987 resultados para following pregnancy


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Sperm DNA damage has a negative impact on pregnancy rates following assisted reproduction treatment (ART). The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between sperm DNA fragmentation and live-birth rates after IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The alkaline Comet assay was employed to measure sperm DNA fragmentation in native semen and in spermatozoa following density-gradient centrifugation in semen samples from 203 couples undergoing IVF and 136 couples undergoing ICSI. Men were divided into groups according to sperm DNA damage. Following IVF, couples with <25% sperm DNA fragmentation had a live-birth rate of 33%; in contrast, couples with >50% sperm DNA fragmentation had a much lower live-birth rate of 13%. Following ICSI, no significant differences in sperm DNA damage were found between any groups of patients. Sperm DNA damage was also associated with low live-birth rates following IVF in both men and couples with idiopathic infertility: 39% of couples and 41% of men with idiopathic infertility have high sperm DNA damage. Sperm DNA damage assessed by the Comet assay has a close inverse relationship with live-birth rates after IVF.

Sperm DNA damage has a negative impact on assisted reproduction treatment outcome, in particular, on pregnancy rates. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between sperm DNA fragmentation and live-birth rates after IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The alkaline Comet assay was employed to measure sperm DNA fragmentation in native semen and in spermatozoa following density-gradient centrifugation in semen samples from 203 couples undergoing IVF and 136 couples undergoing ICSI. Men were divided into groups according to sperm DNA damage and treatment outcome. Following IVF, couples with <25% sperm DNA fragmentation had a live birth rate of 33%. In contrast, couples with >50% sperm DNA fragmentation had a much lower live-birth rate of 13% following IVF. Following ICSI, there were no significant differences in levels of sperm DNA damage between any groups of patients. Sperm DNA damage was also associated with the very low live-birth rates following IVF in both men and couples with idiopathic infertility: 39% of couples and 41% of men have high level of sperm DNA damage. Sperm DNA damage assessed by the Comet assay has a close inverse relationship with live-birth rates after IVF.


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During the delivery of advanced radiotherapy treatment techniques modulated beams are utilised to increase dose conformity across the target volume. Recent investigations have highlighted differential cellular responses to modulated radiation fields particularly in areas outside the primary treatment field that cannot be accounted for by scattered dose alone. In the present study, we determined the DNA damage response within the normal human fibroblast AG0-1522B and the prostate cancer cell line DU-145 utilising the DNA damage assay. Cells plated in slide flasks were exposed to 1 Gy uniform or modulated radiation fields. Modulated fields were delivered by shielding 25%, 50% or 75% of the flask during irradiation. The average number of 53BP1 or ?H2AX foci was measured in 2 mm intervals across the slide area. Following 30 minutes after modulated radiation field exposure an increase in the average number of foci out-of-field was observed when compared to non-irradiated controls. In-field, a non-uniform response was observed with a significant decrease in the average number of foci compared to uniformly irradiated cells. Following 24 hrs after exposure there is evidence for two populations of responding cells to bystander signals in-and out-of-field. There was no significant difference in DNA damage response between 25%, 50% or 75% modulated fields. The response was dependent on cellular secreted intercellular signalling as physical inhibition of intercellular communication abrogated the observed response. Elevated residual DNA damage observed within out-of-field regions decreased following addition of an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (Aminoguanidine). These data show, for the first time, differential DNA damage responses in-and out-of-field following modulated radiation field delivery. This study provides further evidence for a role of intercellular communication in mediating cellular radiobiological response to modulated radiation fields and may inform the refinement of existing radiobiological models for the optimization of advanced radiotherapy treatment plans. © 2012 Trainor et al.


