954 resultados para inverse problem


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Summer diets of two sympatric raptors Upland Buzzards (Buteo hemilasius Temminck et Schlegel) and Eurasian Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo L. subsp. Hemachalana Hume) were studied in an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Root voles Microtus oeconomus Pallas, plateau pikas Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson, Gansu pikas O. cansus Lyon and plateau zokors Myospalax baileyi Thomas were the main diet components of Upland Buzzards as identified through the pellets analysis with the frequency of 57, 20, 19 and 4%, respectively. The four rodent species also were the main diet components of Eurasian Eagle Owls basing on the pellets and prey leftovers analysis with the frequency of 53, 26, 13 and 5%, respectively. The food niche breadth indexes of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were 1.60 and 1.77 respectively (higher value of the index means the food niche of the raptor is broader), and the diet overlap index of the two raptors was larger (C-ue = 0.90) (the index range from 0 - no overlap - to I - complete overlap). It means that the diets of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls were similar (Two Related Samples Test, Z = -0.752, P = 0.452). The classical resource partitioning theory can not explain the coexistence of Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls in alpine meadows of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, differences in body size, predation mode and activity rhythm between Upland Buzzards and Eurasian Eagle Owls may explain the coexistence of these two sympatric raptors.


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To extend the cross-hole seismic 2D data to outside 3D seismic data, reconstructing the low frequency data to high frequency data is necessary. Blind deconvolution method is a key technology. In this paper, an implementation of Blind deconvolution is introduced. And optimized precondition conjugate gradient method is used to improve the stability of the algorithm and reduce the computation. Then high-frequency retrieved Seismic data and the cross-hole seismic data is combined for constraint inversion. Real data processing proved the method is effective. To solve the problem that the seismic data resolution can’t meet the request of reservoir prediction in the river face thin-layers in Chinese eastern oil fields, a high frequency data reconstruction method is proposed. The extrema of the seismic data are used to get the modulation function which operated with the original seismic data to get the high frequency part of the reconstruction data to rebuild the wide band data. This method greatly saves the computation, and easy to adjust the parameters. In the output profile, the original features of the seismic events are kept, the common feint that breaking the events and adding new zeros to produce alias is avoided. And the interbeded details are enhanced compared to the original profiles. The effective band of seismic data is expended and the method is approved by the processing of the field data. Aim to the problem in the exploration and development of Chinese eastern oil field that the high frequency log data and the relative low frequency seismic data can’t be merged, a workflow of log data extrapolation constrained by time-phase model based on local wave decomposition is raised. The seismic instantaneous phase is resolved by local wave decomposition to build time-phase model, the layers beside the well is matched to build the relation of log and seismic data, multiple log info is extrapolated constrained by seismic equiphase map, high precision attributes inverse sections are produced. In the course of resolve the instantaneous phase, a new method of local wave decomposition --Hilbert transform mean mode decomposition(HMMD) is raised to improve the computation speed and noise immunity. The method is applied in the high resolution reservoir prediction in Mao2 survey of Daqing oil field, Multiple attributes profiles of wave impedance, gamma-ray, electrical resistivity, sand membership degree are produced, of which the resolution is high and the horizontal continuous is good. It’s proved to be a effective method for reservoir prediction and estimation.


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In exploration geophysics,velocity analysis and migration methods except reverse time migration are based on ray theory or one-way wave-equation. So multiples are regarded as noise and required to be attenuated. It is very important to attenuate multiples for structure imaging, amplitude preserving migration. So it is an interesting research in theory and application about how to predict and attenuate internal multiples effectively. There are two methods based on wave-equation to predict internal multiples for pre-stack data. One is common focus point method. Another is inverse scattering series method. After comparison of the two methods, we found that there are four problems in common focus point method: 1. dependence of velocity model; 2. only internal multiples related to a layer can be predicted every time; 3. computing procedure is complex; 4. it is difficult to apply it in complex media. In order to overcome these problems, we adopt inverse scattering series method. However, inverse scattering series method also has some problems: 1. computing cost is high; 2. it is difficult to predict internal multiples in the far offset; 3. it is not able to predict internal multiples in complex media. Among those problems, high computing cost is the biggest barrier in field seismic processing. So I present 1D and 1.5D improved algorithms for reducing computing time. In addition, I proposed a new algorithm to solve the problem which exists in subtraction, especially for surface related to multiples. The creative results of my research are following: 1. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1D. The algorithm has very high computing efficiency. It is faster than old algorithm about twelve times in theory and faster about eighty times for lower spatial complexity in practice; 2. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1.5D. The new algorithm changes the computing domain from pseudo-depth wavenumber domain to TX domain for predicting multiples. The improved algorithm demonstrated that the approach has some merits such as higher computing efficiency, feasibility to many kinds of geometries, lower predictive noise and independence to wavelet; 3. proposed a new subtraction algorithm. The new subtraction algorithm is not used to overcome nonorthogonality, but utilize the nonorthogonality's distribution in TX domain to estimate the true wavelet with filtering method. The method has excellent effectiveness in model testing. Improved 1D and 1.5D inverse scattering series algorithms can predict internal multiples. After filtering and subtracting among seismic traces in a window time, internal multiples can be attenuated in some degree. The proposed 1D and 1.5D algorithms have demonstrated that they are effective to the numerical and field data. In addition, the new subtraction algorithm is effective to the complex theoretic models.


