936 resultados para electrospray ionization mass spectrometry


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Deuterated water (²H₂O), a stable isotopic tracer, provides a convenient and reliable way to label multiple cellular biomass components (macromolecules), thus permitting the calculation of their synthesis rates. Here, we have combined ²H₂O labelling, GC-MS analysis and a novel cell fractionation method to extract multiple biomass components (DNA, protein and lipids) from the one biological sample, thus permitting the simultaneous measurement of DNA (cell proliferation), protein and lipid synthesis rates. We have used this approach to characterize the turnover rates and metabolism of a panel of mammalian cells in vitro (muscle C2C12 and colon cancer cell lines). Our data show that in actively-proliferating cells, biomass synthesis rates are strongly linked to the rate of cell division. Furthermore, in both proliferating and non-proliferating cells, it is the lipid pool that undergoes the most rapid turnover when compared to DNA and protein. Finally, our data in human colon cancer cell lines reveal a marked heterogeneity in the reliance on the de novo lipogenic pathway, with the cells being dependent on both 'self-made' and exogenously-derived fatty acid.


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Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry is one of the most powerful tools in the toxicologist’s arsenal to detect a wide variety of compounds from many different matrices. However, the huge number of potentially abused substances and new substances especially designed as intoxicants poses a problem in a forensic toxicology setting. Most methods are targeted and designed to cover a very specific drug or group of drugs while many other substances remain undetected. High resolution mass spectrometry, more specifically time-of-flight mass spectrometry, represents an extremely powerful tool in analysing a multitude of compounds not only simultaneously but also retroactively. The data obtained through the time-of-flight instrument contains all compounds made available from sample extraction and chromatography, which can be processed at a later time with an improved library to detect previously unrecognised compounds without having to analyse the respective sample again. The aim of this project was to determine the utility and limitations of time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a general and easily expandable screening method. The resolution of time-of-flight mass spectrometry allows for the separation of compounds with the same nominal mass but distinct exact masses without the need to separate them chromatographically. To simulate the wide variety of potentially encountered drugs in such a general screening method, seven drugs (morphine, cocaine, zolpidem, diazepam, amphetamine, MDEA and THC) were chosen to represent this variety in terms of mass, properties and functional groups. Consequently, several liquid-liquid and solid phase extractions were applied to urine samples to determine the most general suitable and unspecific extraction. Chromatography was optimised by investigating the parameters pH, concentration, organic solvent and gradient of the mobile phase to improve data obtained by the time-of-flight instrument. The resulting method was validated as a qualitative confirmation/identification method. Data processing was automated using the software TargetAnalysis, which provides excellent analyte recognition according to retention time, exact mass and isotope pattern. The recognition of isotope patterns allows excellent recognition of analytes even in interference rich mass spectra and proved to be a good positive indicator. Finally, the validated method was applied to samples received from the A& E Department of Glasgow Royal Infirmary in suspected drug abuse cases and samples received from the Scottish Prison Service, which we received from their own prevalence study targeting drugs of abuse in the prison population. The obtained data was processed with a library established in the course of this work.


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A combination of enzymatic digestion and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to characterise bifunctional adducts in which cisplatin is bound to GA base sequences in 8mer and 16mer oligonucleotides that do not contain other, higher affinity binding sites. The extent of formation of bifunctional adducts with GA base sequences was significant, but less than that seen with similar oligonucleotides containing either AG or GG sequences.


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Dietary fatty acids are known to influence the phospholipid composition of many tissues in the body, with lipid turnover occurring rapidly. The aim of this study was to investigate whether changes in the fatty acid composition of the diet can affect the phospholipid composition of the lens. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed three diets with distinct profiles in both essential and non-essential fatty acids. After 8 weeks, lenses and skeletal muscle were removed, and the lenses sectioned into nuclear and cortical regions. In these experiments, the lens cortex was synthesised during the course of the variable lipid diet. Phospholipids were then identified by electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry, and quantified via the use of internal standards. The phospholipid compositions of the nuclear and cortical regions of the lens differed slightly between the two regions, but comparison of the equivalent regions across the diet groups showed remarkable similarity. In contrast, the phospholipid composition of skeletal muscle (medial gastrocnemius) in these rats varied significantly. This study provides the first direct evidence to show that the phospholipid composition of the lens is tightly regulated and thus appears to be independent of diet. As phospholipids determine membrane fluidity and influence the activity and function of integral membrane proteins, regulation of their composition may be important for the function of the lens. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three different radical anions of the empirical formula C5H2 have been generated by negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry in the gas phase. The isomers C4CH2 •-, and HC5H•- have been synthesized by unequivocal routes and their connectivities confirmed by deuterium labeling, charge reversal, and neutralization reionization experiments. The results also provided evidence for the existence of neutrals C4CH2, C2CHC2H, and HC5H as stable species; this is the first reported observation of C2CHC2H. Ab initio calculations confirm these structures to be minima on the anion and neutral potential energy surfaces.