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On 25 April 1998, a breach of the tailings dam of the Los Frailes pyrite mine in southwestern Spain resulted in the release of 6 million m(3) of acidic water and toxic sludge high in heavy metals. Contaminated material extended 40 km downstream, affecting agricultural land and parts of the wildlife-rich Donana Natural and National Parks, including the Entremuros, a very important area for birds. We report on the concentrations, distributions and bioavailability of zinc and cadmium in soil and vegetation from the Entremuros in November 1998 and October 1999, following 2 'cleanup' operations. Levels of Zn and Cd in soil increased significantly over this period, although this was not reflected consistently in metal concentrations in emergent macrophytes. We recommend monitoring of further cleanup attempts in order to develop means of minimizing potential impacts to wildlife in the area.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in soil and vegetation following a large scale chemical fire involving 10,000 ton of polypropylene. In comparison with sites outside the plume from the fire, PAH concentrations were elevated in grass shoots (by up to 70-fold) and in soil (by up to 370-fold). The pattern of PAH dispersion under the plume was dependent on the physical-chemical properties of individual PAHs. The lighter, least hydrophobic PAHs were dispersed into the environment at greater distances than heavier, more hydrophobic PAHs. At the most distant sampling point (4.5 km) under the plume, the low molecular weight PAHs were still considerably elevated in vegetation samples compared to control sites. Dispersion appeared to be regulated by the compounds partitioning between the vapour and particulate phase, with dry particulate deposition occurring closer to the fire source than gaseous deposition. For all PAHs, the fire resulted in greater contamination of soils compared to grasses, with the relative ratio of plant/soil contamination decreasing as hydrophobicity increased.


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A forest ecosystem was contaminated as a result of a fire involving 600 t of PVC. A wide range of 2,3,7,8-substituted dioxin and furan congeners were elevated (by up to 4-fold) on soil adjacent to the factory compared to a site 200 m from the factory perimeter. Livers of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) caught on these areas were also analysed for dioxins and furans. Toxic equivalents (TEQs) were 9-fold higher in wood mice caught on the site 10 m from the factory perimeter compared with the site 200 m from the perimeter, with individual 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners being elevated by up to 30-fold. Wood mouse liver TEQs were found to be highly correlated with cadmium kidney concentrations, cadmium also being found at elevated concentrations at the accident site. There was also a significant positive correlation between wood mouse liver TEQs and relative liver weights (wet weights expressed as a percentage of total body weight). The results of this study are discussed in the wider context of dioxin contamination in the environment.


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This study investigated the association between different neonatal ultrasonographic classifications and adolescent cognitive, educational, and behavioral outcomes following very preterm birth. Participants included a group of 120 adolescents who were born very preterm (33 weeks of gestation), subdivided into three groups according to their neonatal cerebral ultrasound (US) classifications: (a) normal (N = 69), (b) periventricular hemorrhage (PVH, N = 37), and (c) PVH with ventricular dilatation (PVH + DIL, N = 14), and 50 controls. The cognitive functions assessed were full-scale IQ, phonological and semantic verbal fluency, and visual-motor integration. Educational outcomes included reading and spelling; behavioral outcomes were assessed with the Rutter Parents' Scale and the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS). Adolescent outcome scores were compared among the four groups. A main effect for group was observed for full-scale IQ, Rutter Parents' Scale total scores, and PAS total scores, after controlling for gestational age, socioeconomic status and gender, with the PVH + DIL group showing the most impaired scores compared to the other groups. The current results demonstrate that routine neonatal ultrasound classifications are associated with later cognitive and behavioral outcome. Neonatal ultrasounds could aid in the identification of subgroups of children who are at increased risk of neurodevelopmental problems. These at risk subgroups could then be referred to appropriate early intervention services.