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The primary approaches for people to understand the inner properties of the earth and the distribution of the mineral resources are mainly coming from surface geology survey and geophysical/geochemical data inversion and interpretation. The purpose of seismic inversion is to extract information of the subsurface stratum geometrical structures and the distribution of material properties from seismic wave which is used for resource prospecting, exploitation and the study for inner structure of the earth and its dynamic process. Although the study of seismic parameter inversion has achieved a lot since 1950s, some problems are still persisting when applying in real data due to their nonlinearity and ill-posedness. Most inversion methods we use to invert geophysical parameters are based on iterative inversion which depends largely on the initial model and constraint conditions. It would be difficult to obtain a believable result when taking into consideration different factors such as environmental and equipment noise that exist in seismic wave excitation, propagation and acquisition. The seismic inversion based on real data is a typical nonlinear problem, which means most of their objective functions are multi-minimum. It makes them formidable to be solved using commonly used methods such as general-linearization and quasi-linearization inversion because of local convergence. Global nonlinear search methods which do not rely heavily on the initial model seem more promising, but the amount of computation required for real data process is unacceptable. In order to solve those problems mentioned above, this paper addresses a kind of global nonlinear inversion method which brings Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method into geophysical inverse problems. QMC has been used as an effective numerical method to study quantum many-body system which is often governed by Schrödinger equation. This method can be categorized into zero temperature method and finite temperature method. This paper is subdivided into four parts. In the first one, we briefly review the theory of QMC method and find out the connections with geophysical nonlinear inversion, and then give the flow chart of the algorithm. In the second part, we apply four QMC inverse methods in 1D wave equation impedance inversion and generally compare their results with convergence rate and accuracy. The feasibility, stability, and anti-noise capacity of the algorithms are also discussed within this chapter. Numerical results demonstrate that it is possible to solve geophysical nonlinear inversion and other nonlinear optimization problems by means of QMC method. They are also showing that Green’s function Monte Carlo (GFMC) and diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) are more applicable than Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) and Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) in real data. The third part provides the parallel version of serial QMC algorithms which are applied in a 2D acoustic velocity inversion and real seismic data processing and further discusses these algorithms’ globality and anti-noise capacity. The inverted results show the robustness of these algorithms which make them feasible to be used in 2D inversion and real data processing. The parallel inversion algorithms in this chapter are also applicable in other optimization. Finally, some useful conclusions are obtained in the last section. The analysis and comparison of the results indicate that it is successful to bring QMC into geophysical inversion. QMC is a kind of nonlinear inversion method which guarantees stability, efficiency and anti-noise. The most appealing property is that it does not rely heavily on the initial model and can be suited to nonlinear and multi-minimum geophysical inverse problems. This method can also be used in other filed regarding nonlinear optimization.


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Fractured oil and gas reservoir is an important type of oil and gas reservoir, which is taking a growing part of current oil and gas production in the whole world. Thus these technologies targeted at exploration of fractured oil and gas reservoirs are drawing vast attentions. It is difficult to accurately predict the fracture development orientation and intensity in oil and gas exploration. Focused on this problem, this paper systematically conducted series study of seismic data processing and P-wave attributes fracture detection based on the structure of ZX buried mountain, and obtained good results. This paper firstly stimulated the propagation of P-wave in weak anisotropic media caused by vertical aligned cracks, and analyzed the rule of P-wave attributes’ variation associated with observed azimuth, such as travel-time, amplitude and AVO gradient and so on, and quantitatively described the sensitive degree of these attributes to anisotropy of fracture medium. In order to further study the sensitive degree of these attributes to anisotropy of fractures, meanwhile, this paper stimulated P-wave propagation through different types and different intensity anisotropic medium respectively and summarized the rule of these attributes’ variation associated with observed azimuth in different anisotropic medium. The results of these studies provided reliable references for predicting orientation, extensity and size of actual complicated cracked medium by P-wave azimuth attributes responses. In the paper, amounts of seismic data processing methods are used to keep and recover all kinds of attributes applied for fracture detection, which guarantee the high accurate of these attributes, thus then improve the accurate of fracture detection. During seismic data processing, the paper adopted the three dimensional F-Kx-Ky field cone filter technique to attenuate ground roll waves and multiple waves, then enhances the S/N ratio of pre-stack seismic data; comprehensively applying geometrical spread compensation, surface consistent amplitude compensation, residual amplitude compensation to recover amplitude; common azimuth processing method effectively preserves the azimuthal characteristics of P-wave attributes; the technique of bend ray adaptive aperture pre-stack time migration insures to obtain the best image in each azimuth. Application of these processing methods guaranteed these attributes’ accuracy, and then improved the accuracy of fracture detection. After comparing and analyzing a variety of attributes, relative wave impedance (relative amplitude) attribute is selected to inverse the orientation of fracture medium; attenuation gradient and corresponding frequency of 85% energy are selected to inverse the intensity of fracture medium; then obtained the fracture distribution characteristics of lower Paleozoic and Precambrian in ZX ancient buried mountains. The results are good accord with the characteristics of faults system and well information in this area.


