977 resultados para finite-size superfluid


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conventionally, solid finite elements have been looked upon as just generalizations of two-dimensional finite elements. In this article we trace their development starting from the days of their inception. Keeping in tune with our perceptions on developing finite elements, without taking recourse to any extra variational techniques, we discuss a few of the techniques which have been applied to solid finite elements. Finally we critically examine our own work on formulating solid finite elements based on the solutions to the Navier equations.


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By using the strain smoothing technique proposed by Chen et al. (Comput. Mech. 2000; 25: 137-156) for meshless methods in the context of the finite element method (FEM), Liu et al. (Comput. Mech. 2007; 39(6): 859-877) developed the Smoothed FEM (SFEM). Although the SFEM is not yet well understood mathematically, numerical experiments point to potentially useful features of this particularly simple modification of the FEM. To date, the SFEM has only been investigated for bilinear and Wachspress approximations and is limited to linear reproducing conditions. The goal of this paper is to extend the strain smoothing to higher order elements and to investigate numerically in which condition strain smoothing is beneficial to accuracy and convergence of enriched finite element approximations. We focus on three widely used enrichment schemes, namely: (a) weak discontinuities; (b) strong discontinuities; (c) near-tip linear elastic fracture mechanics functions. The main conclusion is that strain smoothing in enriched approximation is only beneficial when the enrichment functions are polynomial (cases (a) and (b)), but that non-polynomial enrichment of type (c) lead to inferior methods compared to the standard enriched FEM (e.g. XFEM). Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this work, dynamic crack growth along a ductile-brittle interface under anti-plane strain conditions is studied. The ductile solid is taken to obey the J(2) flow theory of plasticity with linear isotropic strain hardening, while the substrate is assumed to exhibit linear elastic behavior. Firstly, the asymptotic near-tip stress and velocity fields are derived. These fields are assumed to be variable-separable with a power singularity in the radial coordinate centered at the crack tip. The effects of crack speed, strain hardening of the ductile phase and mismatch in elastic moduli of the two phases on the singularity exponent and the angular functions are studied. Secondly, full-field finite element analyses of the problem under small-scale yielding conditions are performed. The validity of the asymptotic fields and their range of dominance are determined by comparing them with the results of the full-field finite element analyses. Finally, theoretical predictions are made of the variations of the dynamic fracture toughness with crack velocity. The influence of the bi-material parameters on the above variation is investigated.


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We study the scattering of hard external particles in a heat bath in a real-time formalism for finite temperature QED. We investigate the distribution of the 4-momentum difference of initial and final hard particles in a fully covariant manner when the scale of the process, Q, is much larger than the temperature, T. Our computations are valid for all T subject to this constraint. We exponentiate the leading infra-red term at one-loop order through a resummation of soft (thermal) photon emissions and absorptions. For T > 0, we find that tensor structures arise which are not present at T = 0. These carry thermal signatures. As a result, external particles can serve as thermometers introduced into the heat bath. We investigate the phase space origin of log (Q/M) and log (Q/T) terms.


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Nonlinear finite element analysis is used for the estimation of damage due to low-velocity impact loading of laminated composite circular plates. The impact loading is treated as an equivalent static loading by assuming the impactor to be spherical and the contact to obey Hertzian law. The stresses in the laminate are calculated using a 48 d.o.f. laminated composite sector element. Subsequently, the Tsai-Wu criterion is used to detect the zones of failure and the maximum stress criterion is used to identify the mode of failure. Then the material properties of the laminate are degraded in the failed regions. The stress analysis is performed again using the degraded properties of the plies. The iterative process is repeated until no more failure is detected in the laminate. The problem of a typical T300/N5208 composite [45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](s) circular plate being impacted by a spherical impactor is solved and the results are compared with experimental and analytical results available in the literature. The method proposed and the computer code developed can handle symmetric, as well as unsymmetric, laminates. It can be easily extended to cover the impact of composite rectangular plates, shell panels and shells.


