998 resultados para folhas de coast cross
Drinking habits are socially patterned and social networks influence individuals' drinking behaviors. Previous studies have focused primarily upon the influence from family members to drink less. Those studies that have focused upon peer influence have been largely confined to social norms among adolescent and college-age drinkers. By contrast, based in adult populations, this article examines exhortations from friends not only to reduce alcohol consumption but also to increase it. Survey data in 15 countries that participate in the Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study project (GENACIS) were used to test whether there were country and gender differences concerning the influence to drink less or to drink more by friends and examine if this was affected by the drinking behavior. The findings revealed that those influenced to drink less had more heavy episodic drinking (HED) occasions than those who did not report such influence. By contrast, influence to drink more, originating mainly from same-sex friends, may be more the result of social situations that encourage all drinkers, regardless of their frequency of HED occasions. At the country level, influence to drink less for both sexes decreased with the proportion of drinkers in a country. Similarly, influence to drink less for both sexes also decreased in countries where gender roles were more egalitarian. Thus, in countries where alcohol use is more widespread and fewer differences are observed between male and female gender role expectations, fewer people were influenced to drink less. These findings have implications for social and behavioral strategies designed to reduce alcohol-related harm across a wide range of cultures.
An analytical model based on Bowen and Holman [1989] is used to prove the existence of instabilities due to the presence of a second extremum of the background vorticity at the front side of the longshore current. The growth rate of the so-called frontshear waves depends primarily upon the frontshear but also upon the backshear and the maximum and the width of the current. Depending on the values of these parameters, either the frontshear or the backshear instabilities may dominate. Both types of waves have a cross-shore extension of the order of the width of the current, but the frontshear modes are localized closer to the coast than are the backshear modes. Moreover, under certain conditions both unstable waves have similar growth rates with close wave numbers and angular frequencies, leading to the possibility of having modulated shear waves in the alongshore direction. Numerical analysis performed on realistic current profiles confirm the behavior anticipated by the analytical model. The theory has been applied to a current profile fitted to data measured during the 1980 Nearshore Sediment Transport Studies experiment at Leadbetter Beach that has an extremum of background vorticity at the front side of the current. In this case and in agreement with field observations, the model predicts instability, whereas the theory based only on backshear instability fai led to do so.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do flúor em folhas de plantas aquáticas de Salvinia auriculata Aubl., visando fornecer subsídios para a utilização dessa espécie, no monitoramento da poluição ambiental, causada por esse elemento tóxico. As plantas foram cultivadas sob condições controladas, em vasos com solução nutritiva, e submetidas à aplicação de chuva simulada contendo KF, nas concentrações de 0, 13, 26 e 39 mM, pela manhã, durante cinco dias sucessivos. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de alterações morfológicas, com o desenvolvimento de lesões nos tricomas e na porção adaxial do limbo foliar. As alterações nas atividades das enzimas peroxidase, polifenol oxidase, superóxido dismutase e catalase indicaram a ocorrência de danos oxidativos em resposta ao flúor, embora testes relacionados à peroxidação dos lipídios tenham apresentado resultados negativos. As alterações na concentração de pigmentos também direcionam para a ocorrência de estresse oxidativo, causado pelo flúor, presente na chuva simulada. Como as alterações morfológicas, enzimáticas e na composição de pigmentos, de plantas de S. auriculata, são passíveis de detecção por métodos relativamente simples, elas podem ser empregadas no biomonitoramento da poluição atmosférica, causada por esse elemento altamente reativo.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how hospital capacity was managed focusing on standardizing the admission and discharge processes. Methods: This study was set in a 900-bed university affiliated hospital of the National Health Service, near Barcelona (Spain). This is a cross-sectional study of a set of interventions which were gradually implemented between April and December 2008. Mainly, they were focused on standardizing the admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow. Primary administrative data was obtained from the 2007 and 2009 Hospital Database. Main outcome measures were median length of stay, percentage of planned discharges, number of surgery cancellations and median number of delayed emergency admissions at 8:00 am. For statistical bivariate analysis, we used a Chi-squared for linear trend for qualitative variables and a Wilcoxon signed ranks test and a Mann–Whitney test for non-normal continuous variables. Results: The median patients’ global length of stay was 8.56 days in 2007 and 7.93 days in 2009 (p<0.051). The percentage of patients admitted the same day as surgery increased from 64.87% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.05). The number of cancelled interventions due to lack of beds was 216 patients in 2007 and 42 patients in 2009. The median number of planned discharges went from 43.05% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.01). The median number of emergency patients waiting for an in-hospital bed at 8:00 am was 5 patients in 2007 and 3 patients in 2009 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In conclusion, standardization of admission and discharge processes are largely in our control. There is a significant opportunity to create important benefits for increasing bed capacity and hospital throughput.