953 resultados para growth analysis, gas exchange
Advances in metastability exchange optical pumping (MEOP) of 3He at high laser powers, with its various applications, but also at high gas pressures p3 and high magnetic field strengths B, have provided strong motivation for revisiting the understanding and for investigating the limitations of this powerful technique. For this purpose, we present systematic experimental and theoretical studies of efficiency and of relaxation mechanisms in B≤30 mT and p3=0.63−2.45 mbar. 3He nuclear polarisation is measured by light absorption in longitudinal configuration where weak light beams at 1083 nm parallel to magnetic field and cell axis with opposite circular polarisations are used to probe the distribution of populations in the metastable state. This method is systematically tested to evaluate potential systematic biases and is shown to be reliable for the study of OP dynamics despite the redistribution of populations by OP light. Nuclear polarisation loss associated to the emission of polarised light by the plasma discharge used for MEOP is found to decrease above 10 mT, as expected, due to hyperfine decoupling in highly excited states. However, this does not lead to improved MEOP efficiency at high laser power. We find clear evidence of additional laser-induced relaxation instead. The strong OP-enhanced polarisation losses, currently limiting MEOP performances, are quantitatively investigated using an angular momentum budget approach and a recently developed comprehensive model that describes the combined effects of OP, ME and relaxation, validated by comparison to experimental results.
Nell'ambito delle nanostrutture, un ruolo primario è svolto dai punti quantici. In questo lavoro siamo interessati all'analisi teorica del processo di creazione dei punti quantici: esso può avvenire per eteroepitassia, in particolare secondo il metodo studiato da Stranski-Krastanov. Un film di Germanio viene depositato su un substrato di Silicio in modo coerente, cioè senza dislocazioni, e, a causa del misfit tra le maglie dei due materiali, c'è un accumulo di energia elastica nel film. A una certa altezza critica questa energia del film può essere ridotta se il film si organizza in isole (punti quantici), dove la tensione può essere rilassata lateralmente. L'altezza critica dipende dai moduli di Young (E, υ), dal misfit tra le maglie (m) e dalla tensione superficiali (γ). Il trasporto di materiale nel film è portato avanti per diffusione superficiale. Il punto focale nell'analisi delle instabilità indotte dal misfit tra le maglie dei materiali è la ricerca delle caratteristiche che individuano il modo di crescita più rapido dei punti quantici. In questo lavoro siamo interessati ad un caso particolare: la crescita di punti quantici non su una superficie piana ma sulla superficie di un nanofilo quantico a geometria cilindrica. L'analisi delle instabilità viene condotta risolvendo le equazioni all'equilibrio: a tal fine sono state calcolate le distribuzioni del tensore delle deformazioni e degli sforzo di un nanofilo core-shell con una superficie perturbata al primo ordine rispetto all'ampiezza della perturbazione. L'analisi è stata condotta con particolari condizioni al contorno ed ipotesi geometriche, e diverse scelte dello stato di riferimento del campo degli spostamenti. Risolto il problema elastico, è stata studiata l'equazione dinamica di evoluzione descrivente la diffusione di superficie. Il risultato dell'analisi di instabilità è il tasso di crescita in funzione del numero d'onda q, con diversi valori del raggio del core, spessore dello shell e modo normale n, al fine di trovare il più veloce modo di crescita della perturbazione.
