970 resultados para high altitude vegetation


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Aim The aim of this study was to assess the causal mechanisms underlying populational subdivision in Drosophila gouveai, a cactophilic species associated with xeric vegetation enclaves in eastern Brazil. A secondary aim was to investigate the genetic effects of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on these environments. Location Dry vegetation enclaves within the limits of the Cerrado domain in eastern Brazil. Methods We determined the mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of 55 individuals (representing 12 populations) based on sequence data of a 483-bp fragment from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) gene. Phylogenetic and coalescent analyses were used to test for the occurrence of demographic events and to infer the time of divergence amongst genetically independent groups. Results Our analyses revealed the existence of two divergent subclades (G1 and G2) plus an introgressed clade restricted to the southernmost range of D. gouveai. Subclades G1 and G2 displayed genetic footprints of range expansion and segregated geographical distributions in south-eastern and some central highland regions, east and west of the Parana River valley. Molecular dating indicated that the main demographic and diversification events occurred in the late to middle Pleistocene. Main conclusions The phylogeographical and genetic patterns observed for D. gouveai in this study are consistent with changes in the distribution of dry vegetation in eastern Brazil. All of the estimates obtained by molecular dating indicate that range expansion and isolation pre-dated the Last Glacial Maximum, occurring during the late to middle Pleistocene, and were probably triggered by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. The current patchy geographical distribution and population subdivision in D. gouveai is apparently closely linked to these past events.


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The genus Cyrtopodium comprises about 42 species distributed from southern Florida to northern Argentina. Cyrtopodium polyphyllum occurs on rocks or in sandy soils, in restinga vegetation along the Brazilian coast. It flowers during the wet season and its inflorescences produce a high number of resupinate yellow flowers. Cyrtopodium polyphyllum offers no rewards to its pollinators, but mimics the yellow, reward-producing flowers of nearby growing Stigmaphyllon arenicola (oil) and Crotalaria vitellina (nectar) individuals. Several species of bee visit flowers of C. polyphyllum, but only two species of Centris (Centris tarsata and Centris labrosa) act as pollinators. Visits to flowers of C. polyphyllum were scarce and, as a consequence, low-fruit set was recorded under natural conditions. Such low-fruit production contrasts with the number of fruits each plant bears after manual pollination, suggesting deficient pollen transfer among plants. C. polyphyllum is self-compatible and has a high-fruit set in both manual self- and cross-pollinated flowers. Furthermore, fruits (2%) are formed by self-pollination assisted by rain. This facultative self-pollination mechanism is an important strategy to provide reproductive assurance to C. polyphyllum as rainfall restricts the foraging activity of its pollinating bees. Fruits derived from treatments and under natural conditions had a similar high rate of potentially viable seed. Moreover, these seeds had a low polyembryony rate, which did not exceed 5%. C. polyphyllum acts by deceit involving optical signals and exploits other yellow-flowered species within its habitat by attracting their pollinators. The low capsule production under natural conditions was expected, but its reproductive success is assured through self-pollination by rain and high seed viability.


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The blue crab, Callinectes danae, tolerates exposure to a wide salinity range employing mechanisms of compensatory ion uptake when in dilute media. Although the gill (Na(+), K(+))-ATPase is vital to hyperosmoregulatory ability, the interactions occurring at the sites of ATP binding on the molecule itself are unknown. Here, we investigate the modulation by Na(+) and K(+) of homotropic interactions between the ATP-binding sites, and of phosphoenzyme formation of the (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase from the posterior gills of this euryhaline crab. The contribution of the high- and low-affinity ATP-binding sites to maximum velocity was similar for both Na(+) and K(+). However, in contrast to Na(+), a threshold K(+) concentration triggers the appearance of the high-affinity binding sites, displacing the saturation curve to lower ATP concentrations. Further, a low-affinity site for phosphorylation is present on the enzyme. These findings reveal notable differences in the catalytic mechanism of the crustacean (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase compared to the vertebrate enzyme. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The fabrication of heavy-duty printer heads involves a great deal of grinding work. Previously in the printer manufacturing industry, four grinding procedures were manually conducted in four grinding machines, respectively. The productivity of the whole grinding process was low due to the long loading time. Also, the machine floor space occupation was large because of the four separate grinding machines. The manual operation also caused inconsistent quality. This paper reports the system and process development of a highly integrated and automated high-speed grinding system for printer heads. The developed system, which is believed to be the first of its kind, not only produces printer heads of consistently good quality, but also significantly reduces the cycle time and machine floor space occupation.


