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The thesis deals with the patch loading of I-girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. The configuration with two longitudinal stiffeners is often an excellent solution for beams of higher than 3 meters but has not yet been discussed in EN 1993-1-5. It is proposed a model of resistance harmonized with the methods used in Eurocodes for the other problems of buckling. The model contains three significant parts: the yield resistance, the elastic critical load used to determine the slenderness parameter and a reduction factor that relates the resistance to the slenderness. The thesis is structured into eight chapters, in addition to Preface and Table of Contents. Chapter 3 is a list of all symbols used. Chapter 4 presents a review of earlier works. Chapter 5 details the experimental investigations conducted by Gozzi (2007) on three samples without longitudinal stiffeners. Due to the difficulty of completing a personal physical model testing during the doctorate, it was decided to carefully study the laboratory work by Gozzi and use it as a basis for the calibration of the numerical study. In Chapter 6 is presented the first part of the numerical study. At this stage, the laboratory tests conducted by Gozzi have been reproduced through a finite element model. It is observed a good agreement of numerical results with test data. In Chapter 7 summarizes the results of numerical analysis of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 8 presents the procedure proposed for calculating the ultimate patch loading resistance of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 9 contains a summary of work done in this thesis with suggestions for the most important issues for future development. Chapter 10 lists the references. There are also three appendices with test data by Gozzi and data obtained from literature.


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As land is developed, the impervious surfaces that are created increase the amount of runoff during rainfall events, disrupting the natural hydrologic cycle, with an increment in volume of runoff and in pollutant loadings. Pollutants deposited or derived from an activity on the land surface will likely end up in stormwater runoff in some concentration, such as nutrients, sediment, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, gasoline additives, pathogens, deicers, herbicides and pesticides. Several of these pollutants are particulate-bound, so it appears clear that sediment removal can provide significant water-quality improvements and it appears to be important the knowledge of the ability of stromwater treatment devices to retain particulate matter. For this reason three different units which remove sediments have been tested through laboratory. In particular a roadside gully pot has been tested under steady hydraulic conditions, varying the characteristics of the influent solids (diameter, particle size distribution and specific gravity). The efficiency in terms of particles retained has been evaluated as a function of influent flow rate and particles characteristics; results have been compared to efficiency evaluated applying an overflow rate model. Furthermore the role of particles settling velocity in efficiency determination has been investigated. After the experimental runs on the gully pot, a standard full-scale model of an hydrodynamic separator (HS) has been tested under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results presented in this study illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by operating flow rate, which strongly affects the particles and hydraulic residence time of the system. The efficiency data have been compared to results obtained from a modified overflow rate model; moreover the residence time distribution has been experimentally determined through tracer analyses for several steady flow rates. Finally three testing experiments have been performed for two different configurations of a full-scale model of a clarifier (linear and crenulated) under unsteady influent flow rate condition, and constant solid concentration at the input. The results illustrate that particle separation efficiency of the unit is predominately influenced by the configuration of the unit itself. Turbidity measures have been used to compare turbidity with the suspended sediments concentration, in order to find a correlation between these two values, which can allow to have a measure of the sediments concentration simply installing a turbidity probe.


