968 resultados para k channels
It is shown that the locus of the f' + if '' plot in the complex plane, f' being determined from measured f '' by using the dispersion relation, looks like a semicircle very near the absorption edge of Ge. The semicircular locus is derived from a quantum theory of X-ray resonant scattering when there is a sharp isolated peak in f '' just above the K-absorption edge. Using the semicircular behavior, an approach is proposed to determine the anomalous scattering factors in a crystal by fitting known calculated values based on an isolated-atom model to a semicircular focus. The determined anomalous scattering factors f' show excellent agreement with the measured values just below the absorption edge. In addition, the phase determination of a crystal structure factor has been considered by using the semicircular behavior.
Inhibition of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCLX) by CGP37157 is protective in models of neuronal injury that involve disruption of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. However, the Ca2+ signaling pathways and stores underlying neuroprotection by that inhibitor are not well defined. In the present study, we analyzed how intracellular Ca2+ levels are modulated by CGP37157 (10 mu M) during NMDA insults in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons. We initially assessed the presence of NCLX in mitochondria of cultured neurons by immunolabeling, and subsequently, we analyzed the effects of CGP37157 on neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis using cameleon-based mitochondrial Ca2+ and cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)) live imaging. We observed that NCLX-driven mitochondrial Ca2+ exchange occurs in cortical neurons under basal conditions as CGP37157 induced a decrease in [Ca-2](i) concomitant with a Ca2+ accumulation inside the mitochondria. In turn, CGP37157 also inhibited mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux after the stimulation of acetylcholine receptors. In contrast, CGP37157 strongly prevented depolarization-induced [Ca2+](i) increase by blocking voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs), whereas it did not induce depletion of ER Ca2+ stores. Moreover, mitochondrial Ca2+ overload was reduced as a consequence of diminished Ca2+ entry through VGCCs. The decrease in cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload by CGP37157 resulted in a reduction of excitotoxic mitochondrial damage, characterized here by a reduction in mitochondrial membrane depolarization, oxidative stress and calpain activation. In summary, our results provide evidence that during excitotoxicity CGP37157 modulates cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics that leads to attenuation of NMDA-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal cell death by blocking VGCCs.
O difundido uso de perfis estruturais tubulares, principalmente devido à s vantagens associadas ao comportamento estrutural e estético, levou a uma intensa utilização nos paÃses da Europa, Sudeste Asiático, América do Norte e na Austrália. PaÃses como Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda fazem uso intensivo dessas estruturas e contam com uma produção corrente, industrializada e contÃnua com alto grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico. O aumento da oferta deste tipo de perfis, aliado a recentes pesquisas nesta área, leva o Brasil a se inserir neste cenário mundial. Entretanto, as normas brasileiras que regem o dimensionamento destes perfis ainda não se encontram atualizadas, principalmente no que tange ao dimensionamento de ligações de perfis tubulares. Considerando esta perspectiva, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo K e T com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS). Propõe-se estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analÃticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, projeto de norma brasileira PN 02.125.03-004 e critérios de deformação limite. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys, calibrado e validado com resultados experimentais e numéricos existentes na literatura. As não-linearidades fÃsica e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Esta dissertação propõe ainda, a modelagem de uma treliça planar constituÃda de perfis tubulares, objetivando estabelecer uma comparação entre um nó isolado e um nó da treliça planar.
Este artÃculo se ha realizado dentro del Proyecto de Investigación «Identidades y diversidad cultural en la Hispania Antigua: Bilingüismo y Cultura Epigráfica» (HUM 2006-13424-C04-02/Filo).
In this paper, a new type of guided-mode resonant grating (GMRG) filter with an antireflective surface called the 'moth-eye structure' for the multiple channels is presented by using rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) and the S-matrix method. Long range, low sidebands and multiple channels are found when the GMRG filters with antireflective surface are illuminated with incident polarization light. It is calculated that the multiple channel phenomenon can be shown when the depth of antireflective surface is increased. Moreover, the wavelengths of the multiple channels can be easily shifted by changing the depth of the homogenous layer which is under the antireflective surface, and the optical properties of GMRG filters such as low sideband reflection and narrow band are not badly spoiled when the depth is changed.
In this paper, a new type of resonant Brewster filters (RBF) with surface relief structure for the multiple channels is first presented by using the rigorous coupled-wave analysis and the S-matrix method. By tuning the depth of homogeneous layer which is under the surface relief structure, the multiple channels phenomenon is obtained. Long range, extremely low sidebands and multiple channels are found when the RBF with surface relief structure is illuminated with Transverse Magnetic incident polarization light near the Brewster angle calculated with the effective media theory of sub wavelength grating. Moreover, the wavelengths of RBF with surface relief structure can be easily shifted by changing the depth of homogeneous layer while its optical properties such as low sideband reflection and narrow band are not spoiled when the depth is changed. Furthermore, the variation of the grating thickness does not effectively change the resonant wavelength of RBF, but have a remarkable effect on its line width, which is very useful for designing such filters with different line widths at desired wavelength.