In den vergangenen Jahren wurden einige bislang unbekannte Phänomene experimentell beobachtet, wie etwa die Existenz unterschiedlicher Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen. Diese haben zu einem neuen Verständnis von Prozessen, die auf molekularer Ebene während der Nukleation und dem Wachstum von Kristallen auftreten, beigetragen. Die Auswirkungen solcher Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen auf den Prozess der Biomineralisation sind noch nicht hinreichend verstanden. Die Mechanismen, mittels derer biomolekulare Modifikatoren, wie Peptide, mit Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen interagieren und somit den Nukleationsprozess von Mineralen beeinflussen könnten, sind vielfältig. Molekulare Simulationen sind zur Analyse der Formation von Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen in Anwesenheit von Modifikatoren gut geeignet. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt einen Ansatz zur Analyse der Interaktion von Peptiden mit den in Lösung befindlichen Bestandteilen der entstehenden Kristalle mit Hilfe von Molekular-Dynamik Simulationen.rnUm informative Simulationen zu ermöglichen, wurde in einem ersten Schritt die Qualität bestehender Kraftfelder im Hinblick auf die Beschreibung von mit Calciumionen interagierenden Oligoglutamaten in wässrigen Lösungen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass große Unstimmigkeiten zwischen etablierten Kraftfeldern bestehen, und dass keines der untersuchten Kraftfelder eine realistische Beschreibung der Ionen-Paarung dieser komplexen Ionen widerspiegelte. Daher wurde eine Strategie zur Optimierung bestehender biomolekularer Kraftfelder in dieser Hinsicht entwickelt. Relativ geringe Veränderungen der auf die Ionen–Peptid van-der-Waals-Wechselwirkungen bezogenen Parameter reichten aus, um ein verlässliches Modell für das untersuchte System zu erzielen. rnDas umfassende Sampling des Phasenraumes der Systeme stellt aufgrund der zahlreichen Freiheitsgrade und der starken Interaktionen zwischen Calciumionen und Glutamat in Lösung eine besondere Herausforderung dar. Daher wurde die Methode der Biasing Potential Replica Exchange Molekular-Dynamik Simulationen im Hinblick auf das Sampling von Oligoglutamaten justiert und es erfolgte die Simulation von Peptiden verschiedener Kettenlängen in Anwesenheit von Calciumionen. Mit Hilfe der Sketch-Map Analyse konnten im Rahmen der Simulationen zahlreiche stabile Ionen-Peptid-Komplexe identifiziert werden, welche die Formation von Prä-Nukleations-Strukturen beeinflussen könnten. Abhängig von der Kettenlänge des Peptids weisen diese Komplexe charakteristische Abstände zwischen den Calciumionen auf. Diese ähneln einigen Abständen zwischen den Calciumionen in jenen Phasen von Calcium-Oxalat Kristallen, die in Anwesenheit von Oligoglutamaten gewachsen sind. Die Analogie der Abstände zwischen Calciumionen in gelösten Ionen-Peptid-Komplexen und in Calcium-Oxalat Kristallen könnte auf die Bedeutung von Ionen-Peptid-Komplexen im Prozess der Nukleation und des Wachstums von Biomineralen hindeuten und stellt einen möglichen Erklärungsansatz für die Fähigkeit von Oligoglutamaten zur Beeinflussung der Phase des sich formierenden Kristalls dar, die experimentell beobachtet wurde.
Argomento del lavoro è stato lo studio di problemi legati alla Flow-Asurance. In particolare, si focalizza su due aspetti: i) una valutazione comparativa delle diverse equazioni di stato implementate nel simulatore multifase OLGA, per valutare quella che porta a risultati più conservativi; ii) l’analisi della formazione di idrati, all’interno di sistemi caratterizzati dalla presenza di gas ed acqua. Il primo argomento di studio nasce dal fatto che per garantire continuità del flusso è necessario conoscere il comportamento volumetrico del fluido all’interno delle pipelines. Per effettuare tali studi, la Flow-Assurance si basa sulle Equazioni di Stato cubiche. In particolare, sono state confrontate: -L’equazione di Soave-Redlich-Kwong; -L’equazione di Peng-Robinson; -L’equazione di Peng-Robinson modificata da Peneloux. Sono stati analizzati 4 fluidi idrocarburici (2 multifase, un olio e un gas) con diverse composizioni e diverse condizioni di fase. Le variabili considerate sono state pressione, temperatura, densità e viscosità; sono state poi valutate le perdite di carico, parametro fondamentale nello studio del trasporto di un fluido, valutando che l'equazione di Peng-Robinson è quella più adatta per caratterizzare termodinamicamente il fluido durante una fase di design, in quanto fornisce l'andamento più conservativo. Dopo aver accertato la presenza di idrati nei fluidi multifase, l’obiettivo del lavoro è stato analizzare come il sistema rispondesse all’aggiunta di inibitori chimici per uscire dalla regione termodinamica di stabilità dell’idrato. Gli inibitori utilizzati sono stati metanolo e mono-etilen-glicole in soluzione acquosa. L’analisi è stata effettuata confrontando due metodi: -Metodo analitico di Hammerschmidt; -Metodo iterativo con PVTSim. I risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato che entrambi gli inibitori utilizzati risolvono il problema della formazione di idrato spostando la curva di stabilità al di fuori delle pressioni e temperature che si incontrano nella pipeline. Valutando le quantità da iniettare, il metodo di Hammerschmidt risulta quello più conservativo, indicando portate maggiori rispetto al PVTsim, soprattutto aggiungendo metanolo.
