968 resultados para door stop


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For The Map of Watchful Architecture I only concerned myself with defensive architecture along the Border. As the map followed a border it came out as a wavy line of points. This was largely artificial, I only charted architecture within the Border corridor, but was not entirely artificial. That linear landscape has long been staked-out by the regularity of certain kinds of architecture. The 1st/2nd century Black Pig’s Dyke and Dorsey correspond with today’s Border. The concentration of souterrains in north Louth indicate that it may have been a volatile interface zone in later centuries. In 1618 Londonderry and its walls were built. Further north and two centuries later, Martello Towers were constructed to watch over Lough Foyle. During the Second World War pillboxes and observation posts were manned along the Border, close to what was now an international frontier. Then came the Operation Banner installations built during The Troubles. All this adds up to be one of the longest unbroken traditions of defensive architecture anywhere in Western Europe, a tradition some thought finally broken as the last of the Operation Banner towers were de-installed in 2007. But, take a bus south across the Border and you will often be pulled over by the Garda Síochána. They ID check the passengers in an attempt to stop illegal immigration via the UK. What about illegal immigrants who walk through the fields or along quiet lanes? They will have understood the Border is not really how it seems on most maps. It is not a solid line, it is a row of points.


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This paper describes an end-user model for a domestic pervasive computing platform formed by regular home objects. The platform does not rely on pre-planned infrastructure; instead, it exploits objects that are already available in the home and exposes their joint sensing, actuating and computing capabilities to home automation applications. We advocate an incremental process of the platform formation and introduce tangible, object-like artifacts for representing important platform functions. One of those artifacts, the application pill, is a tiny object with a minimal user interface, used to carry the application, as well as to start and stop its execution and provide hints about its operational status. We also emphasize streamlining the user's interaction with the platform. The user engages any UI-capable object of his choice to configure applications, while applications issue notifications and alerts exploiting whichever available objects can be used for that purpose. Finally, the paper briefly describes an actual implementation of the presented end-user model. © (2010) by International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA).


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Objective: Archipelago (AGO, also known as hCdc4, Fbw7, or Sel-10) is an F-box containing component of the SCF complex implicated in the ubiquitination and proteolysis of cyclin E and c-Myc, and found to be mutated in 16% of endometrial carcinomas. We have previously reported somatic mutations in AGO in 3/10 ovarian cancer cell lines, but the frequency of such mutations in primary ovarian cancer is unknown.

Methods: The coding sequence of AGO was analyzed in 95 primary sporadic ovarian tumors and 16 cases of familial ovarian cancer, and correlated with levels of cyclin E and c-Myc protein expression. Constructs encoding mutations in AGO were transfected into an AGO-null cell line to directly test their ability to regulate cyclin E and c-Myc levels.

Results: Mutations were present in only 2 of 95 sporadic cases: a premature stop within the WD domain (471 Ter) and a missense change near the F-box (S245T). Both primary tumor specimens containing these mutations showed high levels of cyclin E and c-Myc, but reconstitution of an AGO-null cell line with constructs encoding these mutations showed 471 Ter to be inactive in regulating endogenous cyclin E and c-Myc levels, while the S245T mutant was indistinguishable from wild-type. No germ-line mutations were found in familial cases of ovarian cancer.

Conclusion: Somatic AGO mutations are infrequent in primary ovarian cancers and are unlikely to contribute to familial ovarian cancer. Reconstitution experiments, rather than measuring tumor levels of cyclin E and c-Myc, provide an effective approach to determine the functional significance of AGO mutations identified in human cancers.


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Li-rich materials are considered the most promising for Li-ion battery cathodes, as high capacity can be achieved. However, poor cycling stability is a critical drawback that leads to poor capacity retention. Here a strategy is used to synthesize a large-grain lithium-rich layered oxides to overcome this difficulty without sacrificing rate capability. This material is designed with micron scale grain with a width of about 300 nm and length of 1-3 μm. This unique structure has a better ability to overcome stress-induced structural collapse caused by Li-ion insertion/extraction and reduce the dissolution of Mn ions, which enable a reversible and stable capacity. As a result, this cathode material delivered a highest discharge capacity of around 308 mAh g-1 at a current density of 30 mA g-1 with retention of 88.3% (according to the highest discharge capacity) after 100 cycles, 190 mAh g-1 at a current density of 300 mA g-1 and almost no capacity fading after 100 cycles. Therefore, Lithium-rich material of large-grain structure is a promising cathode candidate in Lithium-ion batteries with high capacity and high cycle stability for application. This strategy of large grain may furthermore open the door to synthesize the other complex architectures for various applications.


