975 resultados para harm minimization


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The resolution of political conflict has led some to suggest that Northern Ireland will now face a range of social problems that have been ignored or suppressed by the Troubles. One such area is adolescent drug use. In this article, a review of a range of data sources shows that drug use, with few exceptions, has increased since the emergence of the ongoing peace process. Social and political changes and enhanced paramilitary involvement in the drugs trade appear to have somehow created an environment where drug use has flourished. In reviewing current drug policy and practice, the article highlights the lack of prevention, treatment, and harm reduction services established in Northern Ireland as a cause for concern.


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Before the mass migrations from Ireland in the nineteenth century, earlier waves of migration in the eighteenth century saw significant numbers of people leave Ireland, predominantly from Ulster, to settle in North America. This article, using as its principal data source the Belfast News Letter ( BNL), its letters, advertisements and reports, focuses firstly on reconstructing the late eighteenth-century migration process and voyage, highlighting the barriers represented by the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the challenges of the sea, there were problems with the ships, the ever-present danger of disease and also threats from other vessels, from privateers to press gangs. The voyage was recognized as a ‘universal dread’, and the risks taken to ‘dare the boist’rous main’ were perhaps not minimized in the pages of the BNL, whose editorial stance was antipathetic to the migration for the potential harm it caused to Ulster by removing so many of its industrious young. The second part of this article goes on to consider the newspaper’s and others’ vested interests in the emigration process, demonstrates how these were manifested in the press and sets the coverage of this very significant early emigration flow within the context of contemporary religious and colonial discourses at a period of very lively transatlantic interactions.


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Currents across thin insulators are commonly taken as single electrons moving across classically forbidden regions; this independent particle picture is well-known to describe most tunneling phenomena. Examining quantum transport from a different perspective, i.e., by explicit treatment of electron-electron interactions, we evaluate different single particle approximations with specific application to tunneling in metal-molecule-metal junctions. We find maximizing the overlap of a Slater determinant composed of single-particle states to the many-body current-carrying state is more important than energy minimization for defining single-particle approximations in a system with open boundary conditions. Thus the most suitable single particle effective potential is not one commonly in use by electronic structure methods, such as the Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham approximations.


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We analyse a picture of transport in which two large but finite charged electrodes discharge across a nanoscale junction. We identify a functional whose minimization, within the space of all bound many-body wavefunctions, defines an instantaneous steady state. We also discuss factors that favour the onset of steady-state conduction in such systems, make a connection with the notion of entropy, and suggest a novel source of steady-state noise. Finally, we prove that the true many-body total current in this closed system is given exactly by the one-electron total current, obtained from time-dependent density-functional theory.


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To give the first demonstration of neighboring group-controlled drug delivery rates, a series of novel, polymerizable ester drug conjugates was synthesized and fully characterized. The monomers are suitable for copolymerization in biomaterials where control of drug release rate is critical to prophylaxis or obviation of infection. The incorporation of neighboring group moieties differing in nucleophilicity, geometry, and steric bulk in the conjugates allowed the rate of ester hydrolysis, and hence drug liberation, to be rationally and widely controlled. Solutions (2.5 x 10-5 mol dm-3) of ester conjugates of nalidixic acid incorporating pyridyl, amino, and phenyl neighboring groups hydrolyzed according to first-order kinetics, with rate constants between 3.00 ( 0.12 10-5 s -1 (fastest) and 4.50 ( 0.31 10- 6 s-1 (slowest). The hydrolysis was characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy. When copolymerized with poly(methyl methacrylate), free drug was shown to elute from the resulting materials, with the rate of release being controlled by the nature of the conjugate, as in solution. The controlled molecular architecture demonstrated by this system offers an attractive class of drug conjugate for the delivery of drugs from polymeric biomaterials such as bone cements in terms of both sustained, prolonged drug release and minimization of mechanical compromise as a result of release. We consider these results to be the rationale for the development of 'designer' drug release biomaterials, where the rate of required release can be controlled by predetermined molecular architecture.


