991 resultados para historical thinking


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La tesi s'estructura al voltant de dues grans finalitats: la primera és identificar les destreses i capacitats professionals, basades en l'educació per a la sostenibilitat, necessàries per als educadors no formals que treballen en ciutats històriques. La segona consisteix en aportar un procés avaluatiu -dirigit a la finalitat anterior- d'un programa educatiu en funcionament: el Programa d'educació ambiental i coneixement de la ciutat de l'Ajuntament de Girona. S'aporten uns resultats per al cas d'estudi -punts forts, punts febles i propostes de millora- que poden induir als canvis i a la transformació del Programa. Quant a la formació d'educadors en ciutats històriques, s'identifiquen dotze àmbits formatius i seixanta-cinc destreses i capacitats professionals per a la seva formació. Els àmbits formatius són els següents: comunicació; dinamització de grups; pensament crític; visió holística de la realitat; compromís amb l'entorn; valors per a la sostenibilitat; visió històrica i patrimonial del medi; visió de futur del medi; metodologies i habilitats docents; avaluació i investigació; teories i pràctiques de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat; coneixements disciplinaris. Els àmbits i les destreses i capacitats professionals són justificats a partir dels resultats del cas d'estudi i dels marcs teòrics utilitzats en el desenvolupament de la investigació.


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The purpose of this work was to establish a taxonomy of hand made model construction as a platform for an approach to project an operative method in architecture. It was therefore studied and catalogued in a systematic approach a broad model production in the work of ARX. A wide range of families and sub-families of models were found, with different purposes according to each phase of development, from searching steps for a new possible configuration to detailed refined decisions. This working method revealed as most relevant characteristics, the grounds for a potential personal reflection and open discussion on project method, its flexibility on space modeling, an accuracy on the representation of real construction situations and its constant and stimulating opening to new suggestions. This research helped on a meta-reflection about this method, having been useful on creating a consciousness of processes that pretend to become an autonomous language, knowledge that might become useful to those who pretend to implement a haptic modus operandi in the work of an architectural project.


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Dubai International Airport... a historical voyage - Opened on September 30, 1960 - 1,800 meters of compacted runway - Capacity to handle aircraft the size up to DC-3 - Handled 10,000 passengers and 772 scheduled flights


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A dissertação de mestrado “O Impacto das Novas Biotecnologias no Pensamento Político – A problemática das células estaminais embrionárias” partiu do pressuposto basilar de que a Humanidade se depara com uma ruptura de modelo de pensamento sem paralelo na História. O Homem detém hoje um conhecimento científico sem precedentes e vê-se perante o potencial das novas biotecnologias que, pela primeira, vez podem alterar a forma de olhar sobre si próprio, não apenas enquanto ser social mas sobretudo como entidade biológica. Todo o enquadramento da dissertação tem em consideração os diferentes momentos da História em que certos homens levados pela inevitabilidade do progresso intelectual e científico contribuíram decisivamente para alterar profundamente os modelos de pensamento. Modelos que, surgidos em determinado contextos históricos, foram considerados de ruptura e revolucionários. Em sentido contrário, numa espécie de reacção conservadora, foram surgindo forças de autoridade e de poder, rejeitando novos modelos e paradigmas que, de uma maneira ou de outra, pudessem pôr em causa o sistema de sociedade instituído. As grandes rupturas na História da Humanidade resultaram desse confronto de ideias, entre um modelo de pensamento vigente e um novo paradigma proposto. Ao longo da dissertação apresentada são analisados vários períodos de ruptura, com particular enfoque para o advento da genética no século XIX e posterior revolução biotecnológica nos Estados Unidos que, num futuro próximo, poderá vir a curar doenças congénitas e degenerativas, funcionando como uma espécie de “kit de reparação do corpo humano, e, num horizonte mais alargado, poderá potenciar a possibilidade da criação de um “outro eu”, produto do Homem e não do livre arbítrio. Pela primeira vez, o Homem tem conhecimento e técnica para criar um mundo pós-humano, onde cada um é resultado da vontade individual dos seus progenitores, dando-se, assim, início a uma nova História. Mas, tudo isto levanta uma série de questões morais, éticas e políticas. Dilemas quanto aos processos de investigação e quanto às consequências que a sua aplicação poderá trazer para a própria Humanidade. Como trabalho de Ciência Política não cabe no propósito deste tecer cenários filosóficos quanto ao futuro do Homem face aos avanços da investigação genética, mas sim tentar analisar e procurar encontrar um padrão de comportamento na forma como os legisladores e governantes, mediante a sua base doutrinária, têm abordado uma matéria cujas implicações terão eventualmente impacto na concepção da própria Humanidade.


