972 resultados para fungal natural products


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Countries are currently faced with problems derived from changes in lifespan and an increase in lifestyle-related diseases. Neurodegenerative disorders such Parkinson’s (PD) and Alzheimer’s (AD) diseases are an increasing problem in aged societies. Data from World Alzheimer Report 2011 indicate that 36 million people worldwide are living with dementia. Oxidative stress has been associated with the development of AD and PD. Therefore there is interest to search for effective compounds or therapies to combat the oxidative damage in these diseases. Current evidence strongly supports a contribution of phenolic compounds present in fruits and vegetables to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such AD and PD. The industrial processing of a wide variety of fruits results in the accumulation of by-products without commercial value. Opuntia ficus-indica (cactus pear) is consumed fresh and processed like in juice. Prunnus avium (sweet cherry) is consumed fresh but the organoleptics characteristics of the fruits leads to the smaller and ragged fruits have no commercial value. Fruit extracts of both species has described to be rich in phenolic compounds and to have high antioxidant activities due to its composition. The aim of this work was assessing the efficacy of O. ficus-indica and P. avium by-products extracts obtained with conventional solvent extraction and pressurized liquid extraction in a neurodegeneration cell model. All extracts have protected neuroblastoma cells from H2O2-induced death at low, non-toxic levels, which approach to physiologically-relevant serum concentration. However, cherry extract has a slighter neuroprotective activity. The protective effect of Opuntia extracts are not conducted by a direct antioxidant activity since there are not decreases in intracellular ROS levels in cell treated with extracts and challenged with H2O2, while cherry extract neuroprotection seems to be due to a direct scavenging activity. Extracts from different biological matrixes seems to protect neuronal cells trough different cellular mechanisms.


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Clayish earth-based mortars are been recognized, all over the world, as eco-efficient products for plastering. Apart from being a product with low embodied energy when compared to other types of plasters, their application on the interior surface of walls may give a strong contribution for the health and comfort of inhabitants. As part of an ongoing research regarding earth-based plasters this work assesses the influence of the addition of two types of natural fibres – oat straw and typha fiber-wool – on the characteristics of plastering mortars made with a clayish earth. Mechanical and physical characteristics were tested, showing that addition of these fibers contribute to decrease linear drying shrinkage and thermal conductivity, as well as promoting the adhesion strength of plaster to the substrate. The improvement of mechanical resistance reveal to be dependent on the type of fiber added while the hygroscopic capacity of the plaster is maintained regardless of the fiber additions.


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Nature has developed strategies to present us with a wide variety of colours, from the green of leaves to the bright colours seen in flowers. Anthocyanins are between these natural pigments that are responsible for the great diversity of colours seen in flowers and fruits. Anthocyanins have been used to sensitize titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs). DSSCs have become one of the most popular research topic in photovoltaic cells due to their low production costs when compared to other alternatives. DSSCs are inspired in what happens in nature during photosynthesis. A primary charge separation is achieved by means of a photoexcited dye capable of performing the electron injection into the conduction band of a wide band-gap semiconductor, usually TiO2. With this work we aimed to synthesize a novel mesoporous TiO2 structure as the semiconductor in order to increase the dye loading. We used natural occurring dyes such as anthocyanins and their synthetic flavylium relatives, as an alternative to the widely used metal complexes of Ru(II) which are expensive and are environmentally unsafe. This offers not only the chance to use safer dyes for DSSCs, but also to take profit of waste biological products, such as wine and olive oil production residues that are heavily loaded with anthocyanin dyes. We also performed a photodegradation study using TiO2 as the catalyst to degrade dye contaminants, such as those from the wine production waste, by photo-irradiation of the system in the visible region of the light spectrum. We were able to succeed in the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 both powder and thin film, with a high capacity to load a large amount of dye. We proved the concept of photodegradation using TiO2 as catalyst. And finally, we show that wine production waste is a possible dye source to DSSCs application.