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Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) U–Pb dating of zircons from the Åreskutan Nappe in the central part of the Seve Nappe Complex of western central Jämtland provides new constraints on the timing of granulite–amphibolite-facies metamorphism and tectonic stacking of the nappe during the Caledonian orogeny. Peak-temperature metamorphism in garnet migmatites is constrained to c. 442 ± 4 Ma, very similar to the ages of leucogranites at 442 ± 3 and 441 ± 4 Ma. Within a migmatitic amphibolite, felsic segregations crystallized at 436 ± 2 Ma. Pegmatites, cross-cutting the dominant Caledonian foliation in the Nappe, yield 428 ± 4 and 430 ± 3 Ma ages. The detrital zircon cores in the migmatites and leucogranites provide evidence of Late Palaeoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic source terranes for the metasedimentary rocks. The formation of the ductile and hot Seve migmatites, with their inverted metamorphism and thinning towards the hinterland, can be explained by an extrusion model in which the allochthon stayed ductile for a period of at least 10 million years during cooling from peak-temperature metamorphism early in the Silurian. In our model, Baltica–Laurentia collision occurred in the Late Ordovician–earliest Silurian, with emplacement of the nappes far on to the Baltoscandian platform during the Silurian and early Devonian, Scandian Orogeny lasting until c. 390 Ma.


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The design and two-component [2 + 3] self-assembly of a series of new organometallic molecular prisms (3a-d) are described. Assemblies 3a,b incorporate 4,4',4'-tris[ethynyl-trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)]triphenylamine (1a) containing a Pt-ethynyl functionality as tritopic planar acceptor and organic ``clips'' 2a and 2b, respectively [where 2a = 1,3-bis(3-pyridyl)isophthalic amide; 2b= 1,3-bis(ethynyl-3-pyridyl)benzene]. In a complementary approach all organic tritopic planar donor ligand 2c [2c 4,4',4'-tris(4-pyridylethynyl)triphenylamine] was assembled with all organometallic ``clip'', 1,8-bis[{trans-Pt(PEt3) (2)(NO3)}ethynyl]anthracene (1b), to obtain prism 3c. A organometallic carbon-centered acceptor, 1,1,1- tris[4-{trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)(NO3)}ethynylphenyl]ethane (1c), has been prepared, and its prism derivative (3d) using an organic `clip'' is prepared. Assemblies (3a-d) were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. 3a-d showed fluorescence behavior in solution, and quenching of fluorescence intensity (3a,3c-d) was noticed upon addition of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), a common constituent of many commercial explosives. A thin film of the assembly 3d made by spin coating of a solution of 3 x 10(-5) M in DMF on it 1 cm(2) quartz plate showed fluorescence response to the vapor of TNT.