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Recent advances in the control of molecular engineering architectures have allowed unprecedented ability of molecular recognition in biosensing, with a promising impact for clinical diagnosis and environment control. The availability of large amounts of data from electrical, optical, or electrochemical measurements requires, however, sophisticated data treatment in order to optimize sensing performance. In this study, we show how an information visualization system based on projections, referred to as Projection Explorer (PEx), can be used to achieve high performance for biosensors made with nanostructured films containing immobilized antigens. As a proof of concept, various visualizations were obtained with impedance spectroscopy data from an array of sensors whose electrical response could be specific toward a given antibody (analyte) owing to molecular recognition processes. In addition to discussing the distinct methods for projection and normalization of the data, we demonstrate that an excellent distinction can be made between real samples tested positive for Chagas disease and Leishmaniasis, which could not be achieved with conventional statistical methods. Such high performance probably arose from the possibility of treating the data in the whole frequency range. Through a systematic analysis, it was inferred that Sammon`s mapping with standardization to normalize the data gives the best results, where distinction could be made of blood serum samples containing 10(-7) mg/mL of the antibody. The method inherent in PEx and the procedures for analyzing the impedance data are entirely generic and can be extended to optimize any type of sensor or biosensor.


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Teen Triple P is a multilevel system of intervention that is designed to provide parents with specific strategies to promote the positive development of their teenage children as they make the transition into high school and through puberty. The program is based on a combination of education about the developmental needs of adolescents, skills training to improve communication and problem-solving, plus specific modules to deal with common problems encountered by parents and adolescents that can escalate into major conflict and violence. It is designed to increase the engagement of parents of adolescent and pre-adolescent children by providing them with easy access to evidencebased parenting advice and support. This paper presents data collected as part of a survey of over 1400 students in first year high school at 9 Brisbane schools. The survey instrument was constructed to obtain students' reports about behaviour which is known to be associated with their health and wellbeing, and also on the extent to which their parents promoted or discouraged such behaviour at home, at school, and in their social and recreational activities in the wider community. Selected data from the survey were extracted and presented to parents at a series of parenting seminars held at the schools to promote appropriate parenting of teenagers. The objectives were to provide parents with accurate data about teenagers' behaviour, and about teenagers' reports of how they perceived their parents' behaviour. Normative data on parent and teenager behaviour will be presented from the survey as well as psychometric data relating to the reliability and validity of this new measure. Implications of this strategy for increasing parent engagement in parenting programs that aim to reduce behavioural and emotional problems in adolescents will be discussed.