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Ballykinler / Ballykinlar, on the Co. Down coastline with the Mourne Mountains as a backdrop is a village of 250 inhabitants, beside a British army base with 1500 inhabitants. It is a complex situation with a troubled and contested history, reflected by the two different spellings on the village road signs. The village is viewed as having low levels of community capacity and longstanding sectarian problems.
PS2 has been working with the artist, Anne Marie Dillon and the local community of Ballykinler / Ballykinlar since April 2009, facilitating and curating a range of ‘live’ projects that address the lack of shared community and cultural space. A series of projects has modestly advanced the village’s ambition- realising alternative cultural centres.

1. Bus Stop (April 2009)
2. Rhyzom Network Workshop (June 2010)
3. Beach Huts (March 2011)
4. Up Down (May 2011) (included village fair)
www.pssquared.org/UP-Down.php villageworks.org.uk/wp/
5. Transfer Tests (March 2012)
6. Links Community Gardens (May 2012)


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Multiple Table Lookup architectures in Software Defined Networking (SDN) open the door for exciting new network applications. The development of the OpenFlow protocol supported the SDN paradigm. However, the first version of the OpenFlow protocol specified a single table lookup model with the associated constraints in flow entry numbers and search capabilities. With the introduction of multiple table lookup in OpenFlow v1.1, flexible and efficient search to support SDN application innovation became possible. However, implementation of multiple table lookup in hardware to meet high performance requirements is non-trivial. One possible approach involves the use of multi-dimensional lookup algorithms. A high lookup performance can be achieved by using embedded memory for flow entry storage. A detailed study of OpenFlow flow filters for multi-dimensional lookup is presented in this paper. Based on a proposed multiple table lookup architecture, the memory consumption and update performance using parallel single field searches are evaluated. The results demonstrate an efficient multi-table lookup implementation with minimum memory usage.


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It is estimated that the cost of treating women and their infants with smoking related problems is up to £87.5 million each year (ASH, 2013). Whilst these statistics depict a major problem for the National Health Service, they challenge midwives to become change agents within this health promotion area. A desired outcome from The Maternity Strategy for Northern Ireland (DHSSPSNI, 2012) includes giving every baby and family the best start in life. Assisting women to stop smoking before conception, could help to achieve this outcome and provide opportunities for a greater start in life following birth.


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In 1974, pursuing his interest in the infra-ordinary – ‘the banal, the quotidian, the obvious, the common, the ordinary, the back-ground noise, the habitual’ – Georges Perec wrote about an idea for a novel:
‘I imagine a Parisian apartment building whose façade has been removed … so that all the rooms in the front, from the ground floor up to the attics, are instantly and simultaneously visible’.
In Life A User’s Manual (1978) the consummation of this precis, patterns of existence are measured within architectural space with an archaeological sensibility that sifts through narrative and décor, structure and history, services and emotion, the personal and the system, ascribing commensurate value to each.
Apartment comes from the Italian appartare meaning ‘to separate’. The space of the boundary between activities is reduced to a series of intimately thin lines: the depth of a floor, a party wall, a window, the convex peep-hole in a door, or the façade that Perec seeks to render invisible. The apartness of the apartment is accelerated when aligned with short-term tenancies. Here Perec’s interweaving of personal histories over time using the structure of the block, gives way to convivialities of detachment: inhabitants are temporary, their personalities anonymous, their activities unknown or overlooked.
Borrowing methods from Perec, to move somewhere between conjecture, analysis and other documentation and tracing relationships between form, structure, materiality, technology, organisation, tenure and narrative use, this paper interrogates the late twentieth-century speculative apartment block in Britain and Ireland arguing that its speculative and commodified purpose allows a series of lives that are often less than ordinary to inhabit its spaces.
Henri Lefebvre described the emergence of an ‘abstract space’ under capitalism in terms which can be applied to the apartment building: the division of space into freely alienable privatised parcels which can be exchanged. Vertical distributions of class and other new, contiguous social and spatial relationships are couched within a paradox: the building which allows such proximities is also a conductor of division. Apartment comes from the Italian appartare meaning ‘to separate’. The space of the boundary between activities is reduced to a series of intimately thin lines: the depth of a floor, a party wall, a window, the convex peep-hole in a door, or the façade that Perec seeks to render invisible. The apartness of the apartment is accelerated when aligned with short-term tenancies. Here Perec’s interweaving of personal histories over time using the structure of the block, gives way to convivialities of detachment: inhabitants are temporary, their personalities anonymous, their activities unknown or overlooked.