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Epidemiological studies have associated high soy intake with a lowered risk for certain hormone-dependent diseases, such as breast and prostate cancers, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Soy is a rich source of isoflavones, diphenolic plant compounds that have been shown to possess several biological activities. Soy is not part of the traditional Western diet, but many dietary supplements are commercially available in order to provide the proposed beneficial health effects of isoflavones without changing the original diet. These supplements are usually manufactured from extracts of soy or red clover, which is another important source of isoflavones. However, until recently, detailed studies of the metabolism of these compounds in humans have been lacking. The aim of this study was to identify urinary metabolites of isoflavones originating from soy or red clover using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). To examine metabolism, soy and red clover supplementation studies with human volunteers were carried out. In addition, the metabolism of isoflavones was investigated in vitro by identification of metabolites formed during a 24-h fermentation of pure isoflavones with a human fecal inoculum. Qualitative methods for identification and analysis of isoflavone metabolites in urine and fecal fermentation samples by GC-MS were developed. Moreover, a detailed investigation of fragmentation of isoflavonoids in electron ionization mass spectrometry (EIMS) was carried out by means of synthetic reference compounds and deuterated trimethylsilyl derivatives. After isoflavone supplementation, 18 new metabolites of isoflavones were identified in human urine samples. The most abundant urinary metabolites of soy isoflavones daidzein, genistein, and glycitein were found to be the reduced metabolites, i.e. analogous isoflavanones, a-methyldeoxybenzoins, and isoflavans. Metabolites having additional hydroxyl and/or methoxy substituents, or their reduced analogs, were also identified. The main metabolites of red clover isoflavones formononetin and biochanin A were identified as daidzein and genistein. In addition, reduced and hydroxylated metabolites of formononetin and biochanin A were identified; however, they occurred at much lower levels in urine samples than daidzein or genistein or their reduced metabolites. The results of this study show that the metabolism of isoflavones is diverse. More studies are needed to determine whether the new isoflavonoid metabolites identified here have biological activities that contribute to the proposed beneficial effects of isoflavones on human health. Another task is to develop validated quantitative methods to determine the actual levels of isoflavones and their metabolites in biological matrices in order to assess the role of isoflavones in prevention of chronic diseases.


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In this study we used electro-spray ionization mass-spectrometry to determine phospholipid class and molecular species compositions in bacteriophages PM2, PRD1, Bam35 and phi6 as well as their hosts. To obtain compositional data of the individual leaflets, phospholipid transbilayer distribution in the viral membranes was studied. We found that 1) the membranes of all studied bacteriophage are enriched in PG as compared to the host membranes, 2) molecular species compositions in the phage and host membranes are similar, and 3) phospholipids in the viral membranes are distributed asymmetrically with phosphatidylglycerol enriched in the outer leaflet and phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner one (except Bam35). Alternative models for selective incorporation of phospholipids to phages and for the origins of the asymmetric phospholipid transbilayer distribution are discussed. Notably, the present data are also useful when constructing high resolution structural models of bacteriophages, since diffraction methods cannot provide a detailed structure of the membrane due to high motility of the lipids and lack of symmetric organization of membrane proteins.


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Leucogranite magmatism occurred in southern Finland during the later stages of the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny. The leucogranites are considered to have formed from pre-existing crustal rocks that have undergone anatexis in the extensional stage of the orogeny, following continental collision and resultant crustal thickening. The leucogranites have been studied in the field using petrographic and mineralogical methods, elemental and isotope geochemistry on whole rocks and minerals, and U-Pb geochronology. On outcrop scale, these granites typically form heterogeneous, layered, sheet-like bodies that migmatize their country rocks. All of the leucogranites are peraluminous and rich in SiO2, but otherwise display significant geochemical variation. Their Nd isotope composition ranges from fairly juvenile to very unradiogenic, and the Hf isotope composition of their zircon shows a varying degree of mixing in the source, the zircon populations becoming more heterogeneous and generally less radiogenic towards the east. The leucogranites have been dated using U-Pb isotopic analyses, utilizing thermal ionization mass spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and laser ablation multicollector ICP mass spectrometry on zircon and monazite. The results show that the granites were emplaced between 1.85 Ga and 1.79 Ga, which is a considerably longer period than has traditionally been perceived for these rocks. The rocks tend to become younger towards the east. Single crystal data also display a wide array of inherited zircons, especially in the eastern part of the leucogranite belt. The most common inherited age groups are ~2.8 2.5 Ga, ~2.1 2.1 Ga, and ~1.9 Ga. Magmatic zircon and monazite usually record similar ages for any one sample.Thermobarometric calculations indicate that the leucogranites in the Veikkola area of southcentral Finland were formed from relatively low-temperature melts, and emplaced at 17-25 km depth, i.e. at mid-crustal level. It is likely that these conditions apply to the Svecofennian leucogranites in general. Large differences in the Hf and Nd isotope compositions, emplacement ages, and distributions of inherited zircon ages show that these granites were formed from different types of source rocks, which probably included both sedimentary and igneous rocks.