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The dust storm of 23 October 2002 covered most of eastern Australia and carried one of the largest recorded dust loads in Australia. In the 6 months leading up to the event, severe drought conditions in eastern Australia, plus above average maximum temperatures resulted in high potential evapo-transpiration rates, producing severe soil moisture deficits and reduced vegetation cover. Although increased wind speeds associated with a fast moving cold front were the meteorological driving force, these winds speeds were lower than those for the previously documented large dust storms. The dust storm was 2400 km long, up to 400 km across and 1.5-2.5 km in height. The plume area was estimated at 840,860 km 2 and the dust load at 0900 h was 3.35-4.85 million tones (Mt). These dust load estimates are highly sensitive to assumptions, regarding visibility-dust concentration relationships, vertical dust concentration profiles and dust ceilings. The event is examined using meteorological records, remote sensing and air quality monitoring. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High removal rate (up to 16.6 mm(3)/s per mm) grinding of alumina and alumina-titania was investigated with respect to material removal and basic grinding parameters using a resin-bond 160 mu m grit diamond wheel at the speeds of 40 and 160 m/s, respectively. The results show that the material removal for the single-phase polycrystalline alumina and the two-phase alumina-titania composite revealed identical mechanisms of microfracture and grain dislodgement under the grinding conditioned selected. There were no distinct differences in surface roughness and morphology for both materials ground at either conventional or high speed. An increase in material removal rate did not necessarily worsen the surface toughness for the two materials at both speeds. Also the grinding forces for the two ceramics demonstrated similar characteristics at any grinding speeds and specific removal rates. Both normal and tangential grinding forces and their force ratios at the high speed were lower than those at the conventional speed, regardless of removal rates. An increase in specific removal rate caused more rapid increases in normal and tangential forces obtained at the conventional grinding speed than those at the high speed. Furthermore, it is found that the high speed grinding at all the removal rates exerted a great amount of coolant-induced normal forces in grinding zone, which were 4-6 times higher than the pure normal grinding forces. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The inferior colliculus (IC) is primarily involved in the processing of acoustic stimuli, being in a position to send auditory information to motor centers that participate in behaviors such as prey catching and predators` avoidance The role of the central nucleus of the IC (CIC) on fear and anxiety has been suggested on the basis that rats are able to engage in tasks to decrease the aversiveness of CIC stimulation, increased Fos immunolabeling during diverse aversive states and increased CIC auditory evoked potentials (AEP) induced by conditioned fear stimuli Additionally it was shown that brainstem AEP, represented by wave V, for which the main generator is the IC, is increased during experimentally induced anxiety Rats segregated according to their low or high emotional reactivity have been used as an important tool in the study of fear and anxiety The IC contains a high density of GABA receptors Since the efficacy of an anxiolytic compound is a function of the animal`s anxiety level, it is possible that GABA-benzodiazepine (Bzp) agents affect LA and HA animals differently In this study we investigated the GABA-Bzp influence on the modulation of AEP in rats with low (LA) or high-anxiety (HA) levels, as assessed by the elevated plus maze test (EPM) GABA-Bzp modulation on the unconditioned AEP response was analyzed by using intra CIC injections (0 2 mu l) of the GABA-Bzp agonists muscimol (121 ng) and diazepam (30 mu g) or the GABA inhibitors bicuculline (10 ng) and semicarbazide (7 mu g) In a second experiment, we evaluate the effects of contextual aversive conditioning on AEP using foot shocks as unconditioned stimuli On the unconditioned fear paradigm GABA inhibition in creased AEP in LA rats and decreases this measure in HA counterparts Muscimol was effective in reducing AEP in both LA and HA rats Contextual fear stimuli increased the magnitude of AEP In spite of no effect obtained with diazepam in LA rats the drug inhibited AEP in HA animals The specificity of the regulatory mechanisms mediated by GABA Bzp for the ascending neurocircuits responsible for the acquisition of aversive information in LA and HA animals shed light on the processing of sensory information underlying the generation of defensive reactions (C) 2010 IBRO Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Dynamic foam films have been investigated using an improved experimental set-up with a CCD high-speed linescan camera in conjunction with the Scheludko micro-interferometric cell for studying the drainage and rupture of liquid foam films. The improved experimental set-up increased the sensibility of detection of the local thickness heterogeneities and domains during the film evolution. The evolution of the foam films up to the formation of black spots was recorded in the time intervals of 50ms. The wavelengths of the propagating surface waves and their frequencies were determined experimentally. The experimental results show that the current quasi-static hydrodynamic theory does not properly describe the wave dynamics with inter-domain channels. However, the thermodynamic condition for formation of black spots in the foam films was met by the experimental results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ficus arpazusa Casaretto is a fig tree native to the Atlantic Rain Forest sensu lato. High levels of genetic diversity and no inbreeding were observed in Ficus arpazusa. This genetic pattern is due to the action of its pollinator, Pegoscapus sp., which disperses pollen an estimated distance of 5.6 km, and of Ficus arpazusa`s mating system which, in the study area, is allogamous. This study highlights the importance of adding both ecological and genetic data into population studies, allowing a better understanding of evolutionary processes and in turn increasing the efficacy of forest management and revegetation projects, as well as species conservation.


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The taxonomic composition and diversity of assemblages of Ephemeroptera nymphs of four lotic environments in the central region of State of Rio Grande do Sul, a subtropical area in southern Brazil, were evaluated. Samplings were done monthly, with a Surber sampler, from June 2001 to May 2002, in the Jacui River and three of its tributaries. The total number of nymphs collected in the four sampling sites was 11,007 in five families and 19 genera, of these, 11 are new records for the State. The highest diversity occurred in Point 4 (H` = 2.41) and the lowest in Point 2 (H` = 1.69). Point 4 had the highest environmental stability, conservation of the riparian vegetation and the lowest anthropic impact, while Point 2 presented a large environmental simplification due to a direct anthropic influence ( e. g. domestic sewerage, trampling by cattle). The diversity of nymphs observed in the total area is high, compared to the estimated maximum theoretical diversity; a result of the high evenness and richness recorded. Rarefaction curves, calculated for a sample of 1,018 specimens, showed a similar expectation of richness for the four sampling sites. This result seems to be associated with the overall environmental homogeneity of the region caused by long-term alterations ( land use and deforestation). In summary, higher diversity of Ephemeroptera nymph assemblages seems to be associated with habitat complexity, a good vegetation cover and a lower anthropic influence.