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, quantitativamente, as características morfo-anatômicas e bromatológicas das folhas de dez cultivares de amoreira, e estabelecer as relações de preferência do bicho-da-seda, por essas cultivares. Foram coletadas as folhas superior (5ª) e mediana (15ª) da planta, contadas a partir do ápice. As cultivares foram comparadas pelos métodos estatísticos multivariados de análise de agrupamento e análise de componentes principais. As cultivares Korin, Calabresa, IZ 5/2 e IZ 15/7 foram consideradas as mais recomendáveis para a alimentação das lagartas do bicho-da-seda, pois apresentaram valores altos de porcentagem de folha consumida, atribuídos à ocorrência de características desejáveis nas folhas, tais como menor teor de fibra bruta, menor quantidade de idioblastos de cistólito e de mucilagem, menor proporção de epiderme e maior de parênquima, comparativamente, às outras cultivares estudadas. As cultivares IZ 13/6 e IZ 57/2 foram consideradas as menos recomendáveis. As demais cultivares comportaram-se como intermediárias na preferência do bicho-da-seda.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de fungicida na morfologia e no teor da cera epicuticular, em duas cultivares de café, uma resistente à ferrugem (Obatã) e outra suscetível (Catuaí Vermelho). As plantas foram agrupadas por tratamento - com fungicida e sem fungicida -, coletando-se folhas do quinto e sexto nós, uma para estudo da morfologia e duas para avaliação do teor de cera. A aplicação do fungicida diminuiu o teor da cera e alterou sua morfologia, provocando rupturas e desaparecimento dos cristalóides, o que pode tornar a planta mais suscetível a doenças, pragas e estresse hídrico. As cultivares diferem quanto ao teor e morfologia da cera, o que pode estar relacionado com a resistência à ferrugem na cultivar Obatã.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate how hospital capacity was managed focusing on standardizing the admission and discharge processes. Methods: This study was set in a 900-bed university affiliated hospital of the National Health Service, near Barcelona (Spain). This is a cross-sectional study of a set of interventions which were gradually implemented between April and December 2008. Mainly, they were focused on standardizing the admission and discharge processes to improve patient flow. Primary administrative data was obtained from the 2007 and 2009 Hospital Database. Main outcome measures were median length of stay, percentage of planned discharges, number of surgery cancellations and median number of delayed emergency admissions at 8:00¿am. For statistical bivariate analysis, we used a Chi-squared for linear trend for qualitative variables and a Wilcoxon signed ranks test and a Mann¿Whitney test for non-normal continuous variables. Results:The median patients' global length of stay was 8.56 days in 2007 and 7.93 days in 2009 (p<0.051). The percentage of patients admitted the same day as surgery increased from 64.87% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.05). The number of cancelled interventions due to lack of beds was 216 patients in 2007 and 42 patients in 2009. The median number of planned discharges went from 43.05% in 2007 to 86.01% in 2009 (p<0.01). The median number of emergency patients waiting for an in-hospital bed at 8:00¿am was 5 patients in 2007 and 3 patients in 2009 (p<0.01). Conclusions: In conclusion, standardization of admission and discharge processes are largely in our control. There is a significant opportunity to create important benefits for increasing bed capacity and hospital throughput.
Lassa virus (LASV) causing hemorrhagic Lassa fever in West Africa, Mopeia virus (MOPV) from East Africa, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) are the main representatives of the Old World arenaviruses. Little is known about how the components of the arenavirus replication machinery, i.e., the genome, nucleoprotein (NP), and L protein, interact. In addition, it is unknown whether these components can function across species boundaries. We established minireplicon systems for MOPV and LCMV in analogy to the existing LASV system and exchanged the components among the three systems. The functional and physical integrity of the resulting complexes was tested by reporter gene assay, Northern blotting, and coimmunoprecipitation studies. The minigenomes, NPs, and L proteins of LASV and MOPV could be exchanged without loss of function. LASV and MOPV L protein was also active in conjunction with LCMV NP, while the LCMV L protein required homologous NP for activity. Analysis of LASV/LCMV NP chimeras identified a single LCMV-specific NP residue (Ile-53) and the C terminus of NP (residues 340 to 558) as being essential for LCMV L protein function. The defect of LASV and MOPV NP in supporting transcriptional activity of LCMV L protein was not caused by a defect in physical NP-L protein interaction. In conclusion, components of the replication complex of Old World arenaviruses have the potential to functionally and physically interact across species boundaries. Residue 53 and the C-terminal domain of NP are important for function of L protein during genome replication and transcription.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar os modelos do Filocrono e de Wang e Engel para estimativa do aparecimento de folhas em mudas de Eucalyptus grandis e E. saligna. Foram instalados dois experimentos em Santa Maria em 2005 e 2006, um, em campo, com nove épocas de semeadura, e o outro, em casa, de vegetação com duas épocas de semeadura. Os modelos usados foram o do Filocrono, que assume uma relação linear entre taxa de aparecimento de folhas e temperatura, e o de Wang e Engel, que assume uma relação não-linear entre taxa de aparecimento de folhas e temperatura. As quatro primeiras épocas de semeadura em campo foram usadas para estimar os coeficientes dos modelos utilizados. As épocas de semeadura restantes do experimento em campo e as duas épocas de semeadura, em casa de vegetação, foram utilizadas como dados independentes para avaliar os modelos. O modelo de Wang e Engel proporcionou estimativa mais precisa do número de folhas, com valor da raiz do quadrado médio do erro de 2,7 e 3,7 folhas, comparado com o modelo do Filocrono com 7,1 e 10 folhas para E. grandis e E. saligna, respectivamente.
