955 resultados para equivalent sound pressure level (L EQ) loss of soil


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Salinization is a soil threat that adversely affects ecosystem services and diminishes soil functions in many arid and semi-arid regions. Soil salinity management depends on a range of factors, and can be complex expensive and time demanding. Besides taking no action, possible management strategies include amelioration and adaptation measures. The WOCAT Technologies Questionnaire is a standardized methodology for monitoring, evaluating and documenting sustainable land management practices through interaction with the stakeholders. Here we use WOCAT for the systematic analysis and evaluation of soil salinization amelioration measures, for the RECARE project Case Study in Greece, the Timpaki basin, a semi-arid region in south-central Crete where the main land use is horticulture in greenhouses irrigated by groundwater. Excessive groundwater abstractions have resulted in a drop of the groundwater level in the coastal part of the aquifer, thus leading to seawater intrusion and in turn to soil salinization due to irrigation with brackish water. Amelioration technologies that have already been applied in the case study by the stakeholders are examined and classified depending on the function they promote and/or improve. The documented technologies are evaluated for their impacts on ecosystem services, cost and input requirements. Preliminary results show that technologies which promote maintaining existing crop types while enhancing productivity and decreasing soil salinity such as composting, mulching, rain water harvesting and seed biopriming are preferred by the stakeholders. Further work will include result validation using qualitative approaches.


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Despite various research activities in the last decades across the world, many challenges remain to integrate the concept of ecosystem services (ESS) in decision-making, and a coherent approach to assess and value ESS is still lacking. There are a lot of different – often context-specific – ESS frameworks with their own definitions and understanding of terms. Based on a thorough review, the EU FP7 project RECARE (www.recare-project.eu) suggests an adapted framework for ecosystem services related to soils that can be used for practical application in preventing and remediating degradation of soils in Europe. This lays the foundation for the development and selection of appropriate methods to measure, evaluate, communicate and negotiate the services we obtain from soils with stakeholders in order to improve land management. Similar to many ESS frameworks, the RECARE framework distinguishes between an ecosystem and human well-being part. As the RECARE project is focused on soil threats, this is the starting point on the ecosystem part of the framework. Soil threats affect natural capital, such as soil, water, vegetation, air and animals, and are in turn influenced by those. Within the natural capital, the RECARE framework focuses especially on soil and its properties, classified in inherent and manageable properties. The natural capital then enables and underpins soil processes, while at the same time being affected by those. Soil processes, finally, are the ecosystem’s capacity to provide services, thus they support the provision of soil functions and ESS. ESS may be utilized to produce benefits for individuals and human society. Those benefits are explicitly or implicitly valued by individuals and human society. The values placed on those benefits influence policy and decision-making and thus lead to a societal response. Individual (e.g. farmers’) and societal decision making and policy determine land management and other (human) driving forces, which in turn affect soil threats and natural capital. In order to improve ESS with Sustainable Land Management (SLM) – i.e. measures aimed to prevent or remediate soil threats, the services identified in the framework need to be “manageable” (modifiable) for the stakeholders. To this end, effects of soil threats and prevention / remediation measures are captured by key soil properties as well as through bio-physical (e.g. reduced soil loss), socio-economic (e.g. reduced workload) and socio-cultural (e.g. aesthetics) impact indicators. In order to use such indicators in RECARE, it should be possible to associate the changes in soil processes to impacts of prevention / remediation measures (SLM). This requires the indicators to be sensitive enough to small changes, but still sufficiently robust to provide evidence of the change and attribute it to SLM.


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In a multi-level stakeholder approach the international level is of primordial importance not only in terms of legal frameworks, but also in terms of scientific analysis of the needs, options and constraints, as well as related to monitoring and evaluation systems. The Working Group on 'International Actions for the Sustainable Use of Soils' (IASUS) of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) identified a number of issues and measures in preparation of the 17thWorld Congress of Soil Science held in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2002, and prepared a resolution in support of a 'global agenda for the sustainable use of soils', which was adopted on 21st August 2002 on the closing day of the congress.


