985 resultados para halogenated hydrocarbon


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A central composite rotatable design (CCRD) method was used to investigate the performance of the accelerated thermomolecular adhesion process (ATmaP), at different operating conditions. ATmaP is a modified flame-treatment process that features the injection of a coupling agent into the flame to impart a tailored molecular surface chemistry on the work piece. In this study, the surface properties of treated polypropylene were evaluated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). All samples showed a significant increase in the relative concentration of oxygen (up to 12.2%) and nitrogen (up to 2.4%) at the surface in comparison with the untreated sample (0.7% oxygen and no detectable nitrogen) as measured by XPS. ToF-SIMS and principal components analysis (PCA) showed that ATmaP induced multiple reactions at the polypropylene surface such as chain scission, oxidation, nitration, condensation, and molecular loss, as indicated by changes in the relative intensities of the hydrocarbon (C3H7+ , C3H5+ , C4H7+, and C5H9+), nitrogen and oxygen-containing secondary ions (C2H3O+, C3H8N+, C2H5NO+, C3H6NO+, and C3H7NO+). The increase in relative intensity of the nitrogen oxide ions (C2H5NO+ and C3H7NO+) correlates with the process of incorporating oxides of nitrogen into the surface as a result of the injection of the ATmaP coupling agent.


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Extraction and preconcentration of the model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), phenanthrene, in aqueous solutions by two different kinds of nonionic ethoxylated alcohols, Tergitol 15-S-7 and Neodol 25-7, as extractants was studied at ambient temperature (22°C). Both surfactants have almost the same numbers of hydrocarbons and ethylene-oxide (EO) units, but differ in the location of the alcohols. Neodol 25-7 is a primary alcohol, while Tergitol 15-S-7 is a secondary one. The extraction process is based on the clouding phenomena of these two nonionic surfactants. Addition of sodium sulfate or sodium phosphate could decrease the cloud point temperatures of the surfactant solutions below the ambient temperatures, so that the cloud-point extraction process could be facilitated. Increasing the salt concentration or decreasing the surfactant concentration could improve the preconcentration factor, which is attributable to the decrease in the volume of surfactant-rich phase. Consequently, the recovery efficiency higher than 96% was achieved for phenanthrene in aqueous solution.


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There is paucity of data regarding hydrocarbon exposure of tropical fish species inhabiting the waters near oil and gas platforms on the Northwest Shelf of Australia. A comprehensive field study assessed the exposure and potential effects associated with the produced water (PW) plume from the Harriet A production platform on the northwest shelf in a local reef species, Stripey seaperch (Lutjanus carponotatus). This field study was a continuation of an earlier pilot study which concluded that there were “warning signs” of potential biological effects on fish populations exposed to PW. A 10-day field caging study was conducted deploying 15 individual fish into 6 separate steel cages set 1-m subsurface at 3 stations in a concentration gradient moving away from the platform. A battery of biomarkers were evaluated including hepatosomatic index (HSI), total cytochrome P450, bile metabolites, CYP1A-, CYP2K- and CYP2M-like proteins, cholinesterase (ChE) activity, and histopathology of liver and gill tissues. Water column and PW effluent samples was also collected. Results confirmed that PAH metabolites in bile, CYP1A-, CYP2K-, and CYP2M-like proteins and liver histopathology provided evidence of significant exposure and effects after 10 days at the near-field site (~200 m off the Harriet A platform). Hepatosomatic index, total cytochrome P450, and ChE did not provide site-specific differences by day 10 of exposure to PW. CYP proteins were shown by principal component analysis (PCA) to be the best diagnostic tool for determining exposure and associated biological effects of PW on L. carponotatus. Using a suite of biomarkers has been widely advocated as a vital component in environmental risk assessments worldwide. This study demonstrates the usefulness of biomarkers for assessing the Harriet A PW discharge into Australian waters with broader applications for other PW discharges. This approach has merit as a valuable addition to environmental management strategies for protecting Australia’s tropical environment and its rich biodiversity.


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In many businesses, including hydrocarbon industries, reducing cost is of high priority. Although hydrocarbon industries appear able to afford the expensive computing infrastructure and software packages used to process seismic data in the search for hydrocarbon traps, it is always imperative to find ways to minimize cost. Seismic processing costs can be significantly reduced by using inexpensive, open source seismic data processing packages. However, hydrocarbon industries question the processing performance capability of open source packages, claiming that their seismic functions are less integrated and provide almost no technical guarantees for one to use. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate, through a comparative analysis, that open source seismic data processing packages are capable of executing the required seismic functions on an actual industrial workload. To achieve this objective we investigate whether or not open source seismic data processing packages can be executed using the same set of seismic data through data format conversions, and whether or not they can achieve reasonable performance and speedup when executing parallel seismic functions on a HPC cluster. Among the few open source packages available on the Internet, the subjects of our study are two popular packages: Seismic UNIX (SU) and Madagascar.


