961 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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The system of coupled oscillators and its time-discretization (with constant stepsize h) are considered in this paper. Under some conditions, it is showed that the discrete systems have one-dimensional global attractors l(h) converging to l which is the global attractor of continuous system.


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Air exploratory discussion of an ancient Chinese algorithm, the Ying Buzu Shu, in about 2nd century BC, known as the rule of double false position in the West is given. In addition to pointing out that the rule of double false position is actually a translation version of the ancient Chinese algorithm, a comparison with well-known Newton iteration method is also made. If derivative is introduced, the ancient Chinese algorithm reduces to the Newton method. A modification of the ancient Chinese algorithm is also proposed, and some of applications to nonlinear oscillators are illustrated.


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In this paper, a reliable technique for calculating angular frequencies of nonlinear oscillators is developed. The new algorithm offers a promising approach by constructing a Hamiltonian for the nonlinear oscillator. Some illustrative examples are given. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The first-passage failure of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian si-stems (multidegree-of-freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems subject to light dampings and weakly random excitations) is investigated. The motion equations of such a system are first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving these equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Two examples are given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results from digital simulation are obtained to verify the effectiveness of the procedure.


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The singular nature of the dynamic stress fields around an interface crack located between two dissimilar isotropic linearly viscoelastic bodies is studied. A harmonic load is imposed on the surfaces of the interface crack. The dynamic stress fields around the crack are obtained by solving a set of simultaneous singular integral equations in terms of the normal and tangent crack dislocation densities. The singularity of the dynamic stress fields near the crack tips is embodied in the fundamental solutions of the singular integral equations. The investigation of the fundamental solutions indicates that the singularity and oscillation indices of the stress fields are both dependent upon the material constants and the frequency of the harmonic load. This observation is different from the well-known -1/2 oscillating singularity for elastic bi-materials. The explanation for the differences between viscoelastic and elastic bi-materials can be given by the additional viscosity mismatch in the case of viscoelastic bi-materials. As an example, the standard linear solid model of a viscoelastic material is used. The effects of the frequency and the material constants (short-term modulus, long-term modulus and relaxation time) on the singularity and the oscillation indices are studied numerically.


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本文将增量谐波平衡法(Incremental Harmonic Balance Method, I. H. B Method)结合组抗方法用于分析具有摩擦结点之结构稳态动力响应。这方法之主要优点是能将线性结构与摩擦结点分开来考虑。当摩擦结点之自由度远小于线性结构之自由度时,计算是很经济的。发展了一个分析这种系统之计算程序可与一般有限元结构分析程序如SAPV或ADINA相连,作为后处理程序。


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谐波增量平衡法在描述非线性力时计及多谐分量,是处理强非线性的一个有效方法.在本文中,此法被推广于分析局部非线性结构的稳态响应.被分析的结构分解为若干子结构,所有非线性元件均位于子结构的分界面上.系统的响应用谐波增量平衡法(Incremental Harmonic Balance Method,简称I.H.B法)结合F.F.T.(快速福里哀变换)技术与状态空间的模态综合法分析之.


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Real-life structures often possess piecewise stiffness because of clearances or interference between subassemblies. Such an aspect can alter a system's fundamental free vibration response and leads to complex mode interaction. The free vibration behaviour of an L-shaped beam with a limit stop is analyzed by using the frequency response function and the incremental harmonic balance method. The presence of multiple internal resonances, which involve interactions among the first five modes and are extremely complex, have been discovered by including higher harmonics in the analysis. The results show that mode interaction may occur if the higher harmonics of a vibration mode are close to the natural frequency of a higher mode. The conditions for the existence of internal resonance are explored, and it is shown that a prerequisite is the presence of bifurcation points in the form of intersecting backbone curves. A method to compute such intersections by using only one harmonic in the free vibration solution is proposed. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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The g-jitter influence on thermocapillary convection and critical Marangoni number in a liquid bridge of half-floating rone was discussed in the low frequency range of 0.4 to 1.5 Hz in a previous paper. This paper extended the experiments to the intermediate frequency range of 2 to 18 Hz, which htrs often been recorded as vibration environment of spacecrafts. The experiment was completed on the deck of a vibration machine, which gave a periodical applied acceleration to simulate the effects of g-jitter. The experimental results in the intermediate frequency range are different from that in the low frequency range. The velocity field and the shape of the free surface have periodical fluctuations in response to g-jitter. The amplitude of the periodical varying part of the temperature response decreases obviously with increasing frequency of g-jitter and vanishes almost when the frequency of g-jitter is high enough. The critical Marangoni number is defined to describe the transition from a periodical convection in response to g-jitter to an oscillatory convection due to internal instability, and will increase with increasing g-jitter frequency. According to the spectral analysis, it can be found that the oscillatory part of temperature is a superposition of two harmonic waves if the Marangoni number is larger than a critical value.


