987 resultados para hosts


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L’infection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une activation chronique du système immunitaire et par une réduction graduelle du nombre de lymphocytes TCD4+, qui contribuent à une détérioration lente du système immunitaire menant à la phase SIDA. Paradoxalement, ce sont majoritairement des lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés qui sont détruits et la cause de ce phénomène reste encore inconnue. Certaines protéines virales, dont la protéine accessoire Vpr, sont soupçonnées de jouer un rôle dans ce processus. Synthétisée tardivement, Vpr est incorporée à l’intérieur des virions, en plus d’être relâchée sous forme soluble dans le milieu extracellulaire. La principale fonction biologique de Vpr est l’induction d’un arrêt de cycle en phase G2/M, via le recrutement du complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase CUL4A-DDB1VprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN contrôlée par la kinase ATR. Une étude démontre que l’activation des voies de dommages à l’ADN conduit à l’expression de ligands du récepteur activateur NKG2D, exprimés par les cellules NK, déclenchant leurs fonctions cytolytiques. Chose intéressante, plusieurs études suggèrent que le VIH-1 régule positivement l’expression des ligands de NKG2D à la surface des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés. Cependant, le facteur viral impliqué dans ce processus reste encore indéfini. Le but de cette thèse était d’évaluer le rôle de Vpr dans la modulation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK et son implication potentielle dans la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+. Nos travaux ont permis de démontrer que l’expression de Vpr, seule ou dans le contexte de l’infection, est suffisante afin d’augmenter spécifiquement l’expression du ligand de NKG2D, ULBP2, au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires. Conséquemment, Vpr augmente ainsi la susceptibilité de ces cellules à une lyse par des cellules NK autologues. Nous démontrons que cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 repose sur la capacité de Vpr de recruter le complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase DDB1-CUL4AVprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN ATR. Plus important encore, nous apportons des preuves que Vpr augmente également l’expression d’ULBP2 au niveau des cellules non infectées lors d’une infection de lymphocytes TCD4+ par le VIH-1. À cet effet, nous montrons que l’acheminement de Vpr au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés via des particules virales défectives est suffisant afin de réguler positivement ULBP2 et d’augmenter leur lyse par des cellules NK autologues. De plus, nous décrivons pour la première fois que Vpr, sous forme soluble, a la capacité d’induire des dommages à l’ADN et de réguler positivement ULBP2 suite à la transduction de différents types cellulaires, incluant des cellules T. Globalement, nos résultats démontrent que Vpr est un facteur viral clé impliqué dans la régulation positive des ligands de NKG2D induite par le VIH-1. Cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 pourrait alors contribuer à la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés et non infectés via l’activation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK. Une meilleure compréhension de la contribution de cette activité de Vpr dans la pathogenèse du VIH-1 a le potentiel de permettre le développement de nouvelles cibles ou stratégies thérapeutiques contre le VIH-1.