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Scopo dell’elaborato risulta l’analisi del rapporto tra atto politico e motivazione politica. Partendo da una ricostruzione storica, l’obiettivo del lavoro è mettere in luce i profili problematici ed i riflessi che l’atto politico – tema apparentemente sopito tanto a livello dottrinale, quanto giurisprudenziale - ricomincia, soprattutto grazie a un certo numero di recenti pronunce dei giudici amministrativi, ad avere, fornendo nuovi spunti di riflessione. Proprio questa nuova tendenza giurisprudenziale, diventa l’oggetto di analisi del terzo capitolo. In esso si esamina il repertorio di casistica giurisprudenziale in materia di atti di alta amministrazione. In breve, tale capitolo viene orientato all’esame di tutte quelle tipologie di atti emergenti dalla valutazione caso per caso effettuata dalla giurisprudenza che, nel tempo, sono state fatte rientrare nel novero degli atti di alta amministrazione, al fine di mettere in evidenza la necessità di un riequilibrio della categoria dell’atto di alta amministrazione, che ormai sembra non apparire più rispondente alla ratio della sua previsione, verso l’emersione di una nuova categoria: il provvedimento amministrativo a motivazione politica. In particolare, si sostiene come non si possano ritenere rientranti tra gli atti di alta amministrazione quegli atti a carattere puntuale a motivazione politica, cioè sorretti da ragioni di fiduciarietà politica, quali, ad esempio, le nomine di carattere fiduciario, strettamente informate dalla contingenza politica. Evidentemente, se tale base giustificativa costituisce la ratio sottesa alla legittimità di tali nomine, non si comprende la ragione per cui l’atto di revoca degli incarichi derivanti da tali nomine sia sottoposto ad un sindacato di ragionevolezza cui sfugge la nomina stessa da cui origina. Ed allora non può non ammettersi che anche l’atto di revoca possa essere sorretto da una motivazione politica perché, altrimenti, perderebbe ragione d’essere anche la nomina stessa. La corrispondenza di disciplina tra nomina e revoca si renderebbe necessaria in quanto, in caso contrario, risulterebbero vanificate fin dall’inizio le esigenze garantiste da assicurare ai singoli e si rischierebbe di bloccare il corretto esercizio della funzione di governo. Si propone, allora, la prospettazione della nuova categoria del provvedimento amministrativo a motivazione politica come quella categoria che, contraddistinta dal carattere della fiduciarietà, venga in soccorso agli organi politici per un recupero effettivo del loro ruolo senza impingere con le esigenze di tutela dei singoli. L’ultimo capitolo della tesi, quindi, si incentra su “Il provvedimento a motivazione politica: una nuova categoria della politicità”. Si tenta di ricostruirne il particolare regime di disciplina, mettendo in evidenza i limiti e le deroghe alle previsioni della l. n. 241/1990, nonchè la peculiarietà di ritenere integrato il requisito della motivazione nella forma del “venir meno della fiducia”. Scopo dell’ultima parte del lavoro diviene, quindi, quello di comprendere quale volto assume la politicità degli atti nell’ordinamento contemporaneo. Si ipotizzano, infatti, tre facce della politicità degli atti, dislocate su tre diversi livelli: atto politico, atto di alta amministrazione e provvedimento amministrativo a motivazione politica.


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This work is dedicated to the study of damaging phenomena involving reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings and the consequences in terms of structural performances decay. In the Italian context there are many examples of structures that have already exceeded their service life, considering not only the ancient buildings but also infrastructures and R/C buildings that today are operating from more than 50th years. Climate change which is subject to the entire planet, with changing in seasonal weather and increasing in environmental pollution, is not excluded could have a harmful influence on the rate of building materials decay previously deemed as durables. If the aggressive input changes very fast, for example in a few decades, then it can also change the response of a construction material considered so far durable; in this way the knowledge about the art of good build, consolidated over the centuries, is thwarted. Hence this study is focused on the possibility to define the residual capacity for vertical or seismic loads for structures that are already at the limit of their service life, or for which is impossible to define a service life. The problem in an analysis of this kind, and that is what makes this research different from the main studies avaibles in the literature, is to keep in correlation – in a not so expensive computationally way – issues such as: - dangerous environmental inputs adequately simulated; - environmental conditions favorable to the spread of pollutants and development of the degradation reactions (decay’s speed); - link between environmental degradation and residual bearing capacity A more realistic assessment of materials residual performances that constitute the structure allows to leave the actual system for the residual load-bearing capacity estimation in which all factors are simply considered through the use of a safety factor on the materials properties.