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In recent years, chimney structure has been proved one of important indicators and a useful guide to major petroleum fields exploration through their exploration history both at home and abroad. Chimney structure, which has been called "gas chimney" or "seismic chimney", is the special fluid-filled fracture swarm, which results from the boiling of active thermal fluid caused by abruptly decreasing of high pressure and high temperature in sedimentary layers of upper lithosphere. Chimney structure is well developed in continental shelf basin of East China Sea, which indicates the great perspectives of petroleum resources there. However, the chimney structure also complicated the petroleum accumulation. So the study of chimney structure on its formation, its effect on occurrence and distribution of petroleum fields is very important not only on theoretical, but also on its applied research. It is for the first time to make a clear definition of chimney structure in this paper, and the existence and practical meaning of chimney structure are illustrated. Firstly, on the viewpoint of exploration, this will amplify exploration area or field, not only in marine, but also on continent. Secondly, this is very important to step-by-step exploration and development of petroleum fields with overpressure. Thirdly, this will provide reference for the study on complex petroleum system with multi-sources, commingled sources and accumulation, multi-stage accumulations, and multi-suits petroleum system in the overlay basin. Fourthly, when the thermal fluid enters the oceanic shallow layer, it can help form gas hydrate under favorable low-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Meanwhile, the thermal fluid with its particular component and thermal content will affect the physical, chemical and ecological environments, which will help solving the problem of global resources and environment. Beginning from the regional tectonic evolution characteristics, this paper discussed the tectonic evolution history of the Taibei depression, then made an dynamical analysis of the tectonic-sedimentary evolution during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic for the East China Sea basin. A numerical model of the tectonic-thermal evolution of the basin via the Basin-Mod technique was carried out and the subsidence-buried history and thermal history of the Taibei depression were inverse calculated: it had undergone a early rapid rift and sag, then three times of uplift and erosion, and finally depressed and been buried. The Taibei depression contains a huge thick clastic sedimentary rock of marine facies, transitional facies and continental facies on the complex basement of ante-Jurassic. It is a part of the back-arc rifting basins occurred during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The author analyzed the diagenesis and thermal fluid evolution of this area via the observation of cathodoluminescence, scanning electron microscope and thin section, taking advantage of the evidences of magma activities, paleo-geothermics and structural movement, the author concluded that there were at least three tectonic-thermal events and three epochs of thermal-fluid activities; and the three epochs of thermal-fluid activities were directly relative to the first two tectonic-thermal events and were controlled by the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock simultaneously. Based on these, this paper established the corresponding model between the tectonic-thermal events and the thermal-fluid evolution of the Taibei Depression, which becomes the base for the study on the chimney structures. According to the analyses of the gas-isotope, LAM spectrum component of fluid inclusion, geneses of CO_2 components and geneses of hydrocarbon gases, the author preliminarily verified four sources of the thermal fluid in the Taibei Depression: ① dehydration of mud shale compaction, ② expulsion of hydrocarbon in the source rock; ③ CO_2 gas hydro-thermal decomposition of carbonatite; ④magma-derived thermal fluid including the mantle magma water and volatile components (such as H_2O, CO_2, H_2S, SO_2, N_2 and He etc.). On the basis of the vitrinite reflectance (Ro), homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion, interval transit time of major well-logging, mud density of the wells, measured pressure data and the results of previous studies, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the geothermal fields and geo-pressure fields for the various parts in this area, and discussed the transversal distribution of fluid pressure. The Taibei depression on the whole underwent a temperature-loss process from hot basin to cold basin; and locally high thermal anomalies occurred on the regional background of moderate thermal structure. The seal was primarily formed during the middle and late Paleocene. The overpressured system was formed during the middle and late Eocene. The formation of overpressured system in Lishui Sag underwent such an evolutionary process as "form-weaken-strengthen-weaken". Namely, it was formed during the middle and late Eocene, then was weakened in the Oligocene, even partly broken, then strengthened after the Miocene, and finally weakened. The existence of the thermal fluid rich in volatile gas is a physical foundation for the boiling of the fluid, and sharply pressure depletion was the major cause for the boiling of the fluid, which suggests that there exists the condition for thermal fluid to boil. According to the results of the photoelastic simulation and similarity physical experiments, the