1000 resultados para formas de potássio
Foram avaliados os efeitos de fitorreguladores (giberelinas e citocininas) e nitrato de potássio (KNO3), na germinação de sementes e na promoção do crescimento de seedlings do porta-enxerto 'Nasnaran' (Citrus amblycarpa Ochese). Realizou-se primeiramente o experimento em germinador, contendo papel de filtro umedecido com água destilada e gerbox, como meio para a germinação das sementes. Os tratamentos foram realizados mediante imersão das sementes, em soluções preparadas com os fítorreguladores e KNO3, durante 24 horas. Através dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que o tratamento com 100 mg/1 de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina, apresentou a maior porcentagem de germinação (88%), num tempo médio de 21 dias. Tomando como base o resultado do germinador, sementes de Citrus amblycarpa foram semeadas em canteiros e quando as plantas atingiram a altura de 6,0 cm receberam 2 pulverizações com 0; 50; 100 e 150 mg/1 de GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilami-nopurina, com intervalo de 21 dias. Avaliou-se a matéria seca total, caule e folhas, área foliar e altura das plantas, sendo que a análise desses parâmetros mostrou que o GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetUaminopurina na concentração de 50 mg/1 foi o tratamento que apresentou os melhores resultados.
Os efeitos de reguladores vegetais do grupo das giberelinas e citocininas, bem como do nitrato de potássio, foram estudados no crescimento e desenvolvimento do porta-enxerto de limoeiro `Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck). As sementes foram extraídas de frutos maduros, lavadas, secas à sombra e armazenadas em câmara fria (4 - 5oC) durante sessenta dias, até o mês de maio/1993, quando foram semeadas nos canteiros de semeadura. As pulverizações com os fitorreguladores foram realizadas no viveiro e tiveram início com as plantas aos 8 meses de idade, contados a partir da semeadura, sendo efetuadas um total de 4 pulverizações, realizadas a intervalos quinzenais. Os tratamentos corresponderam a: 25, 50 e 75 ppm de GA3; 25, 50 e 75 ppm de GA4+GA7+fenilmetil-aminopurina; 20 ppm de fenilmetilpiranil-aminopurina; 0,2% de KNO3 e testemunha (sem pulverização). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as pulverizações com os reguladores vegetais e com o nitrato de potássio, realizadas no período de janeiro a março (verão), não tiveram efeito na diminuição do tempo de formação das plantas jovens de limoeiro `Cravo', tendo inclusive, o tratamento com KNO3 0,2%, exercido efeito depressivo no desenvolvimento das mesmas.
Foram estudados os efeitos de reguladores vegetais do grupo das giberelinas e citocininas, bem como do nitrato de potássio na germinação de sementes do limoeiro `Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck). O experimento foi realizado, contendo papel de filtro como substrato para a germinação das sementes, regulado à temperatura de 25oC. As sementes foram retiradas de frutos maduros no final da safra do limoeiro `Cravo', lavadas, secas à sombra e armazenadas durante 11 dias em câmara fria. em seguida, receberam tratamento com os fitorreguladores e KNO3 por 24 horas, de acordo com os tratamentos: KNO3 0,1% e 0,2%; GA3 50, 100 e 250 mg.L-1; GA4 + GA7 + fenilmetilaminopurina 100 mg.L-1; fenilmetilaminopurina 20 mg.L-1 e água destilada (testemunha). As avaliações foram iniciadas 15 dias após a semeadura, em intervalos de 5 dias. Conclui-se que os reguladores vegetais utilizados não afetaram o processo germinativo das sementes e que os tratamentos com nitrato de potássio 0,1% e 0,2% exerceram efeito inibitório sobre a germinação.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Red-cell potassium concentration was determined in five breeds of cattle: Brown Swiss, Nelore, Pitangueiras, Gir and Girolanda. All the cattle examined for the red cell potassium concentration presented low potassium concentration or LK type. This were divided in the following sub-types: low-low potassium concentration (LLK variation: 7.0 -15.9 m-equiv/l) in 16.9% of the animals; medium-low potassium concentration (MLK variation: 16.0 - 30.9 m-equiv/l) in 77% of animals and high-low potassium concentration (HLK variation: 31.0 - 50.0 m-equiv/l) in 6.1% of the animals. This results may be associated with a tropical environment because animals whith red-cell potassium concentration have advantage in this environment.
Durante três anos foi conduzido um experimento em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa, no qual foram estudados os efeitos de adubações anuais com 0,40, 80, 160 e 240 kg/ha de K2O, nas formas de cloreto de potássio e sulfato de potássio, aplicados no sulco de semeadura ou em área total com incorporação. Observou-se resposta à adubação potássica a partir do segundo ano de cultivo. As máximas produções sempre estiveram associadas a teores de potássio nas folhas acima de 1,5%. Em anos mais secos que o normal, as aplicações a lanço proporcionaram melhores resultados do que as aplicações em sulcos. Não foram observadas diferenças entre as fontes de potássio utilizadas. Notou-se acentuado decréscimo nos teores de potássio trocável do solo, com o transcorrer do tempo, sendo necessária a aplicação de doses maiores que 80 kg/ha de K2O por ano para manter o nível original. Por outro lado, a aplicação de doses elevadas de potássio levou a uma perda significativa do nutriente por lixiviação.
