965 resultados para educational administration
Cette thèse vise une meilleure compréhension des enjeux et rapports de force liés au plurilinguisme dans une institution publique. Son terrain d'investigation est constitué par l'Administration fédérale suisse, propice pour étudier les questions ayant trait à la représentativité linguistique, l'idéologie langagière, la politique linguistique et les pratiques linguistiques sur le lieu de travail. La théorie de la bureaucratie représentative constitue le point de départ de mon cadre théorique. Selon celle-ci, les administrations publiques devraient représenter tous les groupes sociaux de leur pays. Leur personnel devrait « refléter » la diversité de cette population pour des raisons d'égalité, de légitimité et de stabilité politique. Cependant, le critère linguistique est rarement étudié dans ce cadre. Afin de combler ce manque de théorie, je me suis tournée vers la théorie politique, la sociologie des organisations et la sociolinguistique critique. Mes données sont constituées de 49 entretiens semi-directifs menés dans deux offices fédéraux, ainsi que des textes officiels réglementant le plurilinguisme et la représentativité linguistique à l'Administration fédérale. J'ai ainsi confronté les conceptions des collaborateurs sur le plurilinguisme - exprimées dans les entretiens - avec celles de l'institution, reflétées dans sa politique linguistique. Mon analyse a démontré que, selon les acteurs ou le contexte, les enjeux liés au plurilinguisme se situent à des niveaux distincts : lorsque l'institution s'efforce de créer un lieu de travail affichant l'égalité des langues officielles, les collaborateurs perçoivent le plurilinguisme comme un élément parmi d'autres qui influence l'efficacité de leur travail. L'intérêt de cette recherche se situe tout aussi bien au niveau pratique que théorique: d'une part, mes observations définissent certaines «barrières» empêchant les pratiques linguistiques plurilingues et une représentativité linguistique proportionnelle à celle du pays. Elles contribuent ainsi à une réflexion concrète sur la manière de les surmonter. D'autre part, l'application au plurilinguisme, dans une institution publique, de concepts et modèles théoriques issus de disciplines variées permet d'ouvrir un regard neuf sur ceux-ci.
The increasing presence of and claim for dialogue in today"s society has already had an impact on the theory and practice of learning. Whereas in the past individual and cognitive elements were seen as crucial to learning, since about two decades ago, scientific literature indicates that culture, interaction and dialogue are the key factors. In addition, the research project of highest scientific rank and with most resources dedicated to the study of school education in the Framework Program of the European Union: INCLUD-ED shows that the practices of successful schools around Europe are in line with the dialogic approach to learning. This article presents the dialogic turn in educational psychology, consisting of moving from symbolic conceptions of mind and internalist perspectives that focus on mental schemata of previous knowledge, to theories that see intersubjectivity and communication as the primary factors in learning. The paper deepens on the second approach.
This articles describes three models which played a key role in the evolution of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and all the organizations which contribute to the staging of the Olympic Games and constitute the Olympic System, from its beginnings in 1894 to the present day. This evolution and the addition of many stakeholders has increased the complexity of the management of the Olympic System over the years from pure Olympic administration (when the IOC headquarters moved to Lausanne in 1915) to Olympic network governance which must take into consideration more than 24 types of stakeholders, including goverments and intergovernmental organizations.