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In 1862, Glasgow Corporation initiated the first of a series of three legislative acts which would become known collectively as the City Improvements Acts. Despite having some influence on the nature of the built fabric on the expanding city as a whole, the most extensive consequences of these acts was reserved for one specific area of the city, the remnants of the medieval Old Town. As the city had expanded towards all points of the compass in a regular, grid-iron structure throughout the nineteenth century, the Old Town remained singularly as a densely wrought fabric of medieval wynds, vennels, oblique passageways and accelerated tenementalisation. Here, as the rest of the city began to assume the form of an ordered entity, visible and classifiable, one could still find and addresses such as ‘Bridgegate, No. 29, backland, stair first left, three up, right lobby, door facing’ (quoted in Pacione, 1995).

Unsurprisingly, this place, where proximity to the midden (dung-heap) was considered an enviable position, was seen by the authorities as a major health hazard and a source not only of cholera, but also of the more alarming typhoid epidemic of 1842. Accordingly, the demolitions which occurred in the backlands of the Old Town under the first of the acts, the Glasgow Police Act of 1862, were justified on health and medical grounds. But disease was not the only social problem thought to issue from this district. Reports from social reformers including Fredrick Engels suggested that the decay of the area’s physical fabric could be extended to the moral profile of its inhabitants. This was in such a state of degeneracy that there were calls for a nearby military barracks to be relocated to more salubrious climes because troops were routinely coming into contact ‘with the most dissolute and profligate portion of the population’ (Peter Clonston, Lord Provost, June 1861). Perhaps more worrying for the city fathers, however, was that the barracks’ arsenal was seen as a potential source of arms for the militant and often illegal cotton workers’ unions and organisations who inhabited the Old Town as well as the districts to the east. In fact, the Old Town and East End had been the site of numerous working class actions and riots since 1787, including a strike of 60,000 workers in 1820, 100,000 in 1838, and the so-called Bread Riots of 1848 where shouts of ‘Vive La Revolution’ were reported in the Gallowgate.

The events in Paris in 1848 precipitated Baron Hausmann’s interventions into that city. The boulevards were in turn visited by members of Glasgow Corporation and ultimately, it can be argued, provided an example for Old Town Glasgow. This paper suggests that the city improvement acts carried a similarly complex and pervasive agenda, one which embodied not only health, class conflict and sexual morality but also the more local condition of sectarianism. And, like in Paris, these were played out spatially in a extensive reconfiguration of the urban fabric of the Old Town which, through the creation of new streets and a railway yard, not only made it more amenable to large scale military manoeuvres but also, opened up the area to capitalist accumulation. By the end of the works, the medieval heritage of the Old Town had been almost completely razed, the working class and Catholic East End had, through the insertion of the railway yard, been isolated from the city centre and approximately 70,000 people had been made homeless.


