983 resultados para destination slogans


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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The previous knowledge of the infection process and pathogens behavior, for evaluating the physiological potential of maize seeds, is essential for decision making on the final destination of lots that can endanger sowing. This research was carried out in order to study the minimum period required for maize seeds contamination by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe and Fusarium verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg, as well as these pathogens influence on seed germination and vigor, by using the cold test. Three maize seeds hybrids, kept in contact with the pathogens for different periods, were evaluated with and without surface disinfection. After determining the most suitable period, new samples were contaminated by F. graminearum and F. verticillioides, under different infection levels, and subjected to germination tests in sand. The cold test was conducted with healthy and contaminated seeds, at different periods, in a cold chamber. The contact of maize seeds with F. graminearum and F. verticillioides for 16 hours was enough to cause infection. F. graminearum and F. verticillioides did not affect the maize seeds germination, however, F. graminearum reduced the vigor of seeds lots.


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Selecting a suitable place to install a new landfill is a hard work. Bauru is a Brazilian municipality where the local landfill currently in use has a life span that is almost over, and the selection of a new area for a future landfill is crucial and urgent. Here we use a geographic information system (GIS) approach to indicate possible suitable areas for installing the landfill. The considered criteria were: river network and the respective buffer zone, relief, urban areas and their respective buffer zone, existence of Areas for Environmental Protection (AEPs), occurrence of wells and their respective buffer zones, existence of airports and their buffer zones, wind direction, and the road network and its respective buffer zone. Due the facts that (1) Bauru has an urban area relatively large in relation to whole municipal area, (2) Bauru has two airports, and (3) this area encompasses parts of three AEPs, the model showed that there are few areas suitable and moderately suitable in Bauru, and the greater part of the municipality is unsuitable to install a new landfill. Due to this important finding reported here, the local policymakers should consider the suitable or even moderately suitable areas for analysis in situ or look for other creative solutions for destination of the solid waste. We highly encourage the use of GIS in studies that seek suitable areas for future landfills, having found that SIG was a tool that allowed fast and precise work and generated an outcome sufficiently clear of interpretation.Implications: Solid waste (SW) management is one of the main environmental concerns nowadays. Landfilling SW is still the main practice to disposal of such material. However, for many regions, suitable places for landfilling are getting scarce. This study proved this situation for a populous place in a southeastern Brazilian region. This study also showed how the decision makers should manage the problem in order to minimize the amount of SW generated and delivered for the landfill. Massive investment in education is a critical issue to reach the proposed aim.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In search of Brazil's entry into modernity, educators pledged to develop mechanisms for the construction of the brazilian man, and modern. Thales Castanho de Andrade was one of those educators who found in the educational destination book this possibility. This article is concerned to examine the ways that are served by reading books models of urban life to cite the country life. These books are part of the Coleção de leitura escolar: série Thales de Andrade. The books carry a model school reading ideologized as they meet, in addition to teaching reading, build civility of the countryside, through images or words, or the organization that goes through all the books of the collection.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study presents an analysis of International Tourism, one of the most growing economic activities in the world. To realize promotion in this area, countries use diverse strategies, among them the touristic marketing. It consists on an instrument used to attract foreign tourists and build the image of the country as a touristic destination, transforming it into a global emergent leader. Due to the big sports events which will happen in Brazil, the World Cup and the Olympic Games, respectively, it is expected a growth on touristic activities. This is an opportunity to promote the country and build its image, the reason why the Federal Government made Plano Aquarela 2020, formed by a strategic plan which aims the international promotion of the country through a marketing program focused on the international tourist. What this image is and how to promote it are issues that the public relations professionals are capable to solve, with their abilities to develop instruments and their important actions to build a good touristic destination image of the country. This study aims to analyze the collaboration of public relations to improve the country's image from the actions developed by Plano Aquarela 2020. For this, a literature search was performed to expose the concepts of communication involved, the analysis of the plan and their actions, use the interview as an exploratory study to clarify information and stimulate new ideas


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The relationship between humans and the world around is getting less symbiotic and harmonic, so as with the other animals we share the planet with, mostly about domination of plagues, domination for food, company, work or fun. This last both are responsible for the beginning of the Circus as we know, with the exhibition of wild animals and horses, and have been increased with clowns, acrobats, and jugglers, street artists, getting to be one unified show all around the world, which most of them don´t have animals. Following this tendency, the PL 7291/06 is on process on the plenary assembly to forbidden the animals inside Circus. In that matter, this work is a Phenomenological perspective of the phenomenon Circus’s animals sited beyond the animal rights activists perspective. The Ideographic and Nomotetic analysis of the activist’s speech realize that is no discordance between then. All the speeches agrees that the animal must be out of the circus, and most of them agrees about the cruelty involving the animal´s domination, about that ONGs should be the better destination for this animals, and they shows lack of knowledge about the Brazilian Circus, with or without animals, their traditions and characteristics, so as the lack of knowledge about de ecology and biology of the animals involved.


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The expansion of the energy matrix is a matter of great importance since the recent problems facing the country in this sector, such as rationing mobilized in 2001. Moreover, there is also concern with global sustainable development. Brazil is producing about 64 million cubic meters of biogas per day, but only a small percentage of this total is harnessed as an energy resource. Compounders are considered potential, for example, landfill energy (LE) and sewage treatment plants (STP), which can be adapted to produce biogas and market them. The work focuses its studies on biogas produced by these small and medium compounders. Are proposed and studied the following alternatives for the utilization of biogas energy: generation and sale of electricity through the installation of a small power station within the landfill, and purification and marketing of gas, whose price will be a consideration on the price of natural gas, taking into account the percentage of methane present in the biogas. Trade ensures that gas plus a destination ecologically appropriate to it, taking advantage of its energy


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Nesta pesquisa estudamos o espor te com o foco sobre os slogans lançados no processo de preparação da Copa do Mundo a se real izar no Brasi l em 2014. O corpus da pesquisa se const i tui com algumas peças publicitár ias veiculadas na mídia. Anal isamos a mobilização popular e os aspectos que envolvem a adesão em um movimento do país, de modo geral, e a preparação realizada em cada cidade sede, de modo específ ico, com as transformações operadas tanto no âmbito social quanto est rutural. Cartografamos as marcas do empenho do governo para invest i r na transformação dos valores sociais durante a Copa do Mundo, bem como a apropriação do esporte com o objet ivo de fabricar um legado. Ident if icamos como as marcas da integração ent re os povos e do sent imento de pertença dos cidadãos cooperam para os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade contemporânea. Observamos os efeitos de sent ido ocorr idos na divulgação do slogan da campanha publicitária como uma forma de compreender o signif icado da Copa do Mundo em suas relações com a cultura. Part imos da hipótese de que a p ro d u ç ã o d a “p a i x ã o pelo futebol ” t em s e u s e n t id o amp lia d o p a ra a sugestão massiva de est i los de vida. Assim, estabele cemos uma f ro n t e ira e n t re o s “e f e it o s d e s e n t id o s ” e o s “e f e it o s d e ima ge n s ” n o s múlt iplos usos do slogan. Na const ituição do corpus de nossa pesquisa ident if icamos as marcas dos vínculos estabelecidos pela publ icidade com a Copa do Mundo. Nosso estudo se situa no campo dos estudos sobre as relações entre o esporte e os processos de subjet ivação na sociedade atual. Interessa-nos observar as implicações entre o corpo e os processos de subjet ivação nas peças publicitárias selecionadas para este estudo.