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Genetic testing for gene mutations associated with specific cancers provides an opportunity for early detection, surveillance, and intervention (Smith, Cokkinides, & Brawley, 2008). Lifetime risk estimates provided by genetic testing refer to the risk of developing a specific disease within one's lifetime, and evidence suggests that this is important for the medical choices people make, as well as their future family and financial plans. The present studies tested whether adult men understand the lifetime risks of prostate cancer informed by genetic testing. In 2 experiments, adult men were asked to interpret the lifetime risk information provided in statements about risks of prostate cancer. Statement format was manipulated such that the most appropriate interpretation of risk statements referred to an absolute risk of cancer in experiment 1 and a relative risk in experiment 2. Experiment 1 revealed that few men correctly interpreted the lifetime risks of cancer when these refer to an absolute risk of cancer, and numeracy levels positively predicted correct responding. The proportion of correct responses was greatly improved in experiment 2 when the most appropriate interpretation of risk statements referred instead to a relative rather than an absolute risk, and numeracy levels were less involved. Understanding of lifetime risk information is often poor because individuals incorrectly believe that these refer to relative rather than absolute risks of cancer.


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The dynamics of magnetic fields with an amplitude of several tens of megagauss, generated at both sides of a solid target irradiated with a high-intensity (~1019W/cm2) picosecond laser pulse, has been spatially and temporally resolved using a proton imaging technique. The amplitude of the magnetic fields is sufficiently large to have a constraining effect on the radial expansion of the plasma sheath at the target surfaces. These results, supported by numerical simulations and simple analytical modeling, may have implications for ion acceleration driven by the plasma sheath at the rear side of the target as well as for the laboratory study of self-collimated high-energy plasma jets. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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This paper investigates adolescent men's pregnancy resolution choices in Australia, Ireland and Italy. It addresses two main gaps in the literature: the lack of research on (adolescent) men's views on unintended pregnancy and pregnancy resolution; and the lack of international comparative case studies on men and reproductive choices. Consistent with theories of the transformation of intimacies in society and the growth of individualization, the results suggest that adolescent men are interested in the effect of an unintended pregnancy on their individual biographies as well as the effect on their girlfriend's health and well-being. However, Australian male adolescents were much more likely to choose abortion than Italian or Irish adolescents, suggesting adolescent males have also internalized country level debates surrounding abortion. Methodologically, the paper demonstrates an innovative approach to data-collection using a computer-based interactive drama to facilitate participants' deliberation and responses. It was shown to engage a large number of adolescent men and is likely to have wider generalisability in developing international comparative research on the topic, as well as applications for health promotion.


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Our intent was to investigate the neurodevelopment of HIV-uninfected children exposed to combination highly active antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy compared with children not exposed to highly active antiretroviral therapy but with similar socioeconomic backgrounds.


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To compare the disposition of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine enantiomers in the mother, foetus and infant.


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Signal initiation by engagement of the TCR triggers actin rearrangements, receptor clustering, and dynamic organization of signaling complexes to elicit and sustain downstream signaling. Nef, a pathogenicity factor of HIV, disrupts early TCR signaling in target T cells. To define the mechanism underlying this Nef-mediated signal disruption, we employed quantitative single-cell microscopy following surface-mediated TCR stimulation that allows for dynamic visualization of distinct signaling complexes as microclusters (MCs). Despite marked inhibition of actin remodeling and cell spreading, the induction of MCs containing TCR-CD3 or ZAP70 was not affected significantly by Nef. However, Nef potently inhibited the subsequent formation of MCs positive for the signaling adaptor Src homology-2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa (SLP-76) to reduce MC density in Nef-expressing and HIV-1-infected T cells. Further analyses suggested that Nef prevents formation of SLP-76 MCs at the level of the upstream adaptor protein, linker of activated T cells (LAT), that couples ZAP70 to SLP-76. Nef did not disrupt pre-existing MCs positive for LAT. However, the presence of the viral protein prevented de novo recruitment of active LAT into MCs due to retargeting of LAT to an intracellular compartment. These modulations in MC formation and composition depended on Nef's ability to simultaneously disrupt both actin remodeling and subcellular localization of TCR-proximal machinery. Nef thus employs a dual mechanism to disturb early TCR signaling by limiting the communication between LAT and SLP-76 and preventing the dynamic formation of SLP-76-signaling MCs.


