954 resultados para inner circulating fluidized bed


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Soy isoflavones are thought to have a cardioprotective effect that is partly mediated by an inhibitory influence on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). However, the aglycone forms investigated in many previous studies do not circulate in appreciable quantities because they are metabolised in the gut and liver. We investigated effects of various isoflavone metabolites, including for the first time the sulphated conjugates formed in the liver and the mucosa of the small intestine, on copper-induced LDL oxidation. The parent aglycones inhibited oxidation, although only 5% as well as quercetin. Metabolism increased or decreased their effectiveness. Equol inhibited 2.65-fold better than its parent compound daidzein and 8-hydroxydaidzein, not previously assessed, was 12.5-fold better than daidzein. However, monosulphated conjugates of genistein, daidzein and equol were much less effective and disulphates completely ineffective. Since almost all isoflavones circulate as conjugates, these data suggest that despite the increased potency produced by some metabolic changes, isoflavones may not be effective antioxidants in vivo unless they are deconjugated again.


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Objective: To examine whether age-related increase in concentrations of circulating inflammatory mediators is due to concurrent increases in cardiovascular risk factors or is independent of these. Methods and results: Cytokines (IL-6, IL-18), chemokines (6Ckine, MCP-1, IP-10), soluble adhesion molecules (sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, sE-selectin) and adipokines (adiponectin) were measured in the plasma of healthy male subjects aged 18-84 years (n = 162). These were related to known cardiovascular risk factors (age, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations) in order to identify significant associations. Plasma concentrations of sVCAM-1, sE-selectin, IL-6, IL-18, MCP-1, 6Ckine, IP-10 and adiponectin, but not sICAM-1, were significantly positively correlated with age, as well as with several other cardiovascular risk factors. The correlations with other risk factors disappeared when age was controlled for. In contrast, the correlations with age remained significant for sVCAM-1, IL-6, MCP-1, 6Ckine and IP-10 when other cardiovascular risk factors were controlled for. Conclusions: Plasma concentrations of some inflammatory markers (sVCAM-1, IL-6, MCP-L 6Ckine, IP-10) are positively correlated with age, independent of other cardiovascular risk factors. This suggests that age-related inflammation may not be driven by recognised risk factors. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Apolipoprotein E (apoE), an important determinant of plasma lipoprotein metabolism, has three common alleles (ε 2, ε 3, and ε 4). Population studies have shown that the risk of diseases characterized by oxidative damage, such as coronary heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, is significantly higher in ε 4 carriers. We evaluated the association between apoE genotypes and plasma F-2-isoprostane levels, an index of lipid peroxidation, in humans. Two hundred seventy-four healthy subjects (104 males, 170 females; 46.9 ± 13.0 yr; 200 whites, 74 blacks; 81 nonsmokers, 64 passive smokers, and 129 active smokers) recruited for a randomized clinical antioxidant intervention trial were included in this analysis. ApoE genotype was determined by PCR and restriction enzyme digestion. Free plasma F2-isoprostane was measured by GC-MS. Genotype groups were compared using multiple regression analysis with adjustment for sex, age, race, smoking status, body mass index, plasma ascorbic acid, and β-carotene. Subjects with ε 3/ε 4 and ε 4/ε 4 genotype (ε 4-carriers) and with ε 2/ε 3 and ε 3/ε 3 (non-ε 4-carriers) were pooled for analysis. In subjects with high cholesterol levels (total cholesterol above 200 mg/dl), plasma F-2-isoprostane levels were 29% higher in ε 4 carriers than in non-ε 4-carriers (P= 0.0056). High-cholesterol subjects that are ε 4 carriers have significantly higher levels of lipid peroxidation as assessed by circulating F-2-isoprostane levels.