geological condition and the formation mechanism of chimnestructures are summarized: well compartment is the prerequisite for chimney formation; the boiling of active thermal fluid is the original physical condition for chimney formation; The local place with low stress by tension fault is easy for chimney formation; The way that thermal fluid migrates is one of the important factors which control the types of chimney structures. Based on where the thermal fluid come from and geometrical characteristics of the chimney structures, this paper classified the genetic types of chimney structures, and concluded that there existed three types and six subtypes chimney structures: organic chimney structures generated by the hydrocarbon-bearing thermal fluid in middle-shallow layers, inorganic and commingling-genetic chimney structures generated by thermal fluid in middle-deep layers. According to the seismic profiles interpretations, well logging response analysis and mineralogical and petrological characteristics in the study area, the author summarized the comprehensive identification marks for chimney structures. Especially the horizon velocity analysis method that is established in this paper and takes advantage of interval velocity anomaly is a semi-quantitative and reliable method of chimney structure s identification. It was pointed out in this paper that the occurrence of the chimney structures in the Taibei depression made the mechanism of accumulation complicated. The author provided proof of episodic accumulation of hydrocarbon in this area: The organic component in the boiling inclusion is the trail of petroleum migration, showing the causality between the boiling of thermal fluid and the chimney structures, meanwhile showing the paroxysmal accumulation is an important petroleum accumulation model. Based on the evolutionary characteristics of various types of chimney structures, this paper discussed their relationships with the migration-accumulation of petroleum respectively. At the same time, the author summarized the accumulating-dynamical models associated with chimney structures. The author analyzed such accumulation mechanisms as the facies state, direction, power of petroleum migration, the conditions of trap, the accumulation, leakage and reservation of petroleum, and the distribution rule of petroleum. The author also provides explanation for such practical problems the existence of a lot of mantle-derived CO_2, and its heterogeneous distribution on plane. By study on and recognition for chimney structure, the existence and distribution of much mantle-derived CO_2 found in this area are explained. Caused by tectonic thermal activities, the deep magma with much CO_2-bearing thermal fluid migrate upward along deep fault and chimney structures, which makes two wells within relatively short distance different gas composition, such as in well LF-1 and well LS36-1-1. Meanwhile, the author predicted the distribution of petroleum accumulation belt in middle-shallow layer for this area, pointed out the three favorable exploration areas in future, and provided the scientific and deciding references for future study on the commingling-genetic accumulation of petroleum in middle-deep layer and the new energy-gas hydrate.


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At present the main object of the exploration and development (E&D) of oil and gas is not the structural oil-gas pools but the subtle lithological oil-gas reservoir. Since the last 90's, the ratio of this kind of pools in newly-added oil reserves is becoming larger and larger, so is the ratio in the eastern oilfields. The third oil-gas resource evaluation indicates the main exploration object of Jiyang depression is the lithological oil-gas pools in future. However, lack of effective methods that are applied to search for this kind of pool makes E&D difficult and the cost high. In view of the urgent demand of E&D, in this paper we deeply study and analyze the theory and application in which the seismic attributes are used to predict and describe lithological oil-gas reservoirs. The great results are obtained by making full use of abundant physics and reservoir information as well as the remarkable lateral continuity involved in seismic data in combination with well logging, drilling-well and geology. ①Based on a great deal of research and different geological features of Shengli oilfield, the great progresses are made some theories and methods of seismic reservoir prediction and description. Three kinds of extrapolation near well seismic wavelet methods-inverse distance interpolation, phase interpolation and pseudo well reflectivity-are improved; particularly, in sparse well area the method of getting pseudo well reflectivity is given by the application of the wavelet theory. The formulae for seismic attributes and coherent volumes are derived theoretically, and the optimal method of seismic attributes and improved algorithms of picking up coherent data volumes are put forward. The method of making sequence analysis on seismic data is put forward and derived in which the wavelet transform is used to analyze not only qualitatively but also quantitatively seismic characteristics of reservoirs.