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A finite element simulation of frictionless wedge indentation of a copper strip has been carried out under plane strain conditions. The problem was first modelled using an one-pass contact algorithm. The difficulties associated with using this method to model wedge indentation problems are explained. An alternative procedure which alleviates some of the problems associated with the one-pass contact algorithm is proposed for modelling frictionless wedge indentation. Also, a re-meshing procedure which has to be carried out when the distortion of the elements around the indenter becomes significant, is discussed. A sample problem involving indentation of a 4 mm copper strip by a rigid wedge indenter has been modelled and the results are compared with experimental and theoretical results.


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A numerical study of the ductile rupture in a metal foil constrained between two stiff ceramic blocks is performed. The finite element analysis is carried out under the conditions of mode I, plane strain, small-scale yielding. The rate-independent version of the Gurson model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of microvoid nucleation, growth and coalescence is employed to represent the behavior of the metal foil. Different distributions of void nucleating sites in the metal foil are considered for triggering the initiation of discrete voids. The results clearly show that far-field triaxiality-induced cavitation is the dominant failure mode when the spacing of the void nucleating sites is large. On the contrary, void coalescence near the notch tip is found to be the operative failure mechanism when closely spaced void nucleating sites are considered.


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We consider a one-dimensional Hubbard model in the presence of disorder. We compute the charge stiffness for a mesoscopic ring as a function of the size L, which is a measure of the persistent currents. We find that for finite disorder the persistent currents of the system with repulsive interactions are larger than those of the system with attractive interactions. This counterintuitive result is due to the fact that local-density fluctuations are reduced in the presence of repulsive interactions.


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A new postcracking formulation for concrete, along with both implicit and explicit layering procedures, is used in the analysis of reinforced-concrete (RC) flexural and torsional elements. The postcracking formulation accounts for tension stiffening in concrete along the rebar directions, compression softening in cracked concrete based on either stresses or strains, and aggregate interlock based on crack-confining normal stresses. Transverse shear stresses computed using the layering procedures are included in material model considerations that permit the development of inclined cracks through the RC cross section. Examples of a beam analyzed by both the layering techniques, a torsional element, and a column-slab connection region analyzed by the implicit layering procedure are presented here. The study highlights the primary advantages and disadvantages of each layering approach, identifying the class of problems where the application of either procedure is more suitable.


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Copper with four widely differing grain sizes was subjected to high-strain-rate plastic deformation in a special experimental arrangement in which high shear strains of approximately 2 to 7 were generated. The adiabatic plastic deformation produced temperature rises in excess of 300 K, creating conditions favorable for dynamic recrystallization, with an attendant change in the mechanical response. Preshocking of the specimens to an amplitude of 50 GPa generated a high dislocation density; twinning was highly dependent on grain size, being profuse for the 117- and 315-mu m grain-size specimens and virtually absent for the 9.5-mu m grain-size specimens. This has a profound effect on the subsequent mechanical response of the specimens, with the smaller grain-size material undergoing considerably more hardening than the larger grain-size material. A rationale is proposed which leads to a prediction of the shock threshold stress for twinning as a function of grain size. The strain required for localization of plastic deformation was dependent on the combined grain size/shock-induced microstructure, with the large grain-size specimens localizing more readily. The experimental results obtained are rationalized in terms of dynamic recrystallization, and a constitutive equation is applied to the experimental results; it correctly predicts the earlier onset of localization for the large grain-size specimens. It is suggested that the grain-size dependence of shock response can significantly affect the performance of shaped charges.