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The use of wastes and industrial by-products as building materials is an important issue in order to decrease costs with waste management and the embodied energy of building products. In this study scrap tire rubber was used as additional aggregate of mortars based on natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 and natural sand. Different particle size fractions and proportions of scrap tire rubber were used: a mix obtained directly from industry and separated fine, medium and coarse fractions; 0 %, 18 %, 36 % and 54 % of the weight of binder, corresponding to 2.5 %, 5 % and 7.5 % of the weight of sand. As mortars based on NHL specifications became stricter with the current version of EN 459–1:2015, the influence of the rubber’s additions on the mortars’ fresh state, mechanical and physical performance is presented in this work: flow table consistency, water retention, dynamic elasticity modulus, flexural and compressive strength, open porosity and bulk density, capillary absorption, drying and thermal conductivity are studied. The use of the rubber mix coming from the waste tire industry seems advantageous and may open possibilities for use as raw material by the mortars industry.


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The growing concerns regarding the environmental impact generated by the use of inorganic materials in different fields of application increased the interest towards products based on materials with low environmental impact. In recent years, researchers have turned their attention towards the development of materials obtained from renewable sources, easily recoverable or biodegradable at the end of use. In the field of civil structures, a few attempts have been done to replace the most common composites (e.g. carbon and glass fibers) by materials less harmful to the environment, as natural fibers. This work presents a comprehensive experimental research on the mechanical performance of natural fibers for the strengthening of masonry constructions. Flax, hemp, jute, sisal and coir fibers have been investigated both from physical and mechanical points of view. The fibers with better performance were tested together with three different matrices (two of organic nature) in order to produce composites. These experimental results represent a useful database for understanding the potentialities of natural fibers as strengthening systems.


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The severity and frequency of opportunistic fungal infections still growing, concomitantly to the increasing rates of antimicrobial drugs resistance. Natural matrices have been used over years due to its multitude of health benefits, including antifungal potential. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the anti-Candida potential of the phenolic extract and individual phenolic compounds of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), by disc diffusion assay, followed by determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) for both planktonic cells and biofilms. Licorice extract evidenced inhibitory potential against the nineteen tested Candida strains, but no pronounced effect was observed by testing the most abundant individual phenolic compounds. Candida tropicalis strains were the most sensible, followed by Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis and, then, Candida albicans. Lower MIC and MFC values were achieved to C. glabrata and C. tropicalis, which confirms its susceptibility to licorice extract; however, for C. tropicalis strains a higher variability was observed. Anti-biofilm potential was also achieved, being most evident in some C. glabrata and C. tropicalis strains. In general, a twice concentration of the MIC was necessary for planktonic cells to obtain a similar potential to that one observed for biofilms. Thus, an upcoming approach for new antifungal agents, more effective and safer than the current ones, is stablished; notwithstanding, further studies are necessary in order to understand its mechanism of action, as also to assess kinetic parameters.