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Depuis les années 90, les études réalisées au Canada ont permis d’identifier de nouvelles zones endémiques de l’agent de la maladie de Lyme, Borrelia burgdorferi, ou de sa tique vectrice, Ixodes scapularis. Ces régions représentent des zones privilégiées pour étudier le cycle de transmission dans son contexte environnemental. L’objectif principal de ce projet est d’étudier les relations spirochètes – tiques - hôtes et les facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans le cycle de transmission à partir des données du vecteur et de l’agent pathogène recueilli dans le Sud-Ouest du Québec de 2007 à 2008. Tout d’abord sera décrite la saisonnalité des tiques et des associations entre le vecteur et les hôtes rongeurs capturés. En effet, l’identification de la saisonnalité spécifique à chaque stade de la tique I. scapularis permet d’établir quels seront les mois propices pour effectuer les futures collectes de tiques. La saisonnalité synchrone des tiques immatures en quête peut également être un indicateur de la nature ou des souches de B. burgdorferi retrouvées. L’association des tiques immatures à différentes espèces ou à différentes classes d’hôtes (c.-à-d. âge, sexe, statut reproductif) a également été explorée. Nos résultats montrent que les souris du genre Peromyscus, principalement les mâles adultes, contribuent significativement à la survie et au développement du complexe I. scapularis - B. burgdorferi. Les tamias et les écureuils contribuent aussi à la survie et au développement des populations de la tique I. scapularis. Ensuite les associations entre le vecteur et les hôtes cervidés ont été examinées en tenant compte des facteurs environnementaux associés à leur niveau d’infestation. Ceci a permis d’évaluer l’utilisation des cerfs à titre de sentinelles pour le vecteur et les agents pathogènes. D’après nos résultats, bien qu’ils soient des sentinelles efficaces pour détecter Anaplasma phagocytophilum, les cerfs semblent des sentinelles inefficaces pour détecter les zones d’établissement du complexe I. scapularis-B. burgdorferi. Enfin, une analyse de l’impact de la diversité des hôtes et de l’habitat sur l’abondance de la tique I. scapularis et la prévalence de B. burgdorferi a été effectuée et ce, en tenant compte d’autres facteurs environnementaux. Ces analyses ont permis de déterminer les facteurs critiques pour l’établissement du complexe I. scapularis – B. burgdorferi et d’explorer la contribution relative de diverses espèces d’hôtes. D’après nos études, la diversité de la communauté d’hôte et la diversité de l’habitat influencent le complexe I. scapularis - B. burgdorferi. De plus, le climat (la température et les précipitations) joue un rôle significatif dans l’établissement, la survie et le développement des populations d’I. scapularis. Ce projet de recherche a permis d’explorer et d’identifier divers facteurs environnementaux biotiques et abiotiques influençant l’établissement du complexe I. scapularis - B. burgdorferi dans le Sud-Ouest du Québec. Ceux-ci pourraient être utilisés à titre d’indicateurs environnementaux du risque de la maladie de Lyme au Québec et possiblement ailleurs au Canada.


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Plusieurs recherches sont effectuées sur la laitue commercialisée (Lactuca sativa L.), afin d’améliorer sa résistance aux ravageurs. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner les impacts de la résistance de la laitue sur le puceron de la laitue, Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) (Hemiptera : Aphididae) et son parasitoïde, Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). La résistance de la laitue affecte négativement la valeur adaptative du puceron en augmentant sa mortalité et son temps de développement et en diminuant sa fécondité, sa taille et son poids. Cet impact sur la valeur adaptative du puceron affecte aussi négativement le parasitoïde qui s'y développe en diminuant le pourcentage d’émergence, la taille et le poids des adultes, et en diminuant la fécondité des femelles. La femelle parasitoïde estime de manière absolue la qualité de ses hôtes puisqu’elle peut discriminer entre des hôtes de bonne et de faible qualité, sans expérience préalable. L’acceptation des hôtes de bonne qualité est similaire lorsqu’ils sont présentés successivement à la femelle; l’estimation de la valeur des hôtes est donc adéquate dès la première rencontre. Cependant, cet estimé absolu est modifié par l'expérience, puisque la femelle peut changer son exploitation selon la qualité des agrégats rencontrés. Lorsque des hôtes de basse qualité sont présentés successivement, l’acceptation de la femelle augmente. Accepter des hôtes de mauvaise qualité pour l’oviposition peut être préférable que de risquer de ne pas pondre tous ses œufs. L’utilisation d’une estimation absolue et relative par A. ervi peut mener à une exploitation optimale des agrégats.


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Les femelles parasitoïdes exploitant un agrégat d’hôtes doivent ajuster leurs comportements en fonction des facteurs environnementaux auxquels elles sont soumises, dont la présence de compétiteurs dans l’environnement. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer les impacts de la compétition sur les stratégies d’exploitation d’agrégats chez deux espèces de parasitoïdes non agressives. Les espèces Trichogramma pintoi et T. minutum (Hymenoptera : Trichogrammatidae), des parasitoïdes d’œufs de lépidoptères, furent utilisées et leurs temps de résidence dans l’agrégat, leurs mécanismes de prise de décision et le sexe des descendants alloués furent mesurés en l'absence de compétition et en situation de compétition directe et indirecte, intra- et interspécifique. Trichogramma pintoi privilégie une stratégie générale basée uniquement sur la qualité perçue de l’agrégat. À l’inverse, T. minutum privilégie une stratégie adaptée au type de la compétition (directe ou indirecte) et à la nature des compétiteurs (intra ou interspécifiques), sans égards à la qualité de l’agrégat. La distinction de ces deux stratégies amène des perspectives de recherche intéressantes sur les impacts de la compétition à l’échelle du paysage, et est d’un intérêt certain pour ceux voulant améliorer l’efficacité des programmes et des élevages de masse utilisés en lutte biologique.