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Our recent progress in numerical studies of bluff body flow structures and a new method for the numerical analysis of near wake flow field for high Reynolds number flow are introduced. The paper consists of three parts. In part one, the evolution of wake vortex structure and variation of forces on a flat plate in harmonic oscillatory flows and in in-line steady-harmonic combined flows are presented by an improved discrete vortex method, as the Keulegan-Carpenter number (KC) varies from 2 to 40 and ratios of U-m to U-0 are of O(10(-1)), O(10) and O(10), respectively. In part 2, a domain decomposition hybrid method, combining the finite-difference and vortex methods for numerical simulation of unsteady viscous separated flow around a bluff body, is introduced. By the new method, some high resolution numerical visualization on near wake evolution behind a circular cylinder at Re = 10(2), 10(3) and 3 x 10(3) are shown. In part 3, the mechanism and the dynamic process for the three-dimensional evolution of the Karman vortex and vortex filaments in braid regions as well as the early features of turbulent structure in the wake behind a circular cylinder are presented numerically by the vortex dynamics method.


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A finite element analysis associated with an asymptotic solution method for the harmonic flexural vibration of viscoelastically damped unsymmetrical sandwich plates is given. The element formulation is based on generalization of the discrete Kirchhoff theory (DKT) element formulation. The results obtained with the first order approximation of the asymptotic solution presented here are the same as those obtained by means of the modal strain energy (MSE) method. By taking more terms of the asymptotic solution, with successive calculations and use of the Padé approximants method, accuracy can be improved. The finite element computation has been verified by comparison with an analytical exact solution for rectangular plates with simply supported edges. Results for the same plates with clamped edges are also presented.


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In this paper, we present an asymptotic method for the analysis of a class of strongly nonlinear oscillators, derive second-order approximate solutions to them expressed in terms of their amplitudes and phases, and obtain the equations governing the amplitudes and phases, by which the amplitudes of the corresponding limit cycles and their behaviour can be determined. As an example, we investigate the modified van der Pol oscillator and give the second-order approximate analytical solution of its limit cycle. The comparison with the numerical solutions shows that the two results agree well with each other.


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This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. A harmonic content of the musical piece is first extracted by computing a set of chroma vectors. A set of chord/key pairs is selected for every frame by correlation with fixed chord and key templates. An acyclic harmonic graph is constructed with these pairs as vertices, using a musical distance to weigh its edges. Finally, the sequences of chords and keys are obtained by finding the best path in the graph using dynamic programming. The proposed method allows a mutual chord and key estimation. It is evaluated on a corpus composed of Beatles songs for both the local key estimation and chord recognition tasks, as well as a larger corpus composed of songs taken from the Billboard dataset.


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The nonlinear dynamic responses of the tensioned tether subjected to combined surge and heave motions of floating platform are investigated using 2-D nonlinear beam model. It is shown that if the transverse-axial coupling of nonlinear beam model and the combined surge-heave motions of platform are considered, the governing equation is not Mathieu equation any more, it becomes nonlinear Hill equation. The Hill stability chart is obtained by using the Hill's infinite determinant and harmonic balance method. A parameter M, which is the function of tether length, the surge and heave amplitude of platform, is defined. The Hill stability chart is obviously different from Mathieu stability chart which is the specific case as M=0. Some case studies are performed by employing linear and nonlinear beam model respectively. It can be found that the results differences between nonlinear and linear model are apparent.