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C1 and phenyl-type stationary phases were assessed in terms of their environmental impact on separations using as test solutes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Methanol (MeOH) and acetonitrile (ACN) mobile-phase gradients were employed. These stationary phases were examined to determine if different physical and chemical properties possessed by these surfaces decreased the organic solvent consumption, and yet maintained peak capacity. The cumulative energy demand (CED) was used to gauge the environmental impact of the separations. The separation of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon test mixture using current methodologies (i.e. a C18/ACN combination) had a CED of 1.13 MJ-eq, and a peak capacity of 27 peaks (resolving 7 of 12 peak pairs with Rs>1). In comparison, a butyl phenyl stationary phase with a methanol mobile phase had a peak capacity of 26, but with a CED of 0.670 MJ-eq. Monolithic columns containing C18 and C1 phases were also tested. A monolithic C18 column with MeOH had the lowest CED at 0.675 MJ-eq, a peak capacity of 28 peaks and good resolving power (resolving ten peak pairs with Rs>1), suggesting that this is a viable option with respect to reducing environmental impact for these types of analyses.


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The aqueous corrosion behavior of low-alloy steel with aluminum contents was examined in a 10 wt% H2SO4 (pH 0.13) solution using electrochemical techniques and surface analyses. The corrosion resistance of the new alloy steel was evaluated in terms of electrochemical parameters, such as passive current density, film, and charge transfer resistances. The results showed that a high Al content in the steel imparted better passivation behavior resulting in a lower corrosion rate. It related to the enrichment of iron carbonate and hydrocarbon by the dissolution of the carbide phase.


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The ability of porous media to transmit fluids is commonly referred to as permeability. The concept of permeability is central for hydrocarbon recovery from petroleum reservoirs and for studies of groundwater flow in aquifers. Spatially resolved measurements of permeability are of great significance for fluid dynamics studies. A convenient concept of local Darcy’s law is suggested for parallel flow systems. The product of porosity and mean velocity images in the plane across the average flow direction is directly proportional to permeability. Single Point Ramped Imaging with T 1 Enhancement (SPRITE) permits reliable quantification of local fluid content and flow in porous media. It is particularly advantageous for reservoir rocks characterized by fast magnetic relaxation of a saturating fluid. Velocity encoding using the Cotts pulsed field gradient scheme improves the accuracy of measured flow parameters. The method is illustrated through measurements of 2D permeability maps in a capillary bundle, glass bead packs and composite sandstone samples.


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Cell culture systems are instrumental in elucidating regulation of normal function and mechanisms of its perturbation by toxic substances. To this end, three applications of epithelial cells cultured with 3T3 feeder layer support are described. First, treatment of the premalignant human epidermal keratinocyte line SCC-12F2 with the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate suppressed cell growth and differentiation. This agent produced a biphasic growth response greatly inhibiting cell growth at 1 to 10 nM, but much less above 100 nM. Expression of the differentiated functions involucrin and transglutaminase was found to be inhibited markedly at concentrations above 10 nM. Second, 3-methylcholanthrene toxicity was surveyed in a variety of rat epithelial cell types. The two most sensitive to growth inhibition were epidermal and mammary epithelial cells, while those from bladder, prostate, thyroid, and endometrium were insensitive to growth inhibition. Great differences were evident even among those cells derived from stratified squamous epithelia (epidermal, esophageal, vaginal, forestomach) despite their expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities to similar degrees. Finally, expression of estrogen receptors in rat endometrial cells was shown to be stimulated by the cAMP-elevating agent forskolin. Maximal stimulation of 3- to 6-fold occurred in 6 hr, compatible with a requirement for protein synthesis. Although expressing keratinocyte character (transglutaminase activity and envelope forming ability), the cells thus retain some hormonal character that may be modulated by cAMP-dependent kinase activity. Pursuit of such results will aid in understanding differences in response among cell types and species, in elucidating mechanisms of action of known toxic substances and, ultimately, in predicting toxicity of less well understood agents.


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Surface modification of precipitated calcium carbonate particles (calcite) in a planetary ball mill using stearic acid as a modification agent for making dispersion in hydrocarbon oil was investigated. Different parameters for processing (milling) such as milling time, ball-to-sample ratio, and molar ratio of the reactant were varied and analyzed for optimization. The physical properties of the hydrophobically modified calcium carbonate particles were measured; the particle size and morphology of the resulting samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The surface coating thickness was estimated using small angle X-ray scattering. © 2014 American Coatings Association & Oil and Colour Chemists' Association.


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The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and highly effective degradation fungi Mucor mucedo (MU) was studied on corncob decomposition in Pyr-contaminated soil for 120 days to identify the impact of a degradable immobilized carrier on the remediation of soil contaminated by persistent organic pollutants. Results showed that the corncob was mainly composed of hemicelluloses, cellulose, and water dissolved (WD) material, which accounted for 85 percent of its total weight. MU addition significantly affected corncob decomposition. Thus, humic acid production and WD and benzene-ethanol dissolved material degradation increased. The peaking of the WD content was delayed for 30 days or more. The extractable pyrene content positively correlated with the WD content in the corncob during the decomposition. These results theoretically support a refined remediation principle of immobilized microorganisms.