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La transplantation allogénique de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (ASCT) est couramment utilisée pour traiter différents cancers hématologiques. Malheureusement, l’effet bénéfique de cette technique est limité par la réaction du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) qui demeure la cause principale de mortalité post-greffe. La GVHD endommage différents organes et retarde la reconstitution immunitaire des lymphocytes T (LT) ce qui augmente les risques d’infection et de rechute. Le développement de nouveaux traitements permettant d’accélérer la reconstitution immunitaire augmenterait donc les chances de survie des patients greffés. Il existe deux façons de régénérer des LT: via la thymopoïèse qui consiste à produire de nouveaux LT, ou par la prolifération homéostatique (PH) qui implique l’expansion rapide des LT matures retrouvés dans le greffon. La PH requiert deux signaux essentiels: l’interleukine-7 (IL-7) et la présentation d’antigènes du soi par les cellules dendritiques (DC) via le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) I pour les LT CD8+ et le CMH II pour les LT CD4+. Dans un contexte d’ASCT, la chimiothérapie et la GVHD endommagent le thymus rendant la thymopoïèse inefficace. Par conséquent, la reconstitution immunitaire repose presque entièrement sur la PH des LT. L’objectif de cette thèse était de comprendre comment la GVHD affecte la reconstitution des LT. Grâce à un modèle murin, nous avons démontré que la PH des LT CD4+ est absente durant la GVHD et ce, dû à de faibles niveaux d’IL-7 et une diminution du nombre de DC. La perte des DC est en grande partie causée par des niveaux réduits de stromal derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) et par l’absence de progéniteurs de DC dans la moelle osseuse des souris en GVHD. Le traitement des souris en GVHD avec du SDF-1α permet d’augmenter le nombre de DC, et lorsqu’administré avec l’IL-7, améliore significativement la PH des LT CD4+. Contrairement aux LT CD4+, l’administration d’IL-7 seule est suffisante pour restaurer la PH des LT CD8+ durant la GVHD et ce, même en absence des DC. Ces différences s’expliquent pour deux raisons : 1) l’expression du CMH I, contrairement au CMH II, n’est pas limitée aux DC mais est également exprimée par les cellules stromales du receveur ce qui est suffisant pour induire la PH des LT CD8+ et 2) les LT CD8+ répondent à des concentrations plus faibles d’IL-7 systémique comparativement aux LT CD4+. En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats permettra de mettre en place des études translationnelles sur le potentiel thérapeutique du SDF-1α et de l’IL-7 dans la reconstitution immunitaire des patients greffés.


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The temperate, filamentous phage ФMV -5 isolated from Mangalavanam mangrove of Kochi, using the environmental strain of Vibrio sp. MV-5 shares many similar properties with other marine phage isolates, while also remaining unique. The study has revealed that the interaction of temperate phages and the microbial population in the marine environment may contribute significantly to microbial genetic diversity and composition by conversion and transduction and which requires greater study.Prophages contribute a substantial share of the mobile DNA of their bacterial hosts and seem to influence the short-term evolution of pathogenic bacteria. Automated methods for systematic investigation of prophages and other mobile DNA elements in the available bacterial genome sequences will be necessary to understand their role in bacterial genome evolution. In the past, phages were mainly investigated as the simplest model systems in molecular biology. Now it is increasingly realized that phage research will be instrumental in the understanding of bacterial abundance in the environment. One can predict that phage research will impact diverse areas such as geochemistry and medicine. Success will largely depend on integrative multidisciplinary approaches in this field. Clearly, further studies are required to understand how vibriophages interact with Vibrios to promote this organism's acquisition of the critical genes which alter its virulence or adaptation to its environmental niche.It is evident from this study and comparison with those reports cited above that vibriophage ФMV-5 is a previously unreported bacteriophage. It is recommended that the minimum requirement for reporting a new phage should be novel morphological markers and a description of host range, both of which have been achieved in this study.