In the last years, the European countries have paid increasing attention to renewable sources and greenhouse emissions. The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have established ambitious targets for the next years. In this scenario, biomass plays a prominent role since its life cycle produces a zero net carbon dioxide emission. Additionally, biomass can ensure plant operation continuity thanks to its availability and storage ability. Several conventional systems running on biomass are available at the moment. Most of them are performant either in the large-scale or in the small power range. The absence of an efficient system on the small-middle scale inspired this thesis project. The object is an innovative plant based on a wet indirectly fired gas turbine (WIFGT) integrated with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) unit for combined heat and power production. The WIFGT is a performant system in the small-middle power range; the ORC cycle is capable of giving value to low-temperature heat sources. Their integration is investigated in this thesis with the aim of carrying out a preliminary design of the components. The targeted plant output is around 200 kW in order not to need a wide cultivation area and to avoid biomass shipping. Existing in-house simulation tools are used: They are adapted to this purpose. Firstly the WIFGT + ORC model is built; Zero-dimensional models of heat exchangers, compressor, turbines, furnace, dryer and pump are used. Different fluids are selected but toluene and benzene turn out to be the most suitable. In the indirectly fired gas turbine a pressure ratio around 4 leads to the highest efficiency. From the thermodynamic analysis the system shows an electric efficiency of 38%, outdoing other conventional plants in the same power range. The combined plant is designed to recover thermal energy: Water is used as coolant in the condenser. It is heated from 60°C up to 90°C, ensuring the possibility of space heating. Mono-dimensional models are used to design the heat exchange equipment. Different types of heat exchangers are chosen depending on the working temperature. A finned-plate heat exchanger is selected for the WIFGT heat transfer equipment due to the high temperature, oxidizing and corrosive environment. A once-through boiler with finned tubes is chosen to vaporize the organic fluid in the ORC. A plate heat exchanger is chosen for the condenser and recuperator. A quasi-monodimensional model for single-stage axial turbine is implemented to design both the WIFGT and the ORC turbine. The system simulation after the components design shows an electric efficiency around 34% with a decrease by 10% compared to the zero-dimensional analysis. The work exhibits the system potentiality compared to the existing plants from both technical and economic point of view.
This paper describes informatics for cross-sample analysis with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). GCxGC-HRMS analysis produces large data sets that are rich with information, but highly complex. The size of the data and volume of information requires automated processing for comprehensive cross-sample analysis, but the complexity poses a challenge for developing robust methods. The approach developed here analyzes GCxGC-HRMS data from multiple samples to extract a feature template that comprehensively captures the pattern of peaks detected in the retention-times plane. Then, for each sample chromatogram, the template is geometrically transformed to align with the detected peak pattern and generate a set of feature measurements for cross-sample analyses such as sample classification and biomarker discovery. The approach avoids the intractable problem of comprehensive peak matching by using a few reliable peaks for alignment and peak-based retention-plane windows to define comprehensive features that can be reliably matched for cross-sample analysis. The informatics are demonstrated with a set of 18 samples from breast-cancer tumors, each from different individuals, six each for Grades 1-3. The features allow classification that matches grading by a cancer pathologist with 78% success in leave-one-out cross-validation experiments. The HRMS signatures of the features of interest can be examined for determining elemental compositions and identifying compounds.
Context: IGF-I plays a central role in metabolism and growth regulation. High IGF-I levels are associated with increased cancer risk and low IGF-I levels with increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Objective: Our objective was to determine the relationship between circulating IGF-I levels and mortality in the general population using random-effects meta-analysis and dose-response metaregression. Data Sources: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library from 1985 to September 2010 to identify relevant studies. Study Selection: Population-based cohort studies and (nested) case-control studies reporting on the relation between circulating IGF-I and mortality were assessed for eligibility. Data Extraction: Data extraction was performed by two investigators independently, using a standardized data extraction sheet. Data Synthesis: Twelve studies, with 14,906 participants, were included. Overall, risk of bias was limited. Mortality in subjects with low or high IGF-I levels was compared with mid-centile reference categories. All-cause mortality was increased in subjects with low as well as high IGF-I, with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.27 (95% CI = 1.08–1.49) and HR of 1.18 (95% CI = 1.04–1.34), respectively. Dose-response metaregression showed a U-shaped relation of IGF-I and all-cause mortality (P = 0.003). The predicted HR for the increase in mortality comparing the 10th IGF-I with the 50th percentile was 1.56 (95% CI = 1.31–1.86); the predicted HR comparing the 90th with the 50th percentile was 1.29 (95% CI = 1.06–1.58). A U-shaped relationship was present for both cancer mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Conclusions: Both low and high IGF-I concentrations are associated with increased mortality in the general population.
Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy is used in the long-term treatment of children with growth disorders, but there is considerable treatment response variability. The exon 3-deleted growth hormone receptor polymorphism (GHR(d3)) may account for some of this variability. The authors performed a systematic review (to April 2011), including investigator-only data, to quantify the effects of the GHR(fl-d3) and GHR(d3-d3) genotypes on rhGH therapy response and used a recently established Bayesian inheritance model-free approach to meta-analyze the data. The primary outcome was the 1-year change-in-height standard-deviation score for the 2 genotypes. Eighteen data sets from 12 studies (1,527 children) were included. After several prior assumptions were tested, the most appropriate inheritance model was codominant (posterior probability = 0.93). Compared with noncarriers, carriers had median differences in 1-year change-in-height standard-deviation score of 0.09 (95% credible interval (CrI): 0.01, 0.17) for GHR(fl-d3) and of 0.14 (95% CrI: 0.02, 0.26) for GHR(d3-d3). However, the between-study standard deviation of 0.18 (95% CrI: 0.10, 0.33) was considerable. The authors tested by meta-regression for potential modifiers and found no substantial influence. They conclude that 1) the GHR(d3) polymorphism inheritance is codominant, contrasting with previous reports; 2) GHR(d3) genotypes account for modest increases in rhGH effects in children; and 3) considerable unexplained variability in responsiveness remains.
This study estimates the economic effects of a severance tax on the market for natural gas produced from shale sources using non-conventional extraction methods, such as horizontal drilling and fracking. Results suggest that a severance tax of 5% would increase the price of natural gas by as much as 3.82% and decrease gas extraction by an estimated 1.16% to a value of 9.52%. If applied to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the United States, a 5% severance tax is estimated to raise between US$443 and $486 million per year in public revenue. The marginal deadweight loss associated with a 5% severance tax is estimated between 1.27% and 12.85% of the last dollar earned. The burden of this tax falls on both producers and consumers and depends upon the underlying assumptions made regarding the price responsiveness of consumers and producers. Under plausible assumptions, a family consuming 1000 MMcfs (approximate to 2.8 x 10(4) m(3)) per year of natural gas is estimated to pay an additional $100 per year after the implementation of a 5% severance tax.
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as a condition in which the fetus does not reach its genetically given growth potential, resulting in low birth weight. IUGR is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, thus contributing substantially to medically indicated preterm birth in order to prevent fetal death. We subjected umbilical cord blood serum samples either belonging to the IUGR group (n = 15) or to the control group (n = 15) to fractionation by affinity chromatography using a bead system with hydrophobic interaction capabilities. So prepared protein mixtures were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric profiling. The six best differentiating ion signals at m/z 8205, m/z 8766, m/z 13 945, m/z 15 129, m/z 15 308, and m/z 16 001 were collectively assigned as IUGR proteome signature. Separation confidence of our IUGR proteome signature reached a sensitivity of 0.87 and a specificity of 0.93. Assignment of ion signals in the mass spectra to specific proteins was substantiated by SDS-PAGE in conjunction with peptide mass fingerprint analysis of cord blood serum proteins. One constituent of this proteome signature, apolipoprotein C-III(0) , a derivative lacking glycosylation, has been found more abundant in the IUGR cord blood serum samples, irrespective of gestational age. Hence, we suggest apolipoprotein C-III(0) as potential key-marker of the here proposed IUGR proteome signature, as it is a very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) member and as such involved in triglyceride metabolism that itself is discussed as being of importance in IUGR pathogenesis. Our results indicate that subtle alterations in protein glycosylation need to be considered for improving our understanding of the pathomechanisms in IUGR.
In a surfactant-depletion model of lung injury, tidal recruitment of atelectasis and changes in shunt fraction lead to large Pao2 oscillations. We investigated the effect of these oscillations on conventional arterial blood gas (ABG) results using different sampling techniques in ventilated rabbits. In each rabbit, 5 different ventilator settings were studied, 2 before saline lavage injury and 3 after lavage injury. Ventilator settings were altered according to 5 different goals for the amplitude and mean value of brachiocephalic Pao2 oscillations, as guided by a fast responding intraarterial probe. ABG collection was timed to obtain the sample at the peak or trough of the Pao2 oscillations, or over several respiratory cycles. Before lung injury, oscillations were small and sample timing did not influence Pao2. After saline lavage, when Po2 fluctuations measured by the indwelling arterial Po2 probe confirmed tidal recruitment, Pao2 by ABG was significantly higher at peak (295 +/- 130 mm Hg) compared with trough (74 +/- 15 mm Hg) or mean (125 +/- 75 mm Hg). In early, mild lung injury after saline lavage, Pao2 can vary markedly during the respiratory cycle. When atelectasis is recruited with each breath, interpretation of changes in shunt fraction, based on conventional ABG analysis, should account for potentially large respiratory variations in arterial Po2.