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Las didácticas específicas de las ciencias naturales revelan diferentes problemáticas en su enseñanza y aprendizaje en los diferentes niveles del sistema educativo. En particular, en las clases de ciencias la interacción discursiva docente alumnos adquiere relevancia, ya que el proceso de comunicación del conocimiento es uno de los pilares didácticos, junto a la trasposición del mismo. Especificamente, en este proyecto nos abocamos a aquellas intervenciones de docentes y alumnos que se relacionan con la construcción del conocimiento biológico y químico. El proyecto se enmarca en una actual linea de trabajo que indaga sobre las dificultades en los abordajes del conocimiento científico en las aulas, las características del discurso entre docentes y alumnos, las habilidades y dificultades en la comprensión de los enunciados de problemas y las características de los textos que se utilizan en las clases. Se focaliza este estudio en casos que intentan dar respuesta a tres temáticas, agrupadas en un conjunto de situaciones de investigación relacionadas con la interacción discursiva docente-alumno, retomando el rol del docente al hablar, guiar o diseñar las situaciones de referencia para el aprendizaje de los alumnos. Los casos son: 1- En cuanto a las concepciones sobre diversidad biológica en estudiantes de escuela secundaria y en textos académicos, atendemos a cómo la escuela presenta los contenidos ecológicos como un conjunto de dogmas y conceptos estáticos. Además suelen simplificarse conceptualmente y presentarse poco actualizados. Es por ello que se planea estudiar las concepciones y actitudes de los alumnos de secundaria sobre la biodiversidad, cómo estas dificultan su comprensión y los textos usados en relación a la promoción de la transposición didáctica. 2- En relación a cómo se elabora el patrón temático del tema célula en clases de Biología, se analizarán las diferentes estrategias de significados y de desarrollo temático, que se emplean en la comunicación aulica. Se intentará establecer si hay cambios en el desarrollo temático a medida que se avanza en la escolaridad. Esto es porque se puede apreciar que muchos de los problemas de aprendizaje del alumnado se deben a un desconocimiento tanto del patrón temático como del patrón estructural de la ciencia, siendo preciso evocar los patrones temáticos que se quieren utilizar, para construir un conocimiento compartido. 3-Finalmente, en los enunciados de problemas de Química, se analizarán las dificultades de comprensión lectora de alumnos de Ingeniería. Los docentes frecuentemente atribuyen los problemas a deficiencias en la instrucción recibida, sin considerarse los conocimientos previos del alumno, los obstáculos conceptuales originados en el tema, las deficiencias en la habilidad lectora, el tipo textual predominante en la consigna, el formato en el que se escribió la consigna y los factores personales, etc., siendo que la comprensión del enunciado de una consigna de trabajo condiciona fuertemente la posibilidad de su resolución. Los tres casos utilizarán metodologías cualitaritas que incluyan análisis de contenido en discursos orales y escritos. Los datos se registrarán desde observación no participante, registro etnográfico y con grabaciones de audio. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento, realizando aportes a la formación docente en tanto las estrategias discursivas que se emplean en el aula, en forma oral y en la escrita, conocer concepciones que dificultan o favoren la construcción del conocimiento científico, entre otras. Los productos de estos estudios estarán integrados por nuevos desarrollos para la formación docente, publicaciones científicas de impacto nacional e internacional, presentaciones a congresos, materiales didácticos y divulgativos, dictado de seminarios y/o cursos, redacción de informes a las escuelas intervinientes.. The specific Natural Sciences didactics show different problems in teaching and learning along the school system. In particular, the discourse used to communicate knowledge in Science lessons becomes important. With this project we will focus on the teachers and students actions regarding the construction of biological and chemical knowledge. This project attempts to answer these issues and brings together a range of research situations related to teacher-student interaction, through discourse, taking up the role of the teacher to speak, to plan and to guide student learning. We will study the ideas and attitudes of high school students about biodiversity that make difficult its understanding and the textbooks used in relation to promotion of the didactic transposition. In addition, regarding how the thematic pattern in biology classes is costructed, it will be analyzed the different meaning and thematic development strategies that are used in communication. We will attempt to establish whether there are any changes in the thematic development throughout high school education. Finally, we will analyze the reading comprehension problems in engineering students. Teachers frequently attribute these issues to deficiencies in prior education, without considering the students background, the conceptual obstacles arising in the field, the format in which the prompt is written, personal factors, etc., keeping in mind that the outcome of an activity is strictly dependant con the prompt understanding. We expect to make contributions to the teacher education in both the discourse strategies used in the classroom, orally and in writing, to learn about the conceptions that hinder or favor the knowledge construction, among others. The products of this study will be national and international impact scientific publications, conference presentations, popular science publications, seminars courses and reports to the schools involeved.


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There is accumulating evidence that invertebrates can acquire long-term protection against pathogens through immune priming. However, the range of pathogens eliciting immune priming and the specificity of the response remain unclear. Here, we tested if the exposure to a natural fungal pathogen elicited immune priming in ants. We found no evidence for immune priming in Formica selysi workers exposed to Beauveria bassiana. The initial exposure of ants to the fungus did not alter their resistance in a subsequent challenge with the same fungus. There was no sign of priming when using homologous and heterologous combinations of fungal strains for exposure and subsequent challenges at two time intervals. Hence, within the range of conditions tested, the immune response of this social insect to the fungal pathogen appears to lack memory and strain-specificity. These results show that immune priming is not ubiquitous across pathogens, hosts and conditions, possibly because of immune evasion by the pathogen or efficient social defences by the host.


