986 resultados para equipamento aplicador
The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading
The Casa da Mulher is a proposal for a final work for graduation to a public facility that brings together key services for the treatment of women victims of violence, integrated to the therapeutic activities in the municipality of Presidente Prudente. The project considered the current attendance, also the dynamics and the professionals who make up the Rede da Mulher, to create a welcoming environment that complements the treatment of the patients. Therefore the Casa da Mulher responds to the needs of users for an appropriate space of care, respecting the municipal laws, in order to host the victim, accompany the patient´s treat till leave the facility
This paper aims to present the design, development and construction of a reducer / multiplier speeds low cost, sturdy and easy operation. The beginning of the project was given to research on issues related to mechanisms and machine elements, and these theories of fundamental importance in the development of items of equipment which, together with the aid of AutoCAD software, enabled the construction of it. Parallel to the sizing of equipment, were also investigated and taken into account the costs of materials used in the project. Made to mount the reducer / multiplier speeds it was at the evidence through experiments involving the use of torque wrench, tachometer and weights, getting proven applicability in situations that are small or medium loads required
O presente Trabalho Final de Graduação apresenta um projeto que se baseou no programa oferecido pelo Centro Educacional Unificado – CEU, equipamento público criado em 2001 pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Prefeitura de São Paulo destinado a áreas periféricas da cidade de São Paulo. E também no programa oferecido pelo SESI – Serviço Social da Indústria, entidade de direito privado criado em 1946 pela CNI – Confederação Nacional da Indústria. Formulado para funcionar como um espaço de sociabilização da vida urbana e com o intuito de oferecer EDUCAÇÃO, CULTURA E LAZER para o desenvolvimento integral de crianças, jovens e adultos das comunidades do entorno. O programa desenvolvido para o CENTRO DE EDUCAÇÃO, CULTURA E LAZER, conta com um Bloco Cultural o qual apresenta espaços como: Biblioteca, Teatro, Refeitório, Administração, Salas de atividades diversas e a Creche; o Bloco Educacional Abriga um Centro de Educação Infantil (CEI), uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (EMEI), uma Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental (EMEF) e Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). E por fim, uma Praça de Esporte e Lazer equipada com Ginásio Poliesportivo coberto, quadras descobertas, piscinas e playground, sendo estes espaços abertos aos finais de semana com a finalidade de proporcionar opções de recreação em beneficio de toda comunidade. A escolha do local para a implantação deste projeto foi a cidade de Ribeirão Preto (localizada a nordeste do Estado de São Paulo), no bairro Jardim Jamil Seme Cury, conjunto habitacional criado para receber moradores vindos de uma comunidade carente que se localizava no entorno do aeroporto Leite Lopes, o qual passa por discussões para a inserção de um Terminal Internacional de Cargas, e consequentemente necessita ampliar sua área de abrangência
Electrical installations in industries involving high currents and voltages considered. On the other side is the common appearance of electrical failures, caused by human error, defects in electrical equipment or electrical installation aging itself. These failures are varied, those with the highest rate of occurrence and cause much damage to electrical installations, are overcurrent and overvoltage. Therefore there is a need to project a system that can detect and minimize possible effects caused by faults in electrical installations industries. Protection systems in electric industries emerge as an alternative to control especially voltage and current magnitudes. Engineered based on the functions of the relays, protection systems are an indispensable tool for any industrial substation. But the project of such systems becomes increasingly more complex, due to technological development. Electrical equipment not develop at the same speed that the protective devices (relays), making it indispensable knowledge of integration of technologies
The purpose of this project is to verify whether anaerobic reactors applied to sewage treatment are energetically self-sufficient. This evaluation can be made by balancing the methane produced through the anaerobic transformation stages (hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis) and the reactor energy consumption requirements. The original project included methanogenic activity tests, which could not be performed due to setbacks in the installation of an analytical instrument. Scientific articles about bench- and full-scale anaerobic reactors were investigated instead. An average substrate-to-methane conversion efficiency of 58,2±18,6% was found for the bench-scale reactors and higher efficiencies (89,2%) were found for the cases which had higher Organic Loading Rates (OLRs) values. The average energy output was 0,013 kWh/Lsewage, value unable to meet the energy needs for the reactor operation, considering equipments normally used such as temperature controller. This balance can become positive if few hypotheses are made, for example (i) to eliminate the use of temperature controller (ii) to alter the operation pattern from continuous to intermittent. Based on energy balance assessment of eight bench-scale reactors, it was observed that the implementation of a system for biogas utilization is not energetically feasible. However, interesting results were found for a full-scale sewage treatment plant, ETE Ouro Verde – Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. Even though its substrate-tomethane conversion efficiency was about 10% only, the energy balance was quite positive, with energy consumption of 68 kWh/month and energy production of 660 kWh/month. This analysis leads us to conclude that energy recovery from full-scale sewage treatment plants should be practiced by other plants