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The beta-glucosidase enzyme purified from the marine fungus, Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 showed a good yield of enzyme production under solid state fermentation. The statistical optimization of the media components revealed that moisture content, concentration of peptone and inoculum are the major parameters which supported the maximal enzyme production. The purified enzyme showed low pH activity and stability, glucose tolerance and activation by ethanol. It could produce ethanol from wheat bran and rice straw by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with yeast.The glucosidase purified from Aspergillus sydowii BTMFS 55 shows great potential for several biotechnological applications such as the production of bio-ethanol from agricultural biomass and improvement in the aromatic character of wines and fruit juices through the hydrolysis of flavour glucosidic precursors. There is immense scope for the application of this marine fungus in the biofuel production besides in other industries provided further studies are pursued in exploiting this enzyme and the organism particularly scale up studies with respect to application. There is also ample scope for cloning of the gene encoding beta-glucosidase in domesticated hosts such as Pichia pastoris or S. cerevisiae that can produce ethanol directly from cellulosic biomass.


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The world demand for fish and fishery products is increasing steadily and it is generally accepted that it will not be possible to meet the heavy demand with resources exploited from capture fishery alone. Now aquaculture is well established and fastdeveloping industry in many countries and is a major focus sector for development. During recent decades, aquaculture has gained momentum, throughout the world especially in developing countries. According to Food and Agricultural Oganisation (FAO, 2000), global aquaculture production was 26.38 tones in 1996 have reached 32.9 million tonnes during 1999. Only marine aquaculture sector has contributed 13.1 million tonnes during 1999.India is a major fish producing country. About one half of lndia’s brackish water lands are currently being utilized for farming in order to reduce the gap between supply and demand for fish. Aquaculture has become a major source of livelihood for people and its role in integrated rural development, generation of employment and earning foreign exchange, thereby alleviating poverty is being greatly appreciated around the world.Among the infectious agents, bacteria are becoming the prime causal organisms for diseases in food fishes and other marine animals. Sindermann, (1970) reported that bacterial fish pathogen most commonly found among marine fishes is species of Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Mycobacterium. These can be categorized into primary pathogens; secondary invaders that may cause systemic disease in immunocompromised hosts; and normal marine flora which are not pathogenic but may occur on body surfaces or even within the tissues of the host. I-Iigh density of animals in hatchery tanks and ponds is conducive to the spread of pathogen and the aquatic environment with regular application of protein rich feed, is ideal for culturing bacteria. Bacteria, which are normally present in seawater or on the surface of fish, can invade and cause pathological effects in fishes, which are injured or subjected to other environmental stresses.Mycobacteria except parasites are known as nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), atypical mycobacteria or mycobacteria other than tuberculosis(MO'l'l"). This group of mycobacteria includes opportunistic pathogens and saprophytes. Environmental mycobacteria are ubiquitous in distribution and the sources may include soil, water, warm-blooded as well as cold-blooded animals. Disease caused by environmental mycobacterial strains in susceptible humans (Goslee & Wolinsky, 1976; Grange, 1987), animals and fishes are increasingly attracting attention. Greatest importance of environmental mycobacteria is believed to be their role in immunological priming of humans and animals, thereby modifying their immune responses to subsequent exposure to pathogenic species.


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Spike disease in sandal is generally diagnosed by the manifestation of external symptoms. Attempts have been made to detect the diseased plants by determining the length/breadth ratio of leaves (lyengar, 1961) and histochemical tests using Mann's stain (Parthasarathi et al., 1966), Dienes' stain (Ananthapadmanabha et a/., 1973) aniline blue and Hoechst 33258 (Ghosh et a/., 1985, Rangaswamy, 1995). But most of these techniques are insensitive, indirect detection methods leading to misinterpretation of results. Moreover, to identify disease resistant sandal trees, highly sensitive techniques are needed to detect the presence of the pathogen. In sandal forests, several host plants of sandal like Zizyphus oenop/ea (Fig. 1.3) also exhibit the yellows type disease symptoms. Immunological and molecular assays have to be developed to confirm the presence of sandal spike phytoplasma in such hosts. The major objectives of the present work includes:In situ detection of sandal spike phytoplasma by epifluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.,Purification of sandal spike phytoplasma and production of polyclonal antibodies.,Amino acid and total protein estimation of sandal spike phytoplasma.,Immunological detection of sandal spike phytoplasma., Molecular detection of sandal spike phytoplasma.,Screening for phytoplasma in host plants of spike disease affected sandal using immunological and molecular techniques.


