998 resultados para filosofia de la mort


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Els humans sentim un profund respecte per la mort des de temps immemorials, però massa sovint aquest respecte és més intens que el que sentim per la pròpia vida. Altrament, costa d'entendre que les recents imatges de soldats alemanys jugant amb cranis d'una fossa comuna a l'Afganistan hagin causat tant rebombori o més que les innombrables víctimes civils que diàriament es produeixen en aquest i en altres conflictes, els cranis de les quals podrien haver-se estalviat d'anar a parar tan precipitadament i abans d'hora a una fossa. De fet, em temo que no és respecte per la mort en si mateixa el que sentim, sinó por a la pròpia mort, al patiment personal i a l'angoixa que sentim per la pèrdua d'un ésser estimat, que reflectim i intentem superar d'aquesta manera en unes despulles inertes, tant profanant-les com sacralitzant-les [...]


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One of the most important milestones in the development of theory of mind is the understanding of false beliefs. This study compares children’s understanding of representational change and others’ false beliefs and evaluates the effectiveness of an appearance-reality training for improving children’s false belief understanding. A total of 78 children ranging in age from 41 to 47 months were trained in three sessions and evaluated in a pretest and in a posttest. The results show that for children it is easier to understand representational change than false beliefs in others, and that the improvement after training was greater when starting from a higher score in the pretest. The implications of this for training in false belief understanding are discussed


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This preliminary study aims to investigate children’s ability to understand that the emotional expressions that occur in pretend play do not necessarily coincide with the emotions people feel inside. Previous research has found that children aged 4 and 6 have difficulty to distinguish between the external and the internal emotion of a character who pretends an emotion. In the present work, thirteen 4-year-olds and eight 6-year-olds were administered stories in which a character simulated an emotion. Differently from previous research, the questions addressed to the children did not focus on the distinction external/internal emotion but on the distinction between real/pretend emotion. Furthermore, since previous research has suggested that children may understand better selfpretence than pretence of others, the participants in our study were engaged in a pretence situation where they had to pretend to be happy. The results obtained showed that, contrary to previous research, most 4- and 6-year-olds realize that pretend emotions may not be real, and this was true both for self-pretence and for the pretence of others


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The understanding of false belief is one of the most important milestones in the development of social cognition in children. Many studies have been conducted on this kind of cognition in children with a typical development. Despite being a key point for improving their welfare and quality of life, there are few studies in children with Down's syndrome. The aim of the present work is to carry out an in-depth study of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, we used 6 tasks, with 3 levels of difficulty, in a group of 9 children aged between 4 and 14 years. Six of these children had a genetic diagnosis of Down's syndrome. The results of our research corroborate previous studies suggesting difficulties in the development of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome, and more specifically in tasks involving false beliefs


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Commençant par : « Apres ce que j'ay leu et releu... » et finissant par : «... laisse ore le compte à parler de ceste chose et retourne à nostre matiere » . Le ms s'arrête au livre II, lorsque Gauvain prémédite la mort de Morholt.


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Comprend : [Discours de Pierre Lallemant sur la mort d'Omer Talon,...]


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Contient : 1° L'Histoire du Saint Graal, de « ROBERT DE BORRON » ; 2° L'Histoire de merlin, de « ROBERT DE BORRON » ; 3° Lancelot du Lac, la Quête du Saint Graal et la Mort d'Arthus [de GAUTIER MAP]


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1.° Germani Audeberti, Aurelii, ad serenissimam ac christianissimam Reginam Catharinam Medicaeam, Henrici III. Galliae et Poloniae Regis christianissimi matrem, carmen : subjicitur ejusdem interpretatio gallica. — 2.° Lachrymae ad tumulum Christophori Thoï. — 3.° Stanze in lode di Carlo V. Imperatore. — 4.° Carmina ejusdem Audeberti adversùs Poloniam, quùm illic regnaret Henricus. — 5.° Antonii Cerruti carmen ad Joannem Morvillerium, pro Gallorum Regibus apud Senatum Venetum Oratorem. — 6.° Carmen in fugam Caroli V. anno 1552. — 7.° Aliud carmen, quod inscribitur Caesar ; in quo Imperator suis hostibus bellum minatur. — 8.° Les furies de feu Pierre Louis Farnese : poëme francois. — 9.° Satira di Jacobo Sellaro da Cento. — 10.° Sonetti di Francesco Coppetta, Perugino. — 11.° Epitaphe du Duc Philippes de Bourgogne, escript sur sa tombe aux Chartreux de Dijon. — 12.° Epithalamium in nuptias Batorianas. — 13.° Diverses pieces de Remy Belleau. — 14.° Diverses stances sur l'amour. — 15.° Imitation de l'Arioste sur le discours de Roland le furieux, par Philippe Desportes. — 16.° Autres poësies du même. — 17.° Joannis Aurati carmen alternum in nuptias Mariae, Reginae Scotiae, Lotharingia oriundae. — 18.° Michaëlis Hospitalis carmen ad Franciscum Lotharingum, Guisiorum Principem. — 19.° Epistola Francisci Olivarii ad Cardinalem Lotharingum. — 20.° Tetrastichon de Roma. — 21.° Lettre du Prince de Piémont à monsieur l'Evêque d'Orleans, du II. Avril 1559. — 22.° Poëme : le monde passe et sa concupiscence ; par la Rochandieu. — 23.° De la science du salut. — 24.° Epitaphe du nez de maître Pierre Lizet. — 25.° Double du bannissement des Caraffes, affiché aux ruës de Rome après la mort du Pape Paul IV. — 26.° Excerptum è querimonia collegii scortorum Romanensium, de afflicto rerum suarum statu ob exilium Cardinalis Caraffae ; ad Paulum Papam IV. — 27.° Varia epigrammata. — 28.° Canzone di Giovanni Battista Leoni, al serenissimo Henrico, Duca di Angio, eletto Rè di Polonia. — 29.° Joannis Dampetri, Julii Scaligeri, Theodori Bezae, Langaei, Brixii et Olympiae Moratae carmina selecta.