O trabalho propõe rotinas computacionais usando o Método de Monte Carlo com o Código MCNP-5, para analisar os perfis de dose de radiação liberada nos tratamentos de tumores de pele e otimizar os cálculos radiométricos dos feixes de radiação estudados. Foram realizadas medidas dosimétricas do feixe de radiação, comparando os resultados obtidos com os respectivos valores fornecidos pelo serviço de física médica das instituições, com resultados informados pelo fabricante do equipamento e com as simulações computacionais efetuadas com o Código MCNP-5. A quantificação dos erros relativos percentual entre os resultados simulados e os fornecidos pelo Serviço de Radioterapia (E1), os informados pelo fabricante (E2) e os medidos experimentalmente (E3) são inferiores a 4,0% e validam a metodologia computacional proposta para avaliação do comportamento do feixe de raios-X superficial e do feixe de raios γ da unidade de Cobaltoterapia. A metodologia de análise do espectro energético e da curva de porcentagem de dose profunda (PDP) desenvolvida neste trabalho pode ser estendida para estudos de outros feixes clínicos e subsidiar os dados radiométricos utilizados nos planejamentos e cálculos de dose realizados pelo profissional da física médica na sua rotina nos Serviços de Radioterapia
This paper proposes a mechanical device to adapt a simple model of hospital bed used in the Emergency Department at Santa Casa of Guaratinguetá, allowing the bed’s height adjustment with electromechanical drive. This adaptation aims to introduce improvements in the routine work of nurses and reduce ergonomic problems stemming from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to stretchers and wheelchairs, as well as providing more comfort to the bedridden patient. The device is mainly composed of: an electric induction motor used to drive the engine, a steel spindle with square thread, which allows axial displacement of the bed, a transmission system with pulleys and belt, which transmits power supplied by the motor to the spindle. The mechanism allows the height of the bed is regulated between 400 and 800 mm. The estimated implementation cost of this proposal is lower than the acquisition cost of a commercial hospital bed with the same features, which confirms the feasibility of the proposed solution
The determination of the remaining life of equipment operating at high temperatures has been a great challenge for their owners. The use of safety factors, often conservative, makes the replacement of equipment or of its components at the end of the life of design gets financially unviable. This study aimed to estimate the remaining life of the serpentine of the secondary superheater of one of REVAP’s boilers (Henrique Lage Refinery), through accelerated creep tests and comparison of the results with the techniques based on microstructure and hardness. When conducting a proper assessment it’s possible to increase the equipment reliability, ensuring operational continuity and physical integrity. The tests showed a minimal residual life of 12.7 years (111,252 hours), longer than the design life (100,000 hours), even after a period of operation of approximately 250,000 hours, confirming the conservatism of the project. The techniques based on microstructure and hardness did not show good correlation with the creep test, decreasing the reliability of these techniques in determining the residual life
Our twenty-first century society and the rhythm of life and work we have to face in our daily routine compel us to spend most of our lifetime in closed environments, in our houses, educational institutions, hospitals, airports, amongst as many others. The study of the air quality in internal environments (IAQ) is very important for monitoring people’s health effects and their environmental comfort in these locations. One essential parameter to analyze this measure is to evaluate the concentration of dispersed particulates in the air, specially focusing on those thinner particles (below the diameter of 2,5 μm), they can pose serious risks for human being because they can remain in the lungs, penetrate through the pores of our skin, amongst other harmful effects on human’s health. In this work the air quality inside the public library Profª Josina Vasques Ferrari and at Unesp public state library was evaluated, both located in Itapeva, as well as a third one, inside the Communitarian Library of the Federal University in Carlos (UFSCar) from march to may in 2012. In those environments it was analyzed if the concentration of particulates pose any real treat to the users. The equipment used for particle sampling in real time was DataRam 4 (Model DR 4000). The results given for those concentrations of particulates in both internal and external environments revealed figures within the safe standard established by the WHO (World Health Organization), from 25 to μg/m³, the only exception occurred on the fifth floor of the UFSCar library, where the average for concentration stayed at 25,30 of μg/m³
Desde o conhecimento da radiação e seus efeitos a necessidade de mensurá-la intriga os cientistas. Os detectores de radiação mais difundidos atualmente fazem o uso de cristais semicondutores. Porém, esses detectores tem uma temperatura ótima de funcionamento que acaba sendo ultrapassada, já que o processo gera calor. Por isso, o resfriamento acaba sendo uma necessidade. O desenvolvimento de detectores de radiação com cristal semicondutor que opere a temperatura ambiente é tema de muitos estudos, já que evitaria o processo de resfriamento, trabalhoso e de alto custo. No Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações (CTR) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) o sal de Brometo de Tálio (TlBr) é estudado para esta finalidade. Até ser um cristal semicondutor este sal deve passar por vários processos, entre eles o de purificação e o de cristalização. A técnica utilizada para purificar este cristal é a de Refino zonal. Após ser purificado por esta técnica o sal estará apto a ser cristalizado e consequentemente integrar um equipamento de detecção de radiação. Portanto, esta monografia teve como objetivo realizar a análise da segregação das impurezas do sal de TlBr através da técnica de espectroscopia de massa em fonte de plasma induzido (ICP-MS) e espectroscopia de emissão atômica (ICP-AES). Determinando assim se o mesmo está apto a ser cristalizado e vir a compor um detector de radiação