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Há uma gota de sangue em cada museu: a ótica museológica de Mário Andrade (M.A.) é uma dissertação de mestrado que aborda o pensamento museológico do autor de Macunaíma através da análise de seus escritos, de sua coleção particular e de suas práticas à frente do Departamento de Cultura da cidade de São Paulo e do Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. Três questões orientam a presente dissertação: 1a. Até que ponto as propostas museológicas de M.A. representam consolidação ou rompimento com o pensamento modernista? 2a. Como se colocam na obra de M.A. as questões referentes à identidade nacional e cultura popular? 3a. Sendo o museu um lugar privilegiado de construção de memória, não seria também um baluarte da tradição? Em que sentido um museu pode ser ruptura? Como são tratadas as idéias de coleção e museu pelo poeta modernista? O enfrentamento destas questões, aliado ao entendimento de que a gota de sangue é gota de humanidade e sinal de historicidade presente nos museus, constitui a base desse estudo.


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This paper reviews the history of articulation testing and presents a revision of a standard articulation test.


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A reconstruction of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) for the period 1959–2006 has been derived from the ECMWF operational ocean reanalysis. The reconstruction shows a wide range of time-variability, including a downward trend. At 26N, both the MOC intensity and changes in its vertical structure are in good agreement with previous estimates based on trans-Atlantic surveys. At 50N, the MOC and strength of the subpolar gyre are correlated at interannual time scales, but show opposite secular trends. Heat transport variability is highly correlated with the MOC but shows a smaller trend due to the warming of the upper ocean, which partially compensates for the weakening of the circulation. Results from sensitivity experiments show that although the time-varying upper boundary forcing provides useful MOC information, the sequential assimilation of ocean data further improves the MOC estimation by increasing both the mean and the time variability.


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The freshwaters of the Mersey Basin have been seriously polluted for over 200 years. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the water quality was relatively clean before the start of the Industrial Revolution. The development of the cotton and chemical industries increased the pollution load to rivers, and consequently a decline in biota supported by the water was observed. Industrial prosperity led to a rapid population increase and an increase in domestic effluent. Poor treatment of this waste meant that it was a significant pollutant. As industry intensified during the 19th century, the mix of pollutants grew more complex. Eventually, in the 1980s, the government acknowledged the problem and more effort was made to improve the water quality. Knowledge of social and economic history, as well as anecdotal evidence, has been used in this paper to extrapolate the changes in water quality that occurred. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Mersey Basin has been significantly polluted for over 200 years. However, there is a lack of quantitative historical water quality data as effective water quality monitoring and data recording only began 30-40 years ago. This paper assesses water pollution in the Mersey Basin using a Water Pollution Index constructed from social and economic data. Methodology, output and the difficulties involved with validation are discussed. With the limited data input available the index approximately reproduces historical water quality. The paper illustrates how historical studies of environmental water quality may provide valuable identification of factors responsible for pollution and a marker set for contemporary and future water quality issues in the context of the past. This is an issue of growing research interest.


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This paper briefly sets the scene for the articles that follow, introducing some key debates that have characterized the recent practice of historical archaeology. The definition of historical archaeology is explored according to parameters of chronology and methodology, drawing a distinction between New World traditions that define the subject as 'post-Columbian' and Old World approaches that establish broader connections with the 'documentary archaeology' of all literate societies. Current issues in European and American historical archaeology are highlighted, including the gradual breakdown of the medieval/post-medieval divide and the call for a global 'modern-world archaeology' to address the 'grand historical narratives' of the period, such as capitalism, economic improvement, and consumerism. The resistance to this global research agenda is explored with reference to archaeologies of diaspora and postcolonialism, which demand local perspectives to explore diversity and meaning. Finally, the innovative use of community archaeology and multi-vocality is introduced, with particular reference to the experimental narratives pursued by American historical archaeologists, in their new role as 'storytellers'.


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This paper briefly sets the scene for the articles that follow, introducing some key debates that have characterized the recent practice of historical archaeology. The definition of historical archaeology is explored according to parameters of chronology and methodology, drawing a distinction between New World traditions that define the subject as 'post-Columbian' and Old World approaches that establish broader connections with the 'documentary archaeology' of all literate societies. Current issues in European and American historical archaeology are highlighted, including the gradual breakdown of the medieval/post-medieval divide and the call for a global 'modern-world archaeology' to address the 'grand historical narratives' of the period, such as capitalism, economic improvement, and consumerism. The resistance to this global research agenda is explored with reference to archaeologies of diaspora and postcolonialism, which demand local perspectives to explore diversity and meaning. Finally, the innovative use of community archaeology and multi-vocality is introduced, with particular reference to the experimental narratives pursued by American historical archaeologists, in their new role as 'storytellers'.