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A meta dessa dissertação foi estudar a possibilidade de contaminação de um solo por hidrocarbonetos e metais pesados associados em zona industrial, estabelecendo uma metodologia de amostragem para avaliação de solos potencialmente contaminados. Para estudo de caso foi selecionada uma refinaria de petróleo localizada em território nacional. Conjuntamente com a metodologia de amostragem, foram estabelecidos como objetivos: a caracterização e avaliação do solo, a identificação dos possíveis “hot spot’s” para servir de subsídios para o monitoramento em investigações mais detalhadas do local e a avaliação da eficiência das barreiras argilosas que compõem os diques dos tanques. Foram investigados os solos que compõem os diques de contenção dos tanques armazenadores de petróleo. As diversas operações realizadas na área são fontes potencias de adição de contaminantes, que ocorrem, normalmente, em pequenas doses e de maneira contínua, pois a fonte nunca é estancada. Foram estabelecidas duas etapas de investigação: uma preliminar, que se consistiu em um levantamento do histórico da área, listando as evidências que pudessem indicar quais locais poderiam ser focos de contaminação A partir dos dados levantados na investigação preliminar foi feito o planejamento de uma campanha de amostragem para a coleta de amostras de solo. Além das análises usuais de caracterização, foram executadas análises de Hidrocarbonetos Totais de Petróleo (TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon) e dos metais cádmio, chumbo, cromo, níquel e mercúrio. Para o enquadramento da área sob o ponto de vista de área contaminada foram utilizados como valores orientadores a “Nova Lista da Holanda” e os “Valores orientadores para solos e águas subterrâneas para o estado de São Paulo”. Dos quatro pontos amostrados, um foi classificado como um “hot spot”, atingindo valores que classificam a área como contaminada. Foi constatado que as barreiras argilosas que compõem os diques de contenção junto aos tanques de armazenamento são ineficientes, ou seja, os hidrocarbonetos estão percolando através dos diques de contenção.


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O presente trabalho analisa os reservatórios turbidíticos do Campo de Namorado, Bacia de Campos – RJ, com a apresentação de um novo modelo evolutivo para o intervalo entre o Albiano superior e Cenomaniano, na área do referido campo. As ferramentas utilizadas neste estudo consistiram da interpretação sísmica em ambiente tridimensional com o software VoxelGeo®, e da análise faciológica junto à perfilagem de poços do referido campo. A análise desenvolvida permitiu a individualização e a posterior visualização tridimensional de um paleocanal meandrante na base do intervalo estudado, feição esta até então não relatada em interpretações anteriores neste reservatório. Como resultado das análises sísmicas e faciológicas, foi possível elaborar um modelo deposicional, onde foram definidos quatro sistemas turbidíticos distintos, inclusos em duas seqüências de 3ª Ordem. Esses sistemas turbidíticos estariam, portanto, associados às seqüências de 4ª Ordem, que são interpretadas como parasseqüências, inseridas nos dois ciclos de 3ª Ordem. As seqüências de 3ª Ordem, que englobam os reservatórios do Campo de Namorado, representariam intervalos de alta freqüência no registro estratigráfico, dentro do contexto de afogamento (2ª Ordem) da Bacia de Campos. Pelas características da calha deposicional observada para o Campo de Namorado, é possível concluir que o sistema, como um todo, foi depositado em um complexo de canais, junto a sistemas de frentes deltaicas. Esses canais, provavelmente, foram esculpidos por fluxos hiperpicnais, formados a partir de inundações catastróficas. As informações provenientes deste estudo, proporcionaram uma melhor compreensão da gênese dos depósitos turbidíticos, acumuladores de hidrocarbonetos, no intervalo estudado, e cuja ocorrência está relacionada com etapas de rebaixamento relativo do nível do mar.


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Diabetes is a worldwide health issue that has been expanding mainly in developed countries. It is characterized by abnormal levels of blood sugar due to several factors. The most common are resistance to insulin and the production of defective insulin which exerts little or no effect. Its most common symptoms include tissue damage to several systems due to elevated levels of blood sugar. One of the key enzymes in hydrocarbon metabolism is α-glucosidase (EC It catalyzes the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into their respective monomers (glucose) which allows them to be absorbed. In this work, caffeoyl quinic acids and their metabolites were analyzed as potential inhibitors for α-glucosidase. The search for the best inhibitor was conducted using molecular docking. The affinity of each compound was compared to the inhibitor present in the crystal structure of the protein. As no inhibitor with a similar affinity was´found, a new approach was used, in situ drug design. It was not possible to achieve an inhibitor capable of competing with the one present in the crystal structure of the enzyme, which is also its current commercial inhibitor. It is possible to draw some conclusions as to which functional groups interact best with certain residues of the active site. This work was divided into three main sections. The first section, Diabetes, serves as an introduction to what is Diabetes, its symptoms and/or side effects and how caffeoyl quinic acids could be used as a treatment. The second section, Caffeoylquinic acids and their metabolites as inhibitors for Alfa-glucosidase, corresponds to the search through molecular docking of caffeoyl quinic acids as inhibitors for α-glucosidase and what was possible to draw from this search. The last section, In situ design of an inhibitor for α-glucosidase (EC, corresponds to the in situ drug design study and what it achieved. The representation of each of the molecules used as a ligand can be found in the Annexes.