934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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We solve the single mode coupled rate equations by computer, simulate the behavior of a gain switch of an AlGalnP red light semiconductor laser diode, and find the characteristic of FWHM of pulses changing with the amplitude of modulation signal, the bias current, and the modulated frequency. On this basis, we conduct experiments. The experiment results accord with the simulations well.


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Ultrashort pulses were generated in passively mode-locked Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers pumped by a pulsed laser diode with 10-Hz repetition rate. Stable mode-locked pulse trains were produced with the pulse width of 10 ps. The evolution of the mode-locked pulse was observed in the experiment and was discussed in detail. Comparing the pulse evolutions of Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers, we found that the buildup time of the steady-state mode-locking with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) was relevant to the upper-state lifetime and the emission cross-section of the gain medium.


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A novel 800nm Bragg mirror type of semiconductor saturable absorption mirror with low temperature method and surface state method combined absorber is presented.With which passive Kerr lens mode locking of Ti∶Al2O3 laser pumped by argon ion laser is realized,which produces pulses as short as 40fs.The spectrum bandwidth is 56nm,which means that it can support the modelocking of 20fs.The pulse frequency is 97.5MHz;average output power is 300mW at the pump power of 4.45W.


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A novel InGaAs(LT-In0.25 Ga0.75 As) absorber grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition at low temperature is presented.Using it as well as an output coupler,passive mode locking,which produces pulses as short as several hundred picoseconds for diode-end-pumped Nd∶YAG laser at 1.06μm,is realized.The pulse frequency is 150MHz.


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An integratable distributed Bragg reflector laser is fabricated by low-energy ion implantation induced quantum well intermixing. A 4.6nm quasi-continuous wavelength tuning range is achieved by controlling phase current and grating current simultaneously,and side mode suppression ratio maintains over 30dB throughout the tuning range except a few mode jump points.


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We present a novel system design that can generate the optimized wavelength-tunable optical pulse streams from an uncooled gain-switched Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser using an optical amplifier as external light source. The timing jitter of gain-switched laser has been reduced from about 3 ps to 600 fs and the pulse width has been optimized by using our system. The stability of the system was also experimentally investigated. Our results show that an uncooled gain-switched FP laser system can feasibly produce the stable optical pulse trains with pulse width of 18 ps at the repetition frequency of 5 GHz during 7 h continuous working. We respectively proved the system feasibility under 1 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 5 GHz operation. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We design a low-timing-jitter, repetition-rate-tunable, stretched-pulse passively mode-locked fiber laser by using a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM), a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM), and a tunable optical delay line in the laser configuration. Low-timing-jitter optical pulses are stably produced when a SESAM and a 0.16 m dispersion compensation fiber are employed in the laser cavity. By inserting a tunable optical delay line between NALM and SESAM, the variable repetition-rate operation of a self-starting, passively mode-locked fiber laser is successfully demonstrated over a range from 49.65 to 50.47 MHz. The experimental results show that the newly designed fiber laser can maintain the mode locking at the pumping power of 160 mW to stably generate periodic optical pulses with width less than 170 fs and timing jitter lower than 75 fs in the 1.55 mu m wavelength region, when the fundamental repetition rate of the laser is continuously tuned between 49.65 and 50.47 MHz. Moreover, this fiber laser has a feature of turn-key operation with high repeatability of its fundamental repetition rate in practice.


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Chemorheology and corresponding models for an epoxy-terminated poly(phenylene ether ketone) (E-PEK) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) system were investigated using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and a cone-and-plate rheometer. For this system, the reported four-parameter chemorheological model and modified WLF chemorheological model can only be used in an isothermal or nonisothermal process, respectively. In order to predict the resin viscosity variation during a stepwise temperature cure cycle actually used, a new model based on the combination of the four-parameter model and the modified WLF model was developed. The combined model can predict the resin viscosity variation during a stepwise temperature cure cycle more accurately than the above two models. In order to simplify the establishment of this model, a new five-parameter chemorheological model was then developed. The parameters in this five-parameter model can be determined through very few rheology and DSC experiments. This model is practicable to describe the resin viscosity variation for isothermal, nonisothermal, or stepwise temperature cure cycles accurately. The five-parameter chemorheological model has also successfully been used in the E-PEK systems with two other curing agents, i.e., the diamine curing agent with the addition of a boron trifluride monoethylamine (BF3-MEA) accelerator and an anhydride curing agent (hexahydrophthalic acid anhydride). (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Urquhart, C. (editor for JUSTEIS team), Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Armstrong, A., Lonsdale, R. & Fenton, R. (2003). JUSTEIS (JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services) Strand A: survey of end users of all electronic information services (HE and FE), with Action research report. Final report 2002/2003 Cycle Four. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth with Information Automation Ltd (CIQM). Sponsorship: JISC