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An effective ellipsometric technique to determine parameters that characterize second-harmonic optical and magneto-optical effects in centrosymmetric media within the electric-dipole approximation is proposed and outlined in detail. The parameters, which are ratios of components of the nonlinear-surface-susceptibility tensors, are obtained from experimental data related to the state of polarization of the second-harmonic-generated radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of incidence and the polarization plane of the incident, linearly polarized, fundamental radiation. Experimental details of the technique are described. A corresponding theoretical model is given as an example for a single isotropic surface assuming polycrystalline samples. The surfaces of air-Au and air-Ni (in magnetized and demagnetized states) have been investigated ex situ in ambient air, and the results are presented. A nonlinear, least-squares-minimization fitting procedure between experimental data and theoretical formulas has been shown to yield realistic, unambiguous results for the ratios corresponding to each of the above materials. Independent methods for verifying the validity of the fitting parameters are also presented. The influence of temporal variations at the surfaces on the state of polarization (due to adsorption, contamination, or oxidation) is also illustrated for the demagnetized air-Ni surface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America


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El objetivo del presente texto es la indagación del razonamiento moral en los profesores de secundaria como un elemento de la competencia ética. Se realizó con dilemas morales hipotéticos (analizados y probados previamente para su validación y cuya fiabilidad se obtuvo a través del alfa de Cronbach) y con dilemas reales. Se aplicó a 264 profesores, miembros de la comunidad académica de la Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacán, México. Se analizó a través del programa estadístico Aquad 6. Entre los descubrimientos se encuentra una presencia mayoritaria de conflictos entre las normas éticas interpersonales con las normas de conformidad social y con las normas institucionales particulares. También que la justicia y la protección contra daños a los alumnos son valores presentes en los dilemas reales y una prevalencia en el razonamiento convencional de los profesores


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The introduction of the Quality Protects initiative in England and the focus on performance management has challenged social services departments to examine the systems, processes and outcomes for children who have their name on a child protection register. Research indicates that approximately one-quarter of the situations in which children are registered could be described as chronic—that is, they remain on the child protection register for significant periods of time, experience more than one period of registration or suffer a further incident of significant harm whilst subject to a child protection plan. In this article, the findings from a research study conducted into this group of vulnerable children are reported, focusing on the characteristics of the children and their families, and their careers in the child protection system. The paper concludes with observations about the weak conceptualization of performance management and the need to recognize the complexity of the factors that influence children’s careers in the child protection system.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable SDSS J150722.30+523039.8 (hereafter SDSS J1507). This system has an orbital period of 66.61 min, placing it below the observed `period minimum' for cataclysmic variables. We determine the system parameters via a parametrized model of the eclipse fitted to the observed lightcurve by ?2 minimization. We obtain a mass ratio of q = 0.0623 +/- 0.0007 and an orbital inclination . The primary mass is Mw = 0.90 +/- 0.01Msolar. The secondary mass and radius are found to be Mr = 0.056 +/- 0.001Msolar and Rr = 0.096 +/- 0.001Rsolar, respectively. We find a distance to the system of 160 +/- 10pc. The secondary star in SDSS J1507 has a mass substantially below the hydrogen burning limit, making it the second confirmed substellar donor in a cataclysmic variable. The very short orbital period of SDSS J1507 is readily explained if the secondary star is nuclearly evolved, or if SDSS J1507 formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. Given the lack of any visible contribution from the secondary star, the very low secondary mass and the low HeI ?6678/Ha emission-line ratio, we argue that SDSS J1507 probably formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. If confirmed, SDSS J1507 will be the first such system identified. The implications for binary star evolution, the brown dwarf desert and the common envelope phase are discussed.


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This article presents a re-conceptualization of moderate adolescent drug use. It is argued that experimentation with alcohol and other drugs during the teenage years may play an important role in the development of regulatory competency in relation to drug consumption in adulthood. When such regulatory skills fail to emerge in young people, during the transition to adulthood, the likelihood of serious alcohol- or drug-related harm is increased. The article reviews the empirical evidence of poor self-regulation as a predictor of long-term alcohol-and drug-related problems, places self-regulation within a broader theoretical framework, and considers the policy and practice implications of this conceptualization.