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Microchips for use in biomolecular analysis show a lot of promise for medical diagnostics and biomedical basic research. Among the potential advantages are more sensitive and faster analyses as well as reduced cost and sample consumption. Due to scaling laws, the surface are to volume ratios of microfluidic chips is very high. Because of this, tailoring the surface properties and surface functionalization are very important technical issues for microchip development. This thesis studies two different types of functional surfaces, surfaces for open surface capillary microfluidics and surfaces for surface assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, and combinations thereof. Open surface capillary microfluidics can be used to transport and control liquid samples on easily accessible open surfaces simply based on surface forces, without any connections to pumps or electrical power sources. Capillary filling of open partially wetting grooves is shown to be possible with certain geometries, aspect ratios and contact angles, and a theoretical model is developed to identify complete channel filling domains, as well as partial filling domains. On the other hand, partially wetting surfaces with triangular microstructures can be used for achieving directional wetting, where the water droplets do not spread isotropically, but instead only spread to a predetermined sector. Furthermore, by patterning completely wetting and superhydrophobic areas on the same surface, complex droplet shapes are achieved, as the water stretches to make contact with the wetting surface, but does not enter into the superhydrophobic domains. Surfaces for surface assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry are developed by applying various active thin film coatings on multiple substrates, in order to separate surface and bulk effects. Clear differences are observed between both surface and substrate layers. The best performance surfaces consisted of amorphous silicon coating and an inorganic-organic hybrid substrate, with nanopillars and nanopores. These surfaces are used for matrix-free ionization of drugs, peptides and proteins, and for some analytes, the detection limits were in the high attomoles. Microfluidics and laser desorption ionization surfaces are combined on a functionalized drying platforms, where the surface is used to control the shape of the deposited analyte droplet, and the shape of the initial analyte droplet affects the dried droplet solute deposition pattern. The deposited droplets can then directly detected by mass spectrometry. Utilizing this approach, results of analyte concentration, splitting and separation are demonstrated.


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A new chromium(III)-Schiff base complex, [Cr(5-chlorosalprn)(H2O)(2)]ClO4, where salprn=N,N'-propylenebis(salicylideneimine) has been prepared and characterized by electrospray ionization mass spectrometric (ESIMS) analysis and other spectroscopic techniques. Single crystal X-ray data reveal that the complex assumes a trans-diaquo structure, [Cr(C17H18Cl2N2O4)]ClO4.H2O. The effect of phenyl ring substituents on the rate of formation of [O=Cr-V Schiff base](+) has been investigated. The bimolecular rate constant for the formation of O=Cr-V species by the [Cr(Schiff base)(H2O)(2)]ClO4, where the Schiff base=salprn, (1) and 5-chlorosalprn, (2) with PhOI was compared. In the case of (2) the rate was found to be faster by an order of magnitude at pH=4 compared to (1). The introduction of a chloro-substituent on the phenyl ring not only influences the rate of redox reactivity but also the pKa values of aquo ligands of the complexes, indicating the difference in the electronic environment around the metal ion in both (1) and (2).


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Extreme isotopic variations among extraterrestrial materials provide great insights into the origin and evolution of the Solar System. In this tutorial review, we summarize how the measurement of isotope ratios can expand our knowledge of the processes that took place before and during the formation of our Solar System and its subsequent early evolution. The continuous improvement of mass spectrometers with high precision and increased spatial resolution, including secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and multi collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), along with the ever growing amounts of available extraterrestrial samples have significantly increased the temporal and spatial constraints on the sequence of events that took place since and before the formation of the first Solar System condensates (i.e., Ca-Al-rich inclusions). Grains sampling distinct stellar environments with a wide range of isotopic compositions were admixed to, but possibly not fully homogenized in, the Sun's parent molecular cloud or the nascent Solar System. Before, during and after accretion of the nebula, as well as the formation and subsequent evolution of planetesimals and planets, chemical and physical fractionation processes irrevocably changed the chemical and isotopic compositions of all Solar System bodies. Since the formation of the first Solar System minerals and rocks 4.568 Gyr ago, short-and long-lived radioactive decay and cosmic ray interaction also contributed to the modification of the isotopic framework of the Solar System, and permit to trace the formation and evolution of directly accessible and inferred planetary and stellar isotopic reservoirs.