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Discrete vortex simulations of the mixing layer carried out in the past have usually involved large induced velocity fluctuations, and thus demanded rather long time-averaging to obtain satisfactory values of Reynolds stresses and third-order moments. This difficulty has been traced here, in part, to the use of discrete vortices to model what in actuality are continuous vortex sheets. We propose here a novel two-dimensional vortex sheet technique for computing mixing layer flow in the limit of infinite Reynolds number. The method divides the vortex sheet into constant-strength linear elements, whose motions are computed using the Biot-Savart law. The downstream far-field is modelled by a steady vorticity distribution derived by application of conical similarity from the solution obtained in a finite computational domain. The boundary condition on the splitter plate is satisfied rigorously using a doublet sheet. The computed large-scale roll-up of the vortex sheet is qualitatively similar to experimentally obtained shadow-graphs of the plane turbulent mixing layer. The mean streamwise velocity profile and the growth rate agree well with experimental data. The presently computed Reynolds stresses and third-order moments are comparable with experimental and previous vortex-dynamical results, without using any external parameter (such as the vortex core-size) of the kind often used in the latter. The computed autocorrelations are qualitatively similar to experimental results along the top and bottom edges of the mixing layer, and show a well-defined periodicity along the centreline. The accuracy of the present computation is independently established by demonstrating negligibly small changes in the five invariants (including the Hamiltonian) in vortex dynamics.


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A 48 d.o.f., four-noded quadrilateral laminated composite shell finite element is particularised to a sector finite element and is used for the large deformation analysis of circular composite laminated plates. The strain-displacement relationships for the sector element are obtained by reducing those of the quadrilateral shell finite element by substituting proper values for the geometric parameters. Subsequently, the linear and tangent stiffness matrices are formulated using conventional methods. The Newton-Raphson method is employed as the nonlinear solution technique. The computer code developed is validated by solving an isotropic case for which results are available in the literature. The method is then applied to solve problems of cylindrically orthotropic circular plates. Some of the results of cylindrically orthotropic case are compared with those available in the literature. Subsequently, application is made to the case of laminated composite circular plates having different lay-up schemes. The computer code can handle symmetric/unsymmetric lay-up schemes. The large displacement analysis is useful in estimating the damage in composite plates caused by low-velocity impact.


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One of the main disturbances in EEG signals is EMG artefacts generated by muscle movements. In the paper, the use of a linear phase FIR digital low-pass filter with finite wordlength precision coefficients is proposed, designed using the compensation procedure, to minimise EMG artefacts in contaminated EEG signals. To make the filtering more effective, different structures are used, i.e. cascading, twicing and sharpening (apart from simple low-pass filtering) of the designed FIR filter Modifications are proposed to twicing and sharpening structures to regain the linear phase characteristics that are lost in conventional twicing and sharpening operations. The efficacy of all these transformed filters in minimising EMG artefacts is studied, using SNR improvements as a performance measure for simulated signals. Time plots of the signals are also compared. Studies show that the modified sharpening structure is superior in performance to all other proposed methods. These algorithms have also been applied to real or recorded EMG-contaminated EEG signal. Comparison of time plots, and also the output SNR, show that the proposed modified sharpened structure works better in minimising EMG artefacts compared with other methods considered.


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Violin strings are relatively short and stiff and are well modeled by Timoshenko beam theory. We use the static part of the homogeneous differential equation of violin strings to obtain new shape functions for the finite element analysis of rotating Timoshenko beams. For deriving the shape functions, the rotating beam is considered as a sequence of violin strings. The violin string shape functions depend on rotation speed and element position along the beam length and account for centrifugal stiffening effects as well as rotary inertia and shear deformation on dynamic characteristics of rotating Timoshenko beams. Numerical results show that the violin string basis functions perform much better than the conventional polynomials at high rotation speeds and are thus useful for turbo machine applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Real-time simulation of deformable solids is essential for some applications such as biological organ simulations for surgical simulators. In this work, deformable solids are approximated to be linear elastic, and an easy and straight forward numerical technique, the Finite Point Method (FPM), is used to model three dimensional linear elastostatics. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to accelerate computations. Results show that the Finite Point Method, together with GPU, can compute three dimensional linear elastostatic responses of solids at rates suitable for real-time graphics, for solids represented by reasonable number of points.