② According to geologic model and seismic forward simulation, from macro to micro, the method of pre- and post-stack data synthetic analysis and application is put forward using seismic in close combination with geology; particularly, based on making full use of post-stack seismic data, "green food"-pre-stack seismic data is as possible as utilized. ③ In this paper, the formative law and distributing characteristic of lithologic oil-gas pools of the Tertiary in Jiyang depression, the knowledge of geological geophysics and the feasibility of all sorts of seismic methods, and the applied knowledge of seismic data and the geophysical mechanism of oil-gas reservoirs are studied. Therefore a series of perfect seismic technique and software are completed that fit to E&D of different categories of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs. ④ This achievement is different from other new seismic methods that are put forward in the recent years, that is multi-wave multi-component seismic, cross hole seismic, vertical seismic, and time-lapse seismic etc. that need the reacquisition of seismic data to predict and describe the oil-gas reservoir. The method in this paper is based on the conventional 2D/3D seismic data, so the cost falls sharply. ⑤ In recent years this technique that predict and describe lithologic oil-gas reservoirs by seismic information has been applied in E&D of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs on glutenite fans in abrupt slop and turbidite fans in front of abrup slop, slump turbidite fans in front of delta, turbidite fans with channel in low slope and channel sanbody, and a encouraging geologic result has been gained. This achievement indicates that the application of seismic information is one of the most effective ways in solving the present problem of E&D. This technique is significant in the application and popularization, and positive on increasing reserves and raising production as well as stable development in Shengli oilfield. And it will be directive to E&D of some similar reservoirs


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The dynamic prediction of complex reservoir development is one of the important research contents of dynamic analysis of oil and gas development. With the increase development of time, the permeabilities and porosities of reservoirs and the permeability of block reservoir at its boundaries are dynamically changing. How to track the dynamic change of permeability and porosity and make certain the permeability of block reservoir at its boundary is an important practical problem. To study developing dynamic prediction of complex reservoir, the key problem of research of dynamic prediction of complex reservoir development is realizing inversion of permeability and porosity. To realize the inversion, first of all, the fast forward and inverse method of 3-dimension reservoir simulation must be studied. Although the inversion has been widely applied to exploration and logging, it has not been applied to3-dimension reservoir simulation. Therefore, the study of fast forward and inverse method of 3-dimension reservoir simulation is a cutting-edge problem, takes on important realistic signification and application value. In this dissertation, 2-dimension and 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media are discretized by finite difference, obtaining finite difference equations to meet the inner boundary conditions by Peaceman's equations, giving successive over relaxation iteration of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media and the dimensional analysis. Several equation-solving methods are compared in common use, analyzing its convergence and convergence rate. The alternating direction implicit procedure of 2-dimension has been turned into successive over relaxation iteration of alternating direction implicit procedure of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media, which possesses the virtues of fast computing speed, needing small memory of computer, good adaptability for heterogeneous media and fast convergence rate. The geological model of channel-sandy reservoir has been generated with the help of stochastic simulation technique, whose cross sections of channel-sandy reservoir are parabolic shapes. This method makes the hard data commendably meet, very suit for geological modeling of containing complex boundary surface reservoir. To verify reliability of the method, theoretical solution and numerical solution are compared by simplifying model of 3-dimension fluid equations in porous media, whose results show that the only difference of the two pressure curves is that the numerical solution is lower than theoretical at the wellbore in the same space. It proves that using finite difference to solve fluid equations in porous media is reliable. As numerical examples of 3-dimension heterogeneous reservoir of the single-well and multi-well, the pressure distributions have been computed respectively, which show the pressure distributions there are clearly difference as difference of the permeabilities is greater than one order of magnitude, otherwise there are no clearly difference. As application, the pressure distribution of the channel-sandy reservoir have been computed, which indicates that the space distribution of pressure strongly relies on the direction of permeability, and is sensitive for space distributions of permeability. In this dissertation, the Peaceman's equations have been modified into solving vertical well problem and horizontal well problem simultaneously. In porous media, a 3D layer reservoir in which contain vertical wells and horizontal wells has been calculated with iteration. For channel-sandy reservoir in which there are also vertical wells and horizontal wells, a 3D transient heterogeneous fluid equation has been discretized. As an example, the space distribution of pressure has been calculated with iteration. The results of examples are accord with the fact, which shows the modification of Peaceman's equation is correct. The problem has been solved in the