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The advent of high optical quality transparent nano—structured glasses, the so-called transparent glass ceramics or vitroceramics disclosed the possibility of producing nano-sized photonic devices based on rare-earth doped up—converters. Transparent glass ceramics have been investigated as hosts for lanthanide ions envisioning the production of materials that are easy to shape and with high performance for photonic applications. Rare earth doped glasses have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optical devices such as solid state lasers and optical fibers. Various photothermal and optical techniques have been successfully applied for the thermal and optical characterization of these rare earth doped materials. In the present thesis, the effective thermal parameters like thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of complex materials for various applications have been investigated using photothermal methods along with their optical characterization utilising the common optical absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. These sensitive optical procedures are also essential for exploiting these materials for further photonic applications.


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Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food sectors in the world. Amongst the various branches of aquaculture, shrimp culture has expanded rapidly across the globe because of its faster growth rate, short culture period, high export value and demand in the International market. Indian shrimp farming has experienced phenomenal development over the decades due to its excellent commercial viability. Farmers have adopted a number of innovative technologies to improve the production and to maximize the returns per unit area. The culture methods adopted can be classified in to extensive, modified extensive and semi intensive based on the management strategies adopted in terms of pond size, stocking density, feeding and environmental control. In all these systems water exchanges through the natural tidal effects, or pump fed either from creek or from estuaries is a common practice. In all the cases, the systems are prone to epizootics due to the pathogen introduction through the incoming water, either brought by vectors, reservoir hosts, infected tissue debris and free pathogens themselves. In this scenario, measures to prevent the introduction of pathogen have become a necessity to protect the crop from the onslaught of diseases as well as to prevent the discharge of waste water in to the culture environment.The present thesis deals with Standardization of bioremediation technology for zero water exchange shrimp culture system


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The present study is mainly concéntrated on the visible fluorescence of Ho3+ ,nd 3+ and Er 3+rare earths in alkaline earth fluoride hosts(caF2,srF2,BaF2) using a nitrogen laser excitation. A nitrogen laser was fabricated and its parametric studies were first carried out.


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The great number of parasitic species of marine and brackishwater animals that have been described indicates that parasites play an important part in the ecology of the oceans and brackishwaters. Jnspite of their importance, marine and brackish parasites are probably the least known group of organisms. Considering the large number of marine and brackishwater hosts, especially in the tropics, it is no exaggeration to say that the description of marine and brackishwater parasites has hardly begun (Rohde, 1982). With this view in mind, an attempt has been made to study the ecobiology of the helminth parasites of finfishes and shellfishes of eochin waters with special reference to digenetic trematodes. The work is broadly divided into three chapters, Chapter 1 consists of a description of the study area, prevalence of infection and concurrent infections with helminth parasites, seasonal variation, host specificity> and zoogeography of digenetic trematodes; Chapter II deals with the systematics of digenetic trematodes; and Chapter III deals with studies on larval trematodes from molluscs and crustacea, adult from a molluscan host, life-cycle, biology and histopathology


