on how benchmarks can be used in evaluation of skill in probabilistic hydrological forecasts and which benchmarks are most useful for skill discrimination and avoidance of naïve skill in a large scale HEPS. It is recommended that all HEPS use the evidence and methodology provided here to evaluate which benchmarks to employ; so forecasters can have trust in their skill evaluation and will have confidence that their forecasts are indeed better.
Background. An important question for chlamydia control programs is the extent to which finding and treating prevalent, asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection reduces reproductive sequelae in infected women. Methods. We reviewed the literature to critically evaluate evidence on the effect of chlamydia screening on development of sequelae in infected women. Results. Two randomized controlled trials of 1-time screening for chlamydial infection—in a Seattle-area health maintenance organization and a Danish school district—revealed that screening was associated with an ∼50% reduction in the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease over the following year. However, both of these trials had methodological issues that may have affected the magnitude of observed screening benefits and might limit generalizability to other populations. A large, nonrandomized cohort of chlamydia screening among US Army recruits, although limited by lack of outpatient data, did not find a benefit of similar magnitude to the randomized trials. Methodological limitations restrict valid conclusions about individual benefits of screening using data from historical cohorts and ecological studies. We identified no trials directly evaluating the effect of chlamydia screening on subclinical tubal inflammation or damage, ectopic pregnancy, or tubal factor infertility and no studies addressing the effects of >1 round of screening, the optimal frequency of screening, or the benefits of screening for repeat infections. Conclusions. Additional studies of the effectiveness of chlamydia screening would be valuable; feasible study designs may depend on the degree to which screening programs are already established. In addition, better natural history data on the timing of tubal inflammation and damage after C. trachomatis infection and development of more accurate, noninvasive tools to assess chlamydial sequelae are essential to informing chlamydia control efforts.