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Proton transfer reactions at the interface of water with hydrophobic media, such as air or lipids, are ubiquitous on our planet. These reactions orchestrate a host of vital phenomena in the environment including, for example, acidification of clouds, enzymatic catalysis, chemistries of aerosol and atmospheric gases, and bioenergetic transduction. Despite their importance, however, quantitative details underlying these interactions have remained unclear. Deeper insight into these interfacial reactions is also required in addressing challenges in green chemistry, improved water quality, self-assembly of materials, the next generation of micro-nanofluidics, adhesives, coatings, catalysts, and electrodes. This thesis describes experimental and theoretical investigation of proton transfer reactions at the air-water interface as a function of hydration gradients, electrochemical potential, and electrostatics. Since emerging insights hold at the lipid-water interface as well, this work is also expected to aid understanding of complex biological phenomena associated with proton migration across membranes.

Based on our current understanding, it is known that the physicochemical properties of the gas-phase water are drastically different from those of bulk water. For example, the gas-phase hydronium ion, H3O+(g), can protonate most (non-alkane) organic species, whereas H3O+(aq) can neutralize only relatively strong bases. Thus, to be able to understand and engineer water-hydrophobe interfaces, it is imperative to investigate this fluctuating region of molecular thickness wherein the ‘function’ of chemical species transitions from one phase to another via steep gradients in hydration, dielectric constant, and density. Aqueous interfaces are difficult to approach by current experimental techniques because designing experiments to specifically sample interfacial layers (< 1 nm thick) is an arduous task. While recent advances in surface-specific spectroscopies have provided valuable information regarding the structure of aqueous interfaces, but structure alone is inadequate to decipher the function. By similar analogy, theoretical predictions based on classical molecular dynamics have remained limited in their scope.

Recently, we have adapted an analytical electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (ESIMS) for probing reactions at the gas-liquid interface in real time. This technique is direct, surface-specific,and provides unambiguous mass-to-charge ratios of interfacial species. With this innovation, we have been able to investigate the following:

1. How do anions mediate proton transfers at the air-water interface?

2. What is the basis for the negative surface potential at the air-water interface?

3. What is the mechanism for catalysis ‘on-water’?

In addition to our experiments with the ESIMS, we applied quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics to simulate our experiments toward gaining insight at the molecular scale. Our results unambiguously demonstrated the role of electrostatic-reorganization of interfacial water during proton transfer events. With our experimental and theoretical results on the ‘superacidity’ of the surface of mildly acidic water, we also explored implications on atmospheric chemistry and green chemistry. Our most recent results explained the basis for the negative charge of the air-water interface and showed that the water-hydrophobe interface could serve as a site for enhanced autodissociation of water compared to the condensed phase.


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I report the solubility and diffusivity of water in lunar basalt and an iron-free basaltic analogue at 1 atm and 1350 °C. Such parameters are critical for understanding the degassing histories of lunar pyroclastic glasses. Solubility experiments have been conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from three log units below to five log units above the iron-wüstite buffer (IW) and over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.03 to 24. Quenched experimental glasses were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) and were found to contain up to ~420 ppm water. Results demonstrate that, under the conditions of our experiments: (1) hydroxyl is the only H-bearing species detected by FTIR; (2) the solubility of water is proportional to the square root of pH2O in the furnace atmosphere and is independent of fO2 and pH2/pH2O; (3) the solubility of water is very similar in both melt compositions; (4) the concentration of H2 in our iron-free experiments is <3 ppm, even at oxygen fugacities as low as IW-2.3 and pH2/pH2O as high as 24; and (5) SIMS analyses of water in iron-rich glasses equilibrated under variable fO2 conditions can be strongly influenced by matrix effects, even when the concentrations of water in the glasses are low. Our results can be used to constrain the entrapment pressure of the lunar melt inclusions of Hauri et al. (2011).