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Background: The image of cocaine as a 'party' drug used by more affluent members of society has begun to change as the levels of use of the drug rise amongst school aged young people. Methods: Cocaine use patterns amongst young people aged 13-16 years who were participating in the Belfast Youth Development Study, a longitudinal study of adolescent drug use was explored. Data was collected through an annual datasweep in participating schools. This paper includes data collected in years 3, 4 and 5 of the study. Results: The results show higher levels of cocaine use amongst this age group than reported in much of the existing harm reduction literature. Lifetime use was 3.8% at age 13-14 years, rising to 7.5% at 15-16 years. The profile indicated that adolescent cocaine users were more likely to be female, live in disrupted families and experience social deprivation which is similar to existing adolescent drug use profiles. There was also some evidence of experimental cocaine use amongst the sample. Conclusions: These findings provide further evidence for the development of age appropriate school focused harm reduction initiatives and continued monitoring of contemporary trends of use of cocaine amongst school aged young people.


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Put in place to protect the rights of the child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child is a set of non-negotiable standards. A core principle underpinning the Convention is the child's right to participate fully in social arenas and to access sources of social support without excessive interference. Juxtaposing this is the right of the child to be shielded from harm, abuse and exploitation. Over the past several decades the Internet has emerged as a fast and easily accessible medium for people to connect and communicate. While the Internet provides children with a source of support through chat rooms, online communities and social networking sites, just as equally it can expose vulnerable children to predatory and deviant individuals exacerbating the potential for harm. Upholding the Convention in cyberspace is a challenge. The Internet is not owned or regulated by any governing body and accountability is difficult to enforce. This article discusses some of the difficulties of upholding the Convention online and provides recommendations for policy-makers to protect children as they participate in cyberspace.


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A newly introduced inverse class-E power amplifier (PA) was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterized. The PA operated at 2.26 GHz and delivered 20.4-dBm output power with peak drain efficiency (DE) of 65% and power gain of 12 dB. Broadband performance was achieved across a 300-Mitz bandwidth with DE of better than 50% and 1-dB output-power flatness. The concept of enhanced injection predistortion with a capability to selectively suppress unwanted sub-frequency components and hence suitable for memory effects minimization is described coupled with a new technique that facilitates an accurate measurement of the phase of the third-order intermodulation (IM3) products. A robust iterative computational algorithm proposed in this paper dispenses with the need for manual tuning of amplitude and phase of the IM3 injected signals as commonly employed in the previous publications. The constructed inverse class-E PA was subjected to a nonconstant envelope 16 quadrature amplitude modulation signal and was linearized using combined lookup table (LUT) and enhanced injection technique from which superior properties from each technique can be simultaneously adopted. The proposed method resulted in 0.7% measured error vector magnitude (in rms) and 34-dB adjacent channel leakage power ratio improvement, which was 10 dB better than that achieved using the LUT predistortion alone.


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Few research studies examine the prevalence or mental health needs of people with a Learning Disability (LD) detained in police custody. This paper describes the population of detainees with an LD who presented to an inner city inter-agency police liaison service during a three-year period. Two forensically trained Community Mental Health Nurses (CMHNs) screened all custody record forms (n=9014) for evidence of a mental health problem or LD. The CMHNs interviewed positively screened detainees (n=1089) using a battery of measures designed to assess mental health status, risk-related behaviour and alcohol or drug abuse. Almost one-in-ten of those interviewed (95/1089) were judged to have a possible or definite LD. Fifty-two per cent were cases on the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) whilst 61% attained 'above threshold' Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores. The majority (63%) had a history of causing harm to others while 56 per cent had a history of self-harm. More than half (56%) regularly consumed harmful levels of alcohol while one-in-four (27%) reported abusing drugs. Higher than expected numbers of detainees have a learning disability and most have complex mental health needs. A police liaison service offers a way of identifying people with LD and connecting them with appropriate health and social care agencies.