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Streams located in areas of sugarcane cultivation receive high concentrations of metal ions from soils of the adjacent areas causing accumulation of metals in the aquatic sediment. This impact results in environmental problems and leads to bioaccumulation of metal ions in aquatic organisms. In the present study, metal concentrations in different predatory insects were studied in streams near sugarcane cultivation and compared to reference sites. Possible utilisation of predatory insects as bioindicators of metal contamination due to sugarcane cultivation from 13 neotropical streams was evaluated. Ion concentrations of Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in adult Belostomatidae (Hemiptera) and in larvae of Libellulidae (Odonata) were analysed. Nine streams are located in areas with sugarcane cultivation, without riparian vegetation (classified as impacted area) and four streams were located in forested areas (reference sites). Metal concentrations in insects were higher near sugarcane cultivations than in control sites. Cluster analysis, complemented by an ANOSIM test, clearly showed that these insect groups are good potential bioindicators of metal contamination in streams located in areas with sugarcane cultivation and can be used in monitoring programmes. We also conclude that Libellulidae appeared to accumulate higher concentrations of metals than Belostomatidae.


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Coral reefs generally exist within a relatively narrow band of temperatures, light, and seawater aragonite saturation states. The growth of coral reefs is minimal or nonexistent outside this envelope. Climate change, through its effect on ocean temperature, has already had an impact on the world's coral reefs, with almost 30% of corals having disappeared since the beginning of the 1980s. Abnormally warm temperatures cause corals to bleach ( lose their brown dinoflagellate symbionts) and, if elevated for long enough, to die. Increasing atmospheric CO2 is also potentially affecting coral reefs by lowering the aragonite saturation state of seawater, making carbonate ions less available for calcification. The synergistic interaction of elevated temperature and CO2 is likely to produce major changes to coral reefs over the next few decades and centuries. Known tolerances of corals to projected changes to sea temperatures indicate that corals are unlikely to remain abundant on reefs and could be rare by the middle of this century if the atmospheric CO2 concentration doubles or triples. The combination of changes to sea temperature and carbonate ion availability could trigger large- scale changes in the biodiversity and function of coral reefs. The ramifications of these changes for the hundred of millions of coral reef - dependent people and industries living in a high- CO2 world have yet to be properly defined. The weight of evidence suggests, however, that projected changes will cause major shifts in the prospects for industries and societies that depend on having healthy coral reefs along their coastlines.


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Context: Previous studies have shown that double RET mutations may be associated with unusual multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) phenotypes. Objective: Our objective was to report the clinical features of patients harboring a previously unreported double mutation of the RET gene and to characterize this mutation in vitro. Patients: Sixteen patients from four unrelated families and harboring the C634Y/Y791F double RET germline mutation were included in the study. Results: Large pheochromocytomas measuring 6.0-14 cm and weighing upto 640 g were identified in the four index cases. Three of the four tumors were bilateral. High penetrance of pheochromocytoma was also seen in the C634Y/Y791F-mutation-positive relatives (seven of nine, 77.7%). Of these, two cases had bilateral tumors, one presented with multifocal tumors, two cases had large tumors (>5 cm), and one case, which was diagnosed with a large (5.5 x 4.5 x 4.0 cm) pheochromocytoma, reported early onset of symptoms of the disease (14 yr old). The overall penetrance of pheochromocytoma was 84.6% (11 of 13). Development of medullary thyroid carcinoma in our patients seemed similar to that observed in patients with codon 634 mutations. Haplotype analysis demonstrated that the mutation did not arise from a common ancestor. In vitro studies showed the double C634Y/Y791F RET receptor was significantly more phosphorylated than either activated wild-type receptor or single C634Y and Y791F RET mutants. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the natural history of the novel C634Y/Y791F double mutation carries a codon 634-like pattern of medullary thyroid carcinoma development, is associated with increased susceptibility to unusually large bilateral pheochromocytomas, and is likely more biologically active than each individual mutation. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: 1318-1327, 2010)