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Estudos recentes estabelecem uma ligação entre erros na tradução do mRNA e cancro, envelhecimento e neurodegeneração. RNAs de transferência mutantes que introduzem aminoácidos em locais errados nas proteínas aumentam a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio e a expressão de genes que regulam autofagia, ribofagia, degradação de proteínas não-funcionais e protecção contra o stress oxidativo. Erros na tradução do mRNA estão portanto relacionados com stress proteotóxico. Sabe-se agora que o mecanismo de toxicidade do crómio está associado à diminuição da fidelidade de tradução e à agregação de proteínas com malformações que destabilizam a sua estrutura terciária. Desta forma, é possível que os efeitos do stress ambiental ao nível da degeneração celular possam estar relacionados com a alteração da integridade da maquinaria da tradução. Neste estudo procedeu-se a uma avaliação alargada do impacto do stress ambiental na fidelidade da síntese de proteínas, utilizando S. cerevisiae como um sistema modelo. Para isso recorreu-se a repórteres policistrónicos de luciferase que permitiram quantificar especificamente a supressão de codões de terminação e o erro na leitura do codão AUG em células exposta a concentações não letais de metais pesados, etanol, cafeína e H2O2. Os resultados sugerem que a maquinaria de tradução é na generalidade muito resistente ao stress ambiental, devido a uma conjugação de mecanismos de homeostase que muito eficientemente antagonizam o impacto negativo dos erros de tradução. A nossa abordagem quantitativa permitiu-nos a identificar genes regulados por uma resposta programada ao stress ambiental que são também essenciais para mitigar a ocorrência de erros de tradução, nomeadamente, HSP12, HSP104 e RPN4. A exposição prolongada ao stress ambiental conduz à saturação dos mecanismos de homeostase, contribuindo para a acumulação de proteínas contendo erros de tradução e diminuindo a disponibilidade de proteínas funcionais directamente envolvidas na manutenção da fidelidade de tradução e integridade celular. Ao contrário de outras Hsps, a Hsp12p adopta normalmente uma localização membranar em condições de stress, que pode modular a fluidez e estabilidade membranar, sugerindo que a membrana plasmática é um alvo preferencial da perda de fidelidade da tradução. Para melhor compreender as respostas celulares aos erros de tradução, células contendo deleções em genes codificadores das Hsps foram transformadas com tRNAs mutantes que introduzem alterações no proteoma. Os nossos resultados demonstram que para além da resposta geral ao stress, estes tRNAs induzem alterações a nível do metabolismo celular e um aumento de aminoacilação com Metionina em vários tRNAs, sugerindo um mecanismo de protecção contra espécies reactivas de oxigénio. Em conclusão, este estudo sugere um papel para os erros de tradução na gestão de recursos energéticos e na adaptação das células a ambientes desfavoráveis.


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O gene ataxin-3 (ATXN3; 14q32.1) codifica uma proteína expressa ubiquamente, envolvida na via ubiquitina-proteassoma e na repressão da transcrição. Grande relevância tem sido dada ao gene ATXN3 após a identificação de uma expansão (CAG)n na sua região codificante, responsável pela ataxia mais comum em todo o mundo, SCA3 ou doença de Machado-Joseph (DMJ). A DMJ é uma doença neurodegenerativa, autossómica dominante, de início tardio. O tamanho do alelo expandido explica apenas uma parte do pleomorfismo da doença, evidenciando a importância do estudo de outros modificadores. Em doenças de poliglutaminas (poliQ), a toxicidade é causada por um ganho de função da proteína expandida; no entanto, a proteína normal parece ser, também, um dos agentes modificadores da patogénese. O gene ATXN3 possui dois parálogos humanos gerados por retrotransposição: ataxin-3 like (ATXN3L) no cromossoma X, e LOC100132280, ainda não caracterizado, no cromossoma 8. Estudos in vitro evidenciaram a capacidade da ATXN3L para clivar cadeias de ubiquitina, sendo o seu domínio proteolítico mais eficiente do que o domínio da ATXN3 parental. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a origem e a evolução das retrocópias ATXN3L e LOC100132280 (aqui denominadas ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2), assim como testar a relevância funcional de ambas através de abordagens evolutivas e funcionais. Deste modo, para estudar a divergência evolutiva dos páralogos do gene ATXN3: 1) analisaram-se as suas filogenias e estimou-se a data de origem dos eventos de retrotransposição; 2) avaliaram-se as pressões seletivas a que têm sido sujeitos os três parálogos, ao longo da evolução dos primatas; e 3) explorou-se a evolução das repetições CAG, localizadas em três contextos genómicos diferentes, provavelmente sujeitos a diferentes pressões seletivas. Finalmente, para o retrogene que conserva uma open reading frame (ORF) intacta, ATXN3L1, analisou-se, in silico, a conservação dos locais e domínios proteicos da putativa proteína. Ademais, para este retrogene, foi estudado o padrão de expressão de mRNA, através da realização de PCR de Transcriptase Reversa, em 16 tecidos humanos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que dois eventos independentes de retrotransposição estiveram na origem dos retrogenes ATXN3L1 e ATXN3L2, tendo o primeiro ocorrido há cerca de 63 milhões de anos (Ma) e o segundo após a divisão Platirrínios-Catarrínios, há cerca de 35 Ma. Adicionalmente, outras retrocópias foram encontradas em primatas e outros mamíferos, correspondendo, no entanto, a eventos mais recentes e independentes de retrotransposição. A abordagem evolutiva mostrou a existência de algumas constrições selectivas associadas à evolução do gene ATXN3L1, à semelhança do que acontece com ATXN3. Por outro lado, ATXN3L2 adquiriu codões stop prematuros que, muito provavelmente, o tornaram num pseudogene processado. Os resultados da análise de expressão mostraram que o gene ATXN3L1 é transcrito, pelo menos, em testículo humano; no entanto, a optimização final da amplificação específica dos transcriptos ATXN3L1 permitirá confirmar se a expressão se estende a outros tecidos. Relativamente ao mecanismo de mutação inerente à repetição CAG, os dois parálogos mostraram diferentes padrões de evolução: a retrocópia ATXN3L1 é altamente interrompida e pouco polimórfica, enquanto a ATXN3L2 apresenta tratos puros de (CAG)n em algumas espécies e tratos hexanucleotídicos de CGGCAG no homem e no chimpanzé. A recente aquisição da repetição CGGCAG pode ter resultado de uma mutação inicial de CAG para CGG, seguida de instabilidade que proporcionou a expansão dos hexanucleótidos.Estudos futuros poderão ser realizados no sentido de confirmar o padrão de expressão do gene ATXN3L1 e de detetar proteína endógena in vivo. Adicionalmente, a caracterização da proteina ataxina-3 like 1 e dos seus interatores moleculares poderá povidenciar informação acerca da sua relevância no estado normal e patológico.