Diffusion experiments were conducted over a range of fO2 conditions from IW-2.2 to IW+6.7 and over a range of pH2/pH2O from nominally zero to ~10. The water concentrations measured in our quenched experimental glasses by SIMS and FTIR vary from a few ppm to ~430 ppm. Water concentration gradients are well described by models in which the diffusivity of water (D*water) is assumed to be constant. The relationship between D*water and water concentration is well described by a modified speciation model (Ni et al. 2012) in which both molecular water and hydroxyl are allowed to diffuse. The success of this modified speciation model for describing our results suggests that we have resolved the diffusivity of hydroxyl in basaltic melt for the first time. Best-fit values of D*water for our experiments on lunar basalt vary within a factor of ~2 over a range of pH2/pH2O from 0.007 to 9.7, a range of fO2 from IW-2.2 to IW+4.9, and a water concentration range from ~80 ppm to ~280 ppm. The relative insensitivity of our best-fit values of D*water to variations in pH2 suggests that H2 diffusion was not significant during degassing of the lunar glasses of Saal et al. (2008). D*water during dehydration and hydration in H2/CO2 gas mixtures are approximately the same, which supports an equilibrium boundary condition for these experiments. However, dehydration experiments into CO2 and CO/CO2 gas mixtures leave some scope for the importance of kinetics during dehydration into H-free environments. The value of D*water chosen by Saal et al. (2008) for modeling the diffusive degassing of the lunar volcanic glasses is within a factor of three of our measured value in our lunar basaltic melt at 1350 °C.

In Chapter 4 of this thesis, I document significant zonation in major, minor, trace, and volatile elements in naturally glassy olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Siqueiros Fracture Zone and the Galapagos Islands. Components with a higher concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (MgO, FeO, Cr2O3, and MnO) are depleted at the edges of the zoned melt inclusions relative to their centers, whereas except for CaO, H2O, and F, components with a lower concentration in the host olivine than in the melt (Al2O3, SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, S, and Cl) are enriched near the melt inclusion edges. This zonation is due to formation of an olivine-depleted boundary layer in the adjacent melt in response to cooling and crystallization of olivine on the walls of the melt inclusions concurrent with diffusive propagation of the boundary layer toward the inclusion center.

Concentration profiles of some components in the melt inclusions exhibit multicomponent diffusion effects such as uphill diffusion (CaO, FeO) or slowing of the diffusion of typically rapidly diffusing components (Na2O, K2O) by coupling to slow diffusing components such as SiO2 and Al2O3. Concentrations of H2O and F decrease towards the edges of some of the Siqueiros melt inclusions, suggesting either that these components have been lost from the inclusions into the host olivine late in their cooling histories and/or that these components are exhibiting multicomponent diffusion effects.

A model has been developed of the time-dependent evolution of MgO concentration profiles in melt inclusions due to simultaneous depletion of MgO at the inclusion walls due to olivine growth and diffusion of MgO in the melt inclusions in response to this depletion. Observed concentration profiles were fit to this model to constrain their thermal histories. Cooling rates determined by a single-stage linear cooling model are 150–13,000 °C hr-1 from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C, consistent with previously determined cooling rates for basaltic glasses; compositional trends with melt inclusion size observed in the Siqueiros melt inclusions are described well by this simple single-stage linear cooling model. Despite the overall success of the modeling of MgO concentration profiles using a single-stage cooling history, MgO concentration profiles in some melt inclusions are better fit by a two-stage cooling history with a slower-cooling first stage followed by a faster-cooling second stage; the inferred total duration of cooling from the liquidus down to ~1000 °C is 40 s to just over one hour.

Based on our observations and models, compositions of zoned melt inclusions (even if measured at the centers of the inclusions) will typically have been diffusively fractionated relative to the initially trapped melt; for such inclusions, the initial composition cannot be simply reconstructed based on olivine-addition calculations, so caution should be exercised in application of such reconstructions to correct for post-entrapment crystallization of olivine on inclusion walls. Off-center analyses of a melt inclusion can also give results significantly fractionated relative to simple olivine crystallization.

All melt inclusions from the Siqueiros and Galapagos sample suites exhibit zoning profiles, and this feature may be nearly universal in glassy, olivine-hosted inclusions. If so, zoning profiles in melt inclusions could be widely useful to constrain late-stage syneruptive processes and as natural diffusion experiments.