995 resultados para defect


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We investigated the thermal evolution of end-of-range (EOR) defects in germanium and their impact on junction thermal stability. After solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of a preamorphized germanium layer, EOR defects exhibiting dislocation loop-like contrast behavior are present. These defects disappear during thermal annealing at 400 °C, while boron electrical deactivation occurs. After the whole defect population vanishes, boron reactivation is observed. These results indicate that germanium self-interstitials, released by EOR defects, are the cause of B deactivation. Unlike in Si, the whole deactivation/reactivation cycle in Ge is found to take place while the maximum active B concentration exceeds its solubility limit. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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We report the enhancement of sub-bandgap photoluminescence from silicon via the Purcell effect. We couple the defect emission from silicon, which is believed to be due to hydrogen incorporation into the lattice, to a photonic crystal (PhC) nanocavity. We observe an up to 300-fold enhancement of the emission at room temperature at 1550 nm, as compared to an unpatterned sample, which is then comparable to the silicon band-edge emission. We discuss the possibility of enhancing this emission even further by introducing additional defects by ion implantation, or by treating the silicon PhC nanocavity with hydrogen plasma. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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In this work, we present some approaches recently developed for enhancing light emission from Er-based materials and devices. We have investigated the luminescence quenching processes limiting quantum efficiency in light-emitting devices based on Si nanoclusters (Si nc) or Er-doped Si nc. It is found that carrier injection, while needed to excite Si nc or Er ions through electron-hole recombination, at the same time produces an efficient non-radiative Auger de-excitation with trapped carriers. A strong light confinement and enhancement of Er emission at 1.54 μm in planar silicon-on-insulator waveguides containing a thin layer (slot) of SiO2 with Er-doped Si nc at the center of the Si core has been obtained. By measuring the guided photoluminescence from the cleaved edge of the sample, we have observed a more than fivefold enhancement of emission for the transverse magnetic mode over the transverse electric one at room temperature. Slot waveguides have also been integrated with a photonic crystal (PhC), consisting of a triangular lattice of holes. An enhancement by more than two orders of magnitude of the Er near-normal emission is observed when the transition is in resonance with an appropriate mode of the PhC slab. Finally, in order to increase the concentration of excitable Er ions, a completely different approach, based on Er disilicate thin films, has been explored. Under proper annealing conditions crystalline and chemically stable Er2Si2O7 films are obtained; these films exhibit a strong luminescence at 1.54 μm owing to the efficient reduction of the defect density. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stoichiometric Er silicate thin films, monosilicate (Er2SiO 5) and disilicate (Er2Si2O7), have been grown on c-Si substrates by rf magnetron sputtering. The influence of annealing temperature in the range 1000-1200 °C in oxidizing ambient (O 2) on the structural and optical properties has been studied. In spite of the known reactivity of rare earth silicates towards silicon, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry shows that undesired chemical reactions between the film and the substrate can be strongly limited by using rapid thermal treatments. Monosilicate and disilicate films crystallize at 1100 and 1200 °C, respectively, as shown by x-ray diffraction analysis; the crystalline structures have been identified in both cases. Moreover, photoluminescence (PL) measurements have demonstrated that the highest PL intensity is obtained for Er2Si2O7 film annealed at 1200 °C. In fact, this treatment allows us to reduce the defect density in the film, in particular by saturating oxygen vacancies, as also confirmed by the increase of the lifetime of the PL signal. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We report the effects of thermal annealing performed in N2 or O2 ambient at 1200 °C on the structural and optical properties of Er silicate films having different compositions (Er2Si O 5,Er2 Si2 O7, and their mixture). We demonstrate that the chemical composition of the stoichiometric films is preserved after the thermal treatments. All different crystalline structures formed after the thermal annealing are identified. Thermal treatments in O 2 lead to a strong enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity, owing to the efficient reduction of defect density. In particular the highest optical efficiency is associated to Er ions in the α phase of Er 2 Si2 O7. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the structure and the room temperature luminescence of erbium silicate thin films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering. Films deposited on silicon oxide layers are characterized by good structural properties and excellent stability. The optical properties of these films are strongly improved by rapid thermal annealing processes performed in the range of temperature 800-1250 °C. In fact through the reduction of the defect density of the material, a very efficient room temperature photoluminescence at 1535 nm is obtained. We have also investigated the influence of the annealing ambient, by finding that treatments in O2 atmosphere are significantly more efficient in improving the optical properties of the material with respect to processes in N2. Upconversion effects become effective only when erbium silicate is excited with high pump powers. The evidence that all Er atoms (about 1022 cm-3) in erbium silicate films are optically active suggests interesting perspectives for optoelectronic applications of this material. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with cathodoluminescence (CL) were performed on exactly the same defects in a blue-emitting InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (QW) sample enabling the direct correlation of the morphology of an individual defect with its emission properties. The defects in question are observed in AFM and SEM as a trench partially or fully enclosing a region of the QW having altered emission properties. Their sub-surface structure has previously been shown to consist of a basal plane stacking fault (BSF) in the plane of the QW stack, and a stacking mismatch boundary (SMB) which opens up into a trench at the sample surface. In CL, the material enclosed by the trench may emit more or less intensely than the surrounding material, but always exhibits a redshift relative to the surrounding material. A strong correlation exists between the width of the trench and both the redshift and the intensity ratio, with the widest trenches surrounding regions which exhibit the brightest and most redshifted emission. Based on studies of the evolution of the trench width with the number of QWs from four additional MQW samples, we conclude that in order for a trench defect to emit intense, strongly redshifted light, the BSF must be formed in the early stages of the growth of the QW stack. The data suggest that the SMB may act as a non-radiative recombination center. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We review the electronic structure of defects in aSi:H, aGaAs and aSi3N4, emphasising in aSi:H the doping mechanism, the evidence that its dangling bond defect has a small electron-lattice coupling and a positive correlation energy, and possible atomic mechanisms for the Staebler-Wronski effect. © 1985.