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Despite improvement of antifungal therapies over the last 30 years, the phenomenon of antifungal resistance is still of major concern in clinical practice. In the last 10 years the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon were extensively unraveled. In this paper, after a brief overview of currently available antifungals, molecular mechanisms of antifungal resistance will be detailed. It appears that major mechanisms of resistance are essential due to the deregulation of antifungal resistance effector genes. This deregulation is a consequence of point mutations occurring in transcriptional regulators of these effector genes. Resistance can also follow the emergence of point mutations directly in the genes coding antifungal targets. In addition we further describe new strategies currently undertaken to discover alternative therapy targets and antifungals. Identification of new antifungals is essentially achieved by the screening of natural or synthetic chemical compound collections. Discovery of new putative antifungal targets is performed through genome-wide approaches for a better understanding of the human pathogenic fungi biology.


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The objective of this study was to isolate and identify fungal species found in natural association with adults of Musca domestica. The adult insects were collected from two natural breeding grounds: hog pens and an urban sanitary landfill. The isolated fungi were identified as: Aspergillus flavus (23.8%), A. niger var. niger (14.4%), Penicillium corylophilum (21.4%), P. fellutanum (11.9%), Cladosporium cladosporoides (4.7%), Fusarium sp. (4.7%), Alternaria alternata (11.9%), Curvularia brachyspora (2.4%), Mycelia sterilia (2.4%) and the Mucorales order (2.4%).


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Background: Over the last two decades, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) declined by about 30% in the European Union (EU). Design: We analyzed trends in CHD (X ICD codes: I20-I25) and CVD (X ICD codes: I60-I69) mortality in young adults (age 35-44 years) in the EU as a whole and in 12 selected European countries, over the period 1980-2007. Methods: Data were derived from the World Health Organization mortality database. With joinpoint regression analysis, we identified significant changes in trends and estimated average annual percent changes (AAPC). Results: CHD mortality rates at ages 35-44 years have decreased in both sexes since the 1980s for most countries, except for Russia (130/100,000 men and 24/100,000 women, in 2005-7). The lowest rates (around 9/100,000 men, 2/100,000 women) were in France, Italy and Sweden. In men, the steepest declines in mortality were in the Czech Republic (AAPC = -6.1%), the Netherlands (-5.2%), Poland (-4.5%), and England and Wales (-4.5%). Patterns were similar in women, though with appreciably lower rates. The AAPC in the EU was -3.3% for men (rate = 16.6/100,000 in 2005-7) and -2.1% for women (rate = 3.5/100,000). For CVD, Russian rates in 2005-7 were 40/100,000 men and 16/100,000 women, 5 to 10-fold higher than in most western European countries. The steepest declines were in the Czech Republic and Italy for men, in Sweden and the Czech Republic for women. The AAPC in the EU was -2.5% in both sexes, with steeper declines after the mid-late 1990s (rates = 6.4/100,000 men and 4.3/100,000 women in 2005-7). Conclusions: CHD and CVD mortality steadily declined in Europe, except in Russia, whose rates were 10 to 15-fold higher than those of France, Italy or Sweden. Hungary and Poland, and also Scotland, where CHD trends were less favourable than in other western European countries, also emerge as priorities for preventive interventions.


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L’Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) és una eina emprada per gestionar els impactes ambientals i els recursos usats al llarg del cicle de vida d’un bé o servei. Existeixen reptes de futur en el desenvolupament de l’ACV, tals com la introducció de noves categories d’impacte ambiental, que permetin una anàlisi més específica dels impactes sobre determinats elements del medi, com ara el paisatge. En el present estudi s’analitza la dimensió natural del paisatge per tal de proposar la creació d’un índex de paisatge. Així doncs, s’han revisat les noves propostes de categories d’impacte en ACV que inclouen directament o indirecta el paisatge i s’ha analitzat una mostra de 33 estudis d’indicadors de paisatge. Aquesta cerca deriva en l’elecció de 6 indicadors: els usos del sòl, la diversitat paisatgística, la fragmentació, la connectivitat, la riquesa d’espècies i la densitat de carreteres. En la determinació dels seus respectius mètodes de càlcul s’ha detectat la importància de l’ús dels SIG, l’elecció d’una base de dades d’usos del sòl comuna (CORINE) i les interrelacions que existeixen entre indicadors. La proposta de l’índex hauria de poder ésser un punt de partida per a futurs estudis en aquest àmbit i derivar en una nova categoria d’impacte de paisatge, donat que caldrà estudiar alguns elements, com la interrelació entre indicadors.