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El objetivo de este proyecto se materializa en el diseño acústico y electroacústico de las salas de cine con número 18, 19, 20 y 21 del centro de cines Kinépolis situado en la Ciudad de la Imagen. Dichas salas son idénticas por lo que con el estudio y análisis de una se podrán extrapolar los resultados a las demás, por tanto a partir de ahora se realizará el diseño acústico y electroacústico centrado en la sala 18. Así pues se procederá a certificar que dicha sala cumple la norma THX. En dicho recinto se habrán aplicando con anterioridad diferentes técnicas de acondicionamiento sonoro (insonorización mediante el uso de materiales tanto absorbentes como reflectantes, arquitectura de la sala las paredes, dimensiones... etc.>), así como todos los acondicionamientos propios de un espacio de uso público cumpliendo las consiguientes normativas de seguridad. Se analizará la sala en su estado de partida mediante medidas acústicas in-situ tanto del tiempo de reverberación como del ruido de fondo, así como medidas espaciales con un medidor de alta precisión (láser); para posteriormente realizar las simulaciones en el programa EASE 4.01 de manera que la simulación sea lo más fidedigna posible. Estas medidas se realizarán de acuerdo a lo especificado en la norma UNE-EN ISO 3382. Cuando el comportamiento acústico del modelado de la sala sea el mismo que el de la sala real (respondan con el mismo Tiempo de Reverberación), mediante la introducción de los materiales adecuados y del ruido de fondo; se procederá al diseño electroacústico del equipo necesario para implementar el sistema de sonido multicanal Dolby (R). En el estudio electroacústico se distribuirán los diferentes altavoces que correctamente insertados ajustados sus niveles y retardos cubrirán con su señal uniformemente la sala cumpliendo los requisitos de la norma Dolby (R). Y finalmente una vez propuesto el sistema electroacústico y comprobado su correcto funcionamiento y por tanto el cumplimiento de la norma THX se propondrán mejoras en el sistema. Hay que señalar que aunque las recomendaciones THX son conocidas como norma THX no es una norma como tal, sino un conjunto de recomendaciones, que aconsejan utilizar una norma u otra para cada requisito. De ahora en adelante se referirá en este documento como norma THX. Se recuerda una vez más que dado que las salas son idénticas, y que las medidas realizadas en cada una de ellas son similares, se procederá en adelante al estudio de la sala única sala, la sala 18, siendo todos los estudios, análisis, comentarios y conclusiones aplicables a las otras 3 salas. Abstract The aim of this Project is the acoustic and electroacoustic design of the projection rooms 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of the theater kinépolis, which is located at “Ciudad de la imagen”. These rooms are equal so with the studing and analazing of one of them , the results can be extrapolted from this one to the others, therefore as from now the and electroacoustic design will focus on the 18th room. As result the room will be certified that it comply with the standard THX. The starting point of the room will be analized such on-spot acoustical measures as the reverberation time and the noise level, in the same way the spatial measurements will be make with a precise laser meter, in order to perform simulations with the data obtained with the EASE 4.01 program. These mesurements should be made in accordance with the standard UNE-EN ISO 3382. Once the acoustical behavior of the simulated room became the same as the real room (the same reverberation times), through the configuration of the suitable materials and the background noise, previously measured, the electroacoustic design of the equipment necessary to develop the multichannel sound system Dolby (R) will be completed. In the electroacoustic design the sound power level and the dealys of the speakers and its amplifiers will be configurated till amplifiers provide an uniform coverage over the entire room in compliance with the Dolby (R) standard. Finally, once an electroacoustic system will be proposed and checked it works correctly in compliance with the THX standard, posible improvements will be identified. Abstract. Acoustic and electroacoustic study of the 18th room of the movie theater Kinépolis (Madrid) It must however be pointed out that although the THX standard is known as a standard it is actually a set of recommended practices made by Lucasfilm Ltd, anyway, from now on we will call it THX standard.