space where there are vertical and horizontal wells. In the dissertation, the nonuniform grid permeability integration equation upscaling method, the nonuniform grid 2D flow rate upscaling method and the nonuniform grid 3D flow rate upscaling method have been studied respectively. In those methods, they enhance computing speed greatly, but the computing speed of 3D flow rate upscaling method is faster than that of 2D flow rate upscaling method, and the precision of 3D flow rate upscaling method is better than that of 2D flow rate upscaling method. The results also show that the solutions of upscaling method are very approximating to that of fine grid blocks. In this paper, 4 methods of fast adaptive nonuniform grid upscaling method of 3D fluid equations in porous media have been put forward, and applied to calculate 3D heterogeneous reservoir and channel-sandy reservoir, whose computing results show that the solutions of nonuniform adaptive upscaling method of 3D heterogeneous fluid equations in porous media are very approximating to that of fine grid blocks in the regions the permeability or porosity being abnormity and very approximating to that of coarsen grid blocks in the other region, however, the computing speed of adaptive upscaling method is 100 times faster than that of fine grid block method. The formula of sensitivity coefficients are derived from initial boundary value problems of fluid equations in porous media by Green's reciprocity principle. The sensitivity coefficients of wellbore pressure to permeability parameters are given by Peaceman's equation and calculated by means of numerical calculation method of 3D transient anisotropic fluid equation in porous media and verified by direct method. The computing results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by the direct method, which shows feasibility of the method. In the dissertation, the calculating examples are also given for 3D reservoir, channel-sandy reservoir and 3D multi-well reservoir, whose numerical results indicate: around the well hole, the value of the sensitivity coefficients of permeability is very large, the value of the sensitivity coefficients of porosity is very large too, but the sensitivity coefficients of porosity is much less than the sensitivity coefficients of permeability, so that the effect of the sensitivity coefficients of permeability for inversion of reservoir parameters is much greater than that of the sensitivity coefficients of porosity. Because computing the sensitivity coefficients needs to call twice the program of reservoir simulation in one iteration, realizing inversion of reservoir parameters must be sustained by the fast forward method. Using the sensitivity coefficients of permeability and porosity, conditioned on observed valley erosion thickness in wells (hard data), the inversion of the permeabilities and porosities in the homogeneous reservoir, homogeneous reservoir only along the certain direction and block reservoir are implemented by Gauss-Newton method or conjugate gradient method respectively. The results of our examples are very approximating to the real data of permeability and porosity, but the convergence rate of conjugate gradient method is much faster than that of Gauss-Newton method.


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How to create a new method to solve the problem or reduce the influence of that the result of the seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion is not uniqueness is a main purpose of this research work in the paper. On the background of research into the seismic inversion, new progress of the nonlinear inversion is introduced at the first chapter in this paper. Especially, the development, basic theories and assumptions on some major theories of seismic inversion are analyzed, discussed and summarized in mathematics and physics. Also, the problems faced by the mathematical basis of investigations of the seismic inversion are discussed, and inverse questions of strongly seismic scattering due to strong heterogeneous media in the Earth interior are analyzed and viewed. What the kernel of paper is that gathers all our attention making a new nonlinear inversion method of seismic scattering. The paper provides a theory and method of how to introduce the fixed-point theory into the nonlinear seismic scattering inversion and how to obtain the solution, and gives the actually method to create a serials of contractive mappings of velocity parameter's in the mapping space of wave. Therefore, the results testify the existence of fixed point of velocity parameter and give the method the find it. Further, the paper proves the conclusion that the value obtained by taking the fixed point of velocity parameter into wave equation is the fixed point of the wave of the contractive mapping. Thence, the fixed point is the global minima since the stabilities quality of the fixed point. Based on the new theory, in the chapter three, many inverse results are obtained in the numerical value test. By analysis the results one could find a basic facts that all the results, which are inversed by the different initial model, are tended to the true value in theoretical true model. In other words, the new method mostly eliminates the non-uniqueness that which is existed in seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion in degree. But, since the test results are quite finite now, more test is need here to positive our theory. As a new theoretical method, it must be existed many weaken in it. The chapter four points out all the questions which is bother us. We hope more people to join us to solve the problem together.