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In this thesis, a magneto-optical trap setup is used to laser cool and confine a cloud of 85Rb. The cloud typically contains 108 atoms in a 1 mm3 volume at a temperature in the region of the Doppler Limit (146 _K for 85Rb). To study the cold cloud, a subwavelength optical fibre - a nanofibre, or ONF - is positioned inside the cloud. The ONF can be used in two ways. Firstly, it is an efficient fluorescence collection tool for the cold atoms. Loading times, lifetimes and temperatures can be measured by coupling the atomic fluorescence to the evanescent region of the ONF. Secondly, the ONF is used as a probe beam delivery tool using the evanescent field properties of the device, allowing one to perform spectroscopy on few numbers of near-surface atoms. With improvements in optical density of the cloud, this system is an ideal candidate in which to generate electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light. A theoretical study of the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between an atom and a dielectric surface is also presented in this work in order to understand their effects in the spectroscopy of near-surface atoms.


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For sensitive optoelectronic components, traditional soldering techniques cannot be used because of their inherent sensitivity to thermal stresses. One such component is the Optoelectronic Butterfly Package which houses a laser diode chip aligned to a fibre-optic cable. Even sub-micron misalignment of the fibre optic and laser diode chip can significantly reduce the performance of the device. The high cost of each unit requires that the number of damaged components, via the laser soldering process, are kept to a minimum. Mathematical modelling is undertaken to better understand the laser soldering process and to optimize operational parameters such as solder paste volume, copper pad dimensions, laser solder times for each joint, laser intensity and absorption coefficient. Validation of the model against experimental data will be completed, and will lead to an optimization of the assembly process, through an iterative modelling cycle. This will ultimately reduce costs, improve the process development time and increase consistency in the laser soldering process.


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Semi-enclosed bays in upwelling regions are exposed to forcing related to winds, currents and buoyancy over the shelf. The influence of this external forcing is moderated by factors such as connectivity to the open ocean, shelter by surrounding topography, dimensions of the bay, and freshwater outflows. Such bays, preferred locations for ports, mariculture, marine industry, recreational activities and coastal settlement, present a range of characteristics, understanding of which is necessary to their rational management. Observations in such a semi-enclosed bay, the Ria de Vigo in Spain, are used to characterize the influence of upwelling and downwelling pulses on its circulation. In this location, near the northern limit of the Iberian upwelling system, upwelling events dominate during a short summer season and downwelling events the rest of the year. The ria response to the external forcing is central to nutrient supply and resultant plankton productivity that supports its high level of cultured mussel production. Intensive field studies in September 2006 and June 2007 captured a downwelling event and an upwelling event, respectively. Data from eight current profiler moorings and boat-based MiniBat/ADCP surveys provided an unprecedented quasi-synoptic view of the distribution of water masses and circulation patterns in any ria. In the outer ria, circulation was dominated by the introduction of wind-driven alongshore flow from the external continental shelf through the ria entrances and its interaction with the topography. In the middle ria, circulation was primarily related to the upwelling/downwelling cycle, with a cool, salty and dense lower layer penetrating to the inner ria during upwelling over the shelf. A warmer, lower salinity and less dense surface layer of coastal waters flowed inward during downwelling. Without external forcing, the inner ria responded primarily to tides and buoyancy changes related to land runoff. Under both upwelling and downwelling conditions, the flushing of the ria involved shelf responses to wind pulses. Their persistence for a few days was sufficient to allow waters from the continental shelf to penetrate the innermost ria. Longer term observations supported by numerical modeling are required to confirm the generality of such flushing events in the ria and determine their typical frequency, while comparative studies should explore how these scenarios fit into the range of conditions experienced in other semi-enclosed bays.


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Huge magnetic fields are predicted1–4 to exist in the high-density region of plasmas produced during intense laser–matter interaction, near the criticaldensity surface where most laser absorption occurs, but until now these fields have never been measured. By using pulses focused to extreme intensities to investigate laser–plasma interactions5, we have been able to record the highest magnetic fields ever produced in a laboratory – over 340 megagauss – by polarimetry measurements of self-generated laser harmonics.