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La tesis se organiza en un volumen de Memoria integrada por once capítulos que constituyen el cuerpo de la tesis y otro volumen de Apéndices titulado “Caracterización geotécnica de Base de los suelos de España” que reúne en forma de cuadros las características de textura, permeabilidad, humedad-succión, erosionabilidad y resistencia al corte de los cuarenta y dos perfiles de suelos representativos de los tipos del Mapa de suelos De España. Estos cuadros han sido elaborados originalmente por la doctorando durante sus estudios para la obtención del DEA de la Suficiencia Investigadora, excepto los de resistencia al corte que lo han sido también por la doctorando de forma original, pero ya en la etapa de redacción de la tesis. En el Capítulo 1 “Introducción” se describe la motivación, antecedentes, alcance y contenido de la tesis, ordenado según el índice que en él se incluye. Los Capítulos 2 “Meteorización, 3 “Balance Hídrico” y 4 “Humedades características” constituyen el “estado del arte” en el momento actual de los temas de geotecnia ambiental relacionados con la degradación de la superficie terrestre y la estabilidad de taludes. El Capítulo 2, tras matizar algunas generalidades, aporta elementos para la cuantificación de la alteración de rocas como el “índice climático de Weinert” y de la erosión de suelos como la “ecuación universal de pérdida de suelo (U.S.L.E.)” El Capítulo 3, partiendo de los fenómenos de precipitación y evapotranspiración, plantea el balance hídrico en vertientes con instrumentos para evaluar la infiltración y la escorrentía, conceptos imprescindibles para adentrarse en los de resistencia y erosionabilidad del conjunto suelo-agua. En los Apéndices A1 y A2, se recogen valores de coeficientes de infiltración en condiciones saturadas y no saturadas de los perfiles de suelos del Mapa de España. El Capítulo 4 se dedica al estudio de este conjunto suelo-agua con la definición de conceptos que lo caracterizan, basados en la relación entre los contenidos de ambos elementos o “humedad”, sus valores máximos y mínimos y la forma en la que es retenida el agua por el suelo. Este capítulo acaba con el concepto de “Curva característica Suelo-Agua/Soil Water Characteristic curve (SWCC)”, que liga el contenido de agua de un suelo con la tensión a la que está retenida (uauw) “succión” o con su expresión más usual “pF”. En el Apéndice A 3 se adjuntan las SWCC de los perfiles de suelos del Mapa de suelos de España. En el Capítulo 5 “Resistencia al corte de los suelos”, se detalla la influencia que tienen sobre la resistencia de los suelos factores como el paso del tiempo, el contenido de humedad y la presencia y tipo de vegetación en la superficie del suelo estudiado. El Capítulo 6 “Evaluación de la erosión”, analiza el factor de erosionabilidad del suelo “factor K” de la U.S.L.E., su evaluación en función de la textura, estructura y permeabilidad del suelo, con la estimación hecha para los cuarenta y dos perfiles de suelos del Mapa de España, contenida en el Apéndice 4. En el Capítulo 7 “Metodología de diseño” se hacen en su primera parte unas consideraciones geoambientales de diseño aplicables al estudio de los problemas de inestabilidades en taludes. La segunda parte constituye el núcleo de la tesis con la propuesta de “estimación de los parámetros de resistencia al corte del suelo”, consecuente con las teorías y metodología de análisis expuesta en los capítulos anteriores. En el Apéndice A 5 se presentan los valores de los parámetros coulombianos de resistencia al corte, ”c y Ф” estimados según la caracterización climática a partir del índice de Thornthwaite, en condicionesde diseño para humedades naturales máxima y mínima de los cuarenta y dos perfiles de suelos del Mapa de suelos de España. El Capítulo 8 “Aplicación a casos reales” se considera de gran interés al constituir una auténtica continuación de la segunda parte del capítulo anterior, desarrollando la metodología expuesta en él a cuatro problemáticas de infraestructuras de obras lineales, relacionadas con problemas de erosión y deslizamientos en taludes. El Capítulo 9 “Ensayos de referencia” se incluye como punto de apoyo (referencia) a las teorías expuestas, valorando la idoneidad de los tipos de ensayos y tipos de suelos seleccionados (Laboratorio de Geotecnia del CEDEX y Laboratorio Hong-Kong University of Science and Technology), utilizados para la obtención, por correlaciones deducidas, de las curvas SWCC de los perfiles de suelos del Mapa de España, incluídas en el Apéndice A 3, como se ha citado antes. En el Capítulo 10 “Conclusiones y Futuras Líneas de Investigación”se apuntan en primer lugar unas conclusiones que, a juicio de la doctorando, se pueden extraer con interés de esta tesis y a continuación se esbozan unas posibles líneas de investigación, fundamentalmente de tipo experimental, que complementarían los avances derivados de esta tesis o podrían esclarecer y abrir nuevas interpretaciones de los fenómenos naturales de erosión y estabilidad de taludes en los que ésta se ha centrado. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 11 “Bibliografía” se han reunido 328 referencias que reflejan una visión amplia y bastante completa del tema tratado, obtenida complementando las de tesis anteriores sobre esta singular materia (“Efecto estabilizador de la vegetación en taludes”, L Fort 1975 y “Determinación de las características de fricción en el contacto suelo-geotextil a diferentes succiones, mediante equipos de laboratorio singulares”, E Asanza 2009), con propias de la doctorando (9) y las consideradas de mayor interés de los últimos Congresos sobre Suelos no saturados,”Unsat 95”, “Unsat 2002” y “Unsat 2011” entre otros. ABSTRACT The thesis is organized in a volume of Memory composed of eleven chapters that make up the body of the thesis and other Appendices volume entitled "Geotechnical characterization of basis of the soils of Spain" that combines the characteristics of texture, permeability, moisture-suction, erosionability, and shear strength of forty-two profiles of soils representative of the types of the soil of Spain map in the form of pictures. These pictures have been produced originally by the student during their studies to obtain the DEA of the research, except those of the shear strength, also been done by the PhD student in an original way, but already at the stage of drafting of the thesis. Chapter 1 "Introducción" describes the motivation, background, scope and content of the thesis, ordered according to the index that is included. The Chapters: 2 "Weathering, 3 “Water Balance” and 4 “moisture characteristics" are the "State of the art" at the present time of geotechnical environmental issues related to the degradation of the Earth's surface and the slope stability. Chapter 2 after clarify some general information, provides elements for the quantification of the alteration of rocks as "Weinert climate index" and soil erosion as the "universal equation of loss of soil (U.S.L.E.)" Chapter 3, on the basis of the phenomena of precipitation and evapotranspiration, raises the water balance in sheds with instruments to evaluate infiltration and runoff, essential concepts into the resistance and erosionability water-soil joint. Values of soils coefficients of infiltration in saturated and unsaturated conditions from the Spain map of profiles are collected in the Appendices A1 and A2. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the study of this joint “soil-water”, with the definition of concepts that characterize it, based on the relationship between the contents of both elements or “moisture”, their maximum and minimum values and the way in which water is retained by the soil. This chapter ends with the concept ofSoil Water Characteristic curve (SWCC)", which linked the water content of a soil with the stress that it is retained (ua-uw) "suction" or its expression more usual "pF". The SWCC of the profiles of soils of the Spain soils Map are attached in the Appendix 3. In Chapter 5 “Soils shear strength”,is detailed the influence that they have on the resistance of soils factors such as the passage of time, the content of moisture and the presence and type of vegetation on the surface of the studied soil. Chapter 6 "Assessment of erosion", analyses the soil erodibility factor "Kfactor" of the U.S.L.E., its evaluation based on texture, structure and permeability of the soil, with the estimate for forty-two profiles of soils on the Spain Soils Map, contained in Appendix 4. Chapter 7 "Design methodology" some considerations are made in the first part geo-environmental design applicable to the study of the problems of instabilities in slopes. The second part constitutes the core of the thesis with the proposal of “estimation of parameters of shear strength”, of the soils consistent with theories and analytical methodology outlined in the previous chapters. Appendix A 5 presents the values of the coulombians parameters of shear strength, "c and Ф" according to the characterization of climate from the index of Thornthwaite, in design for natural moisture conditions maximum and minimum of forty-two profils of Spain Soils Map Chapter 8 "Application to real cases" is considered of great interest to constitute a true continuation of the second part of the previous chapter, developing the methodology exposed it to four problems of civil-works infrastructure, related to problems of erosion and landslides in slopes. Chapter 9 "Tests of reference" is included as point of support (reference) to the theories exposed, assessing