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Background: From a young age the typical development of social functioning relies upon the allocation of attention to socially relevant information, which in turn allows experience at processing such information and thus enhances social cognition. As such, research has attempted to identify the developmental processes that are derailed in some neuro-developmental disorders that impact upon social functioning. Williams syndrome (WS) and Autism are disorders of development that are characterized by atypical yet divergent social phenotypes and atypicalities of attention to people.

Methods: We used eye tracking to explore how individuals with WS and Autism attended to, and subsequently interpreted, an actor’s eye gaze cue within a social scene. Images were presented for three seconds, initially with an instruction simply to look at the picture. The images were then shown again, with the participant asked to identify the object being looked at. Allocation of eye-gaze in each condition was analyzed by ANOVA and accuracy of identification was compared with t-tests.

Results: Participants with WS allocated more gaze time to face and eyes than their matched controls both with and without being asked to identify the item being looked at; while participants with Autism spent less time on face and eyes in both conditions. When cued to follow gaze, participants with WS increased gaze to the correct targets, while those with Autism looked more at the face and eyes but did not increase gaze to the correct targets, while continuing to look much more than their controls at implausible targets. Both groups identified fewer objects than their controls.

Conclusions: The atypicalities found are likely to be entwined with the deficits shown in interpreting social cognitive cues from the images. WS and Autism are characterised by atypicalities of social attention that impact upon socio-cognitive expertise but importantly the type of atypicality is syndrome-specific.


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Background/aims - Epiretinal and retrolental proliferation may occur during prolonged use of the novel tamponade agent perfluorohexyloctane (F H ). This study aims to determine whether there is any histological evidence that F H has a role in the formation of these membranes. Methods - Eight epiretinal membranes and three opaque posterior lens capsules were excised from patients in whom F H had been used as a long term retinal tamponade agent. The membranes and capsules were examined employing light microscopic methods, including immunohistochemistry. Results - The epiretinal membranes showed histological features typical of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) epiretinal membranes, but they also exhibited a dense macrophagic infiltration. In addition, three of the membranes contained multinucleated cells. Macrophages represented up to 30% of the cells present and appeared to contain large intracytoplasmic vacuoles. Similar cells were seen on the back of the posterior lens capsule in one specimen and all three capsules had posterior migration of lens epithelium. Conclusion - The pathological findings are not simply those of PVR. The macrophage infiltration suggests that there may be a biological reaction to F H which could reflect its surmised propensity to emulsify. Further investigations concerning the cellular response to this promising tamponade agent are warranted.


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Objective: To compare maternal and fetal leptin among women without diabetes, women with type 1 diabetes, and women with type 2 diabetes. 

Methods: In a prospective study at the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, 40 women with type 1 diabetes, 10 with type 2 diabetes, and 30 without diabetes were enrolled between July 2006 and July 2008. Maternal (36-week) and cord blood leptin was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay. 

Results: No difference was found in maternal leptin among the groups: without diabetes (mean, range): 325 pg/mL, 36-1492 pg/mL; type 1 diabetes: 343.2 pg/mL, 55.5-1108.2 pg/mL; type 2 diabetes: 2022 pg/mL, 35.1-1553.3 pg/mL (P>0.05). Leptin levels were higher among fetuses of women with type 1 (223 pg/mL, 25.7-810 pg/mL) and type 2 (447.2 pg/mL, 1363-679 pg/mL) diabetes than among women without diabetes (803 pg/mL, 273-623.1 pg/mL; P<0.05). The single significant predictor of fetal leptin for the whole cohort was maternal body mass index (BMI; r=039, P=0.01). Only third-trimester glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was significantly related to fetal leptin after controlling for maternal BMI among women with diabetes (r=028, P=0.04).

 Conclusion: Fetuses of women with diabetes might have some degree of leptin resistance. This might be important in appetite regulation in extrauterine life. (C) 2012 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.