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Fungi of the genus Paracoccidioides are responsible for paracoccidioidomycosis. The occurrence of drug toxicity and relapse in this disease justify the development of new antifungal agents. Compounds extracted from fungal extract have showing antifungal activity. Extracts of 78 fungi isolated from rocks of the Atacama Desert were tested in a microdilution assay against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18. Approximately 18% (5) of the extracts showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values≤ 125.0 µg/mL. Among these, extract from the fungus UFMGCB 8030 demonstrated the best results, with an MIC of 15.6 µg/mL. This isolate was identified as Aspergillus felis (by macro and micromorphologies, and internal transcribed spacer, β-tubulin, and ribosomal polymerase II gene analyses) and was grown in five different culture media and extracted with various solvents to optimise its antifungal activity. Potato dextrose agar culture and dichloromethane extraction resulted in an MIC of 1.9 µg/mL against P. brasiliensis and did not show cytotoxicity at the concentrations tested in normal mammalian cell (Vero). This extract was subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation using analytical C18RP-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and an antifungal assay using P. brasiliensis. Analysis of the active fractions by HPLC-high resolution mass spectrometry allowed us to identify the antifungal agents present in the A. felis extracts cytochalasins. These results reveal the potential of A. felis as a producer of bioactive compounds with antifungal activity.


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The richness of the parasitic community associated with social insect colonies has rarely been investigated. Moreover, understanding how hosts and pathogens interact in nature is important to interpret results from laboratory experiments. Here, we assessed the diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens present around and within colonies of the ant Formica selysi. We detected eight fungal species known to be entomopathogenic in soil sampled from the habitat of ants. Six of these entomopathogens were found in active nests, abandoned nests, and corpses from dump piles or live ants. A systematic search for the presence of three generalist fungal entomopathogens in ant colonies revealed a large variation in their prevalence. The most common of the three pathogens, Paecilomyces lilacinus, was detected in 44% of the colonies. Beauveria bassiana occurred in 17% of the colonies, often in association with P. lilacinus, whereas we did not detect Metarhizium brunneum (formerly M. anisopliae) in active colonies. The three fungal species caused significant mortality to experimentally challenged ants, but varied in their degree of virulence. There was a high level of genetic diversity within B. bassiana isolates, which delineated three genetic strains that also differed significantly in their virulence. Overall, our study indicates that the ants encounter a diversity of fungal entomopathogens in their natural habitat. Moreover, some generalist pathogens vary greatly in their virulence and prevalence in ant colonies, which calls for further studies on the specificity of the interactions between the ant hosts and their fungal pathogens.


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Fungal pathogens are a frequent cause of opportunistic infections. They live as commensals in healthy individuals but can cause disease when the immune status of the host is altered. T lymphocytes play a critical role in pathogen control. However, specific Ags determining the activation and function of antifungal T cells remain largely unknown. By using an immunoproteomic approach, we have identified for the first time, to our knowledge, a natural T cell epitope from Candida albicans. Isolation and sequencing of MHC class II-bound ligands from infected dendritic cells revealed a peptide that was recognized by a major population of all Candida-specific Th cells isolated from infected mice. Importantly, human Th cells also responded to stimulation with the peptide in an HLA-dependent manner but without restriction to any particular HLA class II allele. Immunization of mice with the peptide resulted in a population of epitope-specific Th cells that reacted not only with C. albicans but also with other clinically highly relevant species of Candida including the distantly related Candida glabrata. The extent of the reaction to different Candida species correlated with their degree of phylogenetic relationship to C. albicans. Finally, we show that the newly identified peptide acts as an efficient vaccine when used in combination with an adjuvant inducing IL-17A secretion from peptide-specific T cells. Immunized mice were protected from fatal candidiasis. Together, these results uncover a new immune determinant of the host response against Candida ssp. that could be exploited for the development of antifungal vaccines and immunotherapies.