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The main motivation for the work presented here began with previously conducted experiments with a programming concept at the time named "Macro". These experiments led to the conviction that it would be possible to build a system of engine control from scratch, which could eliminate many of the current problems of engine management systems in a direct and intrinsic way. It was also hoped that it would minimize the full range of software and hardware needed to make a final and fully functional system. Initially, this paper proposes to make a comprehensive survey of the state of the art in the specific area of software and corresponding hardware of automotive tools and automotive ECUs. Problems arising from such software will be identified, and it will be clear that practically all of these problems stem directly or indirectly from the fact that we continue to make comprehensive use of extremely long and complex "tool chains". Similarly, in the hardware, it will be argued that the problems stem from the extreme complexity and inter-dependency inside processor architectures. The conclusions are presented through an extensive list of "pitfalls" which will be thoroughly enumerated, identified and characterized. Solutions will also be proposed for the various current issues and for the implementation of these same solutions. All this final work will be part of a "proof-of-concept" system called "ECU2010". The central element of this system is the before mentioned "Macro" concept, which is an graphical block representing one of many operations required in a automotive system having arithmetic, logic, filtering, integration, multiplexing functions among others. The end result of the proposed work is a single tool, fully integrated, enabling the development and management of the entire system in one simple visual interface. Part of the presented result relies on a hardware platform fully adapted to the software, as well as enabling high flexibility and scalability in addition to using exactly the same technology for ECU, data logger and peripherals alike. Current systems rely on a mostly evolutionary path, only allowing online calibration of parameters, but never the online alteration of their own automotive functionality algorithms. By contrast, the system developed and described in this thesis had the advantage of following a "clean-slate" approach, whereby everything could be rethought globally. In the end, out of all the system characteristics, "LIVE-Prototyping" is the most relevant feature, allowing the adjustment of automotive algorithms (eg. Injection, ignition, lambda control, etc.) 100% online, keeping the engine constantly working, without ever having to stop or reboot to make such changes. This consequently eliminates any "turnaround delay" typically present in current automotive systems, thereby enhancing the efficiency and handling of such systems.