AIM: Sexual orientation plays an important part in building identity during adolescence. The aim of this study was to describe patterns of sexual orientation, including sexual attraction, fantasies, affiliations and behaviour. METHODS: The study was based on the analysis of data from computerized self-administered questionnaires of a Swiss national survey on the sexual life of 16 to 20-year-old adolescents (n = 2,075 girls and 2,208 boys.). RESULTS: Overall, 95.0% of girls and 96.2% of boys described themselves as predominantly heterosexual; 1.4% of girls and 1.7% of boys as predominantly homosexual or bisexual; and 2.8% of teenagers (girls: 3.6%; boys: 2.1%) were "unsure" of their sexual orientation. The reported prevalence of homosexual attraction (girls: 2.0%; boys: 2.9%) exceeded homosexual fantasies (girls: 0.4%; boys: 0.5%) and affiliations (girls: 0.3%; boys: 0.5%). Among the 4205 respondents, 31 girls (1.5% of girls) and 56 boys (2.5% of boys) reported sexual behaviour (experience or penetrative intercourse) with a person of the same sex. Among 1.5% of girls and 2.5% of boys who reported sexual behaviour with a person of the same sex, 65% of boys and 80% of girls nevertheless considered themselves as heterosexual. CONCLUSION: For a comprehensive understanding of sexual orientation in adolescence a differentiated look at dimensions of sexual orientation is indispensable. This applies to clinical settings, public health and research.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a alocação de fotoassimilados em frutos e folhas de cafeeiro arábico, da antese à maturação, em duas altitudes. O experimento foi constituído da variedade de cafeeiro (Coffea arábica L.) Catuaí IAC-44, cultivada a 720 e 950 m de altitude, no Município de Martins Soares, MG. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições, em um esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo. Na altitude de 720 m o acúmulo de amido, açúcares solúveis totais, açúcares redutores e açúcares não-redutores em frutos de cafeeiro deu-se em menor tempo. O acúmulo de amido na altitude de 720 m antecedeu o acúmulo de amido na altitude de 950 m, e os frutos apresentaram maior porcentagem de acúmulo relativo desse composto no estádio de expansão rápida. Neste estádio, a concentração de carboidratos em folhas dos 3º e 4º pares decresceu bruscamente, indicando ser este o período mais crítico para a concentração de carboidratos em folhas. A altitude influencia a alocação de fotoassimilados em frutos e a variação da concentração de carboidratos em folhas de cafeeiro.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quatro isolados do fungo antagonista Dicyma pulvinata quanto à compatibilidade com defensivos agrícolas e adjuvantes, e a eficiência desses isolados no controle do mal-das-folhas (Microcyclus ulei) da seringueira (Hevea sp.) em campo. A compatibilidade dos isolados com defensivos e adjuvantes foi avaliada com base no crescimento micelial e na esporulação do fungo, em testes conduzidos in vitro. Para avaliação da eficiência do antagonista contra M. ulei, em campo, os quatros isolados do antagonista foram comparados ao controle exercido pelo tratamento com os fungicidas propiconazol + mancozeb. Os ensaios conduzidos em laboratório indicaram a incompatibilidade de D. pulvinata com os fungicidas benomyl, carbendazim, mancozeb, propiconazol e, ainda, com o inseticida acaricida endosulfan. Dois dos adjuvantes testados (Tween 20 e Tween 80) não afetaram o desenvolvimento do fungo. Foi comprovada a ação do antagonista D. pulvinata sobre M. ulei, em campo, com destaque para os isolados CEN 62 e CEN 93, que apresentaram eficiência de controle semelhante ao tratamento fungicida padrão.