The electrical substations have the goal to transmit, distribute and change the characteristics of electrical energy transmission networks of dealers to the end user with a high rate of reliability and continuously. For this it’s necessary to accomplish a gathering of datas from the local dealers where will be installed the substation to make a good electric project. This work has the objective to gather all the contents relatives to electric project of substation that are scattered in the literature, in order to organize and develop a basic guide that presents a methodology to dimension electrical equipments that belong to an industrial substation at 15 kV. In addition to elaborate a basic guide, this work aids to specify electrical equipments installed in the substation, bringing information and comparisons to know and determinate the kind of equipments that will be used, in a correct and coherent way with the national and international rules. Ultimately, after determined, got and specified all the equipments that belongs to an industrial substation, the work mention in global manner how to calculate the dimension of substation physical arrangement, determining all the least and required dimensions of each cubicle
The hardness has an important role in quality control, in research studies and metallurgical and mechanical specification, selection and comparison of various materials. This property is of extreme importance in the oil industry because it is a determining factor to ascertain the safety of the material used in pressure vessels and pipelines. Due to the inability to stop the equipment while checking the hardness, the hardness testers are widely used portable method UCI, its great advantage is the fact that an essay fast, simple realization and not be considered a non-destructive testing with a good relationship money. The objective is to determine if there is significant difference in hardness measurements between 80 and 1200 sandpaper using a portable hardness tester UCI method, the material applied in gas storage spheres composition ASTM 516 Gr 70. After determining the number of homogeneity, we performed the hardness profile to isolate the major factors influencing the hardness part: cold rolling and segregation of impurities. Factors Cooling and sanding were analyzed using the method of design of experiments (DOE), in which it was demonstrated that neither variables nor their interactions, has significant influence on the hardness measurements by portable MIC 10. This fact will lead to reduction in time and cost for surface preparation
As mudanças demográficas decorrentes do envelhecimento populacional têm contribuído substancialmente para o aumento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas à idade, dentre elas está a osteoporose, considerada um dos principais problemas de saúde pública, por sua prevalência crescente e pela associação a fraturas em diversas áreas do corpo, com graves repercussões clínicas e sociais. Com isso vem se buscando cada vez mais alternativas de exercício físico válidas para o combate e prevenção a estas doenças ósseas. Como possível alternativa têm se estudado os efeitos e benefícios dos treinamentos realizados em Plataformas Vibratórias, equipamento que através de baixa amplitude e alta freqüência pode vir a influenciar positivamente nas capacidades físicas. Portanto, devido à escassez de informações acerca dos efeitos do exercício na plataforma vibratória sobre a microarquitetura dos ossos em indivíduos idosos e já acometidos pela osteoporose, o objetivo deste estudo foi, com um modelo animal, descrever através de imagens de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), a reação do tecido ósseo de ratas idosas ovariectomizadas ao exercício em Plataforma Vibratória. Para execução deste estudo foram utilizadas 20 ratas Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus Albinus Wistar), separadas em 4 grupos: Sedentário Controle (S), Sedentário Ovariectomizado (SO), Treinado Controle (T) e Treinado Ovariectomizado (TO). Como protocolo de treinamento a plataforma vibratória foi regulada com freqüência de 35 Hz e amplitude baixa (1 a 2 mm) e consistiu de uma fase de adaptação ao exercício e à vibração e após este período uma fase de treinamento. Para análise a região do osso selecionada foi o terço proximal da diáfise do fêmur. Como resultado, obtivemos que para o grupo SO a indução à osteoporose foi positiva quando comparada ao grupo S, que ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The steel type AISI 4130 (ultra-high strength steel) is an alloy of low carbon and its main alloying elements are chromium and molybdenum, which improves the toughness of the weld metal. It has numerous applications, especially where the need for high mechanical strength. It is widely used in equipment used by the aviation industry, such as cradle-tomotor, and this is the motivation for this study. Cots are of fundamental importance, because the engine supports and maintains balance in the fixed landing gear. This equipment is subjected to intense loading cycles, whose fractures caused by fatigue are constantly observed. Will be determined the effects caused by re-welding the structure of aeronautical equipment, and will also study the microstructure of the metal without welding. The studies will be done on materials used in aircraft, which was given to study. The results provide knowledge of microstructure to evaluate any type of fracture that maybe caused by fatigue. Fatigue is a major cause of aircraft accidents and incidents occurred, which makes the study of the microstructure of the metal, weld and re-solder the knowledge essential to the life of the material. The prevention and control of the process of fatigue in aircraft are critical, since the components are subjected to greater responsibility cyclic loading