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is known to have a high ability as a potassium extractor, and different cultivars show different potassium requirements. An experiment was run to study the potassium nutrition of soybean as related to plant characteristics. Six soybean cultivars (FT-2, Bossier, IAC-11, IAC-17, IAC-18 and IAC-19) were grown in 6 kg pots filled with the topsoil of a Dark Red Latosol (sandy loam), either with and without K fertilization. The plants were harvested 70 days after emergence. Soybean response to potassium was not related to growth habit or group of maturation. There was a different response to K. The cultivars IAC-18 and FT-2 were less tolerant to K deficiency. Potassium deficiency in the leaves was not related to top dry matter production. With K fertilization soybean plants showed small root volume and higher ratio canopy/root. With high K in soil, all of the cultivars showed higher nodulation.
Estudou-se a lixiviação (leaching) de potássio em folhas destacadas de várias plantas através das superfícies adaxial e abaxial sob luz e obscuridade. Os resultados indicam que no lado mais rico em estomatos a lixiviação é maior tanto na luz como na obscuridade, embora as diferenças sejam bem mais acentuadas na obscuridade.
This study was carried out to determine body composition and magnesium, potassium and sodium requirements for weight gain of Santa Ines lambs (hairy coat breed). Eighteen animals were used with average 15 kg initial LW. At the beginning of the experiment, six animals were slaughtered for the determination of the amount of each mineral retained in the body, and serving as reference animals in the comparative slaughter technique. The remaining 12 animals were divided in two groups: six were ad libitum fed and six animals were restricting fed at maintenance plus 20%. The animals from the ad libitum and restrict feeding groups started in the experimental period by pairs and they both were slaughtered when the animals from the ad libitum group reached 25 kg LW. The estimates of magnesium, potassium and sodium body composition were obtained through the prediction equations obtained by the logarithm regression of the amount of each present minerals in the empty body in function of the empty body weight (EBW). The net requirements for weight gain were obtained through the derivation of these prediction equations. The estimates of body composition per kg EBW for the animals from 15 to 25 kg were: 0.591 and 0,578 g for Mg: 2.914 and 2.776 g for K 1.830 and 1.637 g for Na; and the net requirements for kg weight gain were: 0.515 and 0.503 g for Mg: 2.408 and 2.294 g for K; 1.315 and 1.177 g for Na, respectively.
A nutritional survey was carried out in 93 vineyards of the wine regions of Jundiai, Sao Miguel Arcanjo and Jales (state of São Paulo-Brazil), aiming to compare the nutrient concentration in leaf samples, the concentration of nitrate and potassium in the petiole sap and the relative chlorophyll index (IRC) of 'Niagara Rosada' vineyard. Leaves, blade and petiole in full bloom vines were sampled in 20 plants selected from each vineyard, and evaluations of the IRC in the leaf blade and the levels of NO3-and K in the petioles sap were realized. Macro and micronutrients concentrations were measured in leaf samples. The sampled vineyards were grouped by region of study, and each vineyard was considered as a replicate sample, totaling 45, 24 and 24 repetitions, in Jundiai, Sao Miguel Arcanjo and Jales, respectively. Sampled vineyards from the Jales region showed higher leaf concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe and Mn, and also higher IRC and levels of nitrate and potassium in the petiole. These differences were related to the different rootstocks used, which were 'IAC 766', 'IAC 572' and 'Riparia of Traviu', respectively, for Jundiai, Jales and Sao Miguel Arcanjo. The differences highlight the need to adjust the concentration ranges of nutrients in leaf analysis, through regional trials, taking into account the rootstock and the region under study.
The sugar cane crop has been cultivated in all regions of the Brazil, occupying different soil types. The north region of Mato Grosso has favorable climate conditions for the culture, however, has been achieved low productivity due to the not application of fertilizer and inefficient doses. Being the potassium the mineral element absorbed in large amount by culture. Aimed to with this work to evaluate the effect of growing doses of the nutrient applied in coverage in the second cycle of the variety of sugar cane IAC86-2480. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications. The Potassium doses were: 0; 60; 120; 180 e 240 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. Was evaluated the degrees Brix, diameter, weigth, height and productivity of stalk. No was significant effects for the variable degrees Brix in response to potassium doses, since to others had response quadratic. The dose of maximum agronomic efficiency was of 150 kg ha(-1) de K(2)O obtaining productivity of 85 t ha(-1) of stalk, representing 25% increase in productivity.
Antibody fluorescent tests were carried out with serum and blood eluates from mice inoculated with different doses of irradiated (90 krad) and non irradiated T. cruzi culture forms. Non irradiated culture forms were more efficient immunogens than the irradiated ones. About 75% of the animals inoculated with non irradiated forms showed titers equal or higher than 1/16, the highest one reaching 1/64.
The influence of Fentanyl, Droperidol and Innovar on renal function and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) were studied on 18 dogs. Fentanyl disturbs kidney function and decreases plasmatic potassium. Droperidol and Innovar do not disturb the main renal function but decrease plasmatic potassium. The results obtained point out the importance of associate employment of Fentamyl and Droperidol, since the latter seems to establish the renal disorders occasioned by Fentanyl, probably owing to its adrenergic α blocking action.