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The theory and approach of the broadband teleseismic body waveform inversion are expatiated in this paper, and the defining the crust structure's methods are developed. Based on the teleseismic P-wave data, the theoretic image of the P-wave radical component is calculated via the convolution of the teleseismic P-wave vertical component and the transform function, and thereby a P-wavefrom inversion method is built. The applied results show the approach effective, stable and its resolution high. The exact and reliable teleseismic P waveforms recorded by CDSN and IRIS and its geodynamics are utilized to obtain China and its vicinage lithospheric transfer functions, this region ithospheric structure is inverted through the inversion of reliable transfer functions, the new knowledge about the deep structure of China and its vicinage is obtained, and the reliable seismological evidence is provided to reveal the geodynamic evolution processes and set up the continental collisional theory. The major studies are as follows: Two important methods to study crustal and upper mantle structure -- body wave travel-time inversion and waveform modeling are reviewed systematically. Based on ray theory, travel-time inversion is characterized by simplicity, crustal and upper mantle velocity model can be obtained by using 1-D travel-time inversion preliminary, which introduces the reference model for studying focal location, focal mechanism, and fine structure of crustal and upper mantle. The large-scale lateral inhomogeneity of crustal and upper mantle can be obtained by three-dimensional t ravel-time seismic tomography. Based on elastic dynamics, through the fitting between theoretical seismogram and observed seismogram, waveform modeling can interpret the detail waveform and further uncover one-dimensional fine structure and lateral variation of crustal and upper mantle, especially the media characteristics of singular zones of ray. Whatever travel-time inversion and waveform modeling is supposed under certain approximate conditions, with respective advantages and disadvantages, and provide convincing structure information for elucidating physical and chemical features and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. Because the direct wave, surface wave, and refraction wave have lower resolution in investigating seismic velocity transitional zone, which is inadequate to study seismic discontinuities. On the contrary, both the converse and reflected wave, which sample the discontinuities directly, must be carefully picked up from seismogram to constrain the velocity transitional zones. Not only can the converse wave and reflected wave study the crustal structure, but also investigate the upper mantle discontinuities. There are a number of global and regional seismic discontinuities in the crustal and upper mantle, which plays a significant role in understanding physical and chemical properties and geodynamic processes of crustal and upper mantle. The broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is studied particularly. The teleseismic P waveforms contain a lot of information related to source time function, near-source structure, propagation effect through the mantle, receiver structure, and instrument response, receiver function is isolated form teleseismic P waveform through the vector rotation of horizontal components into ray direction and the deconvolution of vertical component from the radial and tangential components of ground motion, the resulting time series is dominated by local receiver structure effect, and is hardly irrelevant to source and deep mantle effects. Receiver function is horizontal response, which eliminate multiple P wave reflection and retain direct wave and P-S converted waves, and is sensitive to the vertical variation of S wave velocity. Velocity structure beneath a seismic station has different response to radial and vertical component of an accident teleseismic P wave. To avoid the limits caused by a simplified assumption on the vertical response, the receiver function method is mended. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is showed by the ratio of radical response and vertical response of the media to P wave. In the time domain, the radial synthetic waveform can be obtained by the convolution of the transfer function with the vertical wave. In order to overcome the numerical instability, generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method is applied to calculate the synthetic waveform so that all multi-reflection and phase conversion response can be included. A new inversion method, VFSA-LM method, is used in this study, which successfully combines very fast simulated annealing method (VFSA) with damped least square inversion method (LM). Synthetic waveform inversion test confirms its effectiveness and efficiency. Broadband teleseismic P waveform inversion is applied in lithospheric velocity study of China and its vicinage. According to the data of high quality CDSN and IRIS, we obtained an outline map showing the distribution of Asian continental crustal thickness. Based on these results gained, the features of distribution of the crustal thickness and outline of crustal structure under the Asian continent have been analyzed and studied. Finally, this paper advances the principal characteristics of the Asian continental crust. There exist four vast areas of relatively minor variations in the crustal thickness, namely, northern, eastern southern and central areas of Asian crust. As a byproduct, the earthquake location is discussed, Which is a basic issue in seismology. Because of the strong trade-off between the assumed initial time and focal depth and the nonlinear of the inversion problems, this issue is not settled at all. Aimed at the problem, a new earthquake location method named SAMS method is presented, In which, the objective function is the absolute value of the remnants of travel times together with the arrival times and use the Fast Simulated Annealing method is used to inverse. Applied in the Chi-Chi event relocation of Taiwan occurred on Sep 21, 2000, the results show that the SAMS method not only can reduce the effects of the trade-off between the initial time and focal depth, but can get better stability and resolving power. At the end of the paper, the inverse Q filtering method for compensating attenuation and frequency dispersion used in the seismic section of depth domain is discussed. According to the forward and inverse results of synthesized seismic records, our Q filtrating operator of the depth domain is consistent with the seismic laws in the absorbing media, which not only considers the effect of the media absorbing of the waves, but also fits the deformation laws, namely the frequency dispersion of the body wave. Two post stacked profiles about 60KM, a neritic area of China processed, the result shows that after the forward Q filtering of the depth domain, the wide of the wavelet of the middle and deep layers is compressed, the resolution and signal noise ratio are enhanced, and the primary sharp and energy distribution of the profile are retained.