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The resurgence of the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae, the causative organism of epidemic cholera, remains a major health problem in many developing countries like India. The southern Indian state of Kerala is endemic to cholera. The outbreaks of cholera follow a seasonal pattern in regions of endemicity. Marine aquaculture settings and mangrove environments of Kerala serve as reservoirs for V. cholerae. The non-O1/non-O139 environmental isolates of V. cholerae with incomplete ‘virulence casette’ are to be dealt with caution as they constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes in the marine environment and play a crucial role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer. The genes coding cholera toxin are borne on, and can be infectiously transmitted by CTXΦ, a filamentous lysogenic vibriophages. Temperate phages can provide crucial virulence and fitness factors affecting cell metabolism, bacterial adhesion, colonization, immunity, antibiotic resistance and serum resistance. The present study was an attempt to screen the marine environments like aquafarms and mangroves of coastal areas of Alappuzha and Cochin, Kerala for the presence of lysogenic V. cholerae, to study their pathogenicity and also gene transfer potential. Phenotypic and molecular methods were used for identification of isolates as V. cholerae. The thirty one isolates which were Gram negative, oxidase positive, fermentative, with or without gas production on MOF media and which showed yellow coloured colonies on TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose) agar were segregated as vibrios. Twenty two environmental V. cholerae strains of both O1 and non- O1/non-O139 serogroups on induction with mitomycin C showed the presence of lysogenic phages. They produced characteristic turbid plaques in double agar overlay assay using the indicator strain V. cholerae El Tor MAK 757. PCR based molecular typing with primers targeting specific conserved sequences in the bacterial genome, demonstrated genetic diversity among these lysogen containing non-O1 V. cholerae . Polymerase chain reaction was also employed as a rapid screening method to verify the presence of 9 virulence genes namely, ctxA, ctxB, ace, hlyA, toxR, zot,tcpA, ninT and nanH, using gene specific primers. The presence of tcpA gene in ALPVC3 was alarming, as it indicates the possibility of an epidemic by accepting the cholera. Differential induction studies used ΦALPVC3, ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14, underlining the possibility of prophage induction in natural ecosystems, due to abiotic factors like antibiotics, pollutants, temperature and UV. The efficiency of induction of prophages varied considerably in response to the different induction agents. The growth curve of lysogenic V. cholerae used in the study drastically varied in the presence of strong prophage inducers like antibiotics and UV. Bacterial cell lysis was directly proportional to increase in phage number due to induction. Morphological characterization of vibriophages by Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed hexagonal heads for all the four phages. Vibriophage ΦALPVC3 exhibited isometric and contractile tails characteristic of family Myoviridae, while phages ΦALPVC11 and ΦALPVC12 demonstrated the typical hexagonal head and non-contractile tail of family Siphoviridae. ΦEKM14, the podophage was distinguished by short non-contractile tail and icosahedral head. This work demonstrated that environmental parameters can influence the viability and cell adsorption rates of V. cholerae phages. Adsorption studies showed 100% adsorption of ΦALPVC3 ΦALPVC11, ΦALPVC12 and ΦEKM14 after 25, 30, 40 and 35 minutes respectively. Exposure to high temperatures ranging from 50ºC to 100ºC drastically reduced phage viability. The optimum concentration of NaCl required for survival of vibriophages except ΦEKM14 was 0.5 M and that for ΦEKM14 was 1M NaCl. Survival of phage particles was maximum at pH 7-8. V. cholerae is assumed to have existed long before their human host and so the pathogenic clones may have evolved from aquatic forms which later colonized the human intestine by progressive acquisition of genes. This is supported by the fact that the vast majority of V. cholerae strains are still part of the natural aquatic environment. CTXΦ has played a critical role in the evolution of the pathogenicity of V. cholerae as it can transmit the ctxAB gene. The unusual transformation of V. cholerae strains associated with epidemics and the emergence of V. cholera O139 demonstrates the evolutionary success of the organism in attaining greater fitness. Genetic changes in pathogenic V. cholerae constitute a natural process for developing immunity within an endemically infected population. The alternative hosts and lysogenic environmental V. cholerae strains may potentially act as cofactors in promoting cholera phage ‘‘blooms’’ within aquatic environments, thereby influencing transmission of phage sensitive, pathogenic V. cholerae strains by aquatic vehicles. Differential induction of the phages is a clear indication of the impact of environmental pollution and global changes on phage induction. The development of molecular biology techniques offered an accessible gateway for investigating the molecular events leading to genetic diversity in the marine environment. Using nucleic acids as targets, the methods of fingerprinting like ERIC PCR and BOX PCR, revealed that the marine environment harbours potentially pathogenic group of bacteria with genetic diversity. The distribution of virulence associated genes in the environmental isolates of V. cholerae provides tangible material for further investigation. Nucleotide and protein sequence analysis alongwith protein structure prediction aids in better understanding of the variation inalleles of same gene in different ecological niche and its impact on the protein structure for attaining greater fitness of pathogens. The evidences of the co-evolution of virulence genes in toxigenic V. cholerae O1 from different lineages of environmental non-O1 strains is alarming. Transduction studies would indicate that the phenomenon of acquisition of these virulence genes by lateral gene transfer, although rare, is not quite uncommon amongst non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae and it has a key role in diversification. All these considerations justify the need for an integrated approach towards the development of an effective surveillance system to monitor evolution of V. cholerae strains with epidemic potential. Results presented in this study, if considered together with the mechanism proposed as above, would strongly suggest that the bacteriophage also intervenes as a variable in shaping the cholera bacterium, which cannot be ignored and hinting at imminent future epidemics.


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Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.