the suitability of the types of tests and types of selected soils (Geotechnical laboratory of CEDEX and laboratory Hongkong University of Science and Technology), used to obtain, by deduced correlations, of curves SWCC of soils profiles on the Spain Soils Map, included in Appendix A. 3, as it was mentioned before. Chapter 10 "Conclusions and future research lines" are running first conclusions which, in the opinion of the candidate, can be extracted with interest of this thesis, and then, it outlines some possible lines of research, mainly experimental, which would complement the advances arising from this thesis or could clarify and open new interpretations of natural phenomena of erosion and slope stability in which it has focused. Finally, in Chapter 11 "Bibliography" 328 references have been included which reflect a broad and fairly comprehensive view of the subject matter, obtained complementing those of the previous theses on this singular issue ("Vegetation stabilizing effect on slopes", L Fort 1975, and "Determination of the characteristics of friction in the contact soil-geotextile to different-suctions, through special laboratory equipment", E Asanza 2009) with some of them from of the candidate (9) and the others from of the considered as the most interesting of recent conferences on unsaturated soils, "Unsat 95", "Unsat2002" and "Unsat 2011" among others.


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Water balance simulation in cropping systems is a very useful tool to study how water can be used efficiently. However this requires that models simulate an accurate water balance. Comparing model results with field observations will provide information on the performance of the models. The objective of this study was to test the performance of DSSAT model in simulating the water balance by comparing the simulations with observed measurements. The soil water balance in DSSAT uses a one dimensional ?tipping bucket? soil water balance approach where available soil water is determined by the drained upper limit (DUL), lower limit (LL) and saturated water content (SAT). A continuous weighing lysimeter was used to get the observed values of drainage and evapotranspiration (ET). An automated agrometeorological weather station close to the lisymeter was also used to record the climatic data. The model simulated accurately the soil water content after the optimization of the soil parameters. However it was found the inability of the model to capture small changes in daily drainage and ET. For that reason simulated cumulative values had larger errors as the time passed by. These results suggested the need to compare outputs of DSSAT and some hydrological model that simulates soil water movement with a more mechanistic approach. The comparison of the two models will allow us to find which mechanism can be modified or incorporated in DSSAT model to improve the simulations.


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While much is known about the factors that control each component of the terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycle, it is less clear how these factors affect total N availability, the sum of organic and inorganic forms potentially available to microorganisms and plants. This is particularly true for N-poor ecosystems such as drylands, which are highly sensitive to climate change and desertification processes that can lead to the loss of soil nutrients such as N. We evaluated how different climatic, abiotic, plant and nutrient related factors correlate with N availability in semiarid Stipa tenacissima grasslands along a broad aridity gradient from Spain to Tunisia. Aridity had the strongest relationship with N availability, suggesting the importance of abiotic controls on the N cycle in drylands. Aridity appeared to modulate the effects of pH, plant cover and organic C (OC) on N availability. Our results suggest that N transformation rates, which are largely driven by variations in soil moisture, are not the direct drivers of N availability in the studied grasslands. Rather, the strong relationship between aridity and N availability could be driven by indirect effects that operate over long time scales (decades to millennia), including both biotic (e.g. plant cover) and abiotic (e.g. soil OC and pH). If these factors are in fact more important than short-term effects of precipitation on N transformation rates, then we might expect to observe a lagged decrease in N availability in response to increasing aridity. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the increase in aridity predicted with ongoing climate change will reduce N availability in the Mediterranean basin, impacting plant nutrient uptake and net primary production in semiarid grasslands throughout this region.