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High doses of n-3 PUFA found in fish oils can reduce the circulating concentration of triacylglycerol (TG), which may contribute to the positive impact of these fatty acids on the risk of CVD. The present study aimed to establish the differential impact of EPA and docosahexaenoic (DHA) on plasma lipids and apo in adults. Forty-two normolipidaemic adult subjects completed a double-blind placebo controlled parallel study, receiving an EPA-rich oil (4.8 g EPA/d), DHA-rich oil (4.9 g DHA/d) or olive oil as control, for a period of 4 weeks. No effects of treatment on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol were evident. There was a significant 22% reduction in TG level relative to the control value following the DHA treatment (P=0.032), with the 15% decrease in the EPA group failing to reach significance (P=0-258). There were no significant inter-group differences in response to treatment for plasma apoA1, -C3 or -E levels, although a significant 15% within-group increase in apoE was evident in the EPA (P=0.006) and DHA (P=0.003) groups. In addition, a within-group decrease in the apoAI:HDL-cholesterol ratio was observed in the DHA group, suggesting a positive impact of DHA on HDL particle size. The DHA intervention resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of EPA P=0.000 and DHA P=0.000 in plasma phospholipids, whilst significant increases in EPA P=0.000 and docosapentacnoic acid P=0.002, but not DHA P=0.193, were evident following EPA supplementation (P<0.05). Our present results indicate that DHA may be more efficacious than EPA in improving the plasma lipid profile.


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Chatterbox Challenge is an annual web-based contest for artificial conversational systems, ACE. The 2010 instantiation was the tenth consecutive contest held between March and June in the 60th year following the publication of Alan Turing’s influential disquisition ‘computing machinery and intelligence’. Loosely based on Turing’s viva voca interrogator-hidden witness imitation game, a thought experiment to ascertain a machine’s capacity to respond satisfactorily to unrestricted questions, the contest provides a platform for technology comparison and evaluation. This paper provides an insight into emotion content in the entries since the 2005 Chatterbox Challenge. The authors find that synthetic textual systems, none of which are backed by academic or industry funding, are, on the whole and more than half a century since Weizenbaum’s natural language understanding experiment, little further than Eliza in terms of expressing emotion in dialogue. This may be a failure on the part of the academic AI community for ignoring the Turing test as an engineering challenge.


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Thirty male rats were randomly assigned to one of three dietary groups in which the source of dietary fat was either a mixed oil, maize oil or fish oil. Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on in virro rates of [U-'4C]glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids and into hepatic triacylglycerol were measured under basal, insulin (4 nM)-, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP; 6 mi)- and insulin + GIP (4 nM + 6 n ~ ) - stimulated conditions. Effects of the three diets on postprandial plasma triacylglycerol, cholesterol, insulin and GIP concentrations were also measured. The fish-oil diet decreased rates of basal glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids (P < 0.05) and hepatic triacylglycerol (P < 0.01) compared with the mixed-oil diet. The presence of insulin + GIP in the incubation medium stimulated glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids in the maize-oil (P < 0.01) and fish-oil groups (P < OW), as well as into hepatic triacylglycerol in the maize-oil group (P < 0.005). In addition, the fish-oil diet decreased postprandial plasma triacylglycerol levels compared with both other dietary groups (P < 0-05 both cases), and the mixed-oil diet markedly increased postprandial plasma insulin levels compared with the other dietary groups (P c 0.001).


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We report a clear transition through a reconnection layer at the low-latitude magnetopause which shows a complete traversal across all reconnected field lines during northwestward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. The associated plasma populations confirm details of the electron and ion mixing and the time history and acceleration through the current layer. This case has low magnetic shear with a strong guide field and the reconnection layer contains a single density depletion layer on the magnetosheath side which we suggest results from nearly field-aligned magnetosheath flows. Within the reconnection boundary layer, there are two plasma boundaries, close to the inferred separatrices on the magnetosphere and magnetosheath sides (Ssp and Ssh) and two boundaries associated with the Alfvén waves (or Rotational Discontinuities, RDsp and RDsh). The data are consistent with these being launched from the reconnection site and the plasma distributions are well ordered and suggestive of the time elapsed since reconnection of the field lines observed. In each sub-layer between the boundaries the plasma distribution is different and is centered around the current sheet, responsible for magnetosheath acceleration. We show evidence for a velocity dispersion effect in the electron anisotropy that is consistent with the time elapsed since reconnection. In addition, new evidence is presented for the occurrence of partial reflection of magnetosheath electrons at the magnetopause current layer.


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A great deal of work recently has focused on suspended and bedload sediment transport, driven primarily by interest in contaminant transfer. However, uncertainties regarding the role of storm events, macrophyte beds and interactions between the two phases of sediment still exist. This paper compares two study sites within the same catchment whose geology varies significantly. The differences in hydrology, suspended sediment (SS) transport and bed load transport that this causes are examined. In addition, a method to predict the mobilization of different size fractions of sediment during given flows is investigated using critical entrainment thresholds.