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Formation resistivity is one of the most important parameters to be evaluated in the evaluation of reservoir. In order to acquire the true value of virginal formation, various types of resistivity logging tools have been developed. However, with the increment of the proved reserves, the thickness of interest pay zone is becoming thinner and thinner, especially in the terrestrial deposit oilfield, so that electrical logging tools, limited by the contradictory requirements of resolution and investigation depth of this kinds of tools, can not provide the true value of the formation resistivity. Therefore, resitivity inversion techniques have been popular in the determination of true formation resistivity based on the improving logging data from new tools. In geophysical inverse problems, non-unique solution is inevitable due to the noisy data and deficient measurement information. I address this problem in my dissertation from three aspects, data acquisition, data processing/inversion and applications of the results/ uncertainty evaluation of the non-unique solution. Some other problems in the traditional inversion methods such as slowness speed of the convergence and the initial-correlation results. Firstly, I deal with the uncertainties in the data to be processed. The combination of micro-spherically focused log (MSFL) and dual laterolog(DLL) is the standard program to determine formation resistivity. During the inversion, the readings of MSFL are regarded as the resistivity of invasion zone of the formation after being corrected. However, the errors can be as large as 30 percent due to mud cake influence even if the rugose borehole effects on the readings of MSFL can be ignored. Furthermore, there still are argues about whether the two logs can be quantitatively used to determine formation resisitivities due to the different measurement principles. Thus, anew type of laterolog tool is designed theoretically. The new tool can provide three curves with different investigation depths and the nearly same resolution. The resolution is about 0.4meter. Secondly, because the popular iterative inversion method based on the least-square estimation can not solve problems more than two parameters simultaneously and the new laterolog logging tool is not applied to practice, my work is focused on two parameters inversion (radius of the invasion and the resistivty of virgin information ) of traditional dual laterolog logging data. An unequal weighted damp factors- revised method is developed to instead of the parameter-revised techniques used in the traditional inversion method. In this new method, the parameter is revised not only dependency on the damp its self but also dependency on the difference between the measurement data and the fitting data in different layers. At least 2 iterative numbers are reduced than the older method, the computation cost of inversion is reduced. The damp least-squares inversion method is the realization of Tikhonov's tradeoff theory on the smooth solution and stability of inversion process. This method is realized through linearity of non-linear inversion problem which must lead to the dependency of solution on the initial value of parameters. Thus, severe debates on efficiency of this kinds of methods are getting popular with the developments of non-linear processing methods. The artificial neural net method is proposed in this dissertation. The database of tool's response to formation parameters is built through the modeling of the laterolog tool and then is used to training the neural nets. A unit model is put forward to simplify the dada space and an additional physical limitation is applied to optimize the net after the cross-validation method is done. Results show that the neural net inversion method could replace the traditional inversion method in a single formation and can be used a method to determine the initial value of the traditional method. No matter what method is developed, the non-uniqueness and uncertainties of the solution could be inevitable. Thus, it is wise to evaluate the non-uniqueness and uncertainties of the solution in the application of inversion results. Bayes theorem provides a way to solve such problems. This method is illustrately discussed in a single formation and achieve plausible results. In the end, the traditional least squares inversion method is used to process raw logging data, the calculated oil saturation increased 20 percent than that not be proceed compared to core analysis.


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Geophones being inside the well, VSP can record upgoing and downgoing P waves, upgoing and downgoing S waves simultaneously.Aiming at overcoming the shortages of the known VSP velocity tomography , attenuation tomography , inverse Q filtering and VSP image method , this article mainly do the following jobs:CD; I do the common-source-point raytracing by soving the raytracing equations with Runge-Kutta method, which can provide traveltime , raypath and amplitude for VSP velocity tomography , attenuation tomography and VSP multiwave migration.(D. The velocity distribution can be inversed from the difference between the computed traveltime and the observed traveltime of the VSP downgoing waves. I put forward two methods: A. VSP building-velocity tomography method that doesn't lie on the layered model from which we can derive the slowness of the grids' crunodes . B. deformable layer tomography method from which we can get the location of the interface if the layer's velocity is known..(3). On the basis of the velocity tomography , using the attenuation information shown by the VSP seismic wave , we can derive the attenuation distribution of the subsurface. I also present an algorithm to solve the inverse Q filtering problem directly and accurately from the Q modeling equation . Numerical results presented have shown that our algorithm gives reliable results . ?. According to the theory that the transformed point is the point where the four kinds of wave come into being , and where the stacked energy will be the largest than at other points . This article presents a VSP multiwave Kirchhoff migration method . Application on synthetic examples and field seismic records have shown that the algorithm gives reliable results . (5). When the location of the interface is determined and the velocity of the P wave and S wave is known , we can obtain the transmittivity and reflection coefficient 5 thereby we can gain the elastic parameters . This method is also put into use derive good result.Above all, application on models and field seismic records show that the method mentioned above is efficient and accurate .