Background .- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) is a very demanding medical speciality. To ensure high standard of research and care in PRM all across Europe, it is crucial to attract gifted trainees and offer them high quality education. At undergraduate level, many medical schools in Europe omit to offer teaching on disabled persons and on basic PRM knowledge. Thus PRM is hardly known to medical students. For postgraduate trainees access to evidence-based knowledge as well as teaching of research methodology specific to PRM, rehabilitation methodology, disability management and team building also need to be strengthened to increase the visibility of PRM. Action .- To address these issues the EBPRM proposes presently a specific undergraduate curriculum in PRM including the issues of disability, participation and handicap as a basis for general medical practice and postgraduate rehabilitation training. For PRM trainees many educational documents are now available on the EBPRM website. A growing number of educational sessions for PRM trainees take place during international and national PRM Congresses which can be accessed at low cost. Educational papers published regularly in European rehabilitation journals and European PRM Schools are offered free or at very low cost to trainees.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">We report outcomes of a clinical audit examining criteria used in clinical practice to rationalize endotracheal tube (ETT) suction, and the extent these matched criteria in the Endotracheal Suction Assessment Tool(ESAT)©. A retrospective audit of patient notes (N = 292) and analyses of criteria documented by pediatric intensive care nurses to rationalize ETT suction were undertaken. The median number of documented respiratory and ventilation status criteria per ETT suction event that matched the ESAT© criteria was 2 [Interquartile Range (IQR) 1-6]. All criteria listed within the ESAT© were documented within the reviewed notes. A direct link was established between criteria used for current clinical practice of ETT suction and the ESAT©. The ESAT©, therefore, reflects documented clinical decision making and could be used as both a clinical and educational guide for inexperienced pediatric critical care nurses. Modification to the ESAT© requires "preparation for extubation" to be added.
Este trabajo se inscribe en el ámbito de la prevención de la negligencia parental. Basado en un proceso teórico-práctico, el programa de intervención está sujeto a la línea de los programas de formación de padres, por lo que sigue una dinámica psico-educativa y comunitaria. Para la realización del trabajo se ha partido de la idea que la familia es la base del desarrollo personal de los humanos y que el buen desarrollo de los menores dependerá en gran parte de las relaciones intrafamiliares. Se establece como objetivo principal ofrecer un servicio específico, estable y continuo, vinculado a los servicios de atención a la infancia y a la familia, que trabaje con el fin de conseguir un cambio conductual en aquellas familias en las que se presente una dinámica parental negligente. La metodología utilizada ha combinado diferentes técnicas de investigación. Para el trabajo de documentación se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica alrededor del concepto de negligencia parental, se han analizado las acciones que se llevan a cabo a nivel institucional y se ha establecido el marco conceptual en el que se incluye tanto los aspectos legal de las diferentes áreas de la administración como aquellos conceptos que forman la estructura de una intervención en el ámbito de la infancia y la familia. También se ha tenido en cuenta la comunicación directa con algunos profesionales del ámbito social, sanitario y educativo como parte importante y determinante del proceso de ejecución del programa. El diseño del programa sigue la metodología del planeamiento estratégico e incluye un diagnóstico preliminar, un plan de acción detallado de las diferentes fases de implementación de la propuesta de intervención, la previsión de mecanismos de evaluación y un presupuesto detallado. En la primera parte del trabajo se refleja la gravedad y el impacto que tiene la negligencia parental en nuestra sociedad, observando la evolución histórica del concepto y la visualización de la problemática a la que va asociado. También se expone la necesidad de crear programas destinados a trabajar esta problemática y una revisión del marco legal que regula la atención a la infancia por parte de las administraciones públicas. En una segunda parte, se propone un programa específico destinado a trabajar la negligencia parental desde una perspectiva de reeducación y cambio conductual. Este proyecto de intervención se ubica en el barrio de Can Rull en Sabadell, del cual se detallan sus especificidades socioeconómicas y su realidad institucional.
The Open University of Catalonia (UOC: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) is currently implementing its 2009-2014 Strategic Plan, which devotes an entire section to open educational resources. The working group on this topic is drafting a report that establishes the objectives to be met, analyses the current lay of the land and sets out the actions required to meet the objectives. This paper examines each of these three points.
In this paper we address the implementation strategies regarding Open Educational Resources within a multicampus setting. A comparison is made between 3 institutions that are taking a very different approach: K.U.Leuven, which is a traditional university, the Open Universiteit (Netherlands) which is in the process of starting up the Network Open Polytechnics, and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. We are looking deeper into the pedagogical and organizational issues involved in implementing an OER strategy and show how OER holds the promise of flexible solutions for reaching at first sight very divergent goals.
In an explorative study, we investigated on German schoolteachers how they use, reuse, produce and manage Open Educational Resources. The main questions in this research have been, what their motivators and barriers are in their use of Open Educational Resources, what others can learn from their Open Educational Practices, and what we can do to raise the dissemination level of OER in schools.