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Diplodia corticola is regarded as the most virulent fungus involved in cork oak decline, being able to infect not only Quercus species (mainly Q. suber and Q. ilex), but also grapevines (Vitis vinifera) and eucalypts (Eucalyptus sp.). This endophytic fungus is also a pathogen whose virulence usually manifests with the onset of plant stress. Considering that the infection normally culminates in host death, there is a growing ecologic and socio-economic concern about D. corticola propagation. The molecular mechanisms of infection are hitherto largely unknown. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to unveil potential virulence effectors implicated in D. corticola infection. This knowledge is fundamental to outline the molecular framework that permits the fungal invasion and proliferation in plant hosts, causing disease. Since the effectors deployed are mostly proteins, we adopted a proteomic approach. We performed in planta pathogenicity tests to select two D. corticola strains with distinct virulence degrees for our studies. Like other filamentous fungi D. corticola secretes protein at low concentrations in vitro in the presence of high levels of polysaccharides, two characteristics that hamper the fungal secretome analysis. Therefore, we first compared several methods of extracellular protein extraction to assess their performance and compatibility with 1D and 2D electrophoretic separation. TCA-Acetone and TCA-phenol protein precipitation were the most efficient methods and the former was adopted for further studies. The proteins were extracted and separated by 2D-PAGE, proteins were digested with trypsin and the resulting peptides were further analysed by MS/MS. Their identification was performed by de novo sequencing and/or MASCOT search. We were able to identify 80 extracellular and 162 intracellular proteins, a milestone for the Botryosphaeriaceae family that contains only one member with the proteome characterized. We also performed an extensive comparative 2D gel analysis to highlight the differentially expressed proteins during the host mimicry. Moreover, we compared the protein profiles of the two strains with different degrees of virulence. In short, we characterized for the first time the secretome and proteome of D. corticola. The obtained results contribute to the elucidation of some aspects of the biology of the fungus. The avirulent strain contains an assortment of proteins that facilitate the adaptation to diverse substrates and the identified proteins suggest that the fungus degrades the host tissues through Fenton reactions. On the other hand, the virulent strain seems to have adapted its secretome to the host characteristics. Furthermore, the results indicate that this strain metabolizes aminobutyric acid, a molecule that might be the triggering factor of the transition from a latent to a pathogenic state. Lastly, the secretome includes potential pathogenicity effectors, such as deuterolysin (peptidase M35) and cerato-platanin, proteins that might play an active role in the phytopathogenic lifestyle of the fungus. Overall, our results suggest that D. corticola has a hemibiotrophic lifestyle, switching from a biotrophic to a necrotrophic interaction after plant physiologic disturbances.This understanding is essential for further development of effective plant protection measures.


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Post-synthetic modification (PSM) of metal-organic frameworks encompassing the chemical transformation of the linker present is a promising new route for engineering optical centres and tuning the light emission properties of materials, both in the visible and in the near infrared (NIR) spectral regions. Here, PSM of isoreticular metal-organic framework-3 (IRMOF-3) with ethyl oxalyl monochloride, ethyl acetoacetate, pentane-2,4-dione, 3-(2- hydroxyphenyl)-3-oxopropanal, 2-chloroacetic acid, glyoxylic acid, methyl vinyl ketone and diethyl (ethoxymethylene)malonate followed by chelation of trivalent lanthanide ions afforded intriguing near infrared (Nd3+) and visible (Eu3+, Tb3+) light emitters. IRMOF-3 was used as a case in point due to both its highly porous crystalline structure and the presence of non-coordinating amino groups on the benzenedicarboxylate (bdc) linker amenable to modification. The materials were characterised by elemental analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and liquid and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. The solid-state luminescence properties of Ln-modified-IRMOF-3 were investigated at room temperature. The presence of the bdc aromatic ring, β– diketonate and oxalate enhanced the Ln3+ sensitization via ligand-to-metal energy transfer (anthena effect). As far as photocalysis is concerned, we have synthesized metal−organic frameworks (Cr-MIL-125-AC, Ag-MIL-125-AC) by a green method (solid–vapors reactions). The resulting functionalized materials show a photocatalytic activity for methylene blue degradation up to 6.52 times larger than that of the commercial photocatalyst hombikat UV-100. These findings open the door for further research for improving the photocatalytic performance of metal-organic frameworks.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015