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It is widely reported that threshold voltage and on-state current of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide bottom-gate thin-film transistors are strongly influenced by the choice of source/drain contact metal. Electrical characterisation of thin-film transistors indicates that the electrical properties depend on the type and thickness of the metal(s) used. Electron transport mechanisms and possibilities for control of the defect state density are discussed. Pilling-Bedworth theory for metal oxidation explains the interaction between contact metal and amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide, which leads to significant trap formation. Charge trapping within these states leads to variable capacitance diode-like behavior and is shown to explain the thin-film transistor operation. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Taper-free and vertically oriented Ge nanowires were grown on Si (111) substrates by chemical vapor deposition with Au nanoparticle catalysts. To achieve vertical nanowire growth on the highly lattice mismatched Si substrate, a thin Ge buffer layer was first deposited, and to achieve taper-free nanowire growth, a two-temperature process was employed. The two-temperature process consisted of a brief initial base growth step at high temperature followed by prolonged growth at lower temperature. Taper-free and defect-free Ge nanowires grew successfully even at 270 °C, which is 90 °C lower than the bulk eutectic temperature. The yield of vertical and taper-free nanowires is over 90%, comparable to that of vertical but tapered nanowires grown by the conventional one-temperature process. This method is of practical importance and can be reliably used to develop novel nanowire-based devices on relatively cheap Si substrates. Additionally, we observed that the activation energy of Ge nanowire growth by the two-temperature process is dependent on Au nanoparticle size. The low activation energy (∼5 kcal/mol) for 30 and 50 nm diameter Au nanoparticles suggests that the decomposition of gaseous species on the catalytic Au surface is a rate-limiting step. A higher activation energy (∼14 kcal/mol) was determined for 100 nm diameter Au nanoparticles which suggests that larger Au nanoparticles are partially solidified and that growth kinetics become the rate-limiting step. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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GaAs and InP based III-V compound semiconductor nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs (or Si) (111)B and InP (111)B substrates, respectively, by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles as catalyst. In this paper, we will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. In particular, the effects of growth parameters on the crystal structure and optical properties of various nanowires were studied in detail. We have successfully obtained defect-free GaAs nanowires with nearly intrinsic exciton lifetime and vertical straight nanowires on Si (111)B substrates. The crystal structure of InP nanowires, i.e., WZ or ZB, can also be engineered by carefully controlling the V/III ratio and catalyst size. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We investigate vertical and defect-free growth of GaAs nanowires on Si (111) substrates via a vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism with Au catalysts by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). By using annealed thin GaAs buffer layers on the surface of Si substrates, most nanowires are grown on the substrates straight, following (111) direction; by using two temperature growth, the nanowires were grown free from structural defects, such as twin defects and stacking faults. Systematic experiments about buffer layers indicate that V/III ratio of precursor and growth temperature can affect the morphology and quality of the buffer layers. Especially, heterostructural buffer layers grown with different V/III ratios and temperatures and in-situ post-annealing step are very helpful to grow well arranged, vertical GaAs nanowires on Si substrates. The initial nanowires having some structural defects can be defect-free by two-temperature growth mode with improved optical property, which shows us positive possibility for optoelectronic device application. ©2010 IEEE.


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GaAs and InP based nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs or InP (111)B substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles as catalyst. In this paper, we will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. In particular, the effects of growth parameters for GaAs and InP nanowires on the crystal quality were studied in detail. We demonstrated the ability to obtain defect-free GaAs nanowires via either two-temperature procedure, or by controlling V/III ratio or growth rate. The crystal structure of InP nanowires, ie, WZ or ZB, can also be engineered by just controlling the V/III ratio. © 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.


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InP and GaAs based nanowires were grown epitaxially on InP or GaAs (111)B substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition via vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. In this report, I will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. In particular, the effects of growth parameters for InP and GaAs nanowires on the crystal quality have been studied in detail. We demonstrated the ability to obtain defect-free GaAs nanowires and control the crystal structure of InP nanowires, ie, WZ or ZB, by choosing a combination of growth parameters, such as temperature, V/III ratio and nanowire diameter. © 2009 IEEE NANO Organizers.


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GaAs and InP based nanowires were grown epitaxially on GaAs or InP (111)B substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using Au nanoparticles as catalyst. In this talk, I will give an overview of nanowire research activities in our group. Especially, the effects of growth parameters for GaAs and InP nanowires on the crystal quality have been studied in detail. We demonstrated the ability to obtain defect-free GaAs nanowires and control the crystal structure of InP nanowires, ie, WZ or ZB, by choosing a combination of growth parameters, such as temperature, V/III ratio and nanowire diameter. © 2009 IEEE.