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The aim of this study was to develop a model capable to capture the different contributions which characterize the nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. In particular, especially for non slender structures, the contribution to the nonlinear deformation due to bending may be not sufficient to determine the structural response. Two different models characterized by a fibre beam-column element are here proposed. These models can reproduce the flexure-shear interaction in the nonlinear range, with the purpose to improve the analysis in shear-critical structures. The first element discussed is based on flexibility formulation which is associated with the Modified Compression Field Theory as material constitutive law. The other model described in this thesis is based on a three-field variational formulation which is associated with a 3D generalized plastic-damage model as constitutive relationship. The first model proposed in this thesis was developed trying to combine a fibre beamcolumn element based on the flexibility formulation with the MCFT theory as constitutive relationship. The flexibility formulation, in fact, seems to be particularly effective for analysis in the nonlinear field. Just the coupling between the fibre element to model the structure and the shear panel to model the individual fibres allows to describe the nonlinear response associated to flexure and shear, and especially their interaction in the nonlinear field. The model was implemented in an original matlab® computer code, for describing the response of generic structures. The simulations carried out allowed to verify the field of working of the model. Comparisons with available experimental results related to reinforced concrete shears wall were performed in order to validate the model. These results are characterized by the peculiarity of distinguishing the different contributions due to flexure and shear separately. The presented simulations were carried out, in particular, for monotonic loading. The model was tested also through numerical comparisons with other computer programs. Finally it was applied for performing a numerical study on the influence of the nonlinear shear response for non slender reinforced concrete (RC) members. Another approach to the problem has been studied during a period of research at the University of California Berkeley. The beam formulation follows the assumptions of the Timoshenko shear beam theory for the displacement field, and uses a three-field variational formulation in the derivation of the element response. A generalized plasticity model is implemented for structural steel and a 3D plastic-damage model is used for the simulation of concrete. The transverse normal stress is used to satisfy the transverse equilibrium equations of at each control section, this criterion is also used for the condensation of degrees of freedom from the 3D constitutive material to a beam element. In this thesis is presented the beam formulation and the constitutive relationships, different analysis and comparisons are still carrying out between the two model presented.


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Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years that a group of people born in the same year should live. The estimate for those born in 2010 is 80.2 years for Italy. On the other side of the chart are a number of countries in sub Saharan Africa. Haiti is in last place: children born in this country in 2010 have a life expectancy by an average of even 30 years, fifty in less than peers born in Italy. From a bioethical point of view, the first question that arises is: Is it right? Is it right that there is such inequality in health? The answer is simple: it is not right. But if we ask ourselves what are the best solution to remedy this situation, the answers become more than one. The differences in life expectancy depends on many factors, including no doubt the effectiveness of health systems. The scope of this work is precisely that of justice in health care and how the different general concepts related to it can be applied in health care settings with very limited financial and human resources. The first chapter describes the main inequalities in global health. The second discusses the main theories of justice. In the next chapter we reason on official development assistance and health cooperation. In the fourth we analyze the contribution of theories of justice through such issues as equity in health, the right of access to health services and right to health. In the fifth chapter the aim is to reason about global justice, the role of health in this context and how the official development assistance in health can contribute.


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In this work, I argue that administrative discretional decision-making, achieving a public interest to protect, is an evaluation process that occurs through the reasonable and proportional comparison of several private (secondary) interests conflicting with a single public (primary) interest. I suggest that the dynamics of weighing competing interests are similar to the procedure for balancing constitutional rights. Thus, drawing on Robert Alexy's constitutional balancing model, I propose a model that is applicable to discretionary administrative decisions, in which the outcome of the proportional weighing of secondary interests works as a "moderation factor" for the primary interest. In my model, the outcomes of the discretional process can be converted into numerical values, simplifying decision consistency so as to make it simple, complete and reasonable at the same time.


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Fino a non molto tempo fa vi erano linee di riflessione che tendevano a considerare la bioetica come una disciplina sostanzialmente attinente alla sfera privata della coscienza individuale degli operatori direttamente coinvolti e perciò non direttamente connessa a questioni di organizzazione complessiva della società pubblica. Nel corso del tempo la prospettiva si è progressivamente evoluta, dal momento che le questioni bioetiche sollevano molti interrogativi di carattere etico, deontologico e giuridico, divenendo così oggetto di riflessione anche sul versante sociale e politico: potremmo parlare, in altri termini, di biopolitica e biodiritto. Infatti il legislatore è spesso chiamato ad esprimersi su questioni sollevate da “casi” bioeticamente significativi e dovrebbe poterlo fare con cognizione di causa. Il dibattito sulle “Dichiarazioni Anticipate di Trattamento” rappresenta una di tali questioni. Molte e diverse sono le denominazioni utilizzate per indicare lo strumento atto a manifestare le scelte di fine vita. Tutte, però, fanno riferimento ad un documento scritto, contenente le indicazioni espresse da una persona sana e capace di intendere e di volere, avente per oggetto i trattamenti sanitari e assistenziali che si vogliono o non si vogliono ricevere nell’ipotesi in cui, a causa di una malattia grave, inguaribile o di un evento traumatico, tale persona si venisse a trovare in uno stato di incapacità di intendere e di volere. Dietro la diversa terminologia utilizzata, si evidenziano difficoltà di diversa natura: il riferimento alla libertà del singolo e al suo diritto di autodeterminazione, l’ampio concetto di salute, il principio dell’uguaglianza, la nozione di dignità, la questione dell’obiezione di coscienza. L'idea di affrontare questo tema nasce dal desiderio di approfondire uno degli aspetti maggiormente discussi nel settore delle scelte di fine vita; di riflettere sulla legittimità e sulla reale utilità di uno strumento come le DAT; di indagare la reale situazione intorno alle tematiche di fine vita.


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The transformation of legislative processes in the Information society: from eLegislation to eParliament This research analyzes, by means of an interdisciplinary and comparative approach, the transformation of legislative processes produced by the introduction of new ICT technologies. The use of ICT in support of parliamentary activities is concerned with efficiency of parliamentary process and aims at more transparent procedures, improved access to documents, social participation and cooperation among institutions. With ICT Parliaments are now able to improve their efficiency and optimize their business; they can advance the dialogue with their citizen both, through the real access and the effective availability of information and, through new way of participation in the democratic process. Finally, sharing information, know-out, best practices and other records, Parliaments will be able to develop new information and knowledge and to strengthen the role and power of Institutions. Only through a global vision of the full process, re-thinking and develop rules and uniform standard and so implementing the new opportunities carrying out by ICT, it will be possible to put in practice concrete eParliament results. The Research goals are at least three: 1. To Analysed the legislative process and the ICT opportunities to understand the impact of the latter on the former. In particular to check up the problems that ICT can raise in relation of the constitutional principles ensuring the process itself. 2. To realized an abstract model representing the legislative process regardless of the form of government, chambers composition, legal system, etc. 3. To suggest standard, structural, linguistic and ontological, able to implement the new opportunities of sharing, cooperation and reuse among the many and various stakeholders of the democratic/legislative view.


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La prima nascita dopo una fecondazione in vitro con ovociti donati è avvenuta in Australia nel 1983. La donazione di ovuli (chiamati anche ovociti o oociti), è una tecnica di riproduzione assistita, mediante la quale l’ovulo è fornito da una donna (donatrice), distinta da quella che riceverà (ricevente) l’embrione, risultante dall’ovulo donato e lo spermatozoo fornito dal compagno maschile o da un altro donatore. La procreazione medicalmente assistita con ovuli donati, ha dimostrato di essere una tecnica molto efficace per molte coppie in cui la donna ha scarse o nessuna probabilità di concepire per diversi motivi che verranno trattati nella tesi. L’utilizzo di ovuli da donatrice non risolve la causa primaria, ma a tutt’oggi è l’unica soluzione al desiderio di avere figli da parte delle coppie in cui sono presenti delle alterazioni ovocitarie. La procreazione con donazione di gameti, interpretata dalla legge 40/2004 come procreazione eterologa, è vietata in Italia, quindi le coppie italiane che attualmente desiderano procreare facendo ricorso alla fecondazione con donazione di ovociti, devono recarsi all’estero.


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The question “artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) is therapy or not?” is one of the key point of end-of-life issues in Italy, since it was (and it is also nowadays) a strategic and crucial point of the Italian Bioethics discussion about the last phases of human life: determining if ANH is therapy implies the possibility of being included in the list of treatments that could be mentioned for refusal within the living will document. But who is entitled to decide and judge if ANH is a therapy or not? Scientists? The Legislator? Judges? Patients? This issue at first sight seems just a matter of science, but at stake there is more than a scientific definition. According to several scholars, we are in the era of post-academic Science, in which Science broaden discussion, production, negotation and decision to other social groups that are not just the scientific communities. In this process, called co-production, on one hand scientific knowledge derives from the interaction between scientists and society at large. On the other hand, science is functional to co-production of social order. The continuous negotation on which science has to be used in social decisions is just the evidence of the mirroring negotation for different way to structure and interpret society. Thus, in the interaction between Science and Law, deciding what kind of Science could be suitable for a specific kind of Law, envisages a well defined idea of society behind this choice. I have analysed both the legislative path (still in progress) in the living will act production in Italy and Eluana Englaro’s judicial case (that somehow collapsed in the living will act negotiation), using official documents (hearings, texts of the official conference, committees comments and ruling texts) and interviewing key actors in the two processes from the science communication point of view (who talks in the name of science? Who defines what is a therapy? And how do they do?), finding support on the